AP European History

Mr. zollo 2015 - 2016

Italian Renaissance Art

Unit 1: Renaissance and Discovery (Ch 10)

Name: _____________________________

Period: ______________________

Date: ____________________

Step 1: Watch the video called “Classicism: The Art of the Renaissance” – it’s toward the bottom on our class website. Fill in the corresponding note sheet as you watch.

But before you begin the video, answer the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of art? Why do you think art is created? Has this purpose changed over time? How so?

2. Often, art is a direct reflection of the values of a society. Think of a second and provide an example of a modern piece of art that you like. (No, it doesn’t have to be a painting…art is a broad term that can include film, music, performance and writing.) How does this piece of art reflect either your values and culture or that of the society in which you live?

Ok, now time to watch the video

Main characteristics and purpose of Medieval Art:

Characteristics of Renaissance Art

Donatello: St. Mark, St. George, David

Masaccio: The Tribute Money

Leonardo da Vinci

Vitruvian Man

The Last Supper

Mona Lisa




Sistine Chapel

Pietro Perugino, Delivery of the Keys

Raphael: School of Athens

Raphael’s paintings of women

Michelangelo, St. Peter’s Basilica

Now watch the short video titled “The Many Meanings of Michelangelo’s David”

How does context impact the meaning of David? Please describe how the original proposed placement on top of the Duomo, the statue’s actual location in the public square, and then it’s final location in the museum impacted its meaning and message to the audience.


Finally, watch the short video titled, “Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man”

Explain the math and historic origins behind this sketch.

Now explain its meaning. Your answer should refer to humanism, Neo-Platonism and Mirandola

Sandro Botticelli:

La Primaavera

Birth of Venus

AP European History

Mr. zollo 2015 - 2016

Italian Renaissance Art Reflection

Unit 1: Renaissance and Discovery (Ch 10)

Name: _____________________________

Period: ______________________

Date: ____________________

For each of the following characteristics of Renaissance art, match a piece of work we studied that exemplifies that characteristic:

1. Perspective

Name of Work:

Example of the characteristic:

2. Positioning

Name of Work:

Example of the characteristic:

3. Focus on the Human Body

Name of Work:

Example of the characteristic:

4. Focus on Nature, Humanism, Curiosity and Objectivity

Name of Work:

Example of the characteristic:

5. Classical and Religious Themes

Name of Work:

Example of the characteristic:

6. Which piece of art did you like the best? Why?

7. How did art incorporate new ideas of the Renaissance in order to promote personal, political and religion goals? How is this art a reflection of the new ideas of humanism? (Answer on the back)


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