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Why we chose to have our students read

Charlotte’s Web….

We chose the novel, Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White, because we love this classic book and would love to introduce it to our future classrooms. I also think that spiders are very interesting and unique creatures. Their life cycle is fascinating and my hope is for our students to enjoy and become fascinated with the unique arachnid, themselves, as well as the unique habitat in which they live. I want students to see that learning through reading can be a remarkably fun journey. Students will be entertained by Wilbur and the other fun characters but will also learn factual information that is included in the novel. Students will also be able to expand on their spider knowledge through reading Melvin Berger’s informational book, Spinning Spiders. This book is a simply written and clear text that shares the physiology of a spider, their environment/habitat, behavior, adaptation, and lifestyle as well as spinning information with the reader. This book’s illustrations are attractive and eye-catching to any reader.

Charlotte’s Web and the multiple texts’ purposes are to provide the students with factual scientific information about spiders. I chose this book because students learn about the habitat in which spiders live and how they survive, as well as information about spider’s web spinning. Part of the 4th grade science curriculum from the NCSCS is to learn about animal behavior and adaptations. This novel discusses the Farm life and the animals involved, including a spider in a light-hearted and entertaining manner. Students will enjoy learning about the friendly and unforgettable, Charlotte and her life cycle as a spider. Although animal fantasy, the novel does contain factual information that students will recognize when they read the informational text, Spinning Spiders, and the various other books that will be available to them. Spinning Spiders, which is written on a Kindergarten- Second grade reading level, provides lots of illustrations and informational text that is easy and concise for students to learn the information this Study is based upon. This book could also be useful in allowing lower reading levels to join in on this fun discovery by accompanying Charlotte’s Web with a book at a lower level, such as Spinning Spiders.

Charlotte’s Web and Spinning Spiders are “radiant” books that will enchant readers and provide information they will not soon forget. Charlotte’s Web is a classic masterpiece that will take students back to a time and place that is almost forgotten.

Content Connection/Topic: Science: Spider Unit

Target Grade: Grade 4 

Main Novel: Charlotte’s Web by: E.B. White

• Reading level: Ages 9-12

• Paperback: 192 pages

• Publisher: HarperCollins (October 2, 2001)

• Language: English

• ISBN-10: 0064410935

Companion Informational Text:

Spinning Spiders by: Melvin Berger (2003), New York Harper Collins

 Additional Books:

 Spiders and Their Websites by: Margery Facklam (2001) Little Brown Austin

 Diary of a Spider by: Doreen Cronine (2005) Joanna Cotler Books

Spiders by: Nic Bishop (2007) Scholastic

Spiders by: Seymour Simon (2007) Collins

Spiders and their webs by: Darlyne Murawski (2004) National Geographic

How Spiders and other silk makers build their amazing homes by: W.Wright Robinson (1999) Black birch Press

Dreamweaver by: Jonathan London (1998) Silver Whistle

Each of these books will be available for students to self select and use as additional resources for expanding their knowledge of spiders. They can each be found in the ASU IMC or at your local library. Each book allows the students to explore spiders and their surroundings. These books have beautiful artwork and amazing information.

North Carolina Language Arts Standard Course of Study:

Grade 4

|Unit Activity |NC Language Arts Grade 4 |

|Students define Tier 2 vocabulary with their student packet and |Increase reading and writing vocabulary through: |

|complete various vocabulary. The student’s knowledge of the |wide reading. |

|vocabulary words is assessed at the end of the unit using a |word study. |

|multiple choice final vocabulary test. Students also examine the |knowledge of homophones, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. |

|author’s craft by investigating similes and onomatopoeia within |knowledge of multiple meanings of words. |

|the novel, Charlotte’s Web. Then, students create an artistic |writing process elements. |

|representation of two similes found within the text in order to |writing as a tool for learning. |

|compare the two. During “Discussion Director” students create |seminars. |

|text based on discussion questions for their small groups. |book clubs. |

| |discussions. |

| |examining the author's craft. |

|Before, during and after reading students will complete a K-W-L. |Interact with the text before, during, and after the reading, |

|I will use this to assess what the students know before, want to |listening, and viewing by: |

|know and learned from reading the texts. Students also interact |setting a purpose using prior knowledge and text information. |

|with the text and make inferences and evaluations by perusing and|making predictions. |

|browsing three different areas full of books and information on |formulating questions. |

|spiders, their habitat and life cycle. Students will use an |locating relevant information. |

|Internet workshop to seek additional information about spiders. |making connections with previous experiences, information, and |

|Students will create higher level thinking questions to ask |ideas. |

|classmates, complete with pages numbers in the text to support | |

|their answer. | |

|Students will complete a character sketch that asks students to |3.02 Analyze characters, events, and plots within and between |

|focus on implied character traits by looking at a character’s |selections and cite supporting evidence. |

|actions and words. Students will add to this throughout the |3.03 Consider the ways language and visuals bring characters to |

|entire text. And complete a visual to accompany the information. |life, enhance plot development, and produce a response. |

|Students support their evidence of implied traits by the citing | |

|page numbers and passages on which they found the supporting | |

|evidence. | |

|Students develop a Reader’s Theatre presentation of sections from|4.01 Read aloud grade-appropriate text with fluency, |

|Charlotte’s Web |comprehension, expression, and personal style demonstrating an |

| |awareness of volume, pace, audience and purpose. |

|Students will write an “I Am” poem using a main character from |4.07 Compose a variety of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama |

|Charlotte’s Web. Students will create a Reader’s Theatre script |using self-selected and assigned topics and forms. |

|from a section of the novel and perform it in class. | |

Additional Standards:

N.C. Standard Course of Study: Science, Grade 4

Competency Goal 1:

The learner will make observations and conduct investigations to build an understanding of animal behavior and adaptation.


o Observe and describe how all living and nonliving things affect the life of a particular animal including:

▪ Other animals.

▪ Plants.

▪ Weather.

▪ Climate.

o Observe and record how animals of the same kind differ in some of their characteristics and discuss possible advantages and disadvantages of this variation.

o Observe and discuss how behaviors and body structures help animals survive in a particular habitat.

o Explain and discuss how humans and other animals can adapt their behavior to live in changing habitats.

o Recognize that humans can understand themselves better by learning about other animals.

Literary Packet Outline


Day 1: (Before Reading)

☼ “What I noticed about these Areas” activity

o Students will view books, pictures, and articles related to: Spiders, their webs, and their lifestyle.

☼ K-W-L On Spiders

☼ Predictions of Story Elements

Day 2: Page 1-7 aloud in whole group

Page 8-12 silent individual

☼ Create Acrostic poem about Wilbur (Individual)

☼ Character Sketcher (1) (Individual)

Day 3: Page 13-31 (Chapter 3 & 4) (reading individual)

☼ Discuss ABC Book Assignment (Whole group)

☼ Vocabulary Activity – day 1 (Individual)

☼ Character Sketcher (2) (Individual)

☼ Introduce and create Character Log

Day 4: Pages 32- 47 (Chapter 5 & 6) (reading in pairs)

☼ Vocabulary Activity – day 2 (Individual)

☼ Discussion Director (Small group)

☼ Begin Authors Craft (Small group)

Day 5: Pages 48-66 (Chapter 7, 8, 9) (reading Individual)

☼ Vocabulary Activity – day 3 (Individual)

☼ Character Sketcher (3) (Individual)

☼ Discussion Director Continued (Small group)


Day 6: Pages 67-85 (Chapter 10 & 11) (reading in pairs)

☼ Discussion Director Continued (Small group)

☼ Complete Authors Craft (Small group)

Day 7: Pages 86-104 (Chapter 12 & 13) (Reading & Activities are Individual)

☼ Vocabulary Activity – day 4

☼ Double – Entry Diary

Day 8: Pages 105-112 (Chapter 14) (reading in pairs)

☼ Reading Spinning Spiders by Melvin Berger (Whole group)

☼ Internet Workshop (Pairs)

Day 9: Pages 113- 129 (Chapter 15 & 16) (reading individual)

☼ Complete Internet Workshop (Pairs)

☼ Discussion Director Continued (Small group)

☼ Vocabulary Activity – day 5 (Individual)

☼ Advertise Wilbur for the Fair (Individual)

Day 10: Pages 130-143 (Chapter 17&18) (Reading & Activities are Individual)

☼ Create I-Poem

☼ Wrapper with “Sparkle word” to describe Charlotte


Day 11: Pages 144-162 (Chapter 19 & 20) (Reading & Activities are Individual)

☼ Vocabulary Activity – day 6

Day 12: Pages 163-171 (Chapter 21) (Reading & Activities are Individual)

☼ Create cinquain poem

Day 13: Pages 172-184 (Chapter 22) (Reading & Activities are Individual)

☼ Vocabulary Activity – day 7

☼ Create a spider web with an adjective describing student.

☼ Complete “L” on K-W-L

Day 14: (After Reading)

☼ Final Vocabulary Assessment (Individual)

☼ ABC Book Due

☼ Begin watching Movie

Day 15:

☼ Finish Movie

☼ Complete Venn diagram –Movie VS Book (Pairs)


What I Noticed About These Areas:





You will be completing a K-W-L on Spiders. Think about what you know, what you want to know, and finally what you have learned. Use the following words to help you come up with questions you would like answered for the “W” column.


| | | |

|K |W |L |

|What I Think I KNOW |What I WANT To Know |What I LEARNED |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

After reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White and gaining an understanding of spiders, go back to the “K” column and see if any of the ideas you ‘”thought you knew” were inaccurate. Check any of them that are inaccurate, according to the text. Rewrite any of your statements that were inaccurate so that they are correct. Then go to the “L” column and begin grouping or categorizing what you have learned.

Predictions of Story Elements


Setting (Time and Place): When and where do you think this book takes place?


Characters (The people, animals, or objects around which the action of the story is centered): Who do you believe the main characters in the book will be?


Problem(s) & Solution(s) (What goes wrong in the story and how is it solved?): What do you predict will be the most significant problems in this book? How do you believe the problems may be solved? ____________________________________________

Write down any other questions or predictions:




Write an Acrostic poem on Wilbur.

Begin each line with a letter of Wilbur’s name.


I ________________________________________

L ________________________________________

B ________________________________________

U ________________________________________

R ________________________________________

Character Sketcher 1

You are invited to learn more about Fern. Please take notes on how Fern acts and looks.

• To begin, reread the following passages, determine “descriptive words” that capture Fern’s personality and explain why the words describe Fern.

• Reread page 1 and 2. Which words describe Fern? ____________________________________

• She acts _____________because_____________


Focus on page 3 paragraph four.

• Reread page 4 paragraph three, four, and five. Which words describe Fern? ________________________________

• She acts __________because______________


• Reread page 5 paragraph three through page 7 paragraph one. Which word describe Fern?___________________


• She acts _________because _______________


Charlotte’s Book of Words

Charlotte needs our help developing a larger vocabulary to use in her webs. Choose 1 or 2 items from the chart below to create pages for an alphabet book to share. Each page should include a large capital letter, an illustration or some artistic impression, and a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) explaining your letter representation. Design your page with an interesting format and type font. Your page should be vertical. The following are examples you may use but are not limited to:

| | | | |E |

|A |B |C |D |Enchanted |

|Axle |Barn |Charlotte |Distribute |Egg |

|Appetizing |Briskly |Cunning |Demanded |Errand |

|Avery |Beechnuts |Chevy |Discarded | |

|Aeronaut |Biscuit | | | |

| | | | | |

|F |G |H |I |J |

|Fern |Grindstone |Harness |Injustice |Jelly Roll |

|Frolic |Gander |Hysterics |Inheritance |Jeep |

|Farm |Glutton |Hayloft |interlude |Jam |

|Ford |Gingersnap | | | |

| | | | | |

|K |L |M |N |O |

|Kind |Loathed |Minister |Nonsense |orchard |

| |Lurvy |Manure |Neglected |Objectionable |

| | |meekly | |oblige |

| | | | | |

|P |Q |R |S |T |

|Perspiration |Queer |Radiant |Slop |Templeton |

|Pail | |Rats |Spiders |Thistles |

|Pigweed | | |Salutations |Truffles |

| | | |Spinnerets |Tobacco |

| | | |Sheep |Trough |

| |V | | |

|U |Voice |W |Y |

|Untimely |Vaguely |Weakling | |

|Unremitting | |Wilber | |

| | |Weather-vane |Z |

| | | |Zuckerman |

Vocabulary Activities -1

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions:

·        I know that the pig is a runt because _____________________________________________________.

·        I know the people were enchanted by what happened because


Making Choices:

·        Which of the following best describes the word “trough” Circle your answers:

1.    A place to raise chickens

2.    Where babies are born

3.    A feeding area for animals

4.    Where animals are kept

Examples and Non-examples:

Which would best describe the word queer?

·        A very strange situation

·        A wonderful surprise

Synonyms and Antonyms

|Synonym |Word |Antonym |

| | | |

| |Infant | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Runt | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Enchanted | |

| | | |

Character Sketcher 2

You are invited to learn more about Wilbur. Please take notes as on how Wilbur acts and looks.

• To begin, think about “descriptive words” that capture Wilbur’s personality and try to find passages in Chapter 2 and 3 that show how Wilbur is acting. Think about why or how those words describe Wilbur in the passages. Remember these will be implied traits. Use the traits below to help you.

• Choose 3 of the following traits and find passages in Chapter 2 and 3 that demonstrate Wilbur acting:

|joyful |Clever |affectionate |devoted |

|imaginative |astonished |confused |appreciative |

• On page _____ paragraph ____ Wilbur acts ___________

because/when ____________________________________


• On page _____ paragraph _____ Wilbur acts __________

because/when ____________________________________


• On page _____ paragraph ______ Wilbur acts _________

because/when ____________________________________


Character Log

At the beginning of a novel; authors usually introduce the main characters. As we read, we will discover more about some of these characters and come to know many of them very well. Create a section in your notebook for characters-a character log. In this section you will record the name of each main character below and describe what you found out about each character as you read pages 1-41. Note something that the character said, did, how the character acts, and looks.

| | | | |

|Fern |Wilbur |Mr. Arable |Mrs. Arable |

| | | | |

|Mr. Zuckerman |Charlotte |Goose |Templeton |

| | | | |

|Avery |Lamb |Old Sheep |Mrs. Zuckerman |

| | | | |

|Lurvy | | | |

| |Gander | | |

Vocabulary Activities (2)

|Word |Meaning |

|Frolic |  |

|Pg 29 | |

|Glutton |  |

|Pg 29 | |

|Meek |  |

|Pg 35 | |

|Scruples |  |

|Pg 46 | |

|Conspiracy |  |

|Pg 49 | |

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

·        I know that the puppy was a glutton because I saw him _____________________________________________________.

·        I could tell that the lady had no scruples because _____________________________________________________  .

Making Choices

·        Which of the following best describes the word “frolic” Circle your answers:

1.    Running around a track

2.    Skipping happily

3.    Walking lightly

4.    Jumping up and down

Examples and Non-examples

Which would best describe the word Meek?

·        Being very gentle and mild

·        Being very silly and loud

Synonyms and Antonyms

|Synonym |Word |Antonym |

| | | |

| |Glutton | |

| | | |

| |Scruples | |

| | | |

| |Meek | |

☼ What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word Conspiracy?

Use the bubble map to document these people, things, words or situations


Discussion Director:

Charlotte’s Web

Read pages 25-47 (section 2) and pages 52-76 (section 3)

• Your job is to involve the students in your group by thinking and talking about the selection of the book you have just read. You are going to ask questions that really help the students in your group think about the reading. Your questions should require students to discuss their interpretations of the text and connect background experience and knowledge with the text. You want all students involved in the discussion and talking about the issues that come up during the reading.


• Your job as the Discussion Director is to come up with 5 thinking questions. Your teacher really wants you to help the students in your group to go back to the book to find their answers if they don’t know them. So, to help this run very smoothly, you need to write down the questions, your answers, and the page numbers where the students can reference the text to justify their responses to your questions.


•        When developing your questions, think about the following main events:

|The conversation that Wilbur had with the |Wilbur’s thought when he heard someone |Wilbur’s thought when he found out how |

|Lamb |would be his friend |Charlotte gets her food |

|When Wilbur couldn’t sleep |The arrival of the goslings |Templeton takes the rotten egg |

|Wilbur hears about what Mr. Zuckerman will |Fern talking to her parents about the |Avery trying to take Charlotte |

|do to him |animals talking | |

• You are limited to these events.

• Remember to ask good thinking questions to really get the discussion going.

Author’s Craft

Find two examples of each listed below. Then explain how each passage adds meaning to the story.

| |Page Number/ |Page Number/ |

| |Example/ |Example/ |

| |What does this passage add to the story? |What does this passage add to the story? |

|Personification- giving human or “person” | | |

|characteristics to non-human objects. | | |

|“My name,” said the spider, is Charlotte.” | | |

|“Charlotte what?” asked Wilbur, eagerly. | | |

|“Charlotte A. Cavatica. But just all me | | |

|Charlotte.” | | |

|p. 37 paragraph three | | |

|This passage gives life to Charlotte and | | |

|introduces Charlotte and Wilbur as friends.| | |

|Simile: a comparison that includes the | | |

|words like or as. | | |

|“Then the hay would be hoisted, sweet and | | |

|warm, into the big loft, until the whole | | |

|barn seemed like a wonderful bed of timothy| | |

|and clover.” | | |

| | | |

|p.43 paragraph one | | |

|This passage describes the barn the in the | | |

|summer time and adds detail to what the hay| | |

|will feel like. | | |

|Metaphor-a direct comparison between two or| | |

|more unlike objects. | | |

|Onomatopoeia: a word(s) that imitates the | | |

|sound it represents. | | |

|“Wilbur grunted. He gulped and sucked, and | | |

|sucked and gulped, making swishing and | | |

|swooshing noises…” | | |

|p. 75 paragraph one | | |

Vocabulary (3)

You will complete the following chart writing child-friendly definitions for these words. Then, you are invited to complete a set of daily vocabulary activities to go with these words

|Word |Meaning |

| Adore |  |

|Pg 53 | |

|Oblige |  |

|Pg 57 | |

|Sedentary |  |

|Pg 60 | |

|Tremble |  |

|Pg 63 | |

|Scuttle |  |

|Pg 72 | |

 Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

·        The man was trembling from head to toe because _____________________________________________________.

·        I could tell that Charlotte adored Wilbur because _______________________________________________.

Making Choices

·        Which of the following best describes the word “sedentary” Circle your answers:

1.    Run around

2.   Barely move

3.    Scream and yell

4.    Sit quietly

Synonyms and Antonyms

|Synonym |Word |Antonym |

| | | |

| |Scuttle | |

| | | |

| |Adore | |

| | | |

| |Oblige | |

Character Sketcher 3

You will be learning about Charlotte. Think about the following traits as you read Chapter 9- Charlotte:

|considerate |cheerful |friendly |

|thoughtful |creative |clever |

Implied Character Traits

1. (Trait) _____________ p.____ par.____

(Explanation or proof of trait)


2. (Trait) _____________ p.____ par.____

(Explanation or proof of trait)


3. (Trait) _____________ p.____ par.____

(Explanation or proof of trait)


Character’s Goal:

_____________’s goal is to


_____________’s problem is

Solution or Possible Solution:

4. (Trait) _____________ p.____ par.____

(Explanation or proof of trait)


5. (Trait) _____________ p.____ par.____

(Explanation or proof of trait)


6. (Trait) _____________ p.____ par.____

(Explanation or proof of trait)


Character’s Goal:

_____________’s goal is to


_____________’s problem is

Solution or Possible Solution:

Discussion Director:

Charlotte’s Web

Read pages 77-104 (section 4) and pages 105-129 (section 5)

• Your job is to involve the students in your group by thinking and talking about the selection of the book you have just read. You are going to ask questions that really help the students in your group think about the reading. Your questions should require students to discuss their interpretations of the text and connect background experience and knowledge with the text. You want all students involved in the discussion and talking about the issues that come up during the reading.


•   Your job as the Discussion Director is to come up with 5 thinking questions. Your teacher really wants you to help the students in your group to go back to the book to find their answers if they don’t know them. So, to help this run very smoothly, you need to write down the questions, your answers, and the page numbers where the students can reference the text to justify their responses to your questions.


• When developing your questions, think about the following main events:

|Charlotte’s message in the spider web |The response by the community to the |The meeting that Charlotte held about |

| |message in the spider web |Wilbur |

|Charlotte cheers herself on as she writes |The dump behind the apple orchard |The story about Charlotte’s cousin and the |

|the second message | |fish |

|Dr. Dorian’s reaction to Fern talking about|Description of the fair to Templeton |Wilbur faints |

|the animals talking | | |

• You are limited to these events.

• Remember to ask good thinking questions to really get the discussion going.

Vocabulary (4)

You will complete the following chart writing child-friendly definitions for these words. Then, you are invited to complete a set of daily vocabulary activities to go with these words

|Word |Meaning |

| Glistened |  |

|Pg 77 | |

|Miracle |  |

|Pg 80 | |

|Terrific |  |

|Pg 89 | |

|Sensational |  |

|Pg 91 | |

|Radiant |  |

|Pg 101 | |

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

·        I knew that it must have been a miracle because _____________________________________________________

·        The show was sensational because _____________________________________________________

Making Choices

·        Which of the following best describes the word “glistened” Circle your answers:

1.    Dark blue

2.    Dull

3.    Sparkling lights

4.    Oily surface

Examples and Non-examples

Which would best describe the word Radiant?

·        So happy or excited you’re smiling ear to ear

·        Being in a bad mood, and frowning

Synonyms and Antonyms

|Synonym |Word |Antonym |

| | | |

| |Radiant | |

| | | |

| |Miracle | |

| | | |

| |Glistened | |

Double Entry Diary

You are invited to go an amazing adventure with Wilbur and his friends on the farm. You will read about Wilbur’s adventures throughout the book Charlotte’s Web. You will learn about the different procedures for caring for animals, the way spiders get their meals and the true meaning of friendship.

You will begin a Double Entry Diary, otherwise known as a DED. You will be reading, writing in your diary, rereading, and discussing throughout the entire book of nonfiction.

As you are assigned your reading, you will write three entries in your DED for each section of Charlotte’s Web. You will find important words, quotations, and passages are important-in other words, when you read them, what do those words mean to you?

You will write each entry so that it looks something like this table:

|From the book (words, quotes, passages). Please include the page |What it means to me |

|and paragraph. | |

| | |

| | |

Here are options that you may choose to write about and how you might organize your thoughts:

|Significant passage copied from the text; include page and |Connections or reactions to recorded statement |

|paragraph #. |Reaction (How you feel about the quote) |

|Quote | |

|Quote |Connection (Self, Text, World) |

|Quote/Picture |Inference (What you think it means) |

|Quote |Question |

|Prediction |What Really Happened (You will complete this after you know) |

|Question you have or something you don’t understand |Answer or possible answer |

|Fact | Your Opinion |

|Effect (What happened?) |Cause (Why did it happen?) |

|Author’s Craft (Simile, metaphor, personification) |Explanation of what it means and how it adds importance to the |

| |passage |

Spider Internet Workshop


 This Internet workshop will introduce you to SPIDERS. You are invited to explore information on the Internet. Take notes in your spider notebook. Come prepared to share your information at our workshop session.

 Please answer the following questions:

  1.     Go to the bookmarks set for the following Web sites:

Explore the information on Spiders. In your words, what characteristics determine what a spider is? What are some of the different types of spiders? Give at least 3 specific examples. Also, draw a picture in your notebook of a spider and label the parts. 

2. Go to the bookmarks set for the following Web sites:

You will explore these sites and answer the following questions on your Data Retrieval Chart This will help you keep the information organized. Fill in the chart on these topics: Brown Recluse spiders, Orb Weavers, and Black Widows. Then answer these questions: Are they poisonous? What do their webs look like? Where do you usually find these types of spiders? What makes them so distinct?


3.     Did you notice any differences in how the sites reported about each different type of spider? Explain. Go back to your DRC and see if you can find information about the authors of each Web site. Please write that information under the heading “resources.” How did you know where to go to answer the questions about the authors of the sites? What helped you locate that specific information?

Write down the strategies you used to find the authors of the Web sites. After evaluating this information, how would you say the Orb Weavers name was derived?


3. Go to the bookmarks set for the following Web sites and read about Orb Weavers:

  What are orb weavers? How do they build their webs? Draw in your notebooks and label the steps the orb weaver takes to build its web. Be prepared to discuss this in class.




|Resources |Brown Recluse |Orb Weavers |Black Widows | |

| | | | |Are they poisonous? |

| | | | |What do their webs look |

| | | | |like? |

| | | | |Where do you usually find |

| | | | |these types of spiders? |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |What makes them so |

| | | | |distinct? |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Data Retrieval Chart (DRC) Spiders

Vocabulary (5)

You will complete the following chart writing child-friendly definitions for these words. Then, you are invited to complete a set of daily vocabulary activities to go with these words

|Word |Meaning |

| Invent |  |

|Pg 105 | |

|Fidget |  |

|Pg 110 | |

|Modest |  |

|Pg 115 | |

|Lacerated |  |

|Pg 125 | |

|Pummeled |  |

|Pg125 | |

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

·        The man was acting very modest by _____________________________________________________

·        When I looked at the piano I could tell that it had been pummeled because _____________________________________________________


Making Choices

·        Which of the following best describes the word “fidget” Circle your answers:

1.    Jerk and shake all over

2.    Lay still

3.    Drive a car

4.    Dance and sing

Examples and Non-examples

Which would best describe the word lacerated?

·        To be badly cut

·        With out injury

Synonyms and Antonyms

|Synonym |Word |Antonym |

| | | |

| |Pummeled | |

| | | |

| |Modest | |

| | | |

| |Fidget | |

Word Networks

·        What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word invent?



In Charlottes Web the family and friends go to the fair with Wilbur. When there is a fair taking place there is generally a lot of advertisement to interest people into coming. Use the space below to create your own advertisement to interest people into coming to see Wilbur at the fair. He sure is “Some Pig!”


I Poem

You will be writing an I Poem for the point of view of your favorite main character. Try to get inside the character, make your reader feel their emotions, thoughts, actions, and personality. Try your absolute best to use figurative language in poem and you may use the following format to construction your poem. If you’re feeling really creative you can use your own format to write your poem.


I am (two special characteristics you have)

I wonder (something you are actually curious about)

I hear (an imaginary sound)

I see (an imaginary sight)

I want (an actual desire)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)


I pretend (something you actually pretend to do)

I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)

I touch (an imaginary touch)

I worry (something that really bothers you)

I cry (something that makes you very sad)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)


I understand (something you know is true)

I say (something you believe in)

I dream (something you actually dream about)

I try (something you really make an effort to do)

I hope (something you actually hope for)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

Candy Delight

Use your “sparkle Words” and create a piece of trash like the one Templeton finds for Charlotte. Make sure your sparkle word describes YOU, like the words in the book describe Wilbur.

Vocabulary (6)

You will complete the following chart writing child-friendly definitions for these words. Then, you are invited to complete a set of daily vocabulary activities to go with these words

|Word |Meaning |

| Enormous |  |

|Pg 130 | |

|Listless |  |

|Pg 136 | |

|Keen |  |

|Pg 138 | |

|Satisfied |  |

|Pg 140 | |

|Languished |  |

|Pg 146 | |

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

·        The monster in the movie was so enormous that _____________________________________________________

·        His keen smell allowed him to _____________________________________________________

Making Choices

·        Which of the following best describes the word “listless” Circle your answers:

1.    Energetic and excited

2.    Tired

3.    Weak

4.    disappointed

Examples and Non-examples

Which would best describe the word satisfied?

·        You have eaten so much that you are too full to move, but you are happy!

·        Eating just a bite of something, and not getting full

Synonyms and Antonyms

|Synonym |Word |Antonym |

| | | |

| |Keen | |

| | | |

| |Listless | |

| | | |

| |Satisfied | |

Word Networks

·        What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word languished?



You are invited to write a poem about a main event, person, object, or place during the reading of Charlotte’s Web. You may use any of the following formats:

Cinquain 1

 Line 1 -  one word for the topic (subject or noun)

Line 2 -  two words that describe your topic (adjectives)

Line 3 -  three  words that describe actions related to your topic (action verbs)

Line 4 – four words that describe feelings related to your topic 

Line 5 – one word that is another name for your topic (synonym for  line 1 or something that sums it up)

Cinquain 2

Line 1 - two syllables

Line 2 - four syllables

Line 3 - six syllables

Line 4 - eight syllables

Line 5 - two syllables


Cinquain 3

Line 1: One word

Line 2: Two words

Line 3: Three words

Line 4: Four words

Line 5: One word











Vocabulary (7)

You will complete the following chart writing child-friendly definitions for these words. Then, you are invited to complete a set of daily vocabulary activities to go with these words

|Word |Meaning |

| Pompous |  |

|Pg 155 | |

|Ordinary |  |

|Pg 157 | |

|Anxious |  |

|Pg 165 | |

|Disgusted |  |

|Pg 166 | |

|Daintily |  |

|Pg 182 | |

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

·        I knew the man had a pompous attitude because _____________________________________________________

·        I could tell the little boy was anxious for Christmas to arrive because _____________________________________________________

Making Choices

·        Which of the following best describes the word “dainty” Circle your answers:

1.    Girly

2.    Careless

3.    Elegantly

4.    Messy

Examples and Non-examples

Which would best describe the word disgusted?

·        seeing something that was so gross you couldn’t even look at it

·    watching your mom bake cookies.

Synonyms and Antonyms

|Synonym |Word |Antonym |

| | | |

| |Pompous | |

| | | |

| |Dainty | |

| | | |

| |Disgusted | |

Word Networks

·        What people, things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word Ordinary?


It’s your turn to be a spider and create YOUR web!! I challenge you to use the wood planks below to create a web connecting the wood.. While creating your web make sure to include a sparkle word of your choice.


Final Vocabulary Assessment

Fill In the Blank. Put the appropriate Letter beside the Correct Definition.

|_____1.Lacking spirit or self assurance. |A. Invent |

|_____2. To shake uncontrollably. |B. Runt |

|_____3. Full of enthusiasm. |C. Meek |

|_____4.An extraordinary event that occurs. |D. Adore |

|_____5. The smallest or weakest of a litter. |E. Tremble |

|_____6. Having a lack or desire to act or move. |F. Miracle |

|_____7.To be very fond of something or someone. |G. Keen |

|_____8. To cause or feel disgust. |H. Listless |

|_____9. To originate or create something original. |I. Pompous |

|_____10. Making a show of importance or dignity. |J.Disgusted |

Multiple Choice: Circle the Best Answer.

11. To appear under a magic spell is to appear_____________.

A. Lazy B. Sleepy

C. Enchanted D. Smart

12. To play about happily is to_____________.

A. Frolic B. Dance

C. Sing D. Play

13. A synonym for huge is ___________.

A. Small B. Enormous

C. Hug D. Hugest

14. For something to be Ordinary it is____________.

A. Unusual B. Special

C. Celebrated D. Usual

15. An Antonym for Terrific is _________.

A. Excellent B. Nifty

C. Keen D. Poor

16. Radiant means ___________.

A. Flat B. Beaming

C. Gloomy D. High

17. To Glutton means to___________.

A. Eat greedily B. Starve yourself

C. Be overly-nice D. Take a bath in the mud.

18. A trough is used to____________.

A. Take a bath in B. Use the bathroom in

C. Hold food for animals D. Wash clothes in

19. If you are modest then you are__________.

A. Somewhat shy B. Very shy

C. Not shy at all D. shy

20. To glisten is to be_____________.

A. Dull B. Shiny

C. Short D. Long

21. A synonym for anxious is__________.

A. Nervous B. Loving

C. Dull D. Calm

Correct or Incorrect. If the vocabulary word is used correctly in the sentence write CORRECT on the blank. If it is NOT correct write INCORRECT.

22. There is a queer smell coming from the barn today. ______________

23. The bread left some scruples on my shirt. ______________

24. The sedentary birds flew all over the place. ______________

25. The picture hung daintily below the mirror. ______________

26. When I failed my test, I was so satisfied I pitched a fit. ______________

27. Charlotte fed the runt a bottle as if he was an infant. ______________

28. The languished castle held proudly. ______________

29. She pummeled the dough to perfection. ______________

30. The soldiers were obliged to leave the battle scene. ______________

31. Templeton scuttled back into his hole before the crowd came. ______________

32. The sunset looks sensational tonight. ______________

33. The singer lacerated the phrases together to make one song. ______________

34. Wilbur begins to fidget when he hears the Zuckerman’s talking about making him breakfast. ______________

35. The animals in the barn were trying to decide if the Zuckerman’s were plotting a conspiracy against Wilbur. ______________



|Activity/ Criteria |Points Earned/Total possible points |

|NOTE: This packet will be partially word processed and should be organized into notebook! | |

|Organized Notebook | |

|Displays creative cover that connects with the book. |/5 |

|Content is well organized, dated and labeled | |

|Aesthetically pleasing. | |

|“What I noticed About” Areas | |

|Each of the 3 areas is completed. |/5 |

|Observations are thoughtful and detailed. | |

|K-W-L | |

|Each section is completed with complete thoughts. |/5 |

|Each thought is bulleted or numbered. | |

|Demonstrates thoughtfulness and effort. | |

|Pre- Reading Activity | |

|Predictions are complete, thoughtful and demonstrate effort |/5 |

|Page for ABC Book | |

|Illustrated with connection to Book. |/5 |

|Information is correct and appealing | |

|Design is creative and enticing. | |

|Page is well organized and ready for publication | |

|Character Sketchers (1,2,3) | |

|Complete with thoughtfulness and effort demonstrated. |/15 |

|Sketch includes information about the selected character, including 3 implied character traits, problem| |

|and solution, and character goals. | |

|The artistic characteristics are appealing and valid. | |

|Discussion Director | |

|Questions offer insight into the novels main events and themes. |/5 |

|Questions hit on a variety of “higher thinking” and “lower thinking” levels. | |

|Answers are provided as well as page numbers and paragraph selection. | |

|Vocabulary Activities (1-7) | |

|Definitions are “child-friendly” and original |/20 |

|Activities are complete and accurate. | |

|Double Entry Diary | |

|Chosen examples are well chosen, well explained and thoughtfully completed. |/10 |

|Provides a variety of ideas along with supported reasoning. | |

|Internet Workshop | |

|DRC is complete and demonstrates effort. |/10 |

|Notes reveal thoughtful preparation for participation | |

|Illustration of Spider is complete with correct labeled parts. | |

|I Poem | |

|Written in the correct form given |/5 |

|Includes thoughtfully chosen words and images to reveal character | |

|Includes alliteration, simile or metaphor. | |

|Acrostic Poem | |

|Each letter is complete |/5 |

|Each phrase/word is thoughtful and demonstrates effort | |

|Authors Craft | |

|Chart includes 2 well chosen examples of personification, simile, metaphor and onomatopoeia from the |/10 |

|novel. | |

|Explanations are included and complete. | |

|Cinquain Poem | |

|Written in the correct form |/5 |

|Each line of poem is correctly written based on the form chosen. | |

|Venn Diagram | |

|Diagram is accurate and complete in comparing the movie with the book. |/15 |

|Student labeled diagram correctly. | |

|There are at least 4 similarities and 4 differences listed. | |

|Shows accurate information and effort | |

|Final Vocabulary Assessment | |

|Students correctly answer each vocabulary question. |/35 |

|each question is worth 1 points) | |

|TOTAL |160 |

Choose 1 of these 3 activities to complete. If you complete all 3 you will be awarded Extra Credit.

|Advertisement | |

|Shows illustrations that connect to the novel. |/10 |

|Information included on advertisement is complete and accurate. | |

|Student showed enthusiasm and effort. | |

|Candy Delight | |

|Illustrations are aesthetically pleasing |/10 |

|Includes an accurate Sparkle Word | |

|Enthusiasm and effort is evident in illustration. | |

|Student created Spider Web | |

|Spider web is complete with Sparkle word included. |/10 |

|Shows effort and enthusiasm. | |

| | |

|Total Possible Points WITH Extra Credit |/180 |


☼ Most of the activities were found and modified from the example multi text units found on Dr. Frye’s website:

☼ The Charlottes Web clip art on the first page was found at:

☼ The book Cover Picture was found at:

☼ The Charlottes Web picture on the “What I noticed…” page was found at:

☼ The first Templeton picture was found at:

☼ The second Templeton picture was found at:

☼ The spider webs were found and modified from:

☼ All other clip art and pictures were found on Google.


By E. B. White

Accompanied by :

Spinning Spiders

Written by Melvin Berger

Multitext Unit created by:

Anna Agnew Breann Scott

Katie Wade Lauren Grindstaff





Venn diagram

Complete this Venn diagram. Compare the Movie VS the Book.

Make sure to LABEL each part of the diagram

You should include at least 4 differences and 4 similarities.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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