Definition and Characteristics of an EPIC

Last update: 8/29/07 6:53A


Definition and Characteristics of an EPIC. (Your text p.28-29)

This will come in handy when you are required to compare a true epic with a “mock” epic.

Characteristics of the Epic. (Transparency)

Create links to another Title using given criteria.

Characteristics of the Epic Hero (Transparency)

Identify specifics to address given 6 attributes

Alliteration (Transparency) Definition (1460)

Kenning (See Anglo-Saxon poetry 1460)

Activity to Create original kennings for common words.

Comitatus & Interlacing

Explanation of a major characteristic of Anglo-Saxon life

Interlacing with the two half-lines interweaved with the entire Line.

Chickering Editon assignment from Psolka Handouts.

Identify separate story lines as alluded to here.

Beocat—A Parody(1476)

How much of this directly connects to Beowulf? Has the writer done his job in making sufficient connections? Why or Why not?

Journal Assignments

All are good assignments. Of particular merit are:

Journal 1 The coast guard’s POV

Journal 2 Beowulf’s POV

Journal 3 Beowulf’s brag—This is a mandatory assignment

SEE: caesura introduced

Journal 7 Wealhtheow’s POV

Journal 8 Unferth’s POV

Journal 9 An After Action report to the “commander” (FACTUAL REPORTING)

Seminar Topics

Five (5) Topics for small group discussion and presentation to classmates

Creative Assignments

Thirteen (13) Alternative assignments for the essay-challenged student

ESSAY TOPIC: Unferth as a FOIL to Beowulf

Sample Essay

This will be useful for your chart of comparison of the three “foes” that Beowulf must battle against.

Sample Class Discussion items

The writing activities that follow will encourage students to examine some of Beowulf's themes. These activities are suitable for individual or group assignments. All of them should serve as springboards for class discussion.

1. What is a hero? Explain your definition and give examples.

2. What is courage? How would most people today define courage?

3. What qualities do you believe a good leader should possess? Discuss leadership in our society. Name some modern leaders. What are the characteristics of contemporary leaders? What do we admire about them?

4. What does it mean to be loyal? Tell about a time you were loyal or someone was loyal to you.

5. Why is a reputation important? What factors influence a person's reputation?

6. Why is generosity important? What does it mean to be generous? Write about or discuss the most generous person you know.

7. Interview someone involved in a medieval re-enactment group, such as the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). What was life like for a warrior or a king during the Middle Ages? What motivates some to re-enact this time in history?

Galenet’s commentary on John Gardner’s Grendel and Plot summary of EPIC Grendel

John Gardner’s Letter to a Teacher’s Class.

Worth reading because it talks about the role of the writer and the responsibilities of the reader


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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