Mr. Gibson's Social Studies Classes

US History

Chapter 1 Creating a Nation Beginnings to 1877

Section 1: Origins of the American Nation

A. Pre-Columbian America:

1. Bering Strait: 15,000-30,000 B.C.

a. What is it?

b. What purpose did it serve?

2. Farming

a. How did it change people?

b. What types of crops were grown?

3. Civilizations:

a. Define –

b. Angel Mounds (Hopewell)

c. Mounds Park

d. Cahokia

4. Olmecs – Central America – 1500-1200 B.C.

a. 1st American civilization

5. Native American Tribes:

a. Foods –

b. Resources –

c. Pros and Cons of their areas –

d. Compare and contrast all areas – Best location, worst location, etc.

6. Early Modern Europe:

a. Renaissance:

b. Reformation:

7. Origins of America:

a. Exploration:

* Who came to America?

* What did they want?

* Where did they land?

* When did they arrive?

b. Spain:

* Christopher Columbus

* Amerigo Vespucci

* Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

c. New Spain:

* Hernando Cortes

* Aztecs

-- Tenochtitlan/Mexico City

-- Lake Texcoco

d. New France:

* Who explored America?

* What areas were founded or claimed?

B. Settling the Thirteen Colonies:

1. English Exploration:

* 1497, 1498 – John Cabot

* 1600’s – England established a colony at Jamestown in 1607.

2. Jamestown, Virginia (1607):

* Leaders saw colonies as a source of raw materials and a market for finished goods.

* Founded by a joint-stock company (private investors that supported projects to make profits.)

* The colony overcame obstacles with help from Native Americans from the Powhatan

Confederacy. They prospered growing tobacco.

* 1622 – Native Americans attacked Jamestown after its population steadily grew, causing the British

government to revoke its charter, and declare it a royal colony (under direct control of the king).

3. The New England Colonies:

* The Pilgrims: known as “Separatists or Puritans” – left Church of England because they thought it

was too corrupt. In 1620, many came to America on the Mayflower.

* Plymouth, Massachusetts

* Mayflower Compact – (a plan of self government created by Puritans)

* Religious intolerance led to the formation of other colonies.

* Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson were dissenters that established new areas.

4. The Middle Colonies:

* 1609 – Henry Hudson – explores the Hudson River valley for the Dutch, which is called New

Netherland. Their settlement of New Amsterdam eventually became New York.

* 1681 – William Penn established Pennsylvania for the Quakers (non-violent people).

5. The Southern Colonies:

* North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia – tobacco, rice, and deerskins were key products.

* Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA were key settlements.

* Georgia acted as a buffer between the British colonies and Spanish controlled Florida.

* Indentured servants – many English debtors agreed to work for at least four years in

order to pay for their previous debt, ship’s passage, and their basic needs.

B. Settling the Thirteen Colonies:

1. English Exploration:

* 1497, 1498 – John ____________________

* 1600’s – England established a colony at ___________________ in 1607.

2. Jamestown, Virginia (1607):

* Leaders saw colonies as a source of raw _______________ and a market for finished goods.

* Founded by a joint-stock company (_________ investors that supported projects to make profits.)

* The colony overcame obstacles with help from Native Americans from the ______________

Confederacy. They prospered growing _____________________.

* 1622 – Native Americans attacked Jamestown after its population steadily grew, causing the British

government to revoke its _____________________, and declare it a royal colony (under direct

control of the king).

3. The New England Colonies:

* The Pilgrims: known as “Separatists or _________” – left Church of England because they thought it

was too corrupt. In 1620, many came to America on the _______________________.

* Plymouth, Massachusetts

* Mayflower __________________ – (a plan of self government created by Puritans)

* Religious intolerance led to the formation of other colonies.

* Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson were ___________________ that established new areas.

4. The Middle Colonies:

* 1609 – Henry ____________ – explores the Hudson River valley for the Dutch, which is called New

Netherland. Their settlement of New Amsterdam eventually became New ___________.

* 1681 – William ____________ established Pennsylvania for the Quakers (non-violent people).

5. The Southern Colonies:

* North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia – tobacco, rice, and deerskins were key products.

* __________________, SC and Savannah, GA were key settlements.

* ______________ acted as a buffer between the British colonies and Spanish controlled Florida.

* Indentured servants – many English debtors agreed to work for at least ___________ years in

order to pay for their previous debt, ship’s passage, and their basic needs.

C. The American Revolution:

* Introductory Question: Why did the colonists fight a war for independence

against Great Britain?

1. List some of the new ideas that influenced the colonists?

2. How did the following impact the relationship between Britain and the colonies?

a. French and Indian War (1750’s)

b. Proclamation of 1763

c. Stamp Act / Sugar Act

d. Declaration of Rights and Grievances (1765)

e. Townshend Acts (1767)

f. Boston Massacre (1770)

g. Committees of Correspondence

h. Boston Tea Party (1773)

i. Intolerable Acts

j. Colonial boycotts

3. Declaration of Independence: July 4, 1776

a. First Continental Congress

* Results?

b. Second Continental Congress

* Results?

4. The Revolutionary War:

a. Guerilla warfare

b. What was significant about the following battles?

* Saratoga (1777)

* Yorktown (1781)

c. Treaty of Paris (1783)

Closing Question: What factors helped the American colonists win their independence?


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