T – Who Was William Shakespeare

|The English Renaissance- Shakespeare Name and #: |

|WebQuest Period: |

|Date: |

|DIRECTIONS: Visit the following web sites to learn about The English Renaissance and Shakespeare. If you visit another site for information, provide the web address. |

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|Define Renaissance: | |

| | |

|The English Renaissance was influenced by the art, literature, and|1. |

|philosophy of which two ancient countries? | |

| |2. |

|What were three characteristics of the English Renaissance? |1. |

|(consider religion, education, and politics) |2. |

| |3. |

|What were three achievements of the English Renaissance? |1. |

| |2. |

| |3. |

|Who was in power in England during the 16th and 17th centuries? | |

|1. What was a disaster that people faced during this period? |1. |

|2. How did this affect the theatres? | |

| |2. |

|What is the language used to write in during this period? (What | |

|type of English?) | |

|List the two great Elizabethan dramatist of this period. |1. |

| |2. |

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|Who was William Shakespeare? | |

|(List his three professions.) |1. 2. 3. |

|1. When and where was he born (mm/dd/yyyy)? |1. |

|2. Where did Shakespeare live (city, country)? |2. |

|3. When did he die (mm/dd/yyyy)? |3. |

|Tell 3 facts about Shakespeare’s personal life: (marriage, |1. |

|children, education, etc…) |2. |

| |3. |

|1. How many plays did Shakespeare write? |1. |

|2. What else did he write? |2. |

|Where did Shakespeare get his inspiration to write his plays? | |

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|What acting group was Shakespeare a part of? | |

|Where did Shakespeare perform his plays? (Name the theatre and its| |

|original and modern day location.) | |

|Why are there two locations? | |

|What did a flying flag at the theatre mean? | |

|What did Shakespeare’s audience want out of a play? | |

|What skills did Elizabethan actors have to have? |1. 4. |

| |2. 5. |

| |3. 6. |

|Why do you think these actors were called Elizabethan actors? | |

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|What 6 literary devices are reflective of Shakespeare’s |1. 4. |

|playwriting style? |2. 5. |

| |3. 6. |

|1. What is a Shakespearean sonnet? |1. |

|2. What is the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet? | |

| |2. |

|What is a couplet? Give an example from Shakespeare’s work. | |

|Define iambic pentameter. | |

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|What is blank verse? | |

|Define hyperbole. | |


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