Characterization & Expository Writing

First/Last Name: ___________________________________________ Core # _____ 3/22/17-3/24/17

Short Story: “Suzy and Leah,” by Jane Yolen (begin on page 102)


Setting has its three major components; social environment, place and time. It may provide particular information about placement and timing, such as New York, America, during the Great Depression. Setting could be simply descriptive like a lonely cottage on a mountain. Social conditions, historical time, geographical locations, weather, immediate surroundings, and timing are all different aspects of setting.

|What is the setting? (“Background” on pg. 102) |Textual evidence (list description of the setting using textual |

| |evidence, pg. 103) |

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|Explain how the setting affects (impacts) Suzy in the beginning of the|Textual evidence (list evidence and page #s) |

|story: | |

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|Explain how the setting affects (impacts) Leah by comparing and contrasting her life in the refuge camp to her previous life in Europe. List |

|textual evidence, providing page #s. You may use drawings, a Venn Diagram, or a chart to provide your answer. |


Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence. 

|The plot (short, sequenced summary) of the short story “Suzy and Leah” |

|Exposition (introduction to characters and conflict) |

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|Rising Action (events surrounding the playing out of the conflict) |

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|Climax (the turning point, the part where the main character comes face-to-face with the conflict) |

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|Falling Action/Resolution (the conflict and climax are resolved) |

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Author’s Purpose Questions

August 5, 1944 -- Leah

What might be the author’s purpose for having Leah address her diary entries to “Mutti” (the German equivalent of “Mommy”)?

September 2, 1944 -- Suzy

What purpose might the author have had for including the details about Suzy laughing at the refugees and wondering if they have bugs?

September 2, 1944 -- Leah

What purpose might the author have for including details about Leah’s life before the war?

September 5, 1944 -- Leah

Explain what Leah means by “There is barbed wire still between us and the world.” (Hint: Barbed wire is symbolic.)

September 14, 1944 -- Suzy

What purpose might the author have for describing Leah from Suzy’s point of view?


Conflict is a literary element that involves a struggle between two opposing forces. Conflict can be external or internal.

External Conflict

External conflict is a struggle that takes place between a character and some outside force. Character vs. Character (formerly “man vs. man”) conflict is an external conflict that takes place when a character struggles against another character or characters in the story.

|What are the external conflicts in the story? |Textual evidence of the conflicts (from each character’s perspective),|

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Internal Conflict

An internal or psychological conflict arises as soon as a character experiences two opposite emotions or desires; usually virtue or vice, or good and evil inside him. This disagreement causes a character to suffer mental agony.

|What is the internal conflict in the story? |Textual evidence of the internal conflict, including pg#s |

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|Look at each method of characterization in the boxes below. Assign four |Explain how this quote demonstrates each character trait you have |

|different traits for Suzy, and then provide a quote from the story that |provided for Suzy. |

|proves each trait and method. | |

|Trait 1:_____________________ | |

|Method 1: physical description | |

|Quote: | |

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|Trait 2: ____________________ | |

|Method 2: words and/or action | |

|Quote: | |

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|Trait 3: _____________________ | |

|Method 3: private thoughts (diary entry) | |

|Quote: | |

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|Trait 4: ______________________ | |

|Method 4: words/actions/feelings of other characters toward the | |

|protagonist | |

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Analysis: I think Suzy is/is not someone I could be friends with because:

|Look at each method of characterization in the boxes below. Assign four |Explain how this quote demonstrates each character trait you have |

|different traits for Leah, and then provide a quote from the story that |provided for Leah. |

|proves each trait and method. | |

|Trait 1:_____________________ | |

|Method 1: physical description | |

|Quote: | |

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|Trait 2: ____________________ | |

|Method 2: words and/or action | |

|Quote: | |

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|Trait 3: _____________________ | |

|Method 3: private thoughts (diary entry) | |

|Quote: | |

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|Trait 4: ______________________ | |

|Method 4: words/actions/feelings of other characters toward the | |

|protagonist | |

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What is the theme (the point of the story, the moral) of Suzy and Leah? Include evidence & pg#s


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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