EOC Q’s Unit 8

B.7.E R

1. In recent years, certain strains of flies have been observed to be resistant to the effects of the insecticide DDT. Although the variation for resistance was probably present in the fly population prior to the use of DDT, the adaptive value of the genetic trait did not become apparent until-

A. The pesticide used was chemically analyzed

B. The acquired traits were inherited from parents

C. The pesticide was introduced into the environment*

D. Interbreeding between different fly species occurred

B.7.D S

2. Variation within species was important to the development of Darwin’s theory of evolution. Which statement does individual variation help explain?

F. Populations often increase rapidly and without warning.

G. The resources become limited over long periods of time.

H. Competition is fierce among members of different species.

J. Some organisms survive and reproduce better than others.*

B.7.A R

3. Evidence of the changes in a species’ physical characteristics over long geological periods of time can best be shown through a study of-

A. Their classification among other groups of organisms

B. The homologous structures of present-day species

C. A developmental embryology of the species

D. The fossil record of these species*

B.7.E R

4. Variety within a species is most likely to result from which situation?

F. severe weather conditions that might occur, such as hurricanes or blizzards

G. adaptation to the local environment by isolated populations of the species*

H. the extinction of competing species over a broad range of habitats

J. the stabilization of a primary food source within its environment

B.7.A R

The diagram below represents the bones of the forelimbs of two animals alive today that most likely evolved from a common ancestor. Members of the original ancestral population were isolated into two groups by natural events.


5. If these two animals did have a common ancestor, which statement would best explain why there are differences in the bones?

A. Changes helped reduce competition within each group of organisms.

B. Changes occurred to help the animals return to their original environment.

C. Changes contributed to the survival of the organisms in their new environment.*

D. Changes indicate the species are evolving to be more like the ancestral species.

B.7.G S

6. Which of the following statements is true about the theory of embosymbiosis proposed by Lynn Margulis-

F. Chloroplast originated from eubacteria

G. Mitochondria originated from eubacteria

H. Both answer choices a & b*

J. None of the above

B.7.E R

7. The special characteristics that make an organism particularly well suited to its environment are known as-

A. Abiotic factors

B. Biotic factors

C. Adaptations*

D. Aggregates

B.7.D S

The diagram below represents four different species of bacteria.


8. Which statement is correct concerning the chances of survival for these species if there is a change in the environment?

F. Species A has the best chance of survival because it has the most genetic diversity.*

G. Neither species B nor species D will survive because they compete for the same resources.

H. Species C has the best chance of survival because it has no gene mutations.

J. None of the species will survive because bacteria reproduce asexually.

B.7.A R

9. The wing of a bat, arm of a man, and flipper of a whale have similar internal structures. Even though these structures have diverse functions, their similarities suggest-

A. Development in similar environments

B. Development from a common ancestor*

C. Similar reactions to environmental stress

D. Separate development merging to a common form

B.7.E R

10. Darwin’s studies of finches on the Galapagos Islands suggest that the finches’ differences in beak structure were most directly due to-

F. The size of the island where the finches live

G. Acquired characteristics in the parent finches

H. Mating behaviors of the different finch species

J. Adaptations of the finches to different environments*

B.7.A R

11. The observation by Darwin that finches belonging to different species on the Galapagos Islands have many similar physical characteristics supports the conclusion that these finches-

A. Have the ability to interbreed

B. Originated from a common ancestor*

C. Acquired traits through use and disuse

D. Occupy the same niche on the same island

B.7.E R

12. A population of animals is permanently split by a natural barrier into two separate populations with different environments. What will likely result after a long period of time?

F. The evolution of the two populations will be identical.

G. The two populations will evolve into separate species.*

H. The production of variations will stop in the two populations.

J. Autotrophic nutrition will replace heterotrophic nutrition in the two populations.

B.7.E R

13. Which of the following is NOT an adaptation that helps birds of prey catch and eat other animals?

A. Sharp claws on their feet

B. Two types of feathers*

C. A sharp, curved beak

D. Very good vision

B.7.C S

14. In a population of clover flowers, there are both white and purple varieties. The cows that graze the field where the clovers grow prefer the purple variety. Over time, the white clover flowers become much more numerous and the purple ones more scarce. What process is this an example of?

F. Evolution

G. Reproduction

H. Natural selection*

J. Genetic mutation

B.7.A R

15. Which of the following is evidence to support the idea that two different species might have a common ancestor?

A. Many of their genes are the same*

B. Their methods of respiration are alike

C. They use the same means of locomotion

D. Their fossils were found in the same location

B.7.F S

16. Populations of a species may develop traits different from each other if they are isolated geographically for sufficient lengths of time. The most likely explanation for these differences is that-

F. The acquired traits cannot be inherited by the offspring

G. Environmental conditions in the two areas are identical

H. Genetic recombination is different in both populations*

J. Mutations are likely to be the same in both populations

B.7.A R

17. The cytochrome c enzyme in a chimpanzee is more similar in structure to the cytochrome c enzyme in humans than it is to the same enzyme found in dogs. This suggests that-

A. Humans and chimpanzees are more closed related than humans and dogs*

B. All vertebrate species have the same degree of relationship to one another

C. Only humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor

D. Humans and chimpanzees are not related to dogs

B.7.F S

18. In future generations, the frequency of a mutant gene may tend to increase. This would occur in a given environment if the new trait has-

F. A common ancestry

G. A high survival value*

H. The ability to form a fossil

J. No advantage in competition

B.7.C S

19. Structural physiological changes within a species occur over an extended period of time. These changes appear to be the product of the natural selection of favorable traits within that species. These statements best describe the concept of-

A. Spontaneous mutation

B. Reproductive isolation

C. Homeostasis

D. Evolution*

B.7.E R

The diagram below shows guppy mating preferences.


20. How will the frequency of the genes that result in long tails change over the next few generations?

F. Sexual selection will cause the genes that result in long tails to become less and less frequent.

G. Sexual selection will cause the genes that result in long tails to become more frequent.*

H. Frequency of genes that result in long tails will fluctuate slightly but remain relatively stable.

J. There is not enough information to draw conclusions about future gene frequency.

B.7.B S

Use the diagram below to answer the following question.


21. Which conclusion is best supported by the information in the diagram?

A. The area was once a marine environment.*

B. Volcanic eruptions were common in the area.

C. Organisms in the area reproduced frequently.

D. Consumers once outnumbered producers in the area.

B.9.D S

22. Miller and Urey’s hypothesis on the chemical origin of life is valid because they were able to experimentally produce which of the following?

F. The formation of inorganic molecules from simple organic molecules

G. The formation of organic molecules form simple inorganic molecules*

H. The synthesis of chemicals not previoulsy found in nature

J. The synthesis of optimal conditions for the origin of life


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