Bus Industry Safety Council


Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Sunday, January 11, 2015

7:30 am – 9:15 am…St. Louis, MO.

January 2015 BISC Executive Committee Attendees:

Chairman – Stephen Evans, Pacific Western Group of Companies

Vice-Chairman – Al Smith, Greyhound Lines

Secretary – Dan Tomlinson, Indian Trails

Government Activities Review Committee Chairman – Mike Horak, Academy Bus Lines

Vice Chairman- William Norris, Jefferson Lines

Human Performance Committee Chairman – Mike Ferianc, Coach USA

Vice Chairman- Rick Vaillancourt, Cyr Bus Line

Security Committee Chairman – Lynette McMillan, Greyhound

Vice Chairman- Liliana Aguilar, Omnibus Express

Vehicle Technical Operations Committee Chairman – John Oakman, Coach USA

Vice-Chairman -Jeffrey Gilchrest, Prevost

Workplace Health and Environment Safety Committee Chairman – Pam Martinez, DATTCO

Non-Builder Supplier Representative- Matthew Daecher, Daecher Consulting Group Inc.

At Large Member – Charles Corder, Coach USA

At Large Member- Chris Crean, Peter Pan Lines

Coach Builder Supplier Member – Louis Hotard, ABC Companies

ABA Strategic Safety Committee Chairman - Alan Glickman, Starr Bus Charter & Tours

Government Agency Representative – Loretta Bitner, Chief of Passenger Carrier Safety Division, FMCSA

Insurance Supplier Member – Bob Crescenzo, Lancer Insurance

Immediate Past Chairman – Mike McDonal- Eyre Bus Tour and Travel

BISC Executive Director – Brandon Buchanan, ABA

The meeting was called to order at 9:15 am by Stephen Evans, Chairman

Attendees were welcomed by Chairman Evans followed by self-introductions

Chairman Evans announced Brandon Buchanan as the new Executive Director for BISC

Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery were sent out to Col. Mike Licata as he is having health issues

Counsel’s Statement, Brandon Buchanan:

- Brandon read the anti-trust guidelines that prohibit the discussion of routes, rates, and/or services at any time during these BISC meetings.

Minutes of the December 2014 Executive Committee Conference call were reviewed and then approved/accepted by the Committee

Discussion regarding the printing of the meeting schedule and making sure that it is more clear to those trying to attend different sessions/meetings

Chairman Evans talked about former Chairman Mike McDonal and his efforts in making the BISC successful during his tenure.

• The transition to the new officers was very smooth

• The new format of the meetings that allows members to take in more sessions and not spend as much time in committee meetings

• Formation of the Norm Littler Safety Award

• Standing Rules and BISC Mission have been updated and improved

Chairman Evans

• Read the new BISC mission Statement and then asked and received a heart-felt thank you from the group to outgoing Chairman McDonal.

• Went through a list of goals for the Executive Committee

o Better define the roles of those involved with BISC

o Better serve our members by giving them “takeaways”

o Fine tune the focus of the BISC with the emphasis on “Safety”

o Expand our membership

o Become more financially independent by adding sponsors

• Went through a slide presentation of how the flow of the BISC works and what it does

• Explained that moving forward, all minutes and information from BISC and its committees will be on the ABA Website

• Talked about the “Takeaways”-went through 4 lists of top violations from

o FMCSA regarding drivers

o FMCSA regarding vehicles



• Asked that the group suggest to members of BISC that they select one topic from each of these lists and try and go back to their companies and shore up that area. This would hopefully help our members to move safety forward within their organization and a group discussion was held on how to work through this process

o Bob Crescenzo then added that we should also encourage all to bring someone to the next meeting that is not at the Winter meeting

o Discussion on how to get the smaller companies involved in these types of items the way that the larger companies do and help get them direction on where and how they can find and use the information

• Discussion of the budget shortage for BISC. Stephen thanked the sponsors that we do have and encouraged everyone to try and get more sponsors for the future of the BISC and to pass that information on to Jana Fields at ABA

• Discussion on submitting articles to Equip magazine and that they would like to have articles from us regularly. Encouraged the chairs and all others to submit. An assignment to Human Performance committee Chairman Mike Ferianc to submit the next article

o Brandon added that the schedule of BISC meetings are included in the back of the EQUIP magazine

• Discussion about BISC member surveys

o Are they useful

o How should we get them out

o There is little response to surveys at this time

o Decision to give the surveys at the end of each session to try and illicit more response

• Norm Littler Safety Award Committee

o Committee Members were introduced

o Chris Crean discussed how the award was decided

o Mike McDonal discussed how he came up with the idea to create this award to honor Norm Littler for all he had done for BISC

o Pete Worthington was named as the first recipient of the Award and this will be announced at the ABA General Opening Session

• Charlie Corder discussed the trip that he and Chris Crean took to the Philippines

• Alan Glickman covered the information that came from the Strategic Safety Committee and the issues and items that they would like to see discussed and integrated into the committee work

o Electronic logging

o Hours of Service

o Driver Fatigue

o Driver Training

o DOT Audits

o Medical Exams

o Bus Fires

o Sleep Apnea-Separate trucks from busses

o Uniform State Inspections

Standing Committee Assignments were made as follows:

1. Government Activities-Hours of Service

2. Human performance-Driver Training, Sleep Apnea

3. Vehicle Technical Operations-Bus Fires

4. At Large (Charlie Corder, Chris Crean)-SMS Website

5. Workplace Health and Environmental Safety-Sleep Apnea

Chairman Evans thanked all for their contributions and the Executive Committee Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 am.


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