After Reading Literary Analysis TEST-IT Chart


After Reading Literary Analysis S2-FESTT Chart

Expectation: All answers must be in sentence form (unless otherwise specified), and must contain textual evidence where applicable.

Textual Evidence = Specific References to the Text/Direct Quotes with Commentary

|S – #Struggles |Protagonist: Who is the main character? |

| | |

| |Is the main character dynamic or static? Round or flat? Use textual evidence to support your answer. |

| | |

| |List and label (internal or external/man vs __) the main conflicts that the protagonist struggles with in the story |

| |including hashtag descriptions |

|S - Setting |How does the setting affect the plot? |

| | |

| |Decide if the story is plot driven, character driven or both. Support your answer with textual evidence. |

| | |

| |Plot Driven – The story is action based and moves along at a faster rate for the reader. Conflicts tend to include man vs. |

| |man, nature, society. |

| | |

| |Character Driven – The story focuses more on one character and the way that character feels. The plot is slower, but the |

| |reader better understands the emotions and motivations of the character. Conflicts tend to include man vs. self, |

| |circumstance. |

|F – Figurative Language |Identify and discuss two example of the author’s use of figurative language (metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, |

| |allusion, imagery). Explain why the author uses this example by explaining the impact the figurative language has on one or|

| |more of the following: characterization, description of setting (imagery), mood, foreshadowing, theme, and/or plot. |

| | |

|E - Elements |Identify and explain how two of the following literary techniques are used in the narrative and the effect is has on the |

|of Fiction |characters, plot, and/or reader: symbolism, flashback, foreshadowing, situational irony, verbal irony, dramatic irony, point|

| |of view. |

| | |

|S – Social |How is the story relevant to today’s society? Identify a social issue or behavior in the story that we struggle with in |

|Issues |today’s society? Use textual evidence to support your reasoning. |

|T - Theme |List one theme (human condition) from the story and explain how this theme is developed throughout the story using textual |

| |evidence. |

| | |

|T – Title |What is the significance of the title? |

| |Examine the meaning/ purpose of the title by connecting it to the plot and/or looking for double meanings, symbolism, and/or|

| |foreshadowing. Use textual evidence, as needed, to support your answer |

Remember: Use the present tense when writing about literature.

A story is unfolding at that moment for the reader.


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