10 Characteristics of a competent christian chaplain and police officer

source: Chaplain Steve Lee, Police Officer Mi nistries (POM)

1. compassion - caring about others where they are at

john 3:16

1 cor 13

1 john 4: 7-21

matthew 9:36

hebrews 2:14-18; 4:14-16

2. character - model faith, virtues, and hope they champion

proverbs 10:9

acts 20:32-35

titus 2:7

1 peter 5:3

3. common sense -“street smarts”; basic intelligence, appropriately applied

1 kings 3:9-12

Psalm 119:24, 73, 144

James 3:17

4. communication - situational awareness; active listeners; know when to speak and when to be silent; seasoned with wisdom and grace

ecclesiastes 2:14; 10:2

ephesians 5:15

colossians 3:16

5. courage – physical; spiritual, moral courage

joshua 1:9

psalm 27:1-2

John 14:27

romans 8:31

6. conviction – spiritual command presence to be taken seriously and to properly present the gospel

2 corinthians 4:13

1 thessalonians 1:5

hebrews 10:39; 11:1

7. commitment – allow TIME for relationship building

galatians 5:22-23

1 corinthians 13:7

2 timothy 2:3, 24; 4:5

8. congeniality – good sense of humor, w/o compromising integrity; the doorway to friendship

psalms 30:11-12; 126:2

Luke 6:21

9. confidentiality – discretion; courage to articulate and practice this

*three legs of support for officers:

1-peer support

2-professional mental health support

3-spiritual (chaplains) support

*confidentiality means one-on-one not in a group like cism

proverbs 3:21

1 thessalonians 5:21

hebrews 5:14

10. cross of christ – ultimate hope for law enforcement; jesus came to protect and serve us all; we all need a savior

1 peter 3:15

john 14:6, 27; 10:7-11

Acts 4:12


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