Bus Industry Safety Council


Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 13, 2015

10:00 am – 11:20 am…Telephone Conference

March 2015 BISC Executive Committee Attendees:

Chairman – Stephen Evans, Pacific Western Group of Companies

Secretary – Dan Tomlinson, Indian Trails

Government Review Committee Vice Chairman- William Norris, Jefferson Lines

Human Performance Committee Vice Chairman- Rick Vaillancourt, Cyr Bus Line

Security Committee Vice Chairman- Liliana Aguilar, Omnibus Express

Vehicle Technical Operations Committee Chairman – John Oakman, Coach USA

FMCSA Advisor Member – Loretta Bitner, Chief of Passenger Carrier Safety Division

Immediate Past Chairman – Mike McDonal- Eyre Bus Tour and Travel

BISC Executive Director – Brandon Buchanan, ABA

Matthew Cahill—ABA

Mike Mattison-- IMG

Not in attendance:

Vice-Chairman – Al Smith, Greyhound Lines

Government Review Committee Chairman – Mike Horak, Academy Bus Lines

Human Performance Committee Chairman – Mike Ferianc, Coach USA

Security Committee Chairman – Lynette McMillan, Greyhound

Vehicle Technical Operations Committee Vice-- Chairman-Geoff Gilchrest, Prevost

Workplace Health and Environment Safety Committee Chairman – Pam Martinez, DATTCO

Non-Builder Supplier Representative- Matthew Daecher, Daecher Consulting Group Inc.

Coach Builder Supplier Member – Louis Hotard, ABC Companies

ABA Board Representative-- Alan Glickman, Starr Bus Charter & Tours

Insurance Supplier Member – Bob Crescenzo, Lancer Insurance

At Large Member – Charles Corder, Coach USA

At Large Member-- Chris Crean, Peter Pan Lines

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am by Stephen Evans, Chairman

Attendees were welcomed by Chairman Evans followed by self-introductions

Chairman Evans welcomed and introduced Mike Mattison from IMG

February Meeting Action Items

|Mike Ferianc |Submit article about the Human Performance Committee- |April 1/15 |

| | | |

| |Mike not on the call. Matthew relayed that Mike will get him an initial draft on Monday and | |

| |the deadline should not be an issue | |

|Louis Hotard |Provide an update on BISC info in new buses project |Was March 10/15. |

| | |Now April 7/15 |

| |Louis not on the call. No update available for the committee. Louis has been asked to report | |

| |back to Stephen when he can. | |

|Committee Chairs |Dates, Agendas, & Minutes of their Committee Calls |Was March 10/15. |

| | |Now April 7/15 |

| |Reminder to all commitees to get as soon as possible the details from conference calls. This | |

| |information can be put on the website for all members to see. Highpoints from the committee | |

| |meetings to help keep and attract new members | |

|Committee Chairs |List Govt. agencies to invite to their committee and topics |Was March 10/15. |

| | |Now April 7/15 |

| |Brandon mentioned that many of the committee chairs have already reached out to agencies. | |

|Chris & Charlie |Provide draft of a new member mentor program |Was March 10/15. |

| | |Now April 7/15 |

| |Not on the call-tabled until the next call | |

March Meeting Action Items

|Executive Committee |Ideas for a theme as well as possible topics and/or speakers for the 2016 Winter Meeting |April 7/15 |

|All Committees |Create a Master List of projects currently being worked on. Also get a list of the projects |April 7/15 |

| |requested by the SSC | |

|Executive Committee |Framework for a resource center on BISC website |April 7/15 |

|Executive Committee |Information out to companies to participate in looking at and have comment on the Model |April7/15 |

| |Curriculum for Motorcoach Drivers being created by FMCSA | |

|Brandon Buchanan |Random survey to find out if BISC membership has actually participated in takeaways from the |April 7/15 |

| |2015 Winter meeting | |

Chairman Evan’s welcomed all in attendance, asked for a roll-call and brought the meeting to order at 10:05. He then welcomed Mike Mattison from the IMG to the call and introduced him to the group.

Minutes of the February meeting were reviewed and approved

Discussion on Equip Magazine-we are hoping to ensure that BISC can get mentioned in both this and Safety Link. We have made some progress in this area.

Discussion regarding Safety Link-Brandon sent out some survey results from Safety Link. Roughly 25% of those who received it responded with feedback. Matthew commented that some spam filters may be keeping members from receiving this as well as other electronic communications such as Bus bulletin, the ABA Insider, and others. Anyone who is not receiving these should let Matthew know. Matthew also mentioned that these items are posted on the BISC website as well. Stephen thanked both Brandon and Matthew for their work in getting BISC information out more.

Summer meeting agenda-June 22nd and 23rd at BWI Marriott

• Registration and rooms

o Registration is currently open. Links and forms are up on the Website

o Housing is open as well-the room block is currently set from Sunday through Monday night. We need to try and get this extended due to the fact that there may not be flights available after 5 on Tuesday.

• Maryland Bus Association-have encouraged their members to become part of BISC and make this their winter meeting

• Theme-“Getting to know your agencies”

o We need to tie them into something practical as well as a general overview as to what each agency does

• Draft agenda

o Committee meeting times have been extended

o Brandon mentioned that there have been no invites to agencies at this time

o Loretta mentioned that we should extend an invitation to Jack VanSteenberg to attend for FMCSA

o Brandon mentioned tht having someone from NHTSA should not be an issue, possibly Rob Malloy

o Hoping that we can get Bill Arrington to participate with the Security Committee.

▪ Brandon will follow up with the specific committees regarding agency representatives

o Other possible topical sessions

▪ Crash reconstruction

▪ Get Road Smart

▪ Stephen also mentioned that this is a good time for committees to continue or finish up any works in process

• Speaker Invites and topic assignments

o Steven suggested possibly getting the Minister of Transportation in Canada. He could give a perspective of the unique transportation system in Canada and how it relates to the U.S.

o Mike McDonal added the possibility of inviting Dr. Mark Rosekind, who is the new Chairman of NHTSA. He is speaking at the ABA Spring meeting in April. Depending on how that goes, this could be a good idea. He is familiar with BISC, is a sleep study expert, and has participated with us in the past

• Possible TSA exercise

o Possibly some sort of tabletop exercise to take place on Wednesday June 24th

o The members of the Security Committee should definitely be involved

o Possible scenario based

o No specifics are known at this time

o The group agreed that we should reach out to the TSA and explore this

o Brandon will take care of getting something in motion with TSA

2016 Winter Meeting- January 9th-12th in Louisville, KY.

• Brandon mentioned that this is being coordinated with the IMG. He will get more information out to the Executive Committee as it becomes available

• Theme

o No theme has been discussed at this point

o Stephen encouraged the group to start thinking about what we might want the theme to be and bring ideas to the next call

o Hopefully, we should be receiving at least a skeleton version of a schedule within the next couple of weeks

o ABA registration will be opening around the 14th or 15th of April

• BISC/IMG Schedule

o The BISC schedule is to start on Saturday with educational seminars

o Sunday is the official start of BISC through 6pm on Monday. We are trying to match up schedules with IMG

o Mike Mattison from IMG mentioned that the IMG schedule is slated to be Friday through Sunday

▪ IMG members should be able to be a large part of BISC beginning on Sunday

▪ At this time it looks as though the schedules should work and flow well together

BISC goals and workflow

• Stephen reminded all to:

o Fall back on the process

o Stay focused

o Remember that we can’t do it all. Everyone is busy and must remember not to take on too much

Stephen asked for a Master list of Projects that BISC is currently working on

• Standing Committees need to let us know what the current items on their agendas consist of

New Requests

• FHWA Roadway Safety Assessment Tool (RSAT)-Loretta had sent out information

o Stephen thanked Loretta for this and mentioned that it would be nice if we had a resource center where these types of things reside

o Should we have a resource center on the BISC website?

o Loretta mentioned that it may be helpful for those looking to find information and links to other places that may fit their needs. Stephen then asked if this should be added as a Topical Session at the Summer meeting

o The Executive Committee is to lay out the framework and possibly lay it out to the rest of the BISC membership at the Summer Meeting

• The SSC has asked BISC to work on the following initiatives:

o Need to increase BISC membership

o Influence the RFP process

o Publish a BISC meeting attendee list with contact details

o Replicate the SYTA template

• Loretta mentioned that the FMCSA has made a request for some companies to participate in looking at and commenting on the new Model Curriculum for Motorcoach Drivers that is currently being worked on. They would like input to make sure that nothing has been left out or forgotten

• Stephen indicated that because we do not have enough of the Committee Chairs on this call, we will delay discussion and assignment of new requests until the next Executive Committee Call in April

BISC Executive Director Comments/observations

• Brandon needs the committees to get him information regarding their minutes and items being worked on

• He is beginning to reach out to BISC members regarding their involvement with the takeaways from the 2015 Winter meeting

The next Executive Committee Conference Call is set for April 7th at 10:00am Eastern

Stephen Evans once again thanked Mike Mattison for his participation as well as his hard work coordinating the meetings between the BISC and the IMG.

Chairman Evans thanked all for their contributions and the Executive Committee Meeting was adjourned at 11:20am.


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