|Time Frame |5 Weeks |4 Weeks |4 Weeks |5 weeks |

|Unit Topic |Epic Heroes and Ordinary People |Good and Evil |Truth and Beauty |Power and Control |

|(Specify skills/information |Beowulf |Macbeth |18th Century Poetry |1984 |

|that will be learned.) |"Canterbury Tales" |British Sonnets |A Modest Proposal |"The Rocking Horse Winner" |

| | | |Research: (Choose One) |Choice of: |

| | | |1. Emma |Brave New World |

| | | |2. Frankenstein |An Enemy of the People |

| | | |3. Sense and Sensibility |A Doll's House |

| | | |4. Pride and Prejudice | |

|Enduring Understandings |The historical and cultural development |The struggle between good and evil is a |The English Romantics viewed Nature as |Too much power can be dangerous. |

|(Give and/or demonstrate |of early Britain influenced its first |human reality. |the origin of truth and beauty. | |

|necessary information) |literature. | | | |

|Essential Questions |1. How did the early historical and |1. How does one determine what is good |1. What values did English Romantics |1. What is propaganda? |

|(Steps to check for student |cultural development of Britain |and what is evil? |expound? |2. How can the quest for power become a |

|understanding) |influence it first literature? |2. How do literature and other media |2. How did the English Romantics view |destructive force on society? |

| |2. What were the living conditions prior|influence that determination? |Nature? |3. How does excessive ambition lead to |

| |to and during the Medieval Period in |3. What affect does evil have on the |3. How was the literature of the English|corruption and abuse of power? |

| |Britain? |individual and society? |Romantic Period different from earlier | |

| |3. What is an epic hero? |4. Can good and evil coexist? |and later English literature? | |



|Time Frame |5 Weeks |4 Weeks |4 Weeks |5 weeks |

|Essential Questions con’t |4. Why was the creation of a literary |5. What causes humans to commit deeds |4. What characteristics of English | |

| |epic hero essential to the survival of |of darkness? |Romanticism influenced the development | |

| |the early Britons? | |of American Romanticism? | |

| |5. How did the early literature also | | | |

| |reflect the lives of ordinary people? | | | |

|Standards |Standard E4-1 |Standard E4-1 |Standard E4-1 |Standard E4-1 |

| |The student will read and comprehend a |The student will read and comprehend a |The student will read and comprehend a |The student will read and comprehend a |

| |variety of literary texts in print and |variety of literary texts in print and |variety of literary texts in print and |variety of literary texts in print and |

| |nonprint formats. |nonprint formats. |nonprint formats. |nonprint formats. |

| |Standard E4-2 |Standard E4-2 |Standard E4-2 |Standard E4-2 |

| |The student will read and comprehend a |The student will read and comprehend a |The student will read and comprehend a |The student will read and comprehend a |

| |variety of informational texts in print |variety of informational texts in print |variety of informational texts in print |variety of informational texts in print |

| |and nonprint formats. |and nonprint formats. |and nonprint formats. |and nonprint formats. |

| |Standard E4-3 |Standard E4-3 |Standard E4-3 |Standard E4-3 |

| |The student will use word analysis and |The student will use word analysis and |The student will use word analysis and |The student will use word analysis and |

| |vocabulary strategies to read fluently. |vocabulary strategies to read fluently. |vocabulary strategies to read fluently. |vocabulary strategies to read fluently. |



|Time Frame |5 Weeks |4 Weeks |4 Weeks |5 weeks |

|Standards con’t |Standard E4-4 |Standard E4-4 |Standard E4-4 |Standard E4-4 |

| |The student will create written work |The student will create written work |The student will create written work |The student will create written work |

| |that has a clear focus, sufficient |that has a clear focus, sufficient |that has a clear focus, sufficient |that has a clear focus, sufficient |

| |detail, coherent organization, effective|detail, coherent organization, effective|detail, coherent organization, effective|detail, coherent organization, effective|

| |use of voice, and correct use of the |use of voice, and correct use of the |use of voice, and correct use of the |use of voice, and correct use of the |

| |conventions of written Standard American|conventions of written Standard American|conventions of written Standard American|conventions of written Standard American|

| |English |English |English |English |

| |Standard E4-5 |Standard E4-5 |Standard E4-5 |Standard E4-5 |

| |The student will write for a variety of |The student will write for a variety of |The student will write for a variety of |The student will write for a variety of |

| |purposes and audiences. |purposes and audiences. |purposes and audiences. |purposes and audiences. |

| |Standard E4-6 |Standard E4-6 |Standard E4-6 |Standard E4-6 |

| |The student will access and use |The student will access and use |The student will access and use |The student will access and use |

| |information from a variety of sources. |information from a variety of sources |information from a variety of sources |information from a variety of sources |

|Integrations |Reading |Reading |Reading |Reading |

|(with other discipline areas)|Writing |Writing |Writing |Writing |

| |History |History |History |Government Economics |

| |Vocabulary |Vocabulary |Vocabulary |Vocabulary |

| |Art |Art |Media |Psychology |

| |Drama |Drama |Technology | |

|District Assessments |Benchmark Test |Benchmark Test |Benchmark Test |Benchmark Test |

|(culminating assessments) | | | | |

English IV Grade: 12 Subject: The British Tradition

|Unit Topic 1 |Length of Unit |Content: |

|Epic Heroes and Ordinary |5 weeks |Beowulf |

|People | |Canterbury Tales |

|Enduring Understanding |The historical and cultural development of early Britain influenced its first literature. |

|Focus/Essential Questions |How did the early historical and cultural development of Britain influence its first literature? |

| |What were the living conditions prior to and during the Medieval period in Britain? |

| |What is an epic hero? |

| |Why was the creation of a literary epic hero essential to the survival of the early Britons? |

| |How did the early literature also reflect the lives of ordinary people? |

|Instructional Objectives |The Student will be able to: |

| |Use context clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. |

| |Compare and contrast Early and Medieval British Literature. |

| |Draw logical conclusions regarding daily life based on the literature. |

| |Evaluate the relationship among character, plot, and theme and use figurative language in a given literary work. |

| |Create written narratives, oral and visual presentations that are designed for a specific audience and purpose. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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|Unit Topic 1 |Length of Unit |

|Epic Heroes and Ordinary |5 weeks Content: |

|People |Beowulf |

| |Canterbury Tales |

|Standards/ Indicators |E4-1.1 Compare/contrast ideas within and across literary texts to make inferences. |

| |E4-1.2 Evaluate the impact of point of view on literary texts. |

| |E4-1.3 Evaluate devices of figurative language (including extended metaphor, oxymoron, pun, and paradox). |

| |E4-1.4 Evaluate the relationship among character, plot, conflict, and theme in a given literary text. |

| |E4-1.5 Analyze the effect of the author’s craft (including tone and the use of imagery, flashback, foreshadowing, |

| |symbolism, motif, irony, and allusion) on the meaning of literary texts. |

| |E4-1.6 Create responses to literary texts through a variety of methods, (for example, written works, oral and auditory |

| |presentations, discussions, media productions, and the visual and performing style. |

| |E4-1.7 Evaluate an author’s use of genre ro convey theme. |

| |E4-1.8 Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure. |

| |E4-3.1 Use context clues to determine the meaning of technical terms and other unfamiliar words. |

| |E4-3.2 Analyze the meaning of words by using Greek and Latin roots and affixes. (See Instructional Appendix: Greek |

| |and Latin Roots and Affixes.) |

|Standards/ Indicators cont. |E4-3.3 Explain how British history and culture have influenced the use and development of the English language |

| |E4-3.4 Spell new words using Greek and Latin roots and affixes. (See Instructional Appendix: Greek and Latin Roots |

| |and Affixes.) |

| |E4-4.2 Use complete sentences in a variety of types (including simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex). |

| |E4-5.2 Create narratives (for example, personal essays, memoirs, and narrative poems) that use descriptive language to |

| |enhance voice and tone. |

| |E4-5.6 Compose effective pieces of writing to respond to prompts in “on-demand” situations. |

| |E4-6.5 Create written works, oral and auditory presentations, and visual presentations that are designed for a specific audience and purpose. |

|Key Vocabulary/ |Anglo-Saxon |

|Literary Terms |Literary Terms |

| | |

| | |

| |Medieval |

| |Epic poem |

| |Ballad |

| |Allusion |

| |Simile |

| | |

| |Pilgrim |

| |Epic hero |

| |Figurative language |

| |Imagery |

| |Mock heroic style |

| | |

| |Chivalry |

| |Kenning |

| |Satire |

| |Foreshadowing |

| |Fables |

| | |

| |Crusades |

| |Alliteration |

| |Characterization |

| |Tone |

| | |

| | |

|Unit Topic 1 |Length of Unit |

|Epic Heroes and Ordinary |5 weeks Content: |

|People |Beowulf |

| |Canterbury Tales |

|Pre-Assessment Evidence |anticipation guide |

| |journal |

| |background discussion |

| |Discussion |

|Building Background Knowledge|proficient reading skills |

| |proficient vocabulary skills |

| |proficient writing skills |

| |historical knowledge |

| |scientific/psychological exposure |

|Culminating/ Summative |unit test |

|Assessment Evidence |project |

| |reflective journal |

| |vocabulary journal |

| |Vocabulary quiz |

|Formative Assessment Evidence|short writing assignments/prompts |

| |exit slips |

| |group assignments |

| |individual response questions |

|Integrations/ Connections |Art |

| |History |

| |Drama |

| |Science |

| | |

|Instructional Activities Bank|Beowulf |

| |View video on Medieval history |

| |Create an epic hero |

| |Create a hero collage |

| |Write an epic hero essay |

| |Compare/contrast comic-book superhero with Beowulf |

| |Journal entry topics: "Who is your hero?"/"What is a modern-day hero?" |

| |View Beowulf cartoon video |

| | |

| |Canterbury Tales: |

| |Character analysis mobile creation |

| |Double-journal entry (Character: physical attributes, physical traits) |

| |Character sketch: (create a pilgrim for journey) |

| |Write a heroic couplet |

| |Write a moral tale |

| |View Thomas Becket video |

| | |

| |double-entry journal |

| |vocabulary exercises |

| |oral responses |

| |written responses to a prompt |

| |drama engagements |

| |graphic organizers |

| |projects |

|Differentiation |small group work |

| |projects |

| |scaffolding |

| |question and answer |

| |peer tutoring |

| |tiered assignments |

|Rubric |TBA |

|Resources and Materials |English IV Text: The Language of Literature: British Literature by McDougal Littell |

| |Vocabulary Workshop text: (G) |

| |Videos |

| |Workbooks |

| |Magazines |

| |Newspapers |

| |Art Supplies |

English IV Grade: 12 Subject: The British Tradition

|Unit Topic |Length of Unit: |

|Good and Evil |4 weeks |

| | |

|Enduring Understanding |The struggle between good and evil is a human reality. |

|Focus/Essential Questions |How does one determine what is good and what is evil? |

| |How do literature and other media influence that determination? |

| |What affect does evil have on he individual and society? |

| |Can good and evil coexist? |

| |What causes humans to commit deeds of darkness? |

|Instructional Objectives |The Student will be able to: |

| |Analyze the effect of the author’s craft on the meaning of texts. |

| |Compare and contrast information within and across texts to draw conclusions and make inferences. |

| |Create descriptions for use in other modes of written works. |

| |Use prewriting and revision techniques to improve written works. |

| |Analyze the meanings of words using Greek and Latin roots/affixes. |

|Standards/ Indicators |E4-1.5 Analyze the effect of the author’s craft (including tone and the use of imagery, flashback, |

| |foreshadowing, symbolism, motif, irony, and allusion) on the meaning of literary texts. |

| |E4-2.2 Compare/contrast information within and across tests to draw conclusions and make inferences. |

| |E4-3.2 Analyze the meanings of words by using Greek and Latin roots and affixes. (See Instructional |

| |Appendix: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes.) |

| |E4-4.1 Organize written works using prewriting techniques, discussions, graphic organizers, models, and |

| |outlines. |

| |E4-4.3 Create multiple-paragraph compositions that have an introduction and a conclusion, include a |

| |coherent thesis, and use support (for example, definitions and descriptions). |

| |E4-5.3 Create descriptive pieces (for example, personal essays, travel writing or restaurant reviews) that use |

| |sensory images and vivid word choice. |

| |E4-6.4 Use vocabulary (including Standard American English) that is appropriate for the particular audience |

| |or purpose. |

|Key Vocabulary/ |William Shakespeare |

|Literary Terms |(See attached list of Macbeth SAT Prep vocabulary) |

| |Literary Terms: |

| |tragedy, tragic flaw, protagonist, antagonist, satire, monologue, soliloquy, aside, tone, imagery, flashback, allusion, dramatic irony, blank verse, iambic |

| |pentameter, situational irony, verbal irony, plot diagram-introduction, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution |

|Unit Topic |Length of Unit: |

|Good and Evil |4 weeks |

| | |

|Pre-Assessment Evidence |anticipation guide |

| |Journal |

| |background discussion |

|Building Background Knowledge|proficient reading skills |

| |Proficient vocabulary skills |

| |proficient writing skills |

| |historical knowledge |

| |scientific/psychological exposure |

|Culminating/ Summative |unit test |

|Assessment Evidence |project |

| |reflective journal |

| |vocabulary journal |

| |Vocabulary quiz |

|Formative Assessment Evidence|short writing assignments/prompts |

| |exit slips |

| |group assignments |

| |individual response questions |

|Integrations/ Connections |Art |

| |History |

| |Drama |

| |Science |

|Instructional Activities Bank|Macbeth |

| |William Shakespeare biography video |

| |Macbeth SAT prep vocabulary quiz |

| |Macbeth "quotes" quiz |

| |Double journal entry review |

| |Act-by-Act Study guide/quiz |

|Instructional Activities Bank|Essay options |

|con’t |Modernize scenes from the drama |

| |Persuade an audience on the state of Macbeth's mind |

| |Response letter from Lady Macbeth back to Macbeth |

| |Macbeth video |

| |British Sonnets |

| |Create sonnet |

| |double-entry journal |

| |vocabulary exercises |

| |oral responses |

| |written responses to a prompt |

| |drama engagements |

| |graphic organizers |

| |projects |

|Differentiation |small group work |

| |projects |

| |scaffolding |

| |question and answer |

| |peer tutoring |

| |tiered assignments |

|Rubric |TBA |

|Resources and Materials |English IV Text: The Language of Literature: British Literature by McDougal Littell |

| |Vocabulary Workshop text |

| |Videos |

| |Workbooks |

| |Magazines |

| |Newspapers |

| |Art Supplies |

English IV Grade: 12 Subject: The British Tradition

|Unit Topic |Length of Unit: |

|Truth and Beauty |4 weeks |

|Enduring Understanding |The English Romantics viewed Nature as the origin of truth and beauty. |

|Focus/Essential Questions |What values did the English Romantics expound? |

| |How did the English Romantics view Nature? |

| |How was the literature of the English Romantic Period different from earlier and later English literature? |

| |What characteristics of English Romanticism influenced the development of American Romanticism? |

|Instructional Objectives |The Student will be able to: |

| |Analyze the effect of the author’s craft on the meaning of texts. |

| |Understand how a movement in British literature influenced world attitudes, behaviors, and literature. |

| |Create responses to literary texts through a variety of means. |

| |Clarify and refine a research topic. |

| |Use a standardized system of documentation for research. |

| |Use a variety of print and electronic reference materials. |

| |Design and carry out research projects. |

| |Present researched information in a variety of formats. |

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|Unit Topic |Length of Unit: |

|Truth and Beauty |4 weeks |

|Standards/ Indicators |E |

| |4-1.6 Create responses to literary texts through a variety of methods (for example, written works, oral and |

| |auditory presentations, discussions, media productions, and the visual and performing arts. |

| |E4-2.8 Read independently for extended periods of time to gain information. |

| |E4-3.3 Explain how British history and culture have influenced the use and development of the English |

| |language. |

| |E4-4.4 Use grammatical conventions of written Standard American English to clarify and enhance meaning |

| |including |

| |subject-verb agreement, |

| |pronoun-antecedent agreement, |

| |agreement of nouns and their modifiers, v |

|Standards/ Indicators con’t |verb formation, |

| |pronoun case, |

| |formation of comparative or superlative adjectives and adverbs, and |

| |idiomatic usage. (See Instructional Appendix: Composite Writing Matrix.) |

| |E4-4.5 Revise writing to improve clarity, tone, voice, content, and the development of ideas. (See Instructional |

| |Appendix: Composite Writing Matrix.) |

| |E4-4.6 Edit for the correct mechanics and usage of written Standard American English including |

| |internal and end sentence punctuation, |

| |commas to indicate appositives, |

| |word placement to avoid ambiguity, |

| |appropriate coordination and subordination, |

| |relationship between and among clauses, |

| |placement of modifiers, and |

| |shifts in construction. (See Instructional Appendix: Composite Writing Matrix.) |

| |E4-5.4 Create persuasive writings (for example, editorials, essays, speeches, or reports) that address a |

| |specific audience and use logical arguments supported by facts or expert opinions. |

| |E4-5.5 Create technical pieces (for example, proposals, instructions, and process documentation) that use |

| |clear and precise language appropriate for the purpose and audience. |

| |E4-6.1 Clarify and refine a research topic. |

| |E4-6.2 Use direct quotations, paraphrasing, or summaries to incorporate into written, oral, auditory or visual |

| |works the information gathered from a variety of research sources. |

| |E4-6.3 Use a standardized system of documentation (including a list of sources with full publication |

| |information and the use of in-text citations) to properly credit the work of others. |

| |E4-6.6 Select appropriate graphics, in print or electronic form, to support written works, oral presentations, |

| |and visual presentations. |

| |E4-6.7 Use a variety of print and electronic reference materials. |

| |E4-6.8 Design and carry out research projects by selecting a topic, constructing inquiry questions, assessing |

| |resources, evaluating credibility and organizing information. |

|Key Vocabulary |Refer to Saddler-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop text |

| |Literary Terms |

| |Romanticism, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, imagery, alliteration, setting, symbolism, romantic poetry, allusion, tone, lyric poetry, narrative poem, satire, |

| |horatian satire, juvenalian satire and other poetic terms specific to the text |

|Pre-Assessment Evidence |anticipation guide |

| |journal |

| |background discussion |

|Building Background Knowledge|reading and writing proficiency |

| |ability to make connections to a text |

| |basic knowledge of world literature |

|Culminating/ Summative |unit test |

|Assessment Evidence |project |

| |reflective journal |

| |vocabulary journal/quiz |

|Formative Assessment Evidence|short writing assignments/prompts |

| |exit slips |

| |group assignments |

| |individual response questions |

|Integrations/ Connections |Media |

| |Technology |

|Instructional Activities Bank|18th Century Poetry |

| |A Modest Proposal |

| |Research: (Choose One) |

| |Emma |

| |Pride and Prejudice |

| |Sense and Sensibility |

| |Frankenstein |

| |18th Century Poetry |

| |Create a Haiku |

| |Write a Romantically –styled poem about a familiar setting |

| |Compare/contrast the works of two 18th century poets |

| |Create a drawing, collage, or mural from the scenery in the poetry |

| |Complete a diagram complete work of one or more poets from the time period |

| |A Modest Proposal |

| |Identify satire in comic strips and other media such magazines, ads, etc. |

| |Create a political ad using satire |

| | |

|Instructional Activities Bank|Research |

|con’t |Create a power-point presentation from material |

| |Prepare a research paper using MLA or APA format |

| | |

| |double-entry journal |

| |vocabulary exercises |

| |oral responses |

| |written responses to a prompt |

| |drama engagements |

| |graphic organizers |

| |projects |

|Differentiation |small group work |

| |projects |

| |scaffolding |

| |question and answer |

| |research |

| |tiered assignments |

| |peer tutors |

|Rubric |TBA |

|Resources and Materials |English IV Text: The Language of Literature: British Literature by McDougal Littell |

| |Vocabulary Workshop Text |

| |Videos |

| |Workbooks |

| |Magazines |

| |Newspapers |

| |Art Supplies |

English IV Grade: 12 Subject: The British Tradition

|Unit Topic |Length of Unit: |

|Power and Control |5 weeks |

|Enduring Understanding |Too much power can be dangerous. |

|Focus/Essential Questions |What is propaganda? |

| |How can the quest for power become a destructive force on society? |

| |How does excessive ambition lead to corruption and abuse of power? |

|Instructional Objectives |The Student will be able to: |

| |Analyze, evaluate, and create informational texts. |

| |Create responses to informational texts. |

| |Evaluate informational texts to identify propaganda techniques. |

|Standards/ Indicators |E4-1.2 Evaluate the impact of point of view on literary texts. |

| |E4-1.5 Analyze the effect of the author's craft (including tone and the use of imagery, flashback, |

| |foreshadowing, symbolism, motif, irony, and allusion) on the meaning of literary texts. |

| |E4-1.8 Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure. |

| |E4-2.1 Evaluate theses within and across informational texts. |

| |E4-2.3 Analyze informational texts for author bias (including word choice, the exclusion and inclusion of |

| |particular information, and supported opinion). |

| |E4-2.4 Create responses to informational texts through a variety of methods (for example, drawings, written |

| |works, oral and auditory presentations, discussions, and media productions). |

| |E4-2.5 Evaluate the impact that text elements have on the meaning of a given informational text. |

| |E4-2.6 Evaluate information from graphic features (for example, charts and graphs in informational texts). |

| |E4-2.7 Evaluate propaganda techniques and rhetorical devices in informational texts. |

| |E4-2.8 Read independently for extended periods of time to gain information. |

| |E4-5.1 Create clear and concise career-oriented and technical writings (for example, memos, business letters, |

| |resumes, technical reports, and information analyses). |

|Unit Topic |Length of Unit: |

|Power and Control |5 weeks |

|Key Vocabulary |Power |

| |Control |

| |Government |

| |Totalitarian |

| |Utopia |

| |Dystopia |

| |Literary Terms |

| |Modernism, propaganda, bias, communism, satire, author's craft, personification, point of view, author's purpose, symbolism, characterization, setting, atmosphere|

|Pre-Assessment Evidence |anticipation guide |

| |journal |

| |background discussion |

| |discussion of theme |

|Building Background Knowledge|reading and writing proficiency |

| |ability to make connections to a text |

|Culminating/ Summative |unit test |

|Assessment Evidence |project |

| |reflective journal |

| |vocabulary journal |

| |vocabulary quiz |

|Formative Assessment Evidence|short writing assignments/prompts |

| |exit slips |

| |group assignments |

| |individual response questions |

|Integrations/ Connections |Government Economics |

| |Psychology |

|Instructional Activities Bank|1984 |

| |"The Rocking-Horse Winner" |

| |Choice Of: |

| |Brave New World |

| |An Enemy of the People |

| |A Doll's House |

| |1984 |

| |List propaganda found in text |

| |Make up an ad or poster expressing warnings of our time |

| |Present a political speech |

| |Create a political cartoon |

| |Power-point presentation (taking sides) |

| |Discuss magazine effectiveness |

| |Discuss Communism in US or Communist leaders |

| | |

| |"The Rocking-horse Winner" |

| |Complete graphic organizer |

| |Research Rocking horse origination and horse derbies |

| |Power point presentation on research material |

| |Discuss symbolism |

| | |

| |Brave New World, An Enemy of the People, or A Doll's House |

| | |

| |Compare novel with modern day techniques in TV using a Venn Diagram |

| |Write a reflective essay that explores significance of events read |

| |Compare pros and cons of works based on the themes of the works |

| | |

| |double-entry journal |

| |vocabulary exercises |

| |oral responses |

| |written responses to a prompt |

| |drama engagements |

| |graphic organizers |

| |projects |

|Differentiation |small group work |

| |projects |

| |scaffolding |

| |question and answer |

| |research |

|Rubric |TBA |

|Unit Topic |Length of Unit: |

|Power and Control |5 weeks |

|Resources and Materials |English IV Text: The Language of Literature: British Literature by McDougal Littell |

| |Videos |

| |Workbooks |

| |Magazines |

| |Newspapers |

| |Art Supplies |


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