Goodness of Fit(GoF) In Positive Behaviour Support(PBS ...

Goodness of Fit(GoF) In Positive Behaviour Support(PBS) planning seminar: group work

Areas to consider when trying to achieve GoF for PBS plan:

Needs of people:

• Matching communication to needs/abilities

• Plan to be accessible – develop with focus person/ multi agency involvement

• Relationships

• Take account of core values

• Plan to be holistic

• To reflect individual’s culture – respect diversity

• Take into account medical needs


• Organisation to fit in with the person

• Plan to work in all environments not just residential setting

• Take into account transport available

• Take into account staff resources/ rota planning

• Staff training to implement/understand

• What social factors are going to affect things?

• What are the team politics?

• Communication – how things are shared with implementers


• PBS plan to fit in with policies, legislation, research practice

• To be person and evidenced based

• Reflect human rights and personal values

• To be flexible and developmental

• To respect social diversity and need for equality

What can help to ensure GoF in PBS plans?:

• Conduct an evidenced based Functional Assessment of behaviours of concern, which everyone signs up to.

• Ensure clear documentation of strengths and capabilities

• Show how a plan can improve quality of life.

• Staff to be positive about planning

• Plan to be written in an accessible format which all can understand

• Ensure training and awareness about a person’s conditions

• Have a focus on development

• Get all concerns together and discussed by all at a formulation meeting

• Multi agency involvement

• Formulate realistic goals

• Get agreement from service user

• Engage support workers and other mediators

• Ensure regular reviews

Goodness of Fit, alternative perspectives:

‘Stated briefly there is a goodness of fit when the person’s temperament and other characteristics such as motivation and other abilities are adequate to master the successive demands, expectations and opportunities of the environment’

Thomas and Chess (1977) on the topic of matching temperament with learning styles to create GoF

‘Degree of assurance or confidence to which the results of a sample, survey or test can be relied on for making dependable projections’ (Wikipedia, in relation to use of the term regarding statistics).

Reference for slides: ‘Positive Behaviour Support: Including People with Difficult Behaviour in the Community’ 1996, Koegel, LK; Koegel, RL and Dunlap, G (eds) – chapter four ‘Contextual Fit for Behavioral Support Plans (Albin et al)


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