Bildungsroman Characterization Presentation

Bildungsroman Character Presentation:Characterization is an important aspect of coming of age novels as the changes within characters are more important than the changes around characters. Your task is to show us how Austen, Adichie, Ellison, or Eugenides do this effectively. You may do this in pairs (not threes). You must include quotes and analysis from the book, prop(s), a visual, and a media component. Both members must be active in every part of this project.Collect at least eight quotations from your annotations that characterize your person through various methods and points of view. (Cite with page numbers from your version of the novel!) Think about the character’s actions, reactions, words, and what others say about her; think about her dress, her gestures, her manners; think about the author’s tone, use of indirect and direct characterization, foils, focalization, etc. Your quotes should represent the breadth of the chapters covered, the breadth of the characterization used, and the breadth of the character herself.INTEGRATE and ANALYZE at least five of your quotations within your visual and/or verbally as part of your presentation. Explain HOW literary devices and selection of detail work to paint a complex picture of your character. Be sure to tie your character to the author’s larger purpose and “the work as a whole.” Be sure your quotes support a specific analysis that is guiding your presentation. DO NOT just go through them in list-like fashion. (i.e., no “so our next quote . . . this quote means.”)Prop(s): think about things that would go with that character. What can you add that will express the proper connotations for this character? A pocket watch? A pearl? A fan? A hat? A glove? A handkerchief? . . . Even better yet, dress the way you picture that character would dress! – then or in 21st century America.Visual: You may create a collage or poster, a Power Point or Prezi presentation, a Facebook page . . . be creative. Just be sure you INTEGRATE: Your quotes: Arrange your quotes and images in a meaningful way. Just like great authors leave no word to chance, leave no detail to chance. While an ordered, linear arrangement might fit a strict, neat, flat character, it probably won’t fit a round, dynamic, or emotionally driven character. Some images: I’m not worried about artistic ability, but if you can draw well, perhaps even a caricature, go for it! There’s a lot about a character that can be communicated through physical features and dress. You can pull images from the internet, but be creative and show effort and forethought. You aren’t limited to simply images of people who look like the character. You can add symbolic images, objects, associations, etc.Media: Typically we’ve used carefully chosen intro and outro music for this assignment – songs that represent the music that character would listen to now, or songs with content that connects (maybe “Golddigger,” “Creep,” “Put a Ring on it,” “Can’t Take My Eyes off of You,”) but you aren’t limited to just music. You could embed videos, Gifs, or Vines, act out a scene, create an anime, comic book, or xtranormal video. Again, feel free to be creative.Present your character to the class. Remember to project your voice. Rehearse first to make sure your visual can be seen, music or videos can be heard, etc. Stand with appropriate posture and use gesture as you speak. Be prepared. Don’t just sit at my computer reading off the screen. You can plug your phone or mp3 into my speaker, put media on a DVD or flash drive (in a format that will play on my computer, of course) embed it in your presentation, etc. Incorporate the various elements of your presentation (quotes, visual, prop, media) seamlessly. Rather than saying things like “I chose this quote . . . “ or “here’s a quote . . .” it’s better to make a claim about a character, then support it and follow with some analysis. Then smoothly transition to your next element. For example: “Sue is so concerned about the needs of others that she is blind to her own needs. ‘Her hair was a mess, scarf hanging carelessly and certainly doing nothing to keep the breeze off her neck, her unbuttoned, ill-fitting coat hung loosely, and she was overwhelmed at any given moment with trying to keep one of the four bags she carried from slipping off her shoulder, yet out of one of those bags, and despite running quite late, she pulled an apple and some cheese, a quickly thrown together sort of lunch that she offered to the homeless man. He accepted, but not without a moment’s hesitation over taking food out of the mouth of such a creature, one who appeared, in some ways, just as destitute as he.’ The meandering, run-on syntax combined with phrasing like “sort of” and “such a creature,” which in themselves resist clear definition, help to paint a picture of a disorganized, frantic person; yet using time she doesn’t have and giving up her own lunch for the day shows her to be deeply conscientious and sacrificial in spite of this absent-mindedness. It is with irony that we later find out that her son’s teacher contacted home that day because she had forgotten to bathe him and the teacher was concerned that they might be living in a homeless shelter. Just like an essay should drive home a point, your presentation should do the same and be organized not unlike an essay. For example, instead of ending with “so, um, yeah” reiterate and drive home your point!***You don’t have to read and analyze all eight of your quotes in your presentation, but be sure to have enough to paint a clear picture of your character and to support your analysis******Your presentation needs to be 5-7 minutes long*** As usual, awesomeness will be duly rewarded! Name(s): _________________________________________Period: _____________Bildungsroman Character Presentation Rubric:Fill out the following as a self-assessment and reflection after your presentation.108642QuotationsCarefully chosen and integratedWell chosen, but loosely integratedIncludes all quotes, but loosely chosen and/or not integrated well or not properly citedLimited quotes, integration, or citationsNo quotesPropsCarefully chosen and integrated (explicitly or implicitly)Loosely chosen or loosely integratedHas a propHas a prop, but probably one you borrowed from someone in first period or lunchNo propVisualWorks well, is appropriately organized, is neat and attractive, captures character and aids presentationSupports the presentation and character, but is lacking in one area such as neatness, functionality, integration of visuals, organization, etc.Supports the presentation and character, but is lacking in two areas such as neatness, functionality, integration of visuals, organization, etc.Has one or more major deficiencies such as no visualsNo visualMediaCarefully chosen or created and integratedChoice or construction is not as apt and specific in its support of the presentation and character, or is lacking in one area such as neatness, functionality, integration, etc.Choice or construction is a bit of a stretch to support of the presentation and character, or is lacking in two areas such as neatness, functionality, integration, etc.Has major deficiencies such as not working during presentation, not being appropriate for school, not being prepared (i.e. “um, could you, like, search for this song on youtube?“No mediaPresentation x2Engaging and interesting, audible, seamless, appropriate stature, posture, gestureLess interesting, or contains occasional lapses in some area such as: voice projection, posture or gesture, transitions, etc. More frequent lapses or a major deficiency in voice projection, posture or gesture, transitions, etc.; too long or too shortDifficult to watch or one or more major deficiencies; much too long or too shortBack to the audience, reading word for word.Analysis x2Specific, well-supported, insightful and articulateLess insightful or minor deficiency in support or articulation but you’ve proven your pointsSafe and simple or insufficiently supported (incomplete) or inarticulateShallow or contains major deficienciesNearly non-existentHolistic feel / evidence of effort x2Super duper awesome, yeah!Super duper, jury is still out on the awesomeJust super, no duper or awesome“I mean, technically I met most of the requirements, right?”mehTotal: _________________/100Partner Total: _________________/100Reflection: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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