Characteristics of Life

Characteristics of Life

• Regulation

• Reproduction

• Respiration

• Growth

• Excretion

• Nutrition

• Transport

• Synthesis

Scientific Method: Conducting

Valid Experiments

➢ Problem

➢ Hypothesis

➢ Experiment

➢ Collect Data

➢ Conclusion


Invalid Experiments

o Sample size too small

o No control group

o Not repeated

Independent variable: The single

variable changed in an experiment

IE: Type of liquid added to plants

Dependent variable: measurable

outcome of the experiment

IE: Amount of plant growth

Control Group: “Normal”

unchanged test group.

IE. Plants grown with water

Dependent On a graph variables

Variable are placed as shown



Classification: 5 Kingdoms

✓ Animal: Multicellular

+ Heterotrophic

✓ Plant: Multicellual

+ Autotrophic

✓ Fungi: One or more cells

+ Decomposer

Feeds on dead organisms

✓ Protist: Unicellular

+ Nucleus

✓ Monera: Unicellular

+ no nucleus Ex. Bacteria

Scientific name:

Made using Genus, species

Ex: Canis lupus = wolf

Cells: Building blocks of life

Cell Theory: All living things are made of cells and come from other cells

Exception to Cell Theory: Viruses because they require a host organism.

Cell Membrane Structure: Lipid bilayer with chunks of protein. Called the

Fluid mosaic Model


Animal cell: Uses organelles to complete the cells jobs.

Has centrioles for mitosis

(plants do not)


Plant Cell: Has chloroplasts for photosynthesis and a cell wall for structure (animal cells do not)


Organelles and functions:

Nucleus: Controls cell

Cell Membrane: semi-permeable boundary of cell Mitochondria: Makes ATP for energy

Ribosomes: Makes protein

ER: Transport

Vacuole: Storage

Lysosomes: Destroy worn out parts

Golgi Complex: Package and ship

Cellular Organization: Organelles-Cells-Tissues-Organs -Organ Systems-Organism

One-celled organisms: Use

hair-like cilia or whip-like

flagella for movement



Carbohydrates: Quick energy. Building blocks are sugars

Made of Carbon, Hydrogen & Oxygen

1-chain carbs are called simple sugars or monosaccharides

3-chain or more carbs are called polysaccharides or starch

Most common simple sugar is Glucose C6H12O6

Monosaccharide/simple sugar/Glucose

Polysaccharide or Starch

Proteins: Building blocks are amino acids

Shape of protein determine its function

Common proteins are:

o P-igments

o E-nzymes

o A-ntibodies

o C-ell membrane

o H-ormones

o M-uscles

Enzymes: Shape-specific proteins that speed up, slow down reactions and put together or take apart molecules Enzymes attach to substrates in the Lock and Key Model


Lipids: Building blocks are 3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol

• [pic]

Lipids make up the double layered cell membrane

Lipids store great amounts of energy


Plants using CO2 + Light + H2O

to make Glucose and Oxygen


Autotrophic: makes its own food

Heterotrophic: must find its food

Photosynthesis vs. Cellular Respiration

The products of photosynthesis

Are the ingredients of cellular respiration i.e.

The reactions are reversed



Co2+H2O+Light energy =


Cellular Respiration:

Glucose+O2 =

Co2+H20+ATP energy

Leaf Cross Section:


Xylem: Tube moving water up

through roots

Phloem: Tube moving food

down from leaves

Stomate/Guard cell unit: Found in lower epidermis

Specialized cell used to take in oxygen and release Co2 and water vapor into the air.


Human Digestion:

Breaks down food into usable nutrients and indigestible roughage such as fiber


Mouth- Mechanical digestion here

Esophagus- tube - “peristalsis”

Stomach- Digests protein

Small Intestine: Absorbs most


Large Intestine: Absorbs Water

Liver: Removes toxins, makes bile

Gall Bladder: Stores bile which

breaks down fats

Pancreas: Produces digestive


Villi-Fingerlike projections lining Small Intestine and they increase surface area for absorption of nutrients

Human Respiration:

Air enters: nose or mouth, nasal cavity, throat or pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

Epiglottis: Flap covering trachea when swallowing

Larynx-voice box.

Diaphragm: Muscle that draws air into lungs


Exchange of gases: Takes place in alveoli. Co2 in the capillaries diffuses into alveoli to exit body, O2 in alveoli diffuses into blood



Movement of materials

Passive Transport: High to low No energy needed.

Examples: Include diffusion

and osmosis

Diffusion: Movement from high concentrations to low concentrations. Eventually

reaches equilibrium


Osmosis: Diffusion of H2O across a membrane

Active Transport: Low to High (like riding a bike uphill)

Energy (ATP) needed for active transport



The ability to resist disease

Pathogen: Any disease causing organism (viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasite)

Antigen: Any substance causing an immune response

Antibody: Shape specific protein released by white blood cells to attack antigen

Defense mechanisms

Skin, hair and nails

Stomach acid

White blood cells

Vaccine: A dead or weakened form of a disease-causing microorganism to stimulate production ofantibodies

AIDS: caused by HIV, disease weakens the immune system.


Controlling all activities in an organism to maintain homeostasis

Homeostasis: Stable internal


In Humans: 2 systems used are

Nervous and Endocrine

Nervous System:

Brain and Spinal Cord send and receive electrical messages

[pic] [pic]

Neurons: nerve cells that receive and transmit impulses

Receptor molecules: Shape-specific, receive messages

Impulse: an electrical message

Synapse: Space between neurons

Neurotransmitter: Carries message across synapse

Reflex: an involuntary response to a stimulus. Impulse travels to spinal cord first

Endocrine System: A system of glands that secrete hormones into the blood


Hormones: Shape specific

chemical messengers

Insulin: Hormone produced by pancreas that helps lower blood sugar

Nervous system: Fast electrical messages of short duration

Endocrine system: Slow chemical message of long duration

Feedback: An organism’s built-in

balancing system

Example: Sweating /shivering and insulin /glucagon



Removal of cellular waste

Plants use stomates

Protists use contractile vacuoles

Human Excretion:

Lungs-excrete Co2 and H2O

Skin-excretes sweat i.e. urea, salt and water

Kidneys-filter urea, water and salts from blood

Nephrons-millions of tiny filters in kidneys


Human Reproduction:

Female Reproductive System


Male Reproductive System




Late Development:



Making more living things

Asexual Reproduction:

1 parent, genetically identical offspring

Asexual Reproduction:

Binary fission, Sporulation

Regeneration, Budding, Vegetative propagation

[pic] [pic][pic]

[pic] [pic]

Sexual Reproduction: 2 parents, genetically diverse offspring

Gametes: sex cells

(eggs and sperm)

Fertilization: When egg and sperm unite forming a zygote

Fertilization: Can be internal (i.e.humans) or external (i.e. fish)

Differentiation: Process by which developing cells form

different types of tissues

Mitosis: Normal cell division.

2 daughter cells genetically

Identical to original parent cell

[pic]Meiosis: Cell division in the

sex cells.

Results in 4 daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell and accounts for variation in offspring


Genetics: the study of heredity

Heredity: the passing of genetic info from parents to offspring

Chromosomes: Structures found inside nucleus that contain genes.

Gene: a sequence of nucleotides found on a chromosome, that codes for a trait.

DNA: base pair found on the gene

Dominant: trait that appears

Recessive: the hidden trait


Mutation: any change in the genes or chromosomes.

Can only happen in sex cells

Types of Mutations:

➢ Crossing over

➢ Deletion-segment is lost

➢ Inversion

➢ Translocation


DNA is made of 4 bases-A-T-C-G

A pairs withT, C pairs with G

Each 3-letter codon represents a code for a specific amino acid (IE SER, THR, GLU, STOP)

In RNA, A-U, C-G

RNA carries genetic code to ribosomes and proteins are made

Selective Breeding: Makes plants and animals with desired traits

Genetic engineering: Inserting genes of one organisminto genes of another. Used for insulin in diabetics.



Change over time. Can result in a new species.

Theory of Natural Selection

1. Overproduction

2. Competition

3. Survival of the Fittest

4. Surviving genes passed on

Common error: Fitness does not mean strength.Fitness is determined by which organism fits into an environment. Example.: A penguin is more fit than a lion in

arctic conditions


Evolution: driven by a change in the environment and the environment determines which species will survive.

Common Error: Species evolve traits because they need them. Example.: Giraffe grows longer neck to reach food.

Truth: The existing long necked giraffe ate well when food became scarce and passed along genes

Variation: comes about by sexual reproduction and mutations

Gradualism: Evolution is slow

Punctuated equilibrium: Evolution happens quickly

Evidence for evolution:

Fossil record: Deeper fossils are usually older

[pic] [pic]

Homologous structures: similar body parts


Evolutionary trees: Show relationship between living and extinct species


The study of how organisms interact with their environment

Biodiversity: Variety of life on earth

Autotrophs: use energy from the sun to make food. Also called

Producers (usually plants)

Heterotrophs: Cannot make their own food. Also called


Energy pyramid: Diagram showing organism high on a food chain receiving the least amount of energy


Carrying capacity: maximum sustainable size of a population

Limiting Factor: what limits an organism’s success. IE: space, food, mates, water


Ecological Succession: Pioneer species to climax community

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Food Chains/Food Webs:

[pic] [pic]

Terms to know : omnivore,

herbivore, carnivore, predator, parasite, habitat, niche, biotic, abiotic, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere, symbiosis

Negative Human Impact: Over-population, pollution, destruction of natural resources, introduction of foreign species

Positive Human Impact: Recycling, conservation, tree farms, rotating crops, protection of habitats, alternative fuels,

State Labs

➢ 1. Making Connections

(Clothespin Lab)

➢ 2. Biodiversity

(Botana curis)

➢ 3. Beaks of Finches

➢ 4. Diffusion Through a Membrane

1. Making Connections


What you did: Squeezed clothespin for 1 min. then repeated

Main Idea: Muscles demand oxygen and they will fatigue without oxygen (make lactic acid which hurts).

Pulse is a measure of how fast your heart beats.

If your pulse is fast, blood is moving faster through the circulatory system.

The circulatory system delivers oxygen and glucose to your muscles. The mitochondria in the muscles takes glucose and oxygen and makes ATP.

The respiratory system sends oxygen to the blood. If you need more oxygen, you breathe faster. The circulatory system sends the oxygen to the muscles to make ATP (along with glucose).

2. Biodiversity/Botana Curis

What you did: Compared 4 species of plants structurally and molecularly

Main Idea: Related species share similar traits

Lab techniques such as gel electrophoresis and paper chromatography help determine relationships between organisms.

[pic] [pic]

3. Beaks of Finches:

What you did: Modeled different bird beaks competing for food

Main Idea: Different environmental conditions (food size) favor

The survival of different species of finch


4. Diffusion Through a Membrane:

What you did: Made a model cell using dialysis tubing

Put glucose and starch inside cell

Put brown starch indicator (iodine) outside cell

What you saw: Inside cell turned black because iodine diffused in

and reacted with starch

outside of cell didn’t change i.e. no starch diffused out

used blue glucose indicator (benedict’s) to see that

glucose diffused out of cell. sample turned brick red

when heated

Main Idea: Small molecules (iodine & glucose) can diffuse across a membrane

Large molecules (starch) cannot diffuse across a membrane

Indicators can be used to identify the presence of a substance

Part B.

What you did: Added salt water to an onion cell then added distilled water

Salt water shrunk the membrane of the onion cell, distilled

Water caused cell membrane to swell again

Main Idea: Salt water causes water to diffuse out of cell

The pure distilled water diffused into the cell

[pic] [pic]

In salt water In pure water






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