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Cultural Awareness Learner Guide


In this module you will:

• Increase awareness and appreciation for the cultural diversity of Wisconsin

• Define and understand concepts of culture, cultural awareness, cultural humility, and cultural competence

• Identify how to incorporate cultural humility into public health through practical application

• Highlight capacities and skills necessary to work effectively across diverse cultures

1. How do you define culture?

Culture includes:

Culture does not include:

2. Can you measure culture?

3. Is culture learned?

4. List the factors that influence your culture:

5. What are the myths you believe about culture and your level of cultural awareness?

6. What does cultural competence mean to you? How does it apply to your everyday life?

7. What are 2 things you can do to be a more culturally competent professional?

8. How does your professional role incorporate the cultural components found in the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals?

9. What are the key characteristics of cultural humility? How is it different than cultural competence? Check your answers with the comparison chart on page 3 of this guide.

10. What does each letter of the HUMBLE model represent?

|H | |

|U | |

|M | |

|B | |

|L | |

|E | |

11. How can you incorporate cultural humility into your daily life?

12. What are the ways you personally can strengthen your capacity to become a more culturally competent professional while practicing cultural humility?

|Cultural Competence |Cultural Humility |

|Goal: Build understanding of cultures to provide better and more appropriate|Goal: Increase awareness of culture through personal reflection and|

|services |self-evaluation |

| | |

|Values: Knowledge, training, self-awareness, acceptance |Values: Introspection, co-learning, openness, flexibility, |

| |acceptance, appreciation |

|Strengths: | |

|Allows people to strive to obtain a goal |Strengths: |

|Promotes skill building |Continuous learning with appreciation for journey of growth and |

| |understanding |

|Shortcomings: |Helps develop mutually beneficial relationships and diminishes |

|Confused to mean there is a “competence” and “certification” in a culture |damaging power dynamics |

|other than one’s own | |

|Can also sometimes be falsely based on academic knowledge rather than lived |Shortcomings: |

|experiences |Challenging for professionals because there is no clear end result,|

| |rather it is a continuous process that emphasizes learning with and|

| |from community members. |

Introduction Module Case Study

Suppose you are assigned to recruit local women originally from India into a family planning project.

What are some of the questions you would ask about cultural factors in the women’s lives in order to maximize project recruitment and success?

Ideas from others:

* Who makes decisions in the family about fertility? How and why?

* How does fertility factor into the concept of a “good wife?”

* Whom do you have to persuade that your plan is a good one?

* How will women who adopt the plan be viewed, and by whom?

* What is the local knowledge about the physiology of conception and pregnancy?

* Does it make sense that the family planning project will prevent pregnancy without harming the woman, either physically or spiritually?

* What is the role of children in the household economy? What is their role in the family?

* Who in the community will be affected (even remotely) by birth control, a pregnancy, and/or a new child? How?

* Who is likely to support or oppose your plan? How can you persuade the opposition to accept it?

* Does your plan fit, or conflict, with current practices?

* Who in the community or family will be affected (even remotely) by a pregnancy, a birth, or a new child, or by birth control, and how?

* Who is likely to support or oppose your plan, and how can you persuade the opposition to accept it?

* How is the project, and you yourself, perceived by the community? How does this affect their reactions?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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