Characteristics of a good chairperson - Cambridge Pac Yac

Characteristics of a good chairperson (president / vice president)

The chairperson plays a key role on any voluntary management committee.  Below are summarized some of the key qualities, skills and knowledge that are characteristic of an effective chairperson:

Qualities, skills and knowledge

A good chairperson will:

• speak clearly and succinctly;

• be sensitive to the feelings of members;

• be impartial and objective;

• start and finish on time;

• be approachable;

• have an understanding of the voluntary and community sector;

• be tactful;

• have knowledge of the organization’s key networks;

• be able to delegate;

• have experience of management committee involvement;

• show interest in member's viewpoints;

• have sound knowledge of the organization’s work;

• have an ability to respect confidences; and

• ensure decisions are taken and recorded.

Do's and Don'ts

|A good chairperson will: |A good chairperson will not: |

|Make all members feel valued |Be the person who talks most at the meetings |

|Strive for consensus, using his/her casting vote sparingly |Make all the decisions |

|Listen to others |Allow one or two people to dominate meetings |

|Encourage new faces onto committee |Cut people out of discussions |

|Plan for the future |Allow meetings to become unproductive |

|Make new members feel welcome |Make people feel foolish or useless |

|Allow others to take responsibility |Force people to contribute to discussions |

|Keep calm |Lose his/her temper |

|Know when to stand down |Stay too long |

 Characteristics of a good treasurer

The treasurer of a management committee plays a vital role. Below are summarized some of the key qualities and skills required for an effective treasurer.

Qualities, skills, knowledge

A good treasurer will:

• be capable of handling figures and cash;

• have an orderly mind and methodical way of thinking;

• have experience in dealing with large sums of money and budgets;

• have experience of financial control and budgeting;

• have an eye for detail;

• be available to be contacted for ad hoc advice;

• have a financial qualification or relevant experience;

• have experience of pension schemes;

• good communication and interpersonal skills;

• ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed-up; and

• show good time-keeping.

Do's and Don'ts

|A good treasurer will: |A good treasurer will NOT: |

|Be trustworthy. |Commit fraud - i.e. 'borrow' group funds for his/her own use. |

|Be impartial. |Make him/herself indispensable. |

|Feel comfortable working with figures. |Carry group money around for weeks before banking it. |

|Be willing to explain figures if asked. |Neglect to pay bills. |

|Be methodical. |Ignore the law. |

|Bank group money as quickly as possible. |Overdraw group funds without the agreement of the committee. |

|Make it easy for others to take over by keeping clear records. |Pay or receive money without making a note of it. |


Characteristics of a good secretary

The role of Secretary of a Management Committee can be key to the efficient functioning of the Committee, particularly in organizations with few or no paid staff members. Below are some of the qualities, skills and knowledge which should be demonstrated by those carrying out this role.

Quality, skills & knowledge

A good Management Committee Secretary will:

• be methodical, with a good eye for detail;

• be well organized, with an orderly mind;

• bring objectivity to the proceedings;

• deal promptly with correspondence;

• be able to take accurate notes of meetings;

• make sure members receive all the necessary material;

• bring the necessary material to the meeting;

• work well with the Chairperson;

• ensure quorum is met for meetings; and

• have knowledge or experience of committee procedures.

Do's and Don'ts

|A good Secretary will: |A good Secretary will NOT: |

|Be organized. |Ignore correspondence. |

|Keep copies of all correspondence. |Keep information to her/himself. |

|Check quorum is met for meetings. |Be late for meetings. |

|Respect confidentiality. |Throw away important papers. |

|Work closely with the Chairperson. |Write down trivial details of all discussions at every meeting. |

|Make it easy for others to take over by keeping clear records. |Rely on his/her memory. |

|Prepare for meetings well in advance. |Repeat private conversations. |

|Summarize discussions effectively. |Organize meetings at the last minute. |

|Keep people informed. |Ensure accurate minutes of meetings are kept. |


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