Community Assessment Assignment

Community Assessment Assignment

Read through the information on the International Healthy Cities Foundation website, . (Overview and History section). Then click on the “Learning Tutorial” link and read through the three sections (Phases one, two, and three).

Briefly answer the following questions:

How would you define a healthy community based on your reading?

Based on Len Duhl’s and the World Health Organization’s characteristics of a healthy community what do you consider the top five factors that describe a healthy community? Why do you think these five characteristics are vital to the health of a community?

What would you add to the list of characteristics by Duhl’s and WHO?

Write a 2-3 page double-spaced paper addressing the following questions which are based on the steps in phases one, two, and three on the website. Use one additional reference besides the Healthy Cities website. It can be your textbook, a journal article or other website that discusses characteristics of healthy communities or the issue you’re addressing

1. Describe an issue or problem in your own community or the community you’re assessing for this class. You can use one of the problems discussed in the website, if it’s applicable, or choose another that you’re aware of.

2. What key participants would you involve in working on this particular issue and why?

3. What information would it be important for them to know about this problem or issue?

4. What vision of future change would you present to the participants? In other words, what would your community look like of be like if this issue was resolved or if the changes you believe are necessary were carried out?

5. (Phase two) List three primary objectives or goals that would need to be accomplished for your plan to succeed.

6. What indicators would you assess or types of data would you gather to measure your issue of concern or problem area? (some examples are given in the Phase Two section).

7. List action steps that would need to be taken to accomplish each of your three primary objectives or goals.

8. How will you measure the success of your program?


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