Character Traits

Character TraitsCharacters (and real-life people) have unique (one of a kind) attributes called traits. The following is a list of examples of words you could use to describe character traits. Some are appropriate for LEADERSHIP, some are not. ? Honest ? Light-hearted ? Optimistic ? Expert ? Brave ? Conceited ? Mischievous ? Demanding ? Thoughtful ? Confident ? Happy ? Disagreeable ? Determined ? Passionate ? Focused? Excited ? Studious ? Inventive ? Creative ? Thrilling ? Independent ? Intelligent ? Compassionate ? Gentle ? Proud ? Persistent ? Ethical ? Committed ? Respectful ? Strong ? Bright ? Courageous ? Serious ? Funny ? Humorous ? Confident ? Respected ? Dedicated ? Visionary ? Negative ? Global ? Handsome ? Resilient ? Global ? Selfish? Unselfish ? Self-confident ? Respectful ? Considerate ? Imaginative ? Generous ? Patriotic ? Fun-loving ? Popular ? Successful ? Responsible ? Lazy ? Dreamer ? Helpful ? Simple-minded ? Humble ? Friendly ? Dignified ? Adventurous ? Hard-working ? Timid ? Shy ? Bold ? Daring ? Dainty ? Pitiful ? Cooperative ? Lovable ? Decisive ? Proper? Ambitious ? Supportive ? Quiet ? Curious ? Reserved ? Pleasing ? Bossy ? Witty ? Fighter ? Tireless ? Energetic ? Cheerful ? Smart ? Impulsive ? Loyal From: Traits Quotes ActivityDirections: Using the quotes provided, select 3 character traits that describes them.1. James A. Baker III: “During Regan’s and Bush Sr.’s administrations his conservative views influenced the policies of the two presidents.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________2. George W. Bush: “He's got a kind of perseverance, a tenacity. There's a story with Ulysses S. Grant, that Grant, from his earliest days had a habit, or a superstition, that he would never retrace his steps.” ?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________3. John Nance Garner ("Cactus Jack"): “He earned his nickname by sponsoring a bill that would have made the prickly pear cactus the state flower of Texas. He served continuously for fifteen terms” _______________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Henry B. González: “He unsuccessfully ran for governor in 1958, but his candidacy encouraged more Hispanic-Americans to become involved in politics.” __________________________________________________________________________________5. Raul A. Gonzalez Jr.: “His parents were migrant farmers. He was the first Hispanic member of the Texas Supreme Court.”_______________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Kay Bailey Hutchison: “first woman to be elected to the United States Senate from Texas.”_______________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Lyndon B. Johnson: “He was able to get Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Equal Opportunity Act, and funding for the space program, but he was not able to end the Vietnam War.”_______________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Barbara Jordan: “She was named Time Magazine's Woman of the Year for her eloquence and dignity during these hearings.”_______________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Sam Rayburn: “He was known for being able to maneuver legislation through Congress, and earned respect from both Democrats and Republicans for his abilities at effective compromise.” _________________________________________________________________10. Lawrence Sullivan "Sul" Ross: “It was during one of those conflicts that he rescued Cynthia Ann Parker who had been kidnapped as a child by the Indians.” _______________________________________________________________________________________________11. Raymond L.Telles: “First Hispanic mayor of a major city in the US and served as a military aide to Presidents Truman and Eisenhower.” _________________________________________________________________________________________________________1. James A. Baker III: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________2. George W. Bush: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________3. John Nance Garner ("Cactus Jack"): _____________________ , ________________________ , _________________________4. Henry B. González: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________5. Raul A. Gonzalez Jr.: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________6. Kay Bailey Hutchison: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________7. Lyndon B. Johnson: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________8. Barbara Jordan: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________9. Sam Rayburn: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________10. Lawrence Sullivan "Sul" Ross: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________11. Raymond L. Telles: _____________________ , ________________________ , __________________________Exit TicketWhat leadership traits or character traits would you want in a teacher, principal, governor, or President?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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