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Formal WritingFormal writing is not just dictated conversation. It must sound academic, not casual. Never:use casual interjections such as “well” or “anyway”use slang of any kinduse “I” or “me” or “my” (with an exception for some critiques and then only sparingly)use contractionsIf it sounds “too cool for school,” it probably is! Leave it out! All proper punctuation must be adhered to. Sentences must be complete, with a subject and predicate. There is no unconventional use of the English language. If it is not a creative writing assignment, don’t get creative. Paragraphs must follow the pattern: topic sentence/proof/elaboration.Introductions are very important. They don’t have to be cute or clever, and some professors get irritated by such attempts. Introductions include your thesis statement and the major points that will be expounded on in your body paragraphs. Conclusions are very important. You should restate your thesis and summarize how you proved it to be true. If the reader only read your introduction and conclusion, he/she should have a pretty good idea of what the paper was about. Transitions are important. Expand your knowledge of their variety so your education shows, and learn when particular transitions are appropriate to use. ................

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