University of Maryland School of Medicine

Curriculum Vitae

Brittany Renee Parham, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry

University of Maryland School of Medicine

Date October 7, 2016

Contact Information

Business Address: University of Maryland School of Medicine

Center for School Mental Health

737 West Lombard Street, 4th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Business Phone Number: (410) 706-3216

Fax: (410) 706-0998



2010 B.A., Psychology, St. Lawrence University (Cum Laude)

2015 Ph.D., School/Counseling Psychology, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Dissertation Advisor – Gregory A. Fabiano, "The Daily Report Card as a Homework Intervention for Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”

Post Graduate Education and Training

2014 - 2015 VA Maryland Health Care System and the University of Maryland, Baltimore Psychology Internship Consortium, School Mental Health Track (APA Accredited)

2015-2016 University of Maryland School of Medicine, Center for School Mental Health, Post-Doctoral Training

Employment History

2010-2011 The Center for Children and Families

Heads Up-Head Start Program

The University at Buffalo, Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology Program (CSEP)

Research Assistant

2010-2011 Bethel Head Start

The University at Buffalo, The Center for Children and Families

Behavioral Consultant/Research Assistant

2011-2013 University at Buffalo Athletics Department

The University at Buffalo, State University of New York

Academic Mentor

2012 Charles Upson Elementary School

The University at Buffalo, CSEP Program

School Psychology Practicum Student

2012 Summer Treatment Program

Summit Educational Resources

Lead Counselor/Supervisor

2012 - 2013 Pinnacle Charter School

Buffalo Public Schools

Behavioral Consultant

2012-2013 Greater Buffalo Counseling Center

Volunteer Counselor

2013 Summer Treatment Program

Summit Educational Resources

Clinical Coordinator/Supervisor

2013-2014 University at Buffalo Athletics Department

The University at Buffalo, State University of New York

Graduate Assistant

2014-2015 VA Maryland Health Care System and the University of Maryland, Baltimore Psychology Internship Consortium, School Mental Health Track

Pre-doctoral Intern

2015- 2016 University of Maryland School of Medicine

Center for School Mental Health

Post-Doctoral Fellow

2016-2017 University of Maryland School of Medicine

Center for School Mental Health

Assistant Professor

Professional Society Membership

2011 - 2013 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Student Member

2012 - 2014 National Association of School Psychologist (NASP), Student Member

2012 - 2015 American Psychological Association (APA), Student Member

2014 - 2015 Fort-Meade Child, Youth and Family Division, Intern Liaison

2014 - Present Military Special Education Coalition (MSPEC), MSDE, Member

2014 - Present National Community of Practice on Collaborative School Behavioral Health, Member

2015 - Present Community of Practice for SMH for Culturally Diverse Youth, Co-facilitator

2015 - Present Trauma-Informed Care Initiatives Committee, School Mental Health Representative

2016 - Present Family League of Baltimore, Mental Health Subcommittee, Co-Lead

Honors And Awards

Feb 2008 Student Athlete Advisory Committee Travel Award

May 2010 McNair Student Researcher of the Year

May 2010 Cum Laude Graduate, St. Lawrence University

2010-2014 UB Graduate Assistantship and Tuition Award

March 2013 Mark Diamond Research Foundation Grant Recipient (MDRF)

March 2015 National Conference on Problem Gambling (NCPG) Travel Award

May 2015 St. Lawrence University’s Ronald E. McNair Program, Leading the Way Recognition

May 2015 Delbert Mullen’s Thinking Outside the Box Award Recipient

July 2015 National Conference on Problem Gambling Prevention Program Showcase Award

June 2016 The Doctor’s Club: Invited IRise Fellowship Mentor

Clinical Activities

Scope of Clinical Practice:

2010 - 2011 Bethel Head Start (Buffalo,NY)

~ 10 patients per year

Behavioral Consultation

25% FTE

2011 Lancaster High School (Lancaster, NY)

~ 40 patients per semester

School Psychology Practicum Student

30% FTE

2012 Charles Upson Elementary School (Lockport, NY)

~ 40 patients per semester

School Psychology Practicum Student

30% FTE

2012 Summer Treatment Program, for Youth with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity

Disorder (ADHD) Summit Educational Resources

~ 10 patients per summer

School Psychology Practicum Student/Lead Counselor

60% FTE

2012 - 2013 Pinnacle Charter School (Buffalo, NY)

~ 50 patients per year/ ~ 350 students served

Behavioral Consultant

20% FTE

2012 - 2013 Greater Buffalo Counseling Center (Buffalo, NY)

~ 2 individual patients per year

Volunteer Counselor

5% FTE

2013 Summer Treatment Program (Getzville, NY)

~ 55 students served

Clinical Coordinator/Supervisor

60% FTE

2013 Benjamin Franklin Elementary School (Amherst, NY)

~ 10 patients per year

School Psychology Practicum Student

30% FTE

2013 - 2014 Families on Track Program (Rochester, NY)

~ 3 families per year, 10 individual patients seen in group per year

School psychology Practicum Student

30% FTE

2014-2015 University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, MD)

~3 teachers per year (consultation)

Good Behavior Game Coach

30% FTE

2014- 2015 University of Maryland School Mental Health Program (Baltimore, MD)

~390 students per year (individual, family, group, classroom)

Baltimore City Public Schools

School Mental Health Intern

60% FTE

2015- 2016 University of Maryland School Mental Health Program (Baltimore, MD)

~390 students per year (individual, family, group). Supervising two advanced

graduate externs

Baltimore City Public Schools

Post-Doctoral Fellow

60% FTE

2016-Present University of Maryland School Mental Health Program (Baltimore, MD)

~450 students per year (individual, family, group). Supervising two advanced

graduate externs

Baltimore City Public Schools

Assistant Professor

40% FTE

Local and National Service


1. Parham, B. (2012, March). Wellness and Self-Care. Training conducted with Charles Upson

Elementary School staff, Lockport, NY.

2. Parham, B. (2013, October). Effective Strategies to Address Disruptive Behaviors. Training

conducted with Pinnacle Charter School staff, Buffalo, NY.

3. Parham, B. (2014, June). A Stitch in Time, Saves Nine: Implementation of Proactive Strategies.

Parent training hosted by Summit Educational Resources, Buffalo, NY.

4. Parham, B., & Syed, A. (2014, December). Effects of Trauma on the Social, Emotional, and

Behavioral Functioning of Physically Abused Children: A Case Study. Presentation given during collaborative consultation seminar, Baltimore, MD.

5. Parham, B. (2015). Practical Strategies to Create Trauma Responsive Schools. Training conducted

with Baltimore City School Teachers, Baltimore, MD.

6. Parham, B. (2015, July). Effective Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Practices in Urban Schools.

Training conducted with Pre-Doctoral Psychology Interns, Baltimore, MD.

7. Parham, B. (2015, July). Policy and Procedures in School Mental Health. Training conducted with

Pre-Doctoral Interns, Baltimore, MD.

8. Parham, B. (2015, May). Building a Collaborative Culture between School Police and the

Community. Collaborative presentation facilitated with Baltimore City Police Officer in Baltimore

City Schools.

9. Parham, B. (2015, August). Community and School Bus Tour. Facilitated discussion with pre-

doctoral psychology interns and first year Psychiatry residents, Baltimore, MD.

10. Parham, B., Robertson, C., & Willis, K (2015, August). Implementation of MD-Maryland Smart

Choices. Training conducted with school-based SMHP clinicians, Baltimore, MD.

11. Cunningham, D. & Parham, B. (2015, August). School Mental Health: Engaging Students,

Families, and Schools. Training conducted with Baltimore City School Police Officers, Baltimore,


12. Parham, B., & Connors, E. (2015, December). Effective Implementation of Cognitive Behavioral

Therapy. Training conducted with advanced psychology and social work externs, Baltimore, MD.

13. Parham, B. (2016). Practical Strategies to Create Trauma Responsive Schools. Training conducted

with Baltimore City School Teachers, Baltimore, MD.

14. Parham, B. & Stephan, S. (2016, January). The Impact of Trauma on Student Success. Training

conducted at Brehms Lane Elementary School, Baltimore, MD.

15. Parham, B. & Robertson, C. (2016, July). Implementation of MD-Smart Choices Youth Gambling

Prevention Program. Training conducted at The Center for School Mental Health, Baltimore, MD.

National Service

2014 - 2015 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Advances In School Mental Health Promotion

2014 - 2015 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Psychiatric Services

2015 - present Reviewer, Advances In School Mental Health Promotion


Peer-reviewed journal articles

1. Fabiano, G.A., Vujnovic, R.K., Waschbusch, D.A., Yu, J., Mashtare, T., Pariseau, M.E., Pelham, W.E., Parham, B, & Smalls, K.J. (2013). A comparison of experiential versus lecture training for improving behavior support skills in early educators. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, 450-460.

2. Parham, B., Robertson, C., Lever, N., Hoover, Stephen, S., Palmer, T., Lee, P., Willis, K., & Prout, J. (2016). The MD-smart choices gambling prevention program: A pilot study. Submitted for review.

Non peer-reviewed reports and data presentations

1. Parham, B. & Smith, M. (2009, July). The Dismantling of Brown and Resegregation in Public

Schools. Research findings presented to St. Lawrence University Alumni, Canton, NY.

2. Parham, B., Lee, P., & Palmer, T. (2015, May). Challenges and Changes with a Gambling

Prevention Program in Urban Schools. Baltimore, MD: Center for School Mental Health and the

Maryland, Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling, Baltimore, MD.

3. Parham, B., Lee, P., Palmer, T., Robertson, C., Lever, N., & Stephan, S. (2015, June). Challenges

and Changes with a Gambling Prevention Program in Urban Schools. Data presentation for The

University of Maryland school of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.

4. Parham, B., Lever, N., Stephan, S., & Prout, J. (2015, June). Analysis of Maryland Smart Choices

Gambling Prevention Program in Baltimore City Public Schools. Evaluation report disseminated to The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling, Baltimore, MD.

5. Parham, B., Lever, N., & Stephan (2016, June). Analysis of Maryland Smart Choices

Gambling Prevention Program in Baltimore City Public Schools. Evaluation report disseminated to The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling, Baltimore, MD.

Proffered Communications


1. Parham, B., & Smith, M. (2009, June). The Dismantling of Brown and Resegregation in Public

Schools. Presented at the Annual McNair Conference, Niagara Falls, NY.

2. Parham, B. (2011, October). Comparisons of Dropouts to Study Completers in a Head Start Population. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Conference, Toronto, Canada.

3. Willis, K., Lease, J., Parham, B., & Robertson, C. (2015, July). The MD-Smart Choices Youth

Gambling Prevention Program. Symposium conducted at the 29th National Conference on Problem

Gambling, Baltimore, MD.

4. Parham, B., Robertson, C., Lever, N., & Stephan, S. (2015, July). Prevention of Youth Problem

Gambling. Symposium conducted at the 29th National Conference on Problem Gambling,

Baltimore, MD.

5. Parham, B., Robertson, C., Lever, N., Stephan, S., Palmer, T., & Lee, P. (2015, July). Challenges and

Changes with a Gambling Prevention Program in Urban Schools. Poster presented at the 29th Annual

Conference on Problem Gambling, Baltimore, MD.

6. Parham, B. (2015, October). Identifying Youth with Behavioral Health Needs. Workshop conducted

for the National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Action Network Meeting, Tampa, FL.

7. Cunningham, D., & Parham, B. (2015, November). School Mental Health and Culturally Diverse

Youth. Workshop conducted at the 20th Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, New

Orleans, LA.

8. Parham, B., Willis, K., & Robertson, C. (2015, November). Challenges and Changes with a

Gambling Prevention Program in Urban Schools. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference on

Advancing School Mental Health, New Orleans, LA.

9. Parham, B., Robertson, C., Lever, N., Stephan, S., Palmer, T., & Lee, P. (2015, November).

Challenges and Changes with a Gambling Prevention Program in Urban Schools. Poster presented at

the 20th Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, New Orleans, L.A.

10. Parham, B., Robertson, C., & Willis, K. (2016, September). The Adaptation of the MD-Smart

Choices Youth Gambling Prevention Program for Implementation with Culturally Diverse Youth. 21st

Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, San Diego, C.A.


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