Directions: - Weebly


• Choose a member of society to illustrate. (i.e. Soldiers, Political Leaders, Women, Children, etc…)

• Use two 8 ½” x 11” pieces of unlined printer paper or two life size pieces of butcher paper from the media center.

• Draw a body on a regular piece of computer paper, trace an outline of a body on the large paper, or use clip art to create the outline of a body. Remember to make two drawings, one Athenian and one Spartan.

• Complete the two portions of the project listed; Use symbols and explain their meaning.

1. Choose the best way to represent the following aspects of the character symbolically:

➢ Heart: Where should it be placed to best represent what this member of Athenian/Spartan society loves most? What should it look like and what shape, color, pictures, or symbols should be included in it? If the Athenian’s or Spartan's love changes, students should find a way to represent this visually. 5 pts

➢ Backbone: This should be represented in a way that visually conveys what motivates the Athenian/Spartan most. For example, the backbone is a chain connecting the word 'gods' at the top and 'people' at the bottom for a leader. (Think of one on your own!) 5 pts

➢ Hands: What does the Athenian/Spartan hold in her or his hands? Items that are associated with the Athenian/Spartan either literally or figuratively should be included. For example, a(n) Athenian/Spartan holding a sword or a scroll with the words "LAW" clutched in their fist. (Think of one on your own!) 5 pts

➢ Feet: On what is the Athenian/Spartan standing? This should a symbolic representation of the Athenian’s/Spartan’s most fundamental beliefs about life. For example, a(n) Athenian/Spartan standing on a crumbling rock labeled "Society as we know it." This would symbolize their struggle with each other during the Peloponnesian War. (Think of one on your own!) 5 pts

➢ The Background: Create some elements that suggest the Athenian’s or Spartan’s environment, background, or predicament. 5 pts

➢ Quotations: Place three quotations that sum up the Athenian/Spartan member of society and add to an understanding of the character. 5 pts

2. Explain the choices you have made for each of the ideas listed. Discuss the meaning of the symbols you have created and why you chose them. You may write this on the back of your posters or type the information and attach it to the back of your drawings. Use complete sentences to accomplish this part of the project. 2.5 pts per category = 15 pts

3. Creativity and original ideas will be worth 5 pts. This will count as a 50 point project grade.

Body Biography Helpful Hints

These are suggestions that will help you get an idea of what you may include on each individual poster. Brainstorm and research before you begin this process. Use your notes, textbook, library books, and the internet to begin your research.

1. Placement- Carefully choose the placement of your text and artwork. For example, the area where your character's heart would be might be appropriate for illustrating the important relationships within his/her life. The hands might refer to actions or accomplishments of the character.

2. Spine- What is the most important goal for your character? What drives his/her thought and actions? The answers to these questions are his/her "spine." How can you illustrate it?

3. Virtues and Vices- What are your character's most admirable qualities? His/her worst? How can you make us visualize them?

4. Color - Colors are often symbolic. What colors(s) do you most associate with your character? Why? How can you effectively weave these colors into your presentation?

5. Symbols- What objects can you associate with your character that illustrates his/her essence? Choose objects that especially seem to correspond with the character.

6. Mirror, Mirror- Consider both how your character appears to others on the surface and what you know about the character's inner self. Do these images clash or correspond? What does this tell you about the character? How can you illustrate this mirror image?

7. Changes- How has your character changed over the course of their life? Trace these changes within your artwork.


You will be graded based on the effectiveness of each of the required symbolic representations. The assigned point values are listed next to each category.


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