Los Angeles Mission College

Associated Student Organization

Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 11, 2011 at 5:00PM

Campus Center Building, Lower Level ASO Conference Room

I. ASO Executive Board Senators

President: Daniel Campo Vacant: Social Activities

Vice President: John Soliman Vacant: Publications

Treasurer: Marcelo Rodriguez Vacant: Recruitment

Vacant: Executive Administration Vacant: Fundraising and Marketing

Vacant: Political Affairs and Community Relations

Vacant: Educational Services

Vacant: Interclub Council

Vacant: Technology

Vacant: Health and Security

Vacant: Parliamentarian

Vacant: Historian

Vacant: Athletics

Vacant: Senator of Administration

II. Call to order: 5:08 pm Date: July 11, 2011

Please note that the ASO-Vice President John Soliman will be taking today minutes.

III. Quorum:

Advisor Mr. Robert Crossley (present), President Mr. Daniel Campos (present), Vice President Mr. John Soliman (present), Treasurer Mr. Marcelo Rodriguez (present)

VACANT Executive Administrator, VACANT Political Affairs senator, VACANT Historian, VACANT: Fundraising and Marketing, VACANT: Recruitment, VACANT: Publications, VACANT: Social Activities, VACANT: Health and Security, VACANT: Educational Services, VACANT: Inter Club Council, VACANT: Historian, VACANT: Parliamentarian, VACANT: Athletics, VACANT: Technology

Quorum consists of the Elected-Executive Broad: President, Vice-President and Treasures. Take note that this is the first fiscal year 2011 meeting for the Associated Student Organization (ASO).

Quorum was establish along with presences of our ASO Advisor Mr. Robert Crossley

Guest(s): Mr. Oscar Aguayo

IV. Approval of Agenda

Point of Order, Mr. John Soliman –Vice President, He inform the chair and the council that Agenda does not need to be Adopted or Approve. Agenda however need to be posted/stamp 72 prior to date and time prior to the up-coming ASO meeting.

Mr. Crossley advice the council that the Agenda cannot be change. Mr. Crossley advised the chair to entertain a motion.

John Soliman made a motion to adoption of the Agenda, July 11, 2011. Seconded by Marcelo Rodriguez. Motion carried 3-0-0 unanimously.

V. Open Forum:

Mr. Crossley advised President Daniel Campos to please state the time of opening of Open Forum and Closing the Open Forum.

Time Open: 5:12 p.m. No speaker during the time of Open Forum. Time Close: 5:14 p.m.

VI. New Business

1. ASO Meeting Time Schedule

Mr. Campo addresses the council that we the ASO will work as a team and we need to set a date and time for ASO meetings. Mr. Soliman and Mr. Rodriguez submitted their schedule of class for the summer and fall 2011.

Mr. Rodriguez said he will be available to have meeting in his 30 minutes lunch break.

Mr. Rodriguez said that these meetings set are for the summer 2011.

Point of Clarification: Mr. Soliman, this meeting time will be setting are for the summer 2011.

President, Mr. Campos said that is correct.

Mr. Soliman stated: I, Vice President Mr. Soliman move to have ASO meeting, 2 pm on Mondays and Thursdays at the ASO Conference Room during Summer 2011. Second by Mr. Rodriguez. Motion carries/pass unanimously 3-0-0

2. E-mail Blast

Mr. Campo suggested with Mr. Crossley help if we can E-mail blast to the student body for Mission College. Mr. Soliman spoke he has a rough draft of an email blast. He will email it to Mr. Crossley to check if it is completed and presentable. Mr. Campo would like to E-mail on Thursday, July 14, 2011. Mr. Campos suggested e-mail blast to be sent to the entire student body of Mission College.

3. E-member and Senator Appointments

Mr. Campo postpones this item on the next agenda until the council interviews all possible candidates.

4. Meeting with the President

Mr. Campos stated that council will have to go to Ms. Oliva together and set an appointment to meet with the College President.

5. Supplies

Mr. Rodriguez will be responsible of ordering supplies along with Mr. Crossley supervision.

6. Interviewing Candidates

Mr. Campos mention that the council should prepare business type question for the candidate. He suggested that as for the Executive Administration position this individual should excellent skills in English. It is extremely important someone who has specific characteristics: as technology orientated, great writer and fast writer. Mr. Rodriguez said that there should be a typing test for the Executive Administrator position. Mr. Soliman objected to Mr. Rodriguez because as for him, someone who was new in ASO on the previous council, he came in not knowing the rules and procedure. The ASO council should be open to new member with no experience and he point out that this is a learning environment, an opportunity to learn new skills and develop. Mr. Crossley suggested that the new position is a very tedious position. Mr. Crossley said to give everyone a chance and not to discourage them with a typing test, reminding that the ASO is for fun and learning experience. Mr. Rodriguez said he agrees that we should bring some skills in the table. He feels it is a good requirement, and this ASO is model as a business. Mr. Campos suggested has having great typing skills are only suggested or encouraged and not mandatory to have for the executive administrator position.

Note: Mr. Crossley stated that we are running out of time. The building will close at 6 pm. The council agrees that the deadline application for eligible candidates will be at July 28, 2011. Mr. Rodriguez motions to have the application for both executive administration and senator positions deadline to be on July 29, 2011. Second by Mr. Soliman Motion carries unanimously. 3-0-0

Note: Mr. Crossley will be available to review the candidates’ requirement after

August 08, 2011 when will be back from vacation.

Mr. Campo stated that Mr. Rodriguez will be responsible to bring back information to the council about personality test.

VII. Announcements

No announcement

VIII. Adjournment: 6:19 pm


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