Precept Upon Precept

Precept Upon Precept Lesson 1

KP #3 Passing the Mantle 2 Kings 1-4

Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?

|2 Kings 1 |2 Kings 2 |2 Kings 3 |2 Kings 4 |

| (Jezebel) | | | |

|Ahab |Lord was about to take up Elijah |Moab rebelled against Israel |Elisha- M____ of ______ |

| |Elisha : I will not leave you | |Five MIRACLES! |

| | |1. Jehoram, king of _________ | |

|Ahaziah |Elijah-divides waters of Jordan with his mantle …they |2. Jehoshaphat, king of ________ |1. Oil multiplied for widow & her sons to pay debt |

| |cross over on dry ground |3. King of _________ | |

|Is it b/c there is no | | | |

|God in Israel that you |Elisha: please give me a |let’s go “teach ‘em a lesson”! |2. (At Gehazi’s suggestion) -Shunamite woman conceives son|

|going to inquire of Baal- |“double-portion” | | |

|zebub, god of Ekron? |of your spirit |Problem? ______________ | |

| | | |3. Shunamite woman’s son dies- brought to life again! |

|…you will die! | |Jehoshaphat- Is there not a prophet of the Lord here that |“It is well” |

| |--hard thing: but IF you see me when I am taken, it shall |we may inquire? | |

|Jehoram |be so | | |

| | |Elisha- Thus says the Lord… |4. “Death in the pot” healed for sons of the prophets by |

| |Elijah taken up! |you will do great damage and He will give Moabites into |throwing in meal |

| | |your hand (a slight thing) | |

| |Elisha picks up the mantle | | |

| |re-crosses the Jordan |…Israel succeeded for a time, but Moab rallied b/c the |5. barley, grain multiplied to feed 100 sons of the |

| | |king |prophets |

| |Sons of the Prophets |sacrificed ___________ |Lord: They shall eat and have some left over |

| |spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha! |and Israel returned to their own land. | |

| |but, sent 50 men to search for Elijah (unsuccessfully) | | |

| | | | |

| |Jericho: Bad water! | | |

| |Elisha purifies with salt from a new jar. | | |

| | | | |

| |Bethel: Bad boys! | | |

| |Go up, baldy! | | |

| |Elisha curses in name of Lord | | |

| |2 bears tear up 42 of them | | |

| | | | |

What am I doing with the MANTLE I’ve been given?


John the Baptist- called to minister “in the spirit & power of Elijah”!

Luke 1:16-17

• turn back many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God

• turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children

• turn the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous

• make ready a people prepared for the Lord


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