Operations Handover Procedure


Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Document Title: Operations Handover

|Document ID |PR-1000 |

|Document Type |Procedure |

|Security |Unrestricted |

|Discipline |Engineering and Operations |

|Owner |Functional Operations Manager - UOP |

|Issue Date |July 2011 |

|Revision |5.0 |

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i. Document Authorisation

Authorised For Issue - July 2011


ii. Revision History

The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

|Revision No. |Date |Author |Scope / Remarks |

|5.0 |Jul-11 |Robin Norman (UOP6) |Review and Revalidation – Changes detailed in Addendum 2 |

| |Apr-11 |Robin Norman (UOP6) |Added Section 1.6 ALARP |

|4.0 |Feb-10 |Robin Norman (UOP6) |Review and Revalidation – Changes detailed in Addendum 1 |

|3.0 |Dec-06 |UEV11 |New format. Revised Forms. Revised Sections. General editorial|

| | | |corrections |

|1.0 |Oct,98 |UOP/1 |UOP/1 |

iii. Related Business Processes

|Code |Business Process (EPBM 4.0) |

|EP.71 |Produce Hydrocarbons |

|EP.72 |Maintain and Assure Facilities Integrity |

iv. Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the CMF Business Control Portal.

|CP-114 |Maintenance and Integrity Management - CoP |

|CP-115 |Operate Surface Product Flow Assets CoP |


1 Introduction 6

1.1 Background 6

1.2 Purpose 6

1.3 Distribution / Target Audience 6

1.4 Review and Improvement 7

1.5 Step-Out and Approval 7

1.6 ALARP 7

2 Roles and Responsibilities 8

3 Handover Forms and Documents 9

3.1 Operations Safety Critical Handover Form 9

3.1.1 Safety Systems/HSE/Permit to Work 9

3.1.2 Planning / Lookahead 9

3.1.3 Equipment / Facilities / Production 10

3.1.4 Actions Against Audit Findings 10

3.1.5 Additional Items 10

3.2 PTW Coordinator Safety Critical Handover Form 10

3.2.1 HSE/Permit to Work 10

3.2.2 Isolations in Place 10

3.2.3 EPI’s in Place and Checked 11

3.2.4 PTW / Isolations Audits Carried Out 11

3.3 Station Handover Checklist 11

3.4 Central Control Room Handover Sheet 11

3.5 Operations and PTW Coordinators Handover Information Notes Forms 11

4 Safety Critical Handover Procedure 12

4.1 Procedure Description 12

Appendix 1 – Abbreviations 14

Appendix 2 – Operations Handover Forms & Checklist 15

Appendix 3 – User Feedback Form 16

Addendum 1 – Changes at Revision 4.0 17

Addendum 2 – Changes at Revision 5.0 19


1 Background

The handover from the “outgoing” to “incoming” crew shall be carried in a formal and consistent manner and include all safety critical and relevant details to assure operating integrity and the safe, continuous and effective operation of the facility / station.

Analysis of accidents has repeatedly cited lack of effective communication as a major contributory factor and particularly where breaks in work continuity occur, as can be the case where a crew change takes place.

Handover notes that are not supported by clear and concise “verbal” communication often leads to misunderstanding as to the “true status” being conveyed. Misinterpretation of the handover documents may result because each individuals information needs are different. Ultimately these may impact upon asset performance through missed business opportunities and unplanned deferments.

To address the above all Safety Critical Operations personnel shall conduct a formal handover with both written and verbal actions, and where possible be of a minimum two hour duration. Where required the handover will be supplemented by Checklists and Handover Sheets.

2 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to provide direction for Operations personnel, in all areas, who are required to carryout crew changeovers. The requirement of handover will be verbal communication supplemented by a written handover report. The responsibility will be on both parties, outgoing and incoming, to ensure that the handover ensures an accurate transfer of information, with sufficient clarity to avoid ambiguities.

3 Distribution / Target Audience

The following personnel shall have knowledge and / or awareness of this procedure and its intent:

• Delivery Team Leaders

• Production and Maintenance Coordinators

• Production and Maintenance Supervisors

• Central Control Room Operators

• Area Authorities and Station Operators

• Contractor staff in Safety Critical Positions

• Area HSE Advisors

• Well Supervisors

4 Review and Improvement

This document shall be subject to review by the Document Owner / Document Custodian every 3 years from the last date of issue.

At any time during this period the document ‘Users’ may request the contents to be reviewed and revised. Requests for review and revision shall be made in writing to the Document Custodian using the ‘User Feedback Page’ or by sending a ‘Marked Up’ copy of the document. The decision to review or revise the document shall rest with the Functional Production Team Leader UOP, the Owner.

5 Step-Out and Approval

This Document is Mandatory. Step-Out shall be in accordance with PR-1001e – Operations Procedure Temporary Variance.


ALARP is the acronym for ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’ which simplified means, ‘reducing the risk to a level at which the cost and effort (time and trouble) of further risk reduction are grossly disproportionate to the risk reduction achieved’. Full Compliance to PDO Standards and Procedures is a key element in achieving ALARP.

For more details refer to ALARP Definition

Roles and Responsibilities

|Delivery Team Leader |Have knowledge of the procedure and ensure compliance with it. |

| |Identify Safety Critical Positions that require formal crew change handovers. |

|Production Coordinator |Ensure compliance to the procedure. |

| |Issue / control Form templates. |

| |Establish and maintain an archiving system on location and ensure it is accessible to |

| |all personnel |

| |Review processes bi-annually and recommend improvements where applicable. |

|Supervisors |Ensure compliance with the procedure and identify improvements where applicable. |

| |Ensure that ‘Station Handover Checklist and Production Facility Handover’ forms are |

| |compiled, maintained and sustained. |

| |Ensure ‘Face to Face’ interviews are conducted. |

| |Administer archive of handover documents for a minimum period of not less than twelve |

| |(12) months. |

|Operations Staff in Safety |Have knowledge of the procedure and ensure compliance with it. |

|Critical Positions |Feedback comments on improvement as required to their line supervisors |

| |Inform Line Supervisors when compliance to the procedure can not be made. |

Handover Forms and Documents

Adherence to this procedure is mandatory for all personnel who are required to handover to their opposite numbers (oncoming crew) information that is safety critical and could affect the safe operation of the facility / station.

The procedure shall cover normal rotational or extended crew changes and additionally any works being carried out over a prolonged period that involve the working of more than one complete crew, such as maintenance campaigns, well service works etc,.

Handover notes / instructions shall be entered on to the appropriate Form and archived for future reference on completion of the handover. This shall ensure that personnel in key positions shall be able to reference historical as well as current information regarding work in progress or completed. The archived information shall be accessible to all personnel. Compliance shall ensure that the records can be audited.

1 Operations Safety Critical Handover Form

The Operations Safety Critical Handover Form (PDO PR-1000_1 Rev1) is provided for use during the handover process. The form ensures that all safety critical information is captured and documented in a format that is easily understood by the incoming party. The form is an integral part of the handover process.

The Operations Safety Critical Handover Form is raised by the outgoing party and is used in conjunction with the formal verbal handover to ensure the incoming party is made aware of changes or activities which could have an immediate impact upon the safe operation of processes and equipment within their area of responsibility.

On completion of the handover, including a site inspection if required, both outgoing and incoming parties shall acknowledge this transfer of information by signing the form as indicated.

The outgoing party is also required to provide a contact, telephone or email, where practically possible so that information can be obtained in the event of an emergency.

The Operations Safety Critical Handover Form has five (5) distinct sections which are:

1 Safety Systems/HSE/Permit to Work

This section is used to enter safety critical information relating to safety systems which are operationally affected through isolations, breakdowns or unavailability. Included here should be:

• F&G systems

• ESD systems

• Safety and relief systems

• Personnel / plant / equipment / environmental protection systems

• HSE related issues

• Permit to Work system (work in progress or planned)

2 Planning / Lookahead

This section is used to highlight key planning issues and forthcoming events / operation which will / may impact on the short and long term decision making. Operational or maintenance shutdowns planned or proposed should be included here.

3 Equipment / Facilities / Production

This section is used to highlight changes in equipment integrity and / or operating conditions and parameters. Any issue that effects the operating process conditions or performance requires to be entered here.

4 Actions Against Audit Findings

This section is used to record actions carried out or in progress to meet and comply with audit findings. After any audit a list of ‘Action Items’ will be compiled and target dates as to when these actions shall be addressed and closed out. By recording status / progress on safety critical items required to be completed work is not repeated of delayed due to uncertainty.

5 Additional Items

This section is used to highlight safety critical information that does not necessarily come under any of the above, but that may or will have a major impact on the area of authority i.e. service road closures, weather conditions, power interruptions, communications etc,.

2 PTW Coordinator Safety Critical Handover Form

The PTW Coordinator Safety Critical Handover Form (PDO PR-1000_6 Rev0) is similar to the Operations and is completed by the outgoing PTW Coordinator. The form ensures that all safety critical information with respect to PTW is captured and documented in a format that is easily understood by the incoming party. In the same manner the form is an integral part of the handover process.

On completion of the handover, including a site inspection if required, both outgoing and incoming parties shall acknowledge this transfer of information by signing the form as indicated.

Like the Operations Safety Critical Handover, the outgoing party is also required to provide a contact, telephone or email, where practically possible so that information can be obtained in the event of an emergency.

The PTW Coordinators Safety Critical Handover Form has five (5) distinct sections which are:

1 HSE/Permit to Work

This section is used to enter safety critical information relating to the PTW at the location.

HSE information should be that which affects the efficient and safe application of the PTW system on site. Such things covered will be, Job Safety Plans, safe handling of toxics and chemicals, adherence to TRIC etc.

Safety critical information affecting the PTW can be any work being planned or in progress that could or may have compliance impact. This could be work that is being undertaken which does not exactly fit a category listed in Section 3.5 of PR-1172, or where a concern has been identified and recorded.

2 Isolations in Place

This section is used to list the work in progress where isolations are still in place and that require to be audited.

3 EPI’s in Place and Checked

This section is used to identify any EPI’s in place and reference them to the isolation wall. Included here will be information on when they ewere last checked and when the next check is due.

4 PTW / Isolations Audits Carried Out

This section is used to record compliance audits undertaken during the shift on PTW certificates issued and / or isolations applied and still being maintained.

3 Station Handover Checklist

The Station Handover Checklist (PDO PR-1000_2 Rev1) will be used by operators to check that records and logs have been completed correctly prior to the handover. It will also record major activities completed or ongoing and provide a look-a-head. The attached Checklist can be modified to meet the requirements of the specific Station.

4 Central Control Room Handover Sheet

The Central Control Room Handover Sheet (PDO PR-1000_3 Rev1) will be used in a similar manner to the Station Handover Checklist but will capture information that has more relevance to the conditions affecting all areas under the surveillance of the CCR. The Handover Sheet will provide the incoming CCR Operator with a sound overview of current and proposed operations and work within the areas.

5 Operations and PTW Coordinators Handover Information Notes Forms

The Operations Handover Information Notes Form (PDO PR-1000_4) and the PTW Coordinators Information Notes Form (PDO PR-1000_5) should contain the remaining handover information which does not have an immediate impact upon operations or safety.

The sections included on the Form should in the most part address the needs but extra “topics” can be included as required. The notes are intended to support the handover process by providing reference information. On completion the Form shall be attached to the Operation Safety Critical Handover Form.

The person compiling the Form shall decide the level of detail required taking in to consideration that the Form is intended to be used in conjunction with a verbal formal handover. In general bulleted points should be used to stress the items that are included. Any supporting documents such as diaries, logbooks, subordinate’s handover reports, copies of permits, etc. should be included if warranted.

If required a site visit should be included to compliment the handover notes.

Safety Critical Handover Procedure


Safety Critical Handover Flow Diagram

1 Procedure Description

|Activity No. |Description |

|1. |Outgoing personnel required to adhere with this procedure should review the previous Safety Critical |

| |Handover Form and documentation relating to their specific position and identify areas of concern or |

| |any major changes that have occurred since the last crew change. |

|2. |Outgoing Crew Change personnel should access the Safety Critical Handover Form relating to their |

| |specific position and complete the relevant information. |

| |NOTE: The links to the forms can be found on the UOP Home Page under UOP6 or within Section 3 of this |

| |procedure. |

|3. |Outgoing Crew Change personnel should access the relevant Handover Information Form and complete the |

| |relevant information. |

| |The Operations Handover Information Form will be attached to the Operations Safety Critical Handover |

| |Form when completed. |

|4. |Outgoing Crew Change personnel should obtain all other relevant documentation such as subordinates |

| |handover reports, log sheets, logbooks, memos, reports etc,. Additionally completion of either or both|

| |of the Station Handover Checklist and Central Control Room Handover Sheet should be carried out if |

| |required. |

| |All information should be collected together and contained as a Safety Critical Handover Pack. |

|5. |The Incoming Crew Change personnel in safety critical positions will review the Safety Critical |

| |Handover Pack. |

|6. |For all safety critical handovers a “face-to face” verbal transfer of information should be conducted |

| |between outgoing and incoming personnel. The meeting should last sufficiently long enough for all |

| |points on the Safety Critical Handover Form and Handover Information Form to be addressed |

|7. |Conduct an onsite visit to supplement the ‘face to face’ meeting. |

| |Where possible the visit will be conducted and time allocated in the handover to achieve this. |

|8. |On conclusion of the “face-to face” meeting and site vist the Safety Critical Handover Form will be |

| |signed by both parties. |

| |NOTE: If Station Handover Checklist and Central Control Room Handover Sheet are presented then these |

| |must be checked for signature as well. |

|9. |On completion of the site inspection (if required) all necessary documentation will be transferred |

| |from the outgoing to the incoming personnel and the handover will be concluded. |

|10. |The Handover documentation shall be archived at the location for a minimum of 12 months. Storage in |

| |the archive should be in such a manner that access can be made to the documents if required by all |

| |personnel. |

Appendix 1 – Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this Procedure.

|CFDH |Corporate Functional Discipline Head |

|CMF |Corporate Management Framework |

|ESD |Emergency Shutdown |

|ESP |Electric Submersible Pump |

|F&G |Fire and Gas |

|HSE |Health, Safety and Environment |

|PDO |Petroleum Development Oman |

Appendix 2 – Operations Handover Forms & Checklist

Guidance on Completing Forms and Checklists

• The Forms and checklist are prepared electronically in Microsoft Word in “Tabular” format. The forms and checklist can be completed electronically or hardcopy if required.

• Because the format is tabular, “fields” can be extended by creating extra rows. This action may extend the form / checklist in to more than one page. Page numbers will be automatically updated at the foot of the page.

• In the most part the “field” will duplicate but in some instances, as with the “YES” “NO” entries, these will have to be inserted.

• Once the Forms / Checklist has been completed it can be printed out.

• When accessing the Forms via the link download the required form using the ‘Download’ option.

The Operation Handover Forms and Checklist are maintained in LiveLink on the UOP Teampage and can be accessed using the following link;

Operations Handover Forms and Checklist

Appendix 3 – User Feedback Form

|[pic] |PR-1000 – Operations Handover Procedure User Feedback Page |

| |Any user who identifies an inaccuracy, error or ambiguity is requested to notify the custodian so that |

| |appropriate action can be taken. The user is requested to return this page fully completed, indicating |

| |precisely the amendment(s) recommended. |

|Name: | |

|Ref ID | |Date: | |

| |

|Page Ref: |Brief Description of Change Required and Reasons |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|To: |UOP7 |

| |Custodian of Document |Date: | |

Addendum 1 – Changes at Revision 4.0

|Page |Description of Change |

| |Added EP.72 to Related business Processes |

|6. |Section 1.1 Background redrafted to read |

| |‘The handover from the “outgoing” to “incoming” crew shall be carried in a formal and consistent manner and |

| |include all safety critical and relevant details to assure operating integrity and the safe, continuous and |

| |effective operation of a facility. |

| |Analysis of accidents has repeatedly cited lack of effective communication as a major contributory factor and |

| |particularly where breaks in work continuity occur, as can be the case where a crew change takes place. |

| |Handover notes that are not supported by clear and concise “verbal” communication often leads to |

| |misunderstanding as to the “true status” being conveyed. Misinterpretation of the handover documents may result |

| |because each individuals information needs are different. Ultimately these may impact upon asset performance |

| |through missed business opportunities and unplanned deferments. |

| |To address the above all Safety Critical Operations personnel shall conduct a formal handover with both written |

| |and verbal actions, and where possible be of a minimum two hour duration. Where required the handover will be |

| |supplemented by Checklists and Handover Sheets.’ |

| |Section 1.2 – Purpose redrafted to read |

| |‘The purpose of this procedure is to provide direction for Operations personnel, at all areas, who are required |

| |to carryout crew changeovers. The requirement of handover will be verbal communication supplemented by written a|

| |handover report. The responsibility will be on both parties, outgoing and incoming, to ensure an accurate |

| |transfer of information and a process for dealing with ambiguities or insufficient clarity’. |

| |Removed reference to Forms at this point |

|6. |Section 1.3 changed Control Room operator to Station Operator |

|6 |Removed Section 1.4 – Structure of Document |

|6 |Moved Roles and Responsibilities to Section 2 |

|6 |Moved ‘Abbreviations and Definitions’ to Appendix |

| |Simplified the Step-Out Statement |

| |Section 2 – Roles and Responsibilities – Added ‘Operations Staff in Safety Critical Positions’ |

|9. |Section 3 Handover Forms & Documents redrafted initial statement |

| |‘Adherence to this procedure is mandatory for all personnel who are required to handover to their opposite |

| |numbers (oncoming crew) information that is safety critical and could affect the safe operation of the facility |

| |/ station. |

| |The procedure shall cover normal rotational or extended crew changes and additionally any works being carried |

| |out over a prolonged period that involve the working of more than one complete crew, such as maintenance |

| |campaigns, well service works etc,. |

| |Handover notes / instructions shall be entered on to the appropriate Form and archived for future reference on |

| |completion of the handover. This shall ensure that personnel in key positions shall be able to reference |

| |historical as well as current information regarding work in progress or completed. The archived information |

| |shall be accessible to all personnel. Compliance shall ensure that the records can be audited.’ |

|10 |Added Section 3.1.4 – Actions Against Audit Findings. Renumbered remaining sub-sections accordingly |

|10 |Section 3.2 Station Handover Checklist redrafted to read |

| |‘The Station Handover Checklist (PDO PR-1000_2) will be used by operators to check that records and logs have |

| |been completed correctly prior to the handover. It will also record major activities completed or ongoing and |

| |provide a look-a-head. The attached Checklist can be modified to meet the requirements of the specific Station.’|

|10 |Section 3.3 Production Facilities Handover Form renamed to ‘Central Control Room Handover Sheet’ and redrafted |

| |‘The Central Control Room Handover Sheet (PDO PR-1000_3) will be used in a similar manner to the Station |

| |Handover Checklist but will capture information that has more relevance to the conditions affecting all areas |

| |under the surveillance of the CCR. The Handover Sheet will provide the incoming CCR Operator with a sound |

| |overview of current and proposed operations and work within the areas.’ |

| |Removed Section 3.5 and placed in Appendix 2 |

|13 |Section 4.1 – Production Facilities Handover Form changed to read Central Control Room Handover Sheet |

|Multi |Dynamic links added to Handover Forms |

| |Section 3.5 Step 2 3rd sentence changed ‘Page numbers will be automatically updated at the foot of the page.’ |

| |Step 5 changed ‘When accessing the Forms via the link download the required form using the ‘Download’ option’. |

Addendum 2 – Changes at Revision 5.0

|Page |Description of Change |

| |New Cover Sheet |

|6 |Section 1.1 Background – 1st para changed to read “the facility / station” |

| |Section 1.2 Purpose – last sentence changed to read “The responsibility will be on both parties, outgoing and |

| |incoming, to ensure that the handover ensures an accurate transfer of information, with sufficient clarity to |

| |avoid ambiguities.” |

|10 |Added Section 3.2 (renumber all subsequent sections) PTW Coordinator Safety Critical Handover Form |

|11 |Amended Section 3.5 to include PTW Coordinator Handover Information Notes. |

|12. |Added ‘Flow Diagram’ in place of ‘swim lane’ |

| |Amended procedure |



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