Foster Carer Profile


Date Completed:

Please complete in language that a child or young person will understand, (whether it is read by them or to them)

|My/Our Names | |

|What we look like |Attach photo of carers, household, any pets |

|Where we live |Describe the area (urban/rural/near the sea/schools etc) |

| | |

1. Our/My home is –

My/Our garden is –

Description of house and garden

2. Who lives with me/us

Please give names, ages, relationship, and occupation.

Do you have children/young people that have moved away?

3. Our/my family life

(Include lifestyle and culture)

For example: what do you like to do on a typical day or weekend?

What activities do you do individually and as a family for fun?

What happens if someone doesn’t want to join in?

4. I/We have these pets living with us

(Please give description, including their character, what they like and do, where they sleep and eat etc).

5. Our/My background in caring for children or young people

(Include care of friends or relatives’ children, perhaps a pen picture of children/young people who were fostered by you previously. Any experience of caring for young people of a different culture/religion if relevant)

6. I/We enjoy fostering because/I/We are looking forward to fostering because -

Can you describe what specific skills and experience you have developed in your fostering career? (What do you feel you are good at?)

7. In my/our home we like children/young people to-

(e.g. dependent on age of child - tell us/me if they are worried about something; always let us know where they are going etc)

8. I/We will help you learn things by –

(How do you support a child learn, and achieve in school (college), hobbies, sports)

9. I/We hope you will like living here

(Large signature)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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