Literature Circle Role Sheet

Literature Circle Role Sheet

Character Captain

This student is responsible for revealing specific personality traits of the character(s) within the novel. This means he/she will find examples in the assigned reading of behaviors/actions that help group members to know the character(s). He/she will assist group members in filling out character charts.

Before you read…

Make note of the character’s behavior and personality from the past. Show how it has changed. Mention new characters from the reading passage.




While you read…

Fill out the following chart.

|Character Name |Personality |Relationship with Holden |Change |

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During Literature Circles…

You should provide the discussion with an outline of our character’s journey. Provide some support for your ideas (for example: some type of visual, a picture, or a passage to read for support.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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