- Welsh Government

Teaching Guidance

Title: Where Did You Get That Hat?

| |Experiment with and examine the methods used by other artists and designers from different: |

|Learning Intentions |periods, places and cultures |

| |To question and make thoughtful observations about the starting points for their work. |

| |Collect visual and other information to develop their ideas. |

| |Be able to adapt their work and describe how they might develop it further. |

|Success Criteria |Communicate their ideas and opinions clearly in writing, drawing and through discussion. |

| |Understand the purpose of a mood board in developing their design ideas. |

| |Research and collect information to inform their work. |

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|Activity |Powerpoint Presentation- ‘Design a Hat’ |

|Peter Edwards |Use the presentation to guide the learning experiences. |

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|‘Lord Kenyon’. |Task 1: Paired Work |

| |Write a character description of the person in the painting. |

| |Use a mind map to collect ideas. |

| |Present their ideas to the group/class. |

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| |Task 2: Design a hat for the person in the painting. |

| |Paired/group work |

| |Create a mood board for the person they are designing for. |

| |What should a mood board include? |

| |Refer to existing hat designs to support their ideas. |

| |Plan and develop their design ideas. |

| |Reflect on their work. |

| |Use their experiences to design other products. |

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| |Task 3:Design a hat that shows what you are thinking. |

| |Use previously explored methods of collecting information, recording ideas and developing ideas. |

| |Explore sheet materials, textiles, mouldable materials. |

| |Self select materials to develop their ideas. |

| |Consider modifying/customising existing hats. |

| |Make their design and reflect on their learning experiences. |

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| |Washing Line Resource Sheet- Use to develop design ideas. |

|Additional Resources |Mind Map sheet. |

| |Using other designs to inform their ideas |

| |Refine their design to produce a final draft. |

| |Reflect on their learning. |

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| |Describing Hats Resource- Cut out the cards and laminate. |

| |Pick a hat card. |

| |Pick a description card. |

| |Draw their design for this hat. |

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| |Powerpoint Presentation- ‘Compare and Contrast’ |

| |Use the presentation to guide the learning. |

| |Task 1: Look at the two paintings by the artist Peter Edwards. |

| |Think about – Similarities |

| |Think about- Differences |

| |Find out more about the artist. |

| |Look at examples of the artist’s work and discuss. |

| |Create a group ‘Learning Log’. |

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| |Learning Log Resource- Use to collect information on an artist. |

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|Additional Resources |Compare and Contrast Resource- Select two paintings |

| |Use the prompts to find similarities/differences in the paintings. Comment on their findings. |

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|Title: |3D Paper Portraits |

|Learning Intentions |Develop an awareness of how artists’ work and use this knowledge to enrich and inform their own |

| |work. |

| |Select and record information from observation. |

| |Use a range of materials and processes to support the development of their work. |

| |Develop an understanding of shape and form through sculpture. |

|Success Criteria |Find out more about how artists plan and develop their ideas. |

| |Understand and investigate portraiture in 2Dand 3D. |

| |Make 3D shapes using paper and card. |

|Activity | |

| |Use the Powerpoint Presentation to guide the learning experiences. |

|Artist - Hywel Williams |Look at the painting and explore the theme of portraiture. |

| |What is a portrait? Discuss. |

|‘Tom Rathwell-Williams’ | |

| |Task 1- Recreate the painting in the class. |

| |Choose a sitter and select the background and additional components for the study. |

| |Reflect on their learning experiences and finished studies. |

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| |Task 2 – Paper sculpture |

| |Use sheets of paper and card to make 3D shapes. |

| |Use techniques such as fold, corrugate, squash, to develop their understanding of the materials. |

| |Use this knowledge to inform their ideas. Create sculptures of their portrait study or choose a |

| |book character. |

| |Reflect on the finished studies and their learning experiences. |

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| |Worksheets to support portrait-drawing tasks. |

| |Use prompts to guide their learning. |

| |Encourage learners to use the Plan/Develop/Reflect format to manage their learning. |

|Additional Resources | |

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|Title: |Colour and Emotions |

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|Learning Intentions |Explore and experiment with the visual and sensory language of colour. |

| |Communicate their ideas and feelings through colour and develop an awareness of the link between |

| |colour and our emotions. |

| |Develop emotional literacy and sensitivity to others. |

| |Develop an awareness of how artists’ work and use this knowledge to enrich and inform their own |

| |work. |

|Success Criteria |Understand the colour wheel including contrasting and complimentary colours. |

| |Use colour to describe different emotions. |

| |Work collectively to produce a class book of emotions. |

|Activity | |

| |Powerpoint Presentation- Look at the painting by John Elwyn. |

|Artist- John Elwyn |Use the presentation to guide learning experiences. |

| |Use questions to stimulate discussion ( paired/group/class) |

|‘Welsh Funeral’. |Build on their previous knowledge of the colour wheel. |

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| |Task 1: Paired Task |

| |Use A4 coloured paper sheets to cut and arrange a colour study. |

| |Explore Contrasting/Complimentary colour combinations |

| |Explore different shapes and arrange on different backgrounds. |

| |Discuss. |

| |Reflect on their learning experiences. |

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| |Task 2: Class Task. |

| |Use the questions and the Plan/Develop/Reflect tool to guide their learning. |

| |Work individually/pairs/groups to plan and create a class resource on emotions. |

| |Use their own experiences to inform their ideas. |

| |Explore the possibility of a story character for the book. |

| |Consider additional resources to support their book; colouring book for early learners/ simple |

| |animation/ storyboard/comic strip /3d model. |

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| |Colour and Emotions ‘Question Cards’. |

| |Stimulate discussion –paired/group/class |

| |Respond to questions through drawing/collage/colour |

| |Use to stimulate ideas in their individual |

| |‘ Thinking Books /Sketch Books/ Journals. |

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|Additional Resources | |

|Title: |Drawing Words |

|Learning Intentions |Experiment with materials, tools and techniques and use these to inform their drawings. |

| |Be able to compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own work with others’ and say what they |

| |think and feel about them. |

| |Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in their future work. |

| |Be stimulated and inspired by the work of other artists. |

|Success Criteria |To explore gesture and contour drawings. |

| |Work from observation using a range of drawing materials. |

| |Work imaginatively using a poem to stimulate their ideas. |

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|Activity |Powerpoint Presentation- Look at the painting by Mildred E. Eldridge. |

| |Use questions to explore the drawing of R.S Thomas with the class/group. |

|Artist- Mildred E. Eldridge |Consider a study as a source of reference for a finished piece of work. |

| |Discuss drawing materials. |

|‘Study of R.S Thomas’ |Discuss drawing surfaces. |

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| |Task: Drawing Tasks |

| |Make a contour drawing. Use the prompts to support the task. |

| |Make a series of gesture drawings. |

| |Reflect on their learning experiences. |

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| |Powerpoint Presentation- ‘Cynddylan on a Tractor’ by R.Thomas |

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| |Read the poem ‘Cynddylan on a tractor’ by R.S, Thomas. |

| |Hot seating session- Think of questions they would ask the poet. |

| |(Teacher will take the role of poet/farmer to answer |

| |questions). |

| |Hot seating session- Think of questions they would ask the farmer Cynddylan. |

| |Mind map ideas for a poem about a person they know. |

| |Make a portrait of the person- choose the medium/process to portray the person. |

| |Use the mind map and finished art work to support their writing. |

| |Write a poem describing their chosen person. |

| |Reflect on their learning experiences. |

Title: Hunting Texture

|Learning Intentions |Experiment with methods used by other artists. |

| |Make comparisons with their own work and that of others. |

| |Show an understanding of the visual, tactile and sensory qualities in their work. |

| |Self-select from a variety of materials, tools and processes to develop their understanding of |

| |texture. |

|Success Criteria |Use a range of materials and processes to create texture in their work. |

| |Research, collect and record information to inform their work on texture. |

| |Look for clues in a painting to inform their written work. |

|Activity | |

| |Powerpoint Presentation- Look at the painting by Emrys Williams. |

|Artist- Emrys Williams |Use the ‘Thinking Skills’ resource to explore the painting and express their opinions on the work.|

| |Task 1: Write a conversation that might take place between the three women in the painting. (Group|

|‘Bright day study- Women on the |work) |

|parade’ |Task 2: Talk about a day trip you have had. (Paired work- talking partners). Draw a picture |

| |postcard of their day trip. |

| |Task 3: Explore ways of creating texture in their work. |

| |Take a ‘Texture Hunt’ around the class/school/outdoor space. |

| |Use a range of materials and processes to create texture studies. |

| |Task 4: Talk about the work of other artists. |

| |Look at the work of Ivor Davies. |

| |Task 5: Create a texture gallery in the class using collected materials, drawings, paintings, |

| |photographs. |

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| |Information sheet on the artist Emrys Williams. |

|Additional Resource | |

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| |Question Cards |

|Additional Resources |Questions for an artist- use for a hot seating session or when working with an artist in school or|

| |in a gallery. |

| |Questions for Planning—use to support learners to manage their own learning. |

| |Questions for Developing their work- use as prompts to adapt and modify their ideas when |

| |necessary. |

| |Questions for Reflecting on their work – use to evaluate their learning experiences and promote |

| |reflective thinking in the classroom. |

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