TO: - Presbytery of Charlotte

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1PRESBYTERY OF CHARLOTTERECOMMENDATION FOR AN ORDINATION and/or INSTALLATION COMMISSIONThe following persons are recommended for the Commission:___________________________________________ as Pastor (Associate Pastor) of ______________________________________ Presbyterian Church, at _______________ AM or PM, on _________________________________, ________________,at (place) _________________________________________________________. MINISTERSNAMECHURCH/OTHERfrom CHARLOTTE1.______________________________________________________________PRESBYTERY(4 from different2.______________________________________________________________churches)3.______________________________________________________________4.______________________________________________________________ELDERSNAMEand CHURCHCHURCH/OTHERfrom CHARLOTTE1. _____________________________________________________________PRESBYTERY(4 from different2. _____________________________________________________________churches)3. _____________________________________________________________4. _____________________________________________________________Guest Minister(s): Name: ________________________Presbytery: _____________________________Name: _____________________________Presbytery: _____________________________Guest Elder(s):Name: _____________________________Presbytery: _____________________________Name: _____________________________Presbytery: _____________________________The following assignments are made to Commission members:MODERATOR: __________________________________________________________________(The Moderator will preside and propound questions unless otherwise indicated.)PREACHER: _____________________________________________________________________CHARGE THE PASTOR (ASSOCIATE PASTOR):___________________________________CHARGE THE PEOPLE: __________________________________________________________A Commission of Presbytery shall consist of not less than eight members, with at least four Ministers and four Elders. The quorum of a Commission shall be at least two-thirds of its membership. A Commission should be broadly representative of Presbytery. The Committee on Ministry requests, therefore, that you have four Ministers and four Elders from eight different churches of the Presbytery of Charlotte to serve on your Commission. Guest Ministers and/or Elders from other presbyteries must be invited by Presbytery of Charlotte to participate in the Service.Mail this copy to:Tamara Williams, Stated Clerk2831 N. Sharon Amity Rd, Suite A, Charlotte, NC 28205-6699Or Email to: tamara.williams@ PRESBYTERY OF CHARLOTTE SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1SERVICE OF ORDINATION/INSTALLATION GUIDELINESWhen planning the Ordination/Installation of a pastor or a minister to another called work, first read in the BOOK OF ORDER:G-2.06, W-4.404Ordination of Minister of Word and SacramentW-4.4006Installation of Minister of Word and SacramentThe Presbytery appoints a Commission of its members to conduct the installation (and ordination if necessary). In addition, the Presbytery may invite minsters and elders from outside the Presbytery to sit with the Commission. To the extent possible, all Commission members should be involved in the leadership of the service, reading Scripture, leading prayers, etc.The moderator of the Commission, designated by Presbytery, convenes the Commission before the service. The candidate for ordination/installation should attend this meeting. The Commission can adjourn with the benediction.Minutes are forwarded by the secretary of the Commission to the Stated Clerk.The order of service should proceed as follows:The Service for the Lord’s Day or the normal order of service shall focus on Christ and the joy and responsibility of the mission and ministry of the church, with a sermon appropriate to the occasion. The Commission calls the congregation to worship. If an offering is to be received at an ordination or installation service, you are encouraged to donate funds to either the Presbytery’s Crisis Fund for Church Professionals.At the end of the service, when most congregations have the Service of Holy Communion, the Ordination/Installation Service should proceed as follows:Nature and Importance of Service - Moderator of CommissionConstitutional Questions to Candidate/Minister- Moderator of Commission (all questions for both ordination and installation)Constitutional Questions to Congregation - Member of Commission from the installing congregation.Candidate for ordination shall kneel for prayer and laying on of hands by Commission and guests invited to sit with Commission (W-4.4005b) – Minister previously ordained who is being installed shall stand, if able, for the prayer of installation.Prayer of Ordination/Installation - Member of CommissionDeclaration of Ordination/Installation - Moderator of CommissionWelcome (handshake) by Commission and others as appropriate Charges: To Pastor/Associate Pastor- Member of Commission To Congregation - Member of CommissionThe newly installed minister may make brief statement and shall pronounce the benediction After the installation service, the officers and members of the church should come forward to their Pastor (Associate Pastor) and give him/her an appropriate expression of cordial reception and affectionate regard.Revised January 2020 ................

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