|Psychosocial conflict | |Humanistic movement |Humanistic-phenomenological |The freedom to be responsible |Western theories |

|Biological & psychic |PERSON |Human potential |The humanistic approach |Noogenic dimension |Lack of a personality theory from |

|determinism |Interactional view/reciprocal determinism |Self-actualisers |The phenomenological approach |A level of being beyond animal |an african perspective |

|The mechanistic assumption |Cognitive learning theorists |Healthy functioning | |existence | |

|(energy that drives the |Theory of specificity | |STRUCTURE |Self-transcendence |WORLDVIEW & PERSON |

|person) |Response specificity |PERSON |The organism |The transhuman dimension |Holistic approach |

| |Nature of situation, learning experiences,|The person’s dignity |The phenomenal field |Unconditionally meaningful |Anthropocentric ontology |

|STRUCTURE |expectations & behaviour |The person’s will to develop |The self concept |A highly personalised (personally|The macro-cosmos - god |

|Levels of consciousness | |The person’s functioning as an integrated | |accountable) way of being |The meso-cosmos – spirits, |

|- survival |STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS |whole |DYNAMICS |Dimension of meaning |sorcerers & shamans |

|- pleasure |Motivation | |The actualising tendency ) | |The micro-cosmos - individual in |

|- guilt |Bandura’s views of motivation |STRUCTURE |The need for positive regard |STRUCTURE |everyday collective existence |

|Id |Reciprocal determinism | |from others |The 3 dimensions of the | |

|Ego |Interaction btw environment & cognitive |DYNAMICS |The need for positive self |personality |COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING & THE CONCEPT|

|Superego |processes – expectations, consequences & |Deficiency & growth motives |regard |The physical dimension (1st level|OF TIME |

| |self-evaluation |Hierarchy of needs |Congruence & incongruence |of existence) (machine) |Intuition |

|DYNAMICS |Rotter – locus of control (internal & |Physiological needs |The role of the self concept in |Biochemical mechanism |Emotion |

|Characteristics of drives |external) |Safety needs |experience |The psychological dimension (2nd |Intuitive rationality |

|- source |Bandura – self-reflective/self-efficacy |Needs for affiliation & love |The role of the self concept in |level of existence) (animal) |2-dimensional |

|- impetus/energy | |Need for self-esteem |determining behaviour |Needs & drives |Past & present |

|- goal |LEARNING | | |The spiritual dimension (3rd |Actual time – events currently |

|- object |Reinforcement/punishment |A set of needs based on a person’s |DEVELOPMENT |level of existence) |happening/have already happened |

| |Direct |achievements |The development of the self |self-awareness |(Mbiti) |

|Types of drives |Vicarious (observational) |A set of needs related to the esteem of |concept |The spiritual core of the |Potential time - will definitely |

|Ego drives: individual |Self-reinforcement |others |Unconditional positive regard |personality |happen (Mbiti) |

|survival |Learning thru direct experience |Need for self-actualisation |Conditional positive regard |Personal ground | |

|Sexual drives: species |Observational learning (vicarious | | | |OPTIMAL LIVING & MENTAL HEALTH |

|survival |learning) |DEVELOPMENT |OPTIMAL DEVELOPMENT |DYNAMICS |Balanced use of left & right |

|Death drive: destruction of|Social learning |Development in accordance with the need |A growing openness to experience|The freedom of will |hemispheres of the brain |

|individual |The model, the observer & the reinforcing |hierarchy |An increasingly existential |Responsibility |Collective existence |

| |agent |Other paths to healthy development |lifestyle |The will to meaning | |

|Anxiety |Vicarious reinforcement, modelling, |Why self-actualisation is not always |Increasing organismic trust |Destitution & plenty |PSYCHOPATHOLOGY |

|- reality anxiety |imitation & counter-imitation |obtained (5 reasons): |Freedom of choice |Noogenic (spiritual) neurosis or | |

|- neurotic anxiety |Attention, retention & reproduction | |Creativity |depression |Health & ill-health - wholeness & |

|- moral anxiety | |Lack of self-knowledge & self-insight |Basic reliability & | |integration & fragmentation & |

| |Factors influencing observational learning|Obstructions |constructiveness |Physical & psychological needs |disintegration |

|Defence mechanisms | |Running away from one’s talents & |A rich, full life |Stepping stone towards spiritual | |

|- repression & | |responsibilities (the ‘Jonas complex’) | |goals |Role of ancestory, malignant |

|resistance |The nature of the modelled behaviour |Fear of having a superiority complex |PSYCHOPATHOLOGY |Pursuit of happiness |spirits & sorcers – disharmony |

|- projection |The characteristics of the model |Lack of integration within the individual |Defence mechanisms |Happiness is a by-product | |

|- reaction formation |The characteristics of the observer | |Distortion |Will to pleasure & will to power |PSYCHOTHERAPY |

|- rationalisation |The results of the model’s behaviour |OPTIMAL DEVELOPMENT |Denial |Existential emptiness |The verbal word |

|- fixation & regression |Self-efficacy |Accurate observation of reality |Malfunctioning |The meaning of life |Dreams |

|- identification | |Self-acceptance, accepting others & human | |Creative values |Family therapy |

|- displacement & |Learning thru self-regulation – |nature |IMPLICATIONS & APPLICATIONS |Experiential values | |

|sublimation |self-reinforcement |Spontaneity, simplicity & naturalness |Psychotherapy |Attitudinal values | |

| |Internal self-regulation |Task involvement |The therapeutic process | | |

|Dreams |External self-regulation |Exclusiveness: the need for privacy |Sincerity & congruence |DEVELOPMENT | |

|-latent | |Autonomy: being independent of culture & |unconditional acceptance/caring |Self-determining | |

|-manifest |DEVELOPMENT |environment |Empathy | | |

| | |Consistent renewal of appreciation |A spiritual dimension |OPTIMAL DEVELOPMENT | |

|Parapraxes |OPTIMAL DEVELOPMENT |Peak experience |Aggression |Self-determining action | |

| | |Social feeling | |Realistic perception | |

|DEVELOPMENT |PSYCHOPATHOLOGY |Interpersonal relationships | |Humour | |

|5 stages of development |Self-efficacy |The democratic character structure | |Self-trancendence (become more | |

|- oral | |Discrimination btw means & goals, & btw | |than) | |

|- anal |Cognitive styles/encoding strategies |good & evil | |Future directedness | |

|- phallic |Learnt helplessness |A philosophical, benevolent sense of humour| |Work as a vocation | |

|- latent | |Creativity | |Appreciation of goodness, beauty | |

|- genital |Internal or external locus of control: |Resistance against enculturation | |& truth | |

| |Stable or transient | | |Respect & appreciation for the | |

|OPTIMAL DEVELOPMENT |Globally or limited |PSYCHOPATHOLOGY/’HUMAN LIMITATION’ | |uniqueness of others | |

|Genital character | |Need gratification & pathology | |Meaning in suffering | |

| |IMPLICATIONS & APPLICATIONS |Gratification of needs | | | |

|IMPLICATIONS & APPLICATIONS|Psychotherapy |Over-gratification of needs | |PSYCHOPATHOLOGY | |

|Psychotherapy |Modelling | | |The noogenic neurosis | |

|- free association |Stress Inoculation |IMPLICATIONS & APPLICATIONS | |An unplanned day-to-day existence| |

|- dream analysis |Self-Regulation |Psychotherapy | |A fatalistic outlook on life | |

|- transference |Cognitive Therapy |Therapeutic context & role of the therapist| |Conformism | |

| | |Basic need therapy & insight therapy | |Totalitarianism | |

|Aggression |Aggression: | | |The human dignity of the | |

| |Genetic & Environmental Factors |Aggression: | |psychiatric patient (Frankl’s | |

| |Rewarded (Reinforced) |Biological survival | |psychiatric credo) | |

| |Observation |Security & safety survival | | | |

| |Reproduction |Affiliation & love survival | |IMPLICATIONS & APPLICATIONS | |

| |Physical Pain Etc | | |Psychotherapy – logotherapy | |

| |Persistence | | |Paradoxical intention – | |

| |Regulation | | |self-detachment & | |

| |Individual Contributions | | |self-transcendence | |

| | | | |Dereflection - self-detachment & | |

| | | | |self-transcendence | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Aggression | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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