A “Book in a Bag/Box” is a book report contained in a brown paper or paper gift bag or a shoe box. The purpose of the outside of the bag/box is to interest a classmate to want to read your book. The inside of your bag should include items that you will be able to use to explain important parts of your book.

Genre: Any fiction book that is a comfortable reading level for you. (You will need to get the approval of your teacher.)

Due Date: May 1st for Odd class and May 2nd for even classes


You will need a clean brown paper or paper gift bag (any size) or shoe box. You will also need colored pencils or markers, crayons, scotch tape or glue stick, paper any items for decorating.


1. Have your parent(s) fill out and sign the cut-out form that shows you have brought your assignment home. Bring the signed form back to school.

2. Choose and read a book that is a comfortable reading level for you. I would like to see you challenge yourself. You will need to have your book approved by your teacher.

3. On the front of the bag, on the lid of box neatly write:

Title of the Book

Author of the Book

Your name and class period

Draw a picture of the main character/s

4. Either on the bag, or on a sheet of paper that is glued or scotch-taped to the bag, if using a box on the front panel, draw an illustration of your favorite part of the book.

5. On the back of the bag neatly write, in cursive, a paragraph about your favorite part of the story. The paragraph can be written on lined paper, cut out and glued or scotch-taped to the bag. (A paragraph should be at least 6-8 sentences long.) On the box it should be on the back panel of box.

6. Also, on the back, write a second paragraph about your opinion of the book. Did you like it? If you did like it, tell me three reasons why. If you did not like it, tell three reasons why you didn’t. You may also describe who might enjoy reading the book.

7. Collect at least 2 or 3 things (that will fit into your bag/box) to help you tell the class about your book when you present your report in class.

8. Included inside your bag/box you will tell about three of the literary elements found in your story. Conflicts- Character vs. Character, Character vs. Nature, Character vs. Society, Character vs. Self, Flashbacks, foreshadowing, climax, or resolution.

During the oral presentation you will:

• Give a short summary of the story

• Explain why you selected the objects in the bag and why they connect to the book.

• To whom would you recommend the book.

Use this book for your reading log! Title_____________________

Reading Log Time______

What I have read about__________________________________



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|Week 1—Select a book. Have it approved. Begin reading and review what needs to be in the book report. |

|Week 2-3—Finish reading your book. Begin making sketches of the main character and your favorite part. Think about the things you will put |

|in your bag. |

|Week 4-5—Write a rough draft of your two paragraphs. Find the right size paper bag for your project. Have a parent or friend review your |

|paragraphs. Use complete sentences and correct any spelling errors. Attach your final copy of the written parts to the bag, and draw the |

|illustrations on the bag. |

The book I have chosen is__________________________________

Reading Log time _______

What I have read about___________________________________



Reading Log Time______

What I have read about__________________________________



Reading Log Time______

What I have read about__________________________________




| |3 |2 |1 |

|Outside of Bag |Displays all of the |Neatly displays all of the |Satisfactorily displays most of|

|Title,Author,Picture of main character, |requirements in a visually |requirements |the requirements |

|Illustration of favorite part of the book, |appealing way. | | |

|Visually appealing | | | |

|Objects in Bag |Excellent choice of objects. |Adequate choice of objects. |Weak choice of objects. |

|Bag contains at least two relevant objects. | | | |

|Explanation of Objects |Presents objects in a clear |Presents objects in a logical|Presents objects in a random |

|Explains each object and its importance to |logical manner that enables |manner that enables |manner that does not paint a |

|the story. |classmates to understand the |classmates to basically |thorough picture of the story. |

| |story. |understand the story. | |

|Favorite Part and Opinion |Excellent description of |Adequate description of |Unclear description of favorite|

|Clear description of favorite part of the |favorite part of story; |favorite part of story; |part. Brief statement of |

|story. Clearly states opinion of book and |excellent opinion with three |adequate opinion with three |opinion with less than |

|gives three reasons to support that opinion. |supporting reasons in a |supporting reasons neatly |supporting reasons. |

|Visually appealing. |visually appealing way. |presented. | |

|Oral Summary and Recommendation |Excellent summary and |Adequate summary and |Weak summary and |

|Includes a short summary and explains why you|recommendation. |recommendation. |recommendation. |

|recommend the book. | | | |

| | | | |

|Speaking Skills |Good eye contact, speaks |Some eye contact, speaks |Minimal eye contact, difficult |

|Eye contact, Voice, Body Language, Enthusiasm|clearly and precisely, |adequately effective body |to understand, distracting body|

| |excellent use of body language,|language, shows enthusiasm. |language, little enthusiasm. |

| |sincere enthusiasm. | | |

17—18 = A, 15—16 = B, 13—14 = C, 11—12 = D

------------------- Please cut and return tomorrow. Thank you ---------------------

I received the Paper Bag Book Report. Return to Mrs. Ritzman on _____________

Student’s name______________________________________Class Period_______

Parent Signature_____________________________________


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