Mirror Image by Lena Coakley

Bluffing by Gail Helgason

English 11

Mrs. Woodliffe

Group Discussion:

1. Discuss the typical challenges a young couple face (e.g. money, friends)

2. What does “bluffing” mean? Where have you heard the term before?

Group Written Assignment:

*One answer sheet in point-form for the group

1. Fully describe the setting of this story.

2. Break the plot into five main parts (introduction, rising action, turning point, climax and conclusion). What other techniques are used to present the story?

3. There are many conflicts in this story. Identify three types, and then explain them using examples from the story to support your answer.

4. What point-of-view is the story told in? Give support for your answer.

5. What are two possible themes of this story? Remember, theme cannot be stated in one word, but should be a general statement that could apply to anyone or anything. Then describe how this theme is apparent in this story.

6. Re-read and identify two specific lines that foreshadow some aspect of the conclusion.

7. This story is a character puzzle; it asks readers to figure out what makes Gabriella and Liam tick.

a. Make a brief list of the concrete information you get about Gabriella and Liam. This information is told to the reader directly about the two characters (for example, Gabriella is 25 yrs old). This information gives you a certain understanding of the character.

b. What information can you infer about the characters? What doesn’t the author tell you explicitly, but you are able to deduce from the dialogue, actions, hearsay, etc.? The information is told to the reader indirectly. (For example, when talking about the cleaning solution, it is clear, Gabriella really does want to please Liam, but Liam has pretty high expectations, and they are idealistic rather than practical).

8. Determine the character types of Gabriella and Liam. Are they static or dynamic? Flat or round? Unique or stock? Give evidence for your answers.


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