Fourth of July Orations Collection - New York State ...

Fourth of July Orations Collection

Manuscripts and Special Collections

New York State Library

June 1999

This list of approximately 1345 orations from 1777 to 1955 is presented in chronological order. Information included in each entry is the name of the speaker, title of the oration, place where the oration was pronounced, date of the oration, place of publication, and number of pages. Other orations available in the New York State Library in print, microform or manuscript are noted in the State Library’s online catalog, Excelsior.

Whitney, Peter, American Independence Vindicated, Northborough, MA, Sept. 12, 1776 (Boston, 1777), 55 p.

Gordon, William, The Separation of the Jewish Tribes, Boston, MA, 1777, (Boston, 1777), 37 p.

Warren, John, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1783, (Boston, 1783, 1st edition), 32 p.

Warren, John, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1783, (Boston, 1783, 2nd edition), 32 p.

Hichborn, Benjamin, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1784, (Boston, 1784), 19 p.

Gardiner, John, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1785, (Boston, 1785), 37 p.

Austin, Jonathan Loring, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1786, (Boston, 1786), 19 p.

Barlow, Joel, An Oration, Hartford, CT, 1787, (Hartford, 1787), 20 p.

Brooks, John, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1787, (Boston, 1787), 16 p.

Campbell, James, An Oration, Philadelphia, PA, 1787, (Philadelphia, 1787), 24 p.

Daggett, David, An Oration, New Haven, CT, 1787, (New Haven, 1787), 24 p.

Dawes, Thomas (Jr.), An Oration, Boston, MA, 1787, (Boston, 1787), 22 p.

Baldwin, Simeon, An Oration, New Haven, CT, 1788, (New Haven, 1788), 16 p.

Hitchcock, Enos, An Oration, Providence, RI, 1788, (Providence, 1788), 24 p.

Hull, William, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1788, (Boston, 1788), 22 p.

Otis, Harrison Gray, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1788, (Boston, 1788), 23 p.

Sewell, Jonathan Mitchell, An Oration, Portsmouth, NH, 1788, (Portsmouth, 1788), 23 p.

Rogers, William, An Oration, Philadelphia, PA, 1789, (Philadelphia, 1789), 32 p.

Stillman, Samuel, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1789, (Boston, 1789), 30 p.

Whitwell, Samuel, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1789, (Boston, 1789), 20 p.

Gray, Edward, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1790, (Boston, 1790), 16 p.

Smith, William, A Sermon, on Temporal and Spiritual Salvation, Philadelphia, PA, 1790, (Philadelphia, 1790), 25 p.

Atkinson, William King, An Oration, Dover, NH, 1791, (Dover, 1791), 23 p.

Bangs, Edward, An Oration, Worcester, MA, 1791, (Worcester, 1791), 16 p.

Buchanan, George, An Oration Upon the Moral and Political Evil of Slavery, Baltimore, MD, 1791, (Baltimore, 1793)

Crafts, Thomas (Jr.), An Oration, Boston, MA, 1791, (Boston, 1791), 16 p.

Linn, William, The Blessings of America, a sermon, New York, NY, 1791, (New York, 1791), 39 p.

Blake, Joseph (Jr.), An Oration, Boston, MA, 1792, (Boston, 1792), 16 p.

Dwight, Theodore, An Oration, Hartford, CT, 1792, (Hartford, 1792), 18 p.

Adams, John Quincy, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1793, (Boston, 1793, 1st edition), 21 p.

Adams, John Quincy, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1793, (Boston, 1793, 2nd edition), 21 p.

Adams, John Quincy, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1793, (Boston, 1793), 16 p.

Deane, Samuel, An Oration, Portland, ME, 1793, (Portland, 1793), 14 p.

Hitchcock, Enos, An Oration, Providence, R.I., 1793, (Providence, n.d.), 19 p.

Miller, Samuel, A Sermon, New York, NY, 1793, (New York, 1793), 38 p.

Williams, Nathan, Carefully to Observe the Signatures of Divine Providence, a mark of Wisdom illustrated in a sermon, Stafford, CT, 1793, (Hartford, CT, 1793), 22 p.

Emerson, William, A Discourse, Cambridge, MA, 1794, (Boston, 1794), 18 p.

Jones, William, An Oration, Concord, MA, 1794, (Concord, 1794), 19 p.

Lathrop, Joseph, The Happiness of a Free Government, and the Means of Preserving it, Illustrated in a Sermon. West Springfield, MA, 1794, (Springfield, 1794), 23 p.

Lathrop, Joseph, The Happiness of a Free Government, and the Means of Preserving it, Illustrated in a Sermon. West Springfield, MA, 1794, (Suffield, CT, 1804), 23 p.

M'Knight, John, God, the Author of Promotion, A Sermon. New York, NY, 1794 (New York, 1794), 24 p.

Phillips, John, An Oration, Boston, MA, (Boston, 1794) 19 p.

Pilmore, Joseph, The Blessings of Peace: A Sermon. New York, 1794 (New York, 1794), 32 p.

Ramsay, David, An Oration, Charleston, SC, 1794, (London, England, 1795), 28 p.

Spooner, John Jones, A Discourse, Prince George Co., VA, 1794, (Petersburg, VA, 1795), 20 p.

Tillinghast, George, An Oration, Providence, RI, 1794, (Providence, n.d.), 16 p.

Waterman, Elijah, An Oration, Hartford, CT, 1794, (Hartford, 1794), 20 p.

Bidwell, Barnabas, An Oration, Stockbridge, MA, 1795, (Stockbridge, 1795), 23 p.

Hunter, William, An Oration, Newport, RI, 1795, (Newport, 1795), 30 p.

Kellogg, Elijah, An Oration, Portland, ME, 1795, (Newburyport, 1795), 28 p.

Maxcy, Jonathan, An Oration, Providence, RI, 1795, (Providence, 1795), 20 p.

Miller, Samuel, A Sermon, New York, NY, 1795, (New York, 1795), 33 p.

Worcester, Samuel, An Oration, Hanover, NH, 1795, (Hanover, 1795), 12 p.

Allen, Paul (Jr.), An Oration, Providence, RI, 1796, (Providence, 1796), 16 p.

Blake, Francis, An Oration, Worcester, MA, 1796, (Worcester, 1796), 18 p.

Davis, Daniel, An Oration, Portland, ME, 1796, (Portland, 1796), 20 p.

Lathrop, John (Jr.), An Oration, Boston, MA, 1796, (Boston, 1796), 23 p.

Smith, William Loughton, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1796, (Charleston, 1796), 40 p.

Thacher, Samuel, An Oration. Concord, MA, 1796, (Boston, MA, 1796), 24 p.

Worcester, Samuel, An Oration. New Ipswich, NH, 1796, (Amherst, NH, 1796), 24 p.

Callender, John, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1797, (Boston, 1797), 19 p.

Dickinson, Samuel Fowler, An Oration. Belcherstown, MA, 1797, (Northampton, MA, 1797), 23 p.

Foster, Joel, An Oration. New Salem, MA, 1797, (Northampton, MA, 1797), 16 p.

Granger, Gideon, An Oration. Suffield, CT, 1797, (Suffield, 1797), 24 p.

Palmer, Elihu, An Enquiry Relative to the Moral and Political Improvement of the Human Species. An Oration. New York, NY, 1797, (New York, 1797), 35 p.

Rockwell, Samuel, An Oration. Salisbury, CT, 1797, (Litchfield, CT, 1797), 16 p.

Russell, John Miller, An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1797, (Charlestown, 1797), 16 p.

Warner, George James, Means for the Preservation of Public Liberty. An Oration. New York, NY, 1797, (New York, 1797), 22 p.

Atherton, Charles Humphrey, An Oration. Amherst, NH, 1798, (Amherst, 1798), 24 p.

Austin, Samuel, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1798, (Worcester, 1798), 38 p.

Bridgham, Samuel Willard, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1798, (Providence, 1798), 12 p.

Clinton, George (Jr.), An Oration. New York, NY, 1798, (New York, 1798), 14 p.

Day, Thomas, An Oration. Hartford, CT, 1798, (Litchfield, CT, 1798), 28 p.

Dunham, Josiah, An Oration. Hanover, NH, 1798, (Hanover, 1798), 15 p.

Dwight, Theodore, An Oration. Hartford, CT, 1798, (Hartford, 1798), 31 p.

Dwight, Timothy, The Duty of Americans, at the Present Crisis, Illustrated in a Discourse. New Haven, CT, 1798, (New Haven, 1798), 32 p.

Johnson, John B., The Dealings of God with Israel and America: A Discourse. Albany, NY, 1798, (Albany, 1798), 21 p.

Lathrop, John (Jr.), An Oration. Dedham, MA, 1798, (Dedham, 1798), 19 p.

Quincy, Josiah, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1798, (Philadelphia, PA, 1798), 21 p.

Quincy, Josiah, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1798, (Boston, 1798, 1st edition), 31 p.

Quincy, Josiah, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1798, (Boston, 1798, 2nd edition), 31 p.

Sparhawk, Thomas Stearns, An Oration. Buckston, ME, 1798, (Boston, MA, 1798), 20 p.

Webster, Noah (Jr.), An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1798, (New Haven, 1798), 16 p.

Wells, John, An Oration. New York, NY, 1798, (New York, 1798), 22 p.

Woodward, Israel Beard, American Liberty and Independence: A Discourse. Watertown, CT, 1798, (Litchfield, CT, 1798), 26 p.

Abbott, Abiel, A Discourse, North Coventry, CT, 1799, (Hartford, CT, 1799), 16 p.

Andros, Thomas, An Oration, Dighton, MA, 1799, (New Bedford, MA, 1799), 15 p.

Brown, William, An Oration, Hartford, CT, 1799, (Hartford, 1799), 23 p.

Burnet, James, An Oration, Weston, MA, 1799, (Newfield, CT, 1799), 22 p.

Daggett, David, Sunbeams May Be Extracted from Cucumbers, but the process is tedious. An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1799, (New Haven, 1st edition, 1799), 28 p.

Edmond, David, An Oration, Ridgfield, CT, 1799, (Danbury, CT, 1799), 15 p.

Grant, Thomas, An Oration, Flemington, NJ, 1799, (Trenton, NJ, 1799), 16 p.

Haven, Samuel, An Oration, Dedham, MA, 1799, (Dedham, 1799), 24 p.

Lewis, Zechariah, An Oration on the Apparent, and the Real Political Situation in the United States, New Haven, CT, 1799, (New Haven, 1799), 27 p.

Lowell, John (Jr.), An Oration, Boston, MA, 1799, (Boston, 1799), 27 p.

Maxcy, Jonathan, An Oration, Providence, RI, 1799, (Providence, 1799), 16 p.

Mitchill, Samuel Latham, An Address, New York, NY, 1799, (New York, 1800), 27 p.

Parish, Elijah, An Oration, Byfield, MA, 1799, (Newburyport, MA, 1st edition, 1799), 18 p.

Parish, Elijah, An Oration, Byfield, MA, 1799, (Newburyport, MA, 2nd edition, 1799), 14 p.

Prentiss, Thomas, A Discourse, Medfield, MA, 1799, (Dedham, MA, 1799), 22 p.

Stoddard, Amos, An Oration, Portland, ME, 1799, (Portland, ME, 1799), 30 p.

Strong, Cyprian, A Discourse, Hebron, CT, 1799, (Hartford, CT, 1799), 18 p.

Bangs, Edward, ?, Worcester, MA, 1800, (Worcester, 1800), 30 p.

A Citizen of the United States, An Oration... to which is added, the Female Advocate, written by a lady. Springfield, MA, 1800, (Springfield, 1808), 39 p.

Davis, Matthew L., An Oration, New York, NY, 1800, (New York, 1800), 21 p.

Fowle, Robert, An Oration, Plymouth, NH, 1800, (Concord, NH, 1800), 15 p.

Hale, David, An Oration, Portland, ME, 1800, (Portland, 1800), 28 p.

Hall, Joseph, An Oration, Boston, MA, 1800, (Boston, 1800), 24 p.

Herrick, Claudius, An Oration, Deerfield, MA, 1800, (Greenfield, MA, 1800), 19 p.

Hillier, Richard, Liberty and Equality: An Oration. Mount Pleasant, NY, 1800, (Mount Pleasant, 1800), 11 p.

Learned, Erastus, The Nature and Importance of Christian worship; considered in a sermon.

Lee, Chauncey, The Tree of Knowledge of Political Good and Evil: A Discourse. Colebrook, CT, 1800, (Hartford, CT, 1800), 31 p.

Otis, Cushing, An Oration. Scituate, MA, 1800, (Boston, MA, 1800), 16 p.

Palmer, Elihu, The Political Happiness of Nations; An Oration. New York, NY (New York, 1800), 23 p.

Parsons, Benjamin, An Oration. Chesterfield, MA, 1800, (Northampton, MA, 1800), 16 p.

Richardson, Luther, An Oration. Roxbury, MA, 1800, (Boston, MA, n.d.), 19 p.

Russell, Jonathan, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1800, (Providence, 14th edition, 1814),

26 p.

Russell, Jonathan, An Oration, Providence, RI, 1800, (Watertown, NY, 1830), 20 p.

Sullivan, George, An Oration, Exeter, NH, 1800, (Exeter, 1800), 16 p.

Beckley, Mr. (John James Beckley), An Oration. Philadelphia, PA, 1801, (Portsmouth, NH, 1801), 20 p.

Burges, Tristam, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1801, (Providence, 1801), 22 p.

Dwight, Theodore, An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1801, (Hartford, CT, 1801), 43 p.

Dwight, Theodore, An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1801, (Suffield, CT, 1801), 44 p.

Holmes, Abraham, An Oration. Rochester, MA, 1801, (New Bedford, MA, 1801), 16 p.

Hunter, William, An Oration. Newport, RI, 1801, (Newport, 1801), 32 p.

Kennedy, James, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1801, (Charleston, 1801), 38 p.

Nott, Eliphalet, A Discourse. Albany, NY, 1801, (Albany, 1801), 26 p.

Paine, Charles, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1801, (Boston, n.d.), 24 p.

Starr, Gideon, An Oration. Schenectady, NY, 1801, (Albany, NY, 1801), 14 p.

Story, Isaac, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1801, (Worcester, 1801), 32 p.

Whitman, Ezekiel, An Oration. New Gloucester, ME, 1801, (Portland, ME, 1801), 24 p.

Bowen, Nathaniel, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1802, (Providence, n.d.), 20 p.

Charlton, Thomas Usher Pulaski, An Oration. Savannah, GA, 1802, (Savannah, 1802),

15 p.

Dodge, Nehemiah, An Oration. West Springfield, MA, 1802, (Hartford, CT, 1802), 23 p.

Emerson, William, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1802, (Boston, MA, 1802), 23 p.

Emmons, Nathanael, A Discourse. Franklin, MA, 1802, (Wrentham, MA, 1st edition, 1802), 24 p.

Emmons, Nathanael, A Discourse. Franklin, MA, 1802, (Wrentham, MA, 2nd edition, 1802), 24 p.

Gleason, Benjamin, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1802, (Boston, MA, 1802), 16 p.

Griswold, Stanley, The Good Land We Live In: A Sermon. Suffield, CT, 1802, (Suffield, 1802), 29 p.

Holman, Nathan, An Oration. Attleborough, MA, 1802, (Wrentham, MA, 1802), 22 p.

Leavitt, Jonathan, An Oration. Greenfield, MA, 1802, (Greenfield, 1802), 14 p.

Leonard, David Augustus, An Oration. Raynham, MA, 1802, (Boston, MA, 1802), 30 p.

Locke, Joseph, An Oration. Billerica, MA, 1802, (Boston, MA, n.p.), 20 p.

Lott, Jeremiah, An Oration. Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY, 1802, (New York, 1802), 15 p.

Moore, Zephaniah Swift, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1802, (Worcester, 1802), 24 p.

Morse, Asahel, An Oration. Winsted, CT, 1802, (Hartford, CT, 1802), 15 p.

Silliman, Benjamin, An Oration. Hartford, CT, 1802, (Hartford, 1802), 34 p.

Smith, Thomas Rhett, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1802, (Charleston, 1802), 20 p.

Webster, Daniel, The Illustrated Fryeburg Webster Memorial. Fryeburg, ME, 1802, (Fryeburg, 1882), 39 p.

Webster, Daniel, Newly Discovered Fourth of July Oration. Fryeburg, ME, 1802, (Boston, MA, Plain Edition, 1882), 16 p.

Webster, Daniel, Newly Discovered Fourth of July Oration. Fryeburg, ME, 1802, (Boston, MA, and Fryeburg, ME, 1882), 40 p.

Webster, Noah (Jr.), An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1802, (New Haven, 1802), 30 p.

White, William Charles, An Oration. Rutland, VT, 1802, (Worcester, MA, 1802), 18 p.

Abbot, Daniel, An Oration. Nashua Village, NH, 1803, (Amherst, NH, 1803), 16 p.

Caldwell, John William, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1803, (Worcester, 1803), 16 p.

Claggett, Clifton, An Oration. Litchfield, NH, 1803, (Amherst, NH, 1803), 15 p.

Cobb, Oliver, An Oration. Rochester, MA, 1803, (New Bedford, MA, 1803), 11 p.

Grout, Jonathan, An Oration. Heath, MA, 1803, (Greenfield, MA, 1803), 17 p.

Leonard, David Augustus, An Oration, Dighton, MA, 1803, (New Bedford, MA, 1803),

24 p.

Maxcy, Milton, An Oration. Schenectady, NY, 1803, (Albany, NY, 1803), 23 p.

Messer, Asa, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1803, (Providence, n.d.), 14 p.

Ogden, Lewis Morris, An Oration. Newark, NJ, 1803, (Newark, 1803), 12 p.

Paige, Reed, An Oration. Hancock, NH, 1803, (Amherst, NH, 1804), 20 p.

Rogers, John, An Oration. Campton, NH, 1803, (Concord, NH, 1803), 20 p.

Sullivan, William, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1803, (Boston, 1st edition, 1803), 21 p.

Sullivan, William, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1803, (Boston, 2nd edition, 1803), 21 p.

Taggart, Samuel, An Oration. Colrain, MA, 1803, (Greenfield, MA, 1803), 38 p.

Thacher, Stephen, An Oration. Kennebunk, ME, 1803, (Boston, MA, 1803), 24 p.

Van Pelt, Peter I., The Happiness of Israel and America; a Discourse. Staten Island, NY, 1803, (NY, NY, 1803), 24 p.

Whitman, Benjamin, An Oration. Hanover, MA, 1803, (Boston, 1803), 24 p.

Danforth, Thomas, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1804, (Boston, 1804, 1st edition), 22 p.

Danforth, Thomas, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1804, (Boston, 1804, 2nd edition), 22 p.

Everett, David, An Oration. Amherst, NH, 1804, (Amherst, 1804), 26 p.

Foster, Edmund, An Oration. Westford, MA, 1804, (Boston, MA, 1804), 25 p.

Goddard, Josiah, An Oration. Conway, MA, 1804, (Northampton, MA, 1804), 24 p.

Humphreys, David, A Valedictory Discourse. Hartford, CT, 1804, (Boston, MA, 1804),

60 p.

Langdon, Chauncey, An Oration. Poultney, VT, 1804, (Salem, NY, 1804), 30 p.

Manwaring, Christopher, Republicanism and Aristocracy an oration. New London, CT, 1804, (Boston, MA, 1805, reprinted), 12 p.

Merrill, Orsamus Cook, The Happiness of America: An Oration. Shaftsbury, VT, 1804, (Bennington, VT, 1804), 27 p.

Morse, Ebenezer Belknap, An Oration. Westborough, MA, 1804, (Worcester, 1804), 12 p.

Orr, Hector, An Oration. Bridgewater, MA, 1804, (Boston, MA, 1804), 19 p.

Pickering, John (Jr.), An Oration. Salem, MA, 1804, (Salem, 1804), 24 p.

Smith, Junius, An Oration. Hartford, CT, 1804, (Hartford, 1804), 27 p.

Story, Joseph, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1804, (Salem, 1804), 34 p.

Taggart, Samuel, An Oration. Conway, MA, 1804, (Northampton, MA, 1804), 30 p.

Toulmin, Harry, An Oration. Frankfort, KY, 1804, (Lexington, KY, 1804), 8 p.

White, William Charles, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1804, (Worcester, 1804), 22 p.

Wilson, James, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1804, (Providence, n.d.), 16 p.

Bates, Isaac C., An Oration. Northampton, MA, 1805, (Northampton, 1805), 30 p.

Cayford, John, An Oration. Goffstown, NH, 1805, (Amherst, NH, 1805), 23 p.

Dutton, Warren, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1805, (Boston, 1805), 16 p.

Evans, Richard, An Oration. Portsmouth, NH, 1805, (Portsmouth, 1805), 20 p.

French, Ebenezer, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1805, (Boston, 2nd edition, 1805), 23 p.

Gleason, Benjamin, An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1805, (Boston, MA, 2nd edition, 1805), 24 p.

Goddard, Josiah, An Oration. Goshen, MA, 1805, (Northampton, MA, 1805), 24 p.

Hemstead, Benjamin, An Oration. Groton, CT, 1805, (Norwich, CT, 1805), 14 p.

Hopkins, James Dean, An Oration. Portland, ME, 1805, (Portland, 1805), 25 p.

Howe, Nathaniel, An Oration. Paris, ME, 1805, (Portland, 1805), 15 p.

Leland, John, An Elective Judiciary, with other things, recommended in a speech. Cheshire, MA, 1805, (Pittsfield, MA, 1805), 23 p.

Meech, Asa, An Oration. Bridgewater, MA, 1805, (Boston, MA, 1805), 16 p.

Nichols, Ichabod, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1805, (Salem, 1805), 24 p.

Parish, Elijah, An Oration. Byfield, MA, 1805, (Salem, 1805), 24 p.

Putnam, Aaron Hall, An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1805, (Charlestown, 1805), 18 p.

Stanley, George Washington, An Oration. Wallingford, CT, 1805, (New Haven, CT, 1805), 22 p.

Waldo, Samuel Putnam, An Oration. East Windsor, CT, 1805, (Hartford, CT, 1805), 22 p.

Allen, Paul, An Oration. Rehoboth, MA, 1806, (Providence, RI, 1806), 16 p.

Allen, Samuel Clesson, An Oration. Petersham, MA, 1806, (Boston, MA, n.d.), 15 p.

Bancroft, Aaron, Importance of Education, Illustrated in an oration. Leicester, MA, 1806, (Worcester, MA, 1806), 20 p.

Baylies, Francis, An Oration. Dighton, MA, 1806, (Providence, RI, 1806), 16 p.

Chandler, Joseph, An Oration. Monmouth, ME, 1806, (Portland, ME, 1806), 12 p.

Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scamwell, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1806, (Salem, 1806), 14 p.

Gleason, Joseph, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1806, (Boston, 1806, 1st edition), 24 p.

Parker, Daniel, An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1806, (Boston, 1806), 20 p.

Sterry, Consider, An Address. Norwich, CT, 1806, (Norwich, 1806), 16 p.

Swett, Samuel, An Address. Salem, MA, 1806, (Boston, MA, 1806), 20 p.

Webster, Daniel, An Anniversary Address. Concord, NH, 1806, (Concord, 1806), 21 p.

Wendover, Peter H., National Deliverance. An Oration. NY, NY, 1806, (NY, NY, 1806), 16 p.

Bacon, Ezekiel, An Oration. Pittsfield, MA, 1807, (Pittsfield, 1807), 24 p.

Dana, Samuel, An Oration. Groton, MA, 1807, (Amherst, NH, 1807), 20 p.

Gardiner, John David, An Oration. Roxbury, NJ, 1807, (Morristown, NJ, 1807), 29 p.

Gleason, Benjamin, An Oration. Hingham, MA, 1807, (Boston, MA, 1st edition, 1807),

22 p.

Gleason, Benjamin, An Oration. Hingham, MA, 1807, (Boston, MA, 2nd edition, 1807),

22 p.

Hobart, Elihu, An Oration. Abington, MA, 1807, (Boston, MA, 1807), 24 p.

Lincoln, Levi, An Oration. Brookfield, MA, 1807, (Worcester, MA, 1807), 16 p.

Lyman, Jonathan Huntington, An Oration. Northampton, MA, 1807, (Northampton, 1807), 23 p.

Mussey, Reuben Dimond, An Oration. Ipswich, MA, 1807, (Salem, MA, 1807), 24 p.

Perley, Jeremiah, An Anniversary Oration. Hallowell, ME, 1807, (Augusta, ME, 1807),

24 p.

Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1807, (Boston, 1st edition, 1807),

18 p.

Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1807, (Boston, 2nd edition, 1807),

18 p.

Thomas, Elijah, An Oration. Albany, NY, 1807, (Albany, 1807), 24 p.

Webster, Ezekiel, An Oration. Salisbury, NH, 1807, (Concord, NH, 1807), 14 p.

Barlett, Ichabod, An Oration. Salisbury, NH, 1808, (Concord, NH, 1808), 16 p.

Baylies, William, An Oration. Middleborough, MA, 1808, (Boston, 1808), 24 p.

Billings, John, An Oration. Portsmouth, NH, 1808, (Portsmouth, 1808), 12 p.

Burnap, Jacob, An Oration. Dunstable, NH, 1808, (Amherst, NH, 1808), 13 p.

Caldwell, Joseph Blake, An Oration. Barre, MA, 1808, (Worcester, MA, 1808), 31 p.

Cogswell, Nathaniel, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1808, (Newburyport, 1808), 19 p.

Foster, John, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1808, (Salem, 1808), 16 p.

Fraser, Charles, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1808, (Charleston, 1808), 40 p.

Freeman, William, An Oration. Portland, ME, 1808, (Portland, 1808), 16 p.

Grosvenor, Thomas P., An Oration. Hudson, NY, 1808, (Hudson, 1808), 30 p.

Hodgdon, Moses, An Oration. Dover, NH, 1808, (Dover, 1808), 18 p.

Howe, Estes, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1808, (Worcester, 1808), 16 p.

Langdon, Chauncy, An Oration. Poultney, VT, 1808, (Rutland, VT, 1808), 32 p.

Miltimore, James, An Address. Newbury, MA, 1808, (Newburyport, MA, 1808), 15 p.

Moseley, Ebenezer, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1808, (Newburyport, 1st edition, 1808), 20 p.

Moseley, Ebenezer, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1808, (Newburyport, 2nd edition, 1808), 20 p.

Prescott, George Washington, An Oration. Portsmouth, NH, 1808, (Portsmouth, n.d.),

18 p.

Richardson, James, An Oration. Dedham, MA, 1808, (Dedham, 1808), 16 p.

Ritchie, Andrew (Jr.), An Oration. Boston, MA, 1808, (Boston, 1st edition, 1808), 19 p.

Ritchie, Andrew (Jr.), An Oration. Boston, MA, 1808, (Boston, 2nd edition, 1808), 19 p.

Smith, Nathaniel Ruggles, An Oration. Roxbury, MA, 1808, (Boston, MA, 1808), 19 p.

Smith, Rogers, An Oration. Mont Vernon, NH, 1808, (Amherst, NH, 1808), 20 p.

Allen, David, An Oration. Lansingburgh, NY, 1809, (Lansingburgh, 1809), 28 p.

Banister, William Bostwick, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1809, (Newburyport, 1809),

20 p.

Barlow, Joel, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1809, (Washington, D.C., 1809), 14 p.

Bartlett, Joseph, An Oration. Portsmouth, NH, 1809, (Portsmouth, n.d.), 16 p.

Camp, John, An Oration. Oxford, NY, 1809, (Oxford, 1809), 12 p.

Dane, Joseph, An Oration. Kennebunk, ME, 1809, (Kennebunk, 1809), 12 p.

Emmons, Williams, An Oration. Hallowell, ME, 1809, (Augusta, ME, 1809), 20 p.

Fuller, Timothy, An Oration. Watertown, MA, 1809, (Boston, MA, 1809), 16 p.

Giles, John, An Address. Newburyport, MA, 1809, (Newburyport, 1809), 16 p.

Greene, Benjamin, An Oration. Lexington, MA, 1809, (Boston, MA, 1809), 24 p.

Irving, John Treat, An Oration. New York , NY, 1809, (New York, 1809), 23 p.

Mills, Edmund, An Oration. Sutton, MA, 1809, (Sutton, 1809), 16 p.

Morton, Marcus, An Oration. Taunton, MA, 1809, (New Bedford, MA, 1809), 20 p.

Sears, Freeman, An Oration, on the Nature and Perpetuity of American Independence. Natick, MA, 1809, (Dedham, MA, 1809), 18 p.

Shepherd, Charles, An Oration. Greenfield, MA, 1809, (Northampton, MA, 1809), 20 p.

Smith, Elias, An Oration. Taunton, MA, 1809, (Taunton, 1st edition, 1809), 36 p.

Swift, Samuel, An Oration. Middlebury, VT, 1809, (Middlebury, 1809), 20 p.

Tudor, William (Jr.), An Oration. Boston, MA, 1809, (Boston, 1st edition, 1809), 23 p.

Tudor, William (Jr.), An Oration. Boston, MA, 1809, (Boston, 2nd edition, 1809), 23 p.

Van Ness, Cornelius Peter, An Oration. Jericho, VT, 1809, (Rutland, VT, 1809), 24 p.

Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin, An Oration. New York, NY, 1809, (New York, 1809), 21 p.

Weston, Daniel, An Oration. Gray, ME, 1809, (Portland, ME, 1809), 11 p.

White, William Charles, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1809, (Boston, 1809), 17 p.

Worthington, Erastus, An Oration. Dedham, MA, 1809, (Dedham, 1809), 23 p.

Aiken, Solomon, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1810, (Newburyport, 1810), 15 p.

Bacon, Ezekiel, An Address. Pittsfield, MA, 1810, (Pittsfield, 1810), 24 p.

Brackett, Joseph Warren, An Oration. NY, NY, 1810, (Brooklyn, NY, 1810), 16 p.

Burges, Tristram, Liberty, Glory and Union, or American Independence. Providence, R.I., 1810, (Providence, n.d.), 22 p.

Cheves, Langdon, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1810, (Charleston, 1810), 18 p.

Cuming, George, An Oration. New York, NY, 1810, (New York, 1810), 14 p.

Fletcher, J., An Oration. Hollis, NH, 1810, (Amherst, NH, 1810), 18 p.

Freeman, Peyton Randolph, An Oration. Portsmouth, NH, 1810, (Portsmouth, n.d.), 23 p.

Kendrick, Clark, A Sermon. Poultney, VT, 1810, (Rutland, VT, 1810), 12 p.

Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1810, (Newburyport, 1810), 16 p.

Lincoln, Daniel Waldo, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1810, (Boston, 1810, 1st edition), 20 p.

Lincoln, Daniel Waldo, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1810, (Boston, 1810, 2nd edition), 20 p.

Metcalf, Theron, An Oration. Dedham, MA, 1810, (Boston, MA, 1810), 18 p.

Nichols, William (Jr.), An Oration. Dracutt, MA, 1810, (Haverhill, MA, 1810), 12 p.

Osgood, Joseph Otis, An Oration. Salisbury, MA, 1810, (Newburyport, MA, 1810), 16 p.

Ruter, Martin, An Oration. Canterbury, NH, 1810, (Concord, NH, 1810), 16 p.

Seeger, Carl Ludwig, An Oration. Northampton, MA, 1810, (Northampton, 1810), 19 p.

Smith, Elias, A Discourse on Government and Religion. Gray, ME, 1810, (Portland, ME, 1810), 54 p.

Sprague, Joseph E., An Oration. Salem, MA, 1810, (Salem, 1810), 24 p.

Strong, Jonathan, An Oration. Randolph, MA, 1810, (Dedham, MA, 1810), 25 p.

Thomas, Daniel, An Oration. Abington, MA, 1810, (Boston, MA, 1810), 16 p.

Townsend, Alexander, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1810, (Boston, 1810), 27 p.

Weston, Nathan (Jr.), An Oration. Augusta, ME, 1810, (Hallowell, n.d.), 19 p.

Wheaton, Henry, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1810, (Providence, n.d.), 20 p.

White, William Charles, An Oration, Hubbardston, MA, 1810, (Boston, MA, 1810), 19 p.

Berrian, Samuel, An Oration. New York, NY, 1811, (New York, 1811), 22 p.

Biddle, Nicholas, An Oration. Philadelphia, PA, 1811, (Philadelphia, PA, 1811), 28 p.

Dearborn, Henry Alexander S., An Oration. Boston, MA, 1811, (Boston, 1811), 15 p.

Fairfield, Jotham, An Oration. Hanover, NH, 1811, (Hanover, 1811), 15 p.

Fessenden, Samuel, An Oration. New Gloucester, ME, 1811, (Portland, ME, 1811), 49 p.

Fowler, Bancroft, A Discourse. Windsor, VT, 1811, (Windsor, 1811), 22 p.

Grennell, George (Jr.), An Oration. Northampton, MA, 1811, (Northampton, 1811), 24 p.

Noyes, John, An Oration. Brattleborough, VT, 1811, (Brattleborough, 1811), 13 p.

Pidgin, William, A Discourse. Minot, ME, 1811, (Portland, ME, 1811), 19 p.

Savage, James, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1811, (Boston, 1811), 21 p.

Sedgwick, Robert, An Oration. New York, NY, 1811, (New York, 1811), 16 p.

Allen, Samuel Clesson, An Oration. Greenfield, MA, 1812, (Greenfield, 1812), 26 p.

Anthon, John, An Oration. New York, NY, 1812, (New York, 1812), 22 p.

Blake, Francis, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1812, (Worcester, 1812), 36 p.

Blake, Francis, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1812, (Worcester, 1812, var. ed.), 36 p.

Chickering, Jabez, An Oration. Dedham, MA, 1812, (Boston, MA, 1812), 16 p.

Claggett, William, An Oration. Portsmouth, NH, 1812, (Portsmouth, 1812), 32 p.

Dreyer, John H., Concord and Religion; the Principal Sources of Civil Prosperity: A Discourse. NY, NY, 1812, (NY, NY, 1812), 14 p.

Evarts, Jeremiah, An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1812, (Charlestown, 1812), 32 p.

Foster, Festus, An Oration. Hardwick, MA, 1812, (Brookfield, MA, 1812), 16 p.

Jarvis, William Charles, An Oration. Pittsfield, MA, 1812, (Stockbridge, MA, 1812, 2nd edition), 24 p.

Langdon, Chauncy, An Oration. Castleton, VT, 1812, (Middlebury, VT, 1812), 35 p.

Lincoln, Enoch, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1812, (Worcester, 1812), 16 p.

Peirce, Benjamin, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1812, (Salem, 1812), 23 p.

Pitman, John, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1812, (Salem, 1812), 23 p.

Powers, Grant, An Oration. Thetford, VT, 1812, (Montpelier, VT, 1812), 16 p.

Prentiss, Samuel (Jr.), An Oration. Plainfield, VT, 1812, (Montpelier, VT, 1812), 39 p.

Richardson, Joseph, An Oration. Plymouth, MA, 1812, (Boston, MA, 1812), 23 p.

Rogers, John, An Address. Plymouth, NH, 1812, (Concord, NH, 1812), 14 p.

Romaine, Samuel B., An Oration. New York, NY, 1812, (New York, 1812), 16 p.

Rush, Richard, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1812, (Washington, D.C., 1812), 48 p.

Rush, Richard, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1812, (Concord, NH, 1812), 23 p.

Sutherland, David, Christian Benevolence. A Sermon. Newbury, VT, 1812, (Windsor, VT, 1812), 15 p.

Van Ness, Cornelius Peter, An Oration. Williston, VT, 1812, (Burlington, VT, 1812), 48 p.

Van Pelt, Peter I., The Goodness of God, to be praised by men, etc. A Discourse. NY, NY, 1812, (NY, NY, 1812), 23 p.

Van Pelt, Peter I., The Goodness of God, to be praised by men, etc. A Discourse. NY, NY, 1812, (NY, NY, 1812), 23 p.

Wallace, John, An Oration. Newbury, VT, 1812, (Windsor, VT, 1812), 14 p.

Webster, Daniel, An Address. Portsmouth, NH, 1812, (Portsmouth, NH, 1812, 1st edition), 27 p.

Willard, Joseph, A Sermon. Lancaster, NH, 1812, (Windsor, VT, 1812), 16 p.

Bangs, Edward Dillingham, An Oration. Sutton, MA, 1813, (Worcester, MA, 1813), 16 p.

Bodwell, Abraham, The Sovereignty of God: A Sermon. Sanbornton, NH, 1813, (Concord, NH, 1813), 17 p.

Catlin, Jacob, Horrors of War. New Marlborough, MA, 1813, (Stockbridge, MA, 1813),

11 p.

Cooke, Phinehas, An Oration. Keene, NH, 1813, (Keene, 1813), 16 p.

Durfee, Job, An Oration. Tiverton, RI, 1813, (Newport, RI, 1813), 20 p.

Elliot, Samuel, An Oration. Brattleboro, VT, 1813, (Brattleborough, VT, 1813), 23 p.

Foster, Festus, An Oration. Northfield, MA, 1813, (Brattleborough, VT, 1813), 22 p.

Hay, George, An Oration. Richmond, VA, 1813, (Baltimore, MD, 1813), 13 p.

Holmes, Abiel, The Character of Washington. An Address. Cambridge, MA, 1813, (Cambridge, MA, 1813), 28 p.

Ingersoll, Joseph Reed, An Oration. Philadelphia, PA, 1813, (Philadelphia, 1813), 24 p.

Joline, John K., An Heroic Address (in verse). New Brunswick, NJ, 1813, (New Brunswick, 1813), 12 p.

Mack, Ebenezer, An Oration. New York, NY, 1813, (New York, 1813), 16 p.

M'Lane, Louis, An Oration. Wilmington, DE, 1813, (Wilmington, 1813), 23 p.

Mills, Elijah Hunt, An Oration. Northampton, MA, 1813, (Northampton, 1813), 24 p.

Morris, Gouverneur, An Oration. New York, NY, 1813, (New York, 1813), 27 p.

Nichols, Benjamin Ropes, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1813, (Salem, 1813), 24 p.

Paine, Emerson, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1813, (Providence, 1813), 30 p.

Prentiss, Charles, A Poem Oration. Brookfield, MA, 1813, (Brookfield, 1813), 10 p.

Rodman, John, An Oration. New York, NY, 1813, (New York, NY, 1813), 24 p.

Smith, Samuel Harrison, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1813, (Washington, D.C., 1813), p. 24.

Snell, Thomas, An Oration. Brookfield, MA, 1813, (Brookfield, 1813), p. 30.

Sprague, Joseph E., An Oration. Salem, MA, 1813, (Salem, MA, 1813), 17 p.

Van Vechten, P., An Oration. Albany, NY, 1813, (Albany, 1813), 13 p.

Worcester, Thomas, Distressing Judgements Occasioned by Despising the Words and the Messengers of God. A Sermon. Salisbury, NH, 1813, (Concord, 1813), 20 p.

Austin, Daniel (Jr.), An Oration. Portsmouth, NH, 1814, (Portsmouth, 1814), 23 p.

Clark, Daniel Atkinson, Independence Sermon. Hanover, NJ, 1814, (Newark, NJ, 1814),

24 p.

Dana, Daniel, Discourse. Newburyport, MA, 1814, (Newburyport, 1814), 20 p.

Dana, Richard Henry, An Oration. Cambridge, MA, 1814, (Cambridge, 1814), 22 p.

Dunham, Josiah, An Oration. Hanover, NH, 1814, (Hanover, 1814), 25 p.

Fuller, Timothy, An Oration. Lexington, MA, 1814, (Boston, MA, 1814), 23 p.

Galusha, Elon, An Address. Bennington, VT, 1814, (Bennington, 1814), 15 p.

Ladd, William, An Oration. Minot, ME, 1814, (Portland, ME, 1814), 32 p.

M'Donald, John, Ebenezer: or Jehovah the Helper of America: A Sermon. Albany, NY, 1814, (Albany, 1814), 38 p.

Mahon, John Duncan, An Oration. Carlisle, PA, 1814, (Carlisle, n.d.), 20 p.

Newton, Rejoice, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1814, (Worcester, 1814), 24 p.

An an American Seaman, prisoner of war, An Oration. Chatham, England, 1814, (Boston, MA, 1815), 8 p.

Shipherd, Zebulon Rudd, An Oration. Poultney, VT, 1814, (Middlebury, VT, 1814), 27 p.

Stockton, Lucius Horatio, An Address. Trenton, NJ, 1814, (Trenton, 1814), 30 p.

Thompson, John Champlin, An Oration. Windsor, VT, 1814, (Windsor, 1814), 24 p.

Tufts, Joseph (Jr.), An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1814, (Charlestown, 1814), 14 p.

Webster, Noah, An Oration. Amherst, MA, 1814, (Northampton, MA, 1814), 32 p.

Wheaton, Henry, An Oration. New York, NY, 1814, (New York, 1814), 23 p.

Whitwell, Benjamin, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1814, (Boston, 1814), 19 p.

Austin, James Trecothice, An Oration. Lexington, MA, 1815, (Boston, MA, 1815), 21 p.

Austin, James Trecothice, An Oration. Lexington, MA, 1815, (Boston, MA, 1815), 20 p.

Baltimore Citizens. An authentic account of all the proceedings on the ... laying of the cornerstone of the Washington monument in Baltimore. Baltimore, MD, 1815, (Baltimore, 1815), 44 p.

Berrian, Samuel, An Oration. New York, NY, 1815, (New York, 1815), 32 p.

Bigelow, Andrew, An Oration. Cambridge, MA, 1815, (Cambridge, MA, 1815), 16 p.

Buchanan, James, His Doctrines and Policies as Exhibited by Himself and Friends. An Oration. Lancaster, PA, 1815, (New York, 1856), 16 p.

Chauncey, Nathaniel, An Oration. Philadelphia, PA, 1815, (Philadelphia, 1815), 22 p.

Flint, Timothy, An Oration. Leominster, MA, 1815, (Worcester, MA, n.d.), 24 p.

Greene, Christopher Rhodes, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1815, (Charleston, 1815), 26 p.

Holmes, John, An Oration. Alfred, ME, 1815, (Boston, MA, 1815), 23 p.

Leightenberger, Yost, The Dutchman's Oration. New York, NY, 1815, (New York, 1817), 8 p.

Leland, Sherman, An Oration. Dorchester, MA, 1815, (Boston, MA, 1815), 16 p.

Loring, Jerome, An Oration. Hingham, MA, 1815, (Boston, MA, 1815), 15 p.

Packard, Asa, An Oration. East Sudbury, MA, 1815, (Boston, MA, 1815), 15 p.

Power, Thomas, An Oration. Warwick, MA, 1815, (Boston, MA, 1815), 24 p.

Shaw, Lemuel, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1815, (Boston, MA, 1815), 24 p.

Sprague, Peleg, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1815, (Worcester, 1815), 20 p.

Davis, John, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1816, (Worcester, 1816), 23 p.

Ferris, Charles G., An Oration. New York, NY, 1816, (New York, 1816), 22 p.

Osborn, Selleck, An Oration. Windsor, VT, 1816, (Windsor, 1816), 24 p.

Parker, Leonard M., An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1816, (Boston, MA, 1816), 16 p.

Sullivan, George, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1816, (Boston, MA, 1816, 1st edition), 24 p.

Sullivan, George, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1816, (Boston, MA, 1816, 2nd edition), 24 p.

Allen, Benjamin Franklin, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1817, (Providence, 1817), 16 p.

Channing, Edward Tyrrel, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1817, (Boston, n.d.), 24 p.

Cumming, Hooper, An Oration. Albany, NY, 1817, (Albany, 1817), 15 p.

Mallary, Rollin Carolus, An Oration. Whitehall, NY, 1817, (Rutland, VT, 1817), 16 p.

Merrick, Pliny, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1817, (Worcester, 1817), 16 p.

Chestney, James, An Oration. Albany, NY, 1818, (Albany, 1818), 16 p.

Cumming, Hooper, A Sermon. Schoharie, NY, 1818, (Schoharie, 1818), 16 p.

Denny, Austin, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1818, (Worcester, 1818), 16 p.

Gray, Francis Calley, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1818, (Boston, 1818), 24 p.

Sampson, J.P.C., An Oration. Litchfield, CT, 1818, (NY, NY, 1818), 16 p.

Smith, Reuben, The Christian Patriot. A Discourse. Ballston Spa, NY, 1818, (Ballston Spa, 1818), 15 p.

Dexter, Franklin, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1819, (Boston, n.d.), 19 p.

Dunlap, Andrew, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1819, (Salem, 1819, 1st edition), 15 p.

Gleason, Benjamin, Anniversary Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1819, (Charlestown, 1819),

16 p.

Knight, Daniel, An Oration. Charlton, MA, 1819, (Worcester, MA, 1819), 20 p.

Leonard, George, A Sermon. Windsor, VT, 1819, (Windsor, 1819), 21 p.

Wells, Samuel Adams, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1819, (Boston, 1819), 28 p.

Bard, Simeon Ingersoll, An Oration. Francestown, NH, 1820, (Amherst, NH, 1820), 24 p.

Beal, Thomas Prince, An Oration. North Scituate, MA, 1820, (Boston, MA, 1820), 16 p.

Bisbe, John, An Oration. Dudley, MA, 1820, (Worcester, MA, 1820), 22 p.

Lyman, Theodore (Jr.), (?), Boston, MA, 1820, (Boston, n.d.), 20 p.

Orne, Henry, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1820, (Boston, 1820), 23 p.

Ramsay, David, An Address. Charleston, SC, 1820, (Charleston, 1820), 32 p.

Tracy, William S., An Oration. Norwich, CT, 1820, (Norwich, 1820), 13 p.

Adams, John Quincy, An Address. Washington, D.C., 1821, (Cambridge, MA, 1821), 34 p.

Adams, John Quincy, An Address. Washington, D.C., 1821, (Washington, D.C., 1821),

31 p.

Cumming, Hooper, An Oration. Schenectady, NY, 1821, (Schenectady, 1821), 23 p.

Cushing, Caleb, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1821, (Newburyport, 1821, 1st edition),

19 p.

Cushing, Caleb, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1821, (Newburyport, 1821, 2nd edition),

19 p.

DeWolf, John, An Address. Bristol, RI, 1821, (Bristol, 1821), 24 p.

Elfe, Robert, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1821, (Charleston, 1821), 20 p.

Elliott, Thomas Odingsell, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1821, (Charleston, 1821), 36 p.

Fairbanks, Gerry, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1821, (Boston, 1821), 22 p.

Geddes, John (Jr.), An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1821, (Charleston, 1821), 19 p.

Hamilton, James, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1821, (Charleston, 1821), 32 p.

King, Thomas F., An Oration. New York, NY, 1821, (New York, 1821), 23 p.

Loring, Charles Greely, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1821, (Boston, 1821, 1st edition), 19 p.

Loring, Charles Greely, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1821, (Boston, 1821, 2nd edition), 19 p.

Nixon, Henry G., An Oration. Litchfield, CT, 1821, (Hartford, CT, 1821), 22 p.

Robinson, Robert C., The bye-laws of the Adams Patriotic and Economical Society and An Address, Adams, MA, 1821, (Pittsfield, MA, 1821), 23 p.

Sprague, Joseph E., An Address. Salem, MA, 1821, (Salem, 1821), 21 p.

Townsend, Shearjashub Bourne, An Oration. Sherburne, MA, 1821, (Boston, MA, 1821), 26 p.

Willard, Paul, An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1821, (Boston, MA, 1821), 16 p.

Austin, Samuel, An Oration. Newport, RI, 1822, (Newport, 1822), 16 p.

Barton, Ira, An Oration. Oxford, MA, 1822, (Cambridge, MA, 1822), 24 p.

Dunlap, Andrew, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1822, (Boston, 1822), 24 p.

Field, Barnum, An Oration. Dedham, MA, 1822, (Dedham, 1822), 20 p.

Gray, John Chipman, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1822, (Boston, 1822), 20 p.

Holbrook, Silas Pinckney, An Oration. Medfield, MA, 1822, (Dedham, MA, 1822), 20 p.

Holley, Orville Luther, An Oration. Lyons, NY, 1822, (Lyons, 1822), 25 p.

Linn, Archibald L., An Oration. Schenectady, NY, 1822, (Schenectady, 1822), 15 p.

Loring, Nathaniel Hall, An Address. Charlestown, MA, 1822, (Boston, MA, 1822), 24 p.

Perkins, Charles, An Oration. Norwich, CT, 1822, (Norwich, 1822), 24 p.

Ridgely, G.W., An Oration. Lexington, KY, 1822, (Lexington, 1822), 14 p.

Robbins, Thomas, An Address. Hartford, CT, 1822, (Hartford, 1822), 16 p.

Rowland, Thomas, An Oration. Detroit, MI, 1822, (Detroit, 1822), 15 p.

Smith, Henry Barney, An Oration. Dorchester, MA, 1822, (Boston, MA, 1822), 18 p.

Bangs, Edward Dillingham, An Oration. Springfield, MA, 1823, (Springfield, 1823), 16 p.

Curtis, Charles Pelham, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1823, (Boston, 1823, 1st edition), 34 p.

Farnsworth, Havilah, Oration. Euclid, OH, 1823, (Cleveland, OH, 1823), 11 p.

Geortner, John Peter, An Oration. Canajoharie, NY, 1823, (Cherry Valley, NY, 1823),

11 p.

Greene, Albert Gorton, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1823, (Providence, 1823), 16 p.

Jarvis, Russell, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1823, (Boston, 1823), 27 p.

Legare, Hugh Swinton, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1823, (Charleston, 1823), 30 p.

McElhenney, James, An Oration. Litchfield, CT, 1823, (New Haven, CT, 1823), 16 p.

Mann, Horace, An Oration. Dedham, MA, 1823, (Dedham, 1823), 25 p.

Pickering, Timothy, Col. Pickering's Observations Introductory to Reading the Declaration of Independence. Salem, MA, 1823, (Salem, 1823), 12 p.

Train, Charles, An Oration. Hopkinton, MA, 1823, (Worcester, MA, 1823), 20 p.

Warren, Charles, An Address. Palmyra, ME, 1823, (Hallowell, ME, 1823), 19 p.

Wilde, George C., An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1823, (Newburyport, 1823, 1st edition), 22 p.

Adams, George Washington, An Oration. Quincy, MA, 1824, (Boston, MA, 1824), 24 p.

Bailey, John, An Oration. Natick, MA, 1824, (Dedham, MA, n.d.), 24 p.

Bassett, Francis, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1824, (Boston, 1824), 24 p.

Cumming, Hooper, An Oration. New York, NY, 1824, (New York, 1824), 23 p.

Emerson, Andrew Leonard, An Oration. Portland, ME, 1824, (Portland, 1824), 14 p.

Everett, John, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1824, (Boston, 1824), 36 p.

Henry, Symmes Cleves, An Oration. Trenton, NJ, 1824, (Trenton, 1824), 22 p.

Hoadly, Loammi Ives, An Address. Sutton, MA, 1824, (Worcester, MA, 1824), 19 p.

Holley, Orville Luther, An Oration. Troy, NY, 1824, (Troy, 1824), 23 p.

Little, Robert, The National Anniversary, Washington, D.C., 1824, (Washington, D.C., 1824), 28 p.

Middleton, Arthur (Jr.), An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1824, (Charleston, 1824), 23 p.

Sanders, Daniel Clarke, An Address. Walpole, MA, 1824, (Dedham, MA, 1824), 16 p.

Smith, Horace, An Address. West Point, NY, 1824, (Newburgh, NY, 1824), 22 p.

Vander Bergh, Henry V.S., An Oration. Stillwater, NY, 1824, (Albany, NY, 1824), 16 p.

Austin, Samuel, An Address. Worcester, MA, 1825, (Worcester, 1825), 23 p.

Bacon, Leonard, A Plea for Africa. New Haven, CT, 1825, (New Haven, 1825), 22 p.

Bouton, Nathaniel, Christian Patriotism. An Address. Concord, NH, 1825, (Concord, 1825), 24 p.

Calhoun, William Barron, An Address. Springfield, MA, 1825, (Springfield, 1825), 36 p.

Gurley, Ralph Randolph, A Discourse. Washington, D.C., 1825, (Washington, D.C., 1825), 21 p.

Henderson, Bennett H., An Address. West Point, NY, 1825, (New York, N.Y., 1825),

24 p.

Kelly, Albert Livingston, An Oration. Portland, ME, 1825, (Portland, 1825), 14 p.

Patterson, James, A Sermon, on the effects of the Hebrew slavery as connected with slavery in this country. Philadelphia, PA, 1825, (Philadelphia, 1825), 36 p.

Plumb, Elijah W., An Oration. Halifax, VT, 1825, (Greenfield, MA, 1825), 13 p.

Prime, Nathaniel Scudder, The Year of Jubilee; but not to Africans. A Discourse. Cambridge, NY, 1825, (Salem, NY, 1825), 24 p.

Sprague, Charles, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1825, (Boston, 1825, 1st edition), 31 p.

Sprague, Charles, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1825, (Boston, 1825, 2nd edition), 31 p.

Sprague, Charles, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1825, (Boston, 1825, 3rd edition), 31 p.

Sprague, Charles, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1825, (Boston, 1831, 6th edition), 30 p.

Stetson, Caleb, An Oration. Lexington, MA, 1825, (Cambridge, MA, 1825), 20 p.

Strong, Henry K., An Oration. Pittsfield, MA, 1825, (Pittsfield, MA, 1825), 20 p.

Ward, Jonathan, A Sermon. Plymouth, MA, 1825, (Plymouth, MA, 1826), 28 p.

Willard, Joseph, An Oration. Lancaster, MA, 1825, (Boston, MA, 1825), 24 p.

Bancroft, George, An Oration. Northampton, MA, 1826, (Northampton, 1826), 26 p.

Benedict, George Wyllys, An Oration. Burlington, VT, 1826, (Burlington, 1826), 26 p.

Bent, Josiah (Jr.), National Jubilee. Braintree, MA, 1826, (Boston, MA, 1826), 23 p.

Chamberlain, William, An Address. Windsor, VT, 1826, (Windsor, 1826), 24 p.

Child, David Lee, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1826, (Boston, 1826), 40 p.

Choules, John Overton, An Oration. Red Hook, NY, 1826, (Poughkeepsie, NY, 1826),

16 p.

Codman, John, An Oration. Dorchester, MA, 1826, (Boston, MA, 1826), 24 p.

Colman, Henry, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1826, (Salem, 1826), 23 p.

Drake, Benjamin, A Public Oration. Cincinnati, OH, 1826, (Cincinnati, 1826), 12 p.

Eddy, Ansel Doane, A Discourse. Canandaigua, NY, 1826, (Canandaigua, n.d.), 24 p.

Emmons, William, An Oration and Poem. Boston, MA, 1826, (Boston, 1826), 16 p.

Emmons, William, An Oration and Poem. Boston, MA, 1826, (Boston, 1826, 2nd edition), 16 p.

Everett, Edward, An Oration. Cambridge, MA, 1826, (Boston, 1826, 1st edition), 51 p.

Everett, Edward, An Oration. Cambridge, MA, 1826, (Boston, 1826, 2nd edition), 51 p.

Gleason, Benjamin, An Oration. Cambridge, MA, 1826, (Boston, 1826), 35 p.

Holley, Myron, An Oration. Lyons, NY, 1826, (Canandaigua, NY, 1826), 24 p.

Hunter, William, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1826, (Providence, 1st edition, 1826), 46 p.

Hunter, William, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1826, (Providence, 2nd edition, 1826), 46 p.

Kneeland, Abner, An Oration. New York, NY, 1826, (New York, 1826), 34 p.

Leland, A.W., A Discourse. Charleston, SC, 1826, (Charleston, 1826), 16 p.

Leland, John, Part of a Speech. Suffield, CT, 1826, (Pittsfield, MA, 1826), 22 p.

Lincoln, Solomon (Jr.), An Oration. Hingham, MA, 1826, (Hingham, 1826), 23 p.

Lowe, Peter P., A Centennial Edition of the Semi-Centennial Oration. Dayton, OH, 1826, (Portland, ME, 1876), 15 p.

Mallary, Rollin Carolus, An Oration. Rutland, VT, 1826, (Rutland, 1826), 24 p.

Penny, Joseph, A Discourse. Rochester, NY, 1826, (Rochester, 1826), 16 p.

Quincy, Josiah, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1826, (Boston, 1826), 30 p.

Sheldon, Calvin, An Oration. Dorset, VT, 1826, (Bennington, VT, 1826), 22 p.

Taylor, John W., An Address. Ballston Spa, NY, 1826, (Ballston Spa, 1826), 21 p.

Willard, John, An Oration. Salem, NY, 1826, (Salem, 1826), 16 p.

Wisner, William, The Fourth of July, a day of thanksgiving to the American people. A Sermon. Ithaca, NY, 1826, (Ithaca, 1826), 12 p.

Aiken, Samuel C., An Address. Utica, NY, 1827, (Utica, 1827), 12 p.

Ballou, Adin, An Oration. Milford, MA, 1827, (Boston, MA, 1827), 35 p.

Dana, Joseph, A Discourse. Ipswich, MA, 1827, (Ipswich, 1827), 15 p.

Ely, Ezra Stiles, The duty of Christian freemen to elect Christian rulers. A Discourse. Philadelphia, PA, 1827, (Philadelphia, 1828), 32 p.

Fessenden, William Pitt, An Oration. Portland, ME, 1827, (Portland, 1827), 31 p.

Hazen, Nathan W., An Oration. Haverhill, MA, 1827, (Haverhill, 1827), 28 p.

Hoyt, O.P., The Influence of Public Opinion. An Address. Potsdam, NY, 1827, (Potsdam, 1827), 16 p.

Mason, William Powell, The Oration. Boston, MA, 1827, (Boston, 1827), 31 p.

Morse, Pitt, An Oration. Adams, NY, 1827, (Watertown, NY, 1827), 11 p.

Osgood, Samuel, A Sermon. Springfield, MA, 1827, (Springfield, 1827), 18 p.

Paul, Nathaniel, An Address. Albany, NY, 1827, (Albany, 1827), 24 p.

Robbins, Asher, An Oration. Newport, RI, 1827, (Providence, RI, 1827), 27 p.

Rutledge, Edward, An Address. Stratford, CT, 1827, (New Haven, CT, 1827), 15 p.

Seymour, Thomas Henry, An Oration. Middletown, CT, 1827, (Middletown, 1827), 15 p.

Sprague, William Buell, Religious Celebration of Independence. A Discourse. Northampton, MA, 1827, (Hartford, CT, 1827), 29 p.

Vanden Heuvel, Jacob A., An Oration. Ogdensburgh, NY, 1827, (New York, 1827),

27 p.

Bailey, B.F., An Oration. Burlington, VT, 1828, (Burlington, 1828), 18 p.

Barker, David (Jr.), An Address. Rochester, NH, 1828, (Dover, NH, 1828), 28 p.

Condict, Lewis, An Address. Morristown, NJ, 1828, (Morristown, 1828), 36 p.

Everett, Edward, An Oration. Charlestown, MA, 1828, (Boston, MA, 1828), 43 p.

Francis, Convers, An Address. Watertown, MA, 1828, (Cambridge, MA, 1828), 23 p.

Hill, Isaac, An Address. Portsmouth, NH, 1828, (Concord, NH, 1828), 14 p.

Humphrey, Heman, Parallel between intemperance and the slave trade. Amherst, MA, 1828, (Amherst, 1828), 40 p.

James, William, The moral responsibility of the American nation. A Discourse. Rochester, NY, 1828, (Rochester, 1828), 17 p.

Kittredge, Jonathan, An Address. Bath, NH, 1828, (Boston, MA, 1829), 20 p.

Knowles, James Davis, Perils and safeguards of American liberty. An address. Boston, MA, 1828, (Boston, n.d.), 27 p.

Palmer, William Pitt, A Poem. Williamstown, MA, 1828, (Williamstown, 1828), 24 p.

Peabody, William Bourn Oliver, An Address. Springfield, MA, 1828, (Springfield, 1828),

16 p.

Petigru, Charles, An Oration. West Point, NY, 1828, (Newburgh, 1828), 15 p.

Pickering, David, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1828, (Providence, 2nd edition, 1828), 24 p.

Plumer, William (Jr.), An Address. Portsmouth, NH, 1828, (Portsmouth, 1828), 24 p.

Pratt, Horace S., A Sermon. Fryeburg, ME, 1828, (Portland, ME, 1828), 31 p.

Richardson, Joseph, An Oration. Weymouth, MA, 1828, (Hingham, MA, 1828), 23 p.

Shaw, John Angier, An Oration. Plymouth, MA, 1828, (Plymouth, 1828), 16 p.

Southwick, Solomon, An Oration. LeRoy, NY, 1828, (Albany, NY, 1828), 81 p.

Stewart, John G., An Address. Albany, NY, 1828, (Albany, 1828), 11 p.

Storrs, Henry Randolph, Substance of Mr. Storrs' remarks. Whitesboro, NY, 1828, (Utica, NY, 1828), 23 p.

Storrs, Henry Randolph, Substance of Mr. Storrs' remarks. Whitesboro, NY, 1828, (Utica, NY, n.d.), 28 p.

Sumner, Bradford, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1828, (Boston, 1828), 29 p.

Thompson, John Champlin, An Oration. Burlington, VT, 1828, (Burlington, 1828), 32 p.

Austin, James Trecothick, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1829, (Boston, 1829), 26 p.

Baker, Luther, An Oration. Swanzey, MA, 1829, (Providence, RI, 1829), 16 p.

Briggs, William P., An Oration. Burlington, VT, 1829, (Burlington, VT, 1829), 15 p.

Burges, Tristram, Remarks. Clayville, RI, 1829, (Providence, RI, 1829), 31 p.

Calhoun, Simeon Howard, An Oration. Williamstown, MA, 1829, (Williamstown, 1829),

13 p.

D'Arusmont, Mme Frances (Wright), An Address. Philadelphia, PA, 1829, (NY, NY, 1829), 15 p.

Dickinson, Baxter, A Sermon. Springfield, MA, 1829, (Springfield, 1829), 19 p.

Emmons, William, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1829, (Boston, 1829), 16 p.

Garrison, William Lloyd, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1829, (Boston, 1829), 12 p.

Grimke, Thomas Smith, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1829, (Charleston, 1829), 32 p.

Hitchcock, Gad, An Address. Hanson, MA, 1829, (Hingham, MA, 1829), 8 p.

Kellogg, Giles Bacon, An Oration. Williamstown, MA, 1829, (Williamstown, 1829), 22 p.

Kittredge, Jonathan, An Address. Plymouth, NH, 1829, (Boston, MA, 1830), 24 p.

Lockwood, Ralph Ingersoll, An Address. New York, NY, 1829, (New York, 1829), 24 p.

M'Lean, Alexander, An Oration. Ludlow, MA, 1829, (Belchertown, MA, 1829), 16 p.

Ritner, Joseph, An Address. West Point, NY, 1829, (Newburgh, NY, 1829), 15 p.

Slade, William, An Oration. Bridport, VT, 1829, (Middlebury, VT, 1829), 32 p.

Thompson, Edward, An Oration. New York, NY, 1829, (New York, 1829), 19 p.

Allen, William Stickney, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1830, (Newburyport, 1830), 20 p.

Barton, Richard W., An Oration. Winchester, VA, 1830, (Winchester, 1830), 20 p.

Coxe, Richard Smith, An Address. Washington, D.C., 1830, (Washington, 1830), 15 p.

Everett, Alexander Hill, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1830, (Boston, 1830), 47 p.

Harris, Thaddeus Mason, Two Discourses. Dorchester, MA, 1830, (Boston, 1830), 67 p.

Mix, Silas, An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1830 (New Haven, n.d.), 20 p.

Phelps, Eliakim, Intemperance, and the Revolutionary War. An address. Geneva, NY, 1830, (Geneva, 1830), 24 p.

Reichel, Charles F., The Happy Nation. A Sermon. Lancaster, PA, 1830, (Lancaster, n.d.), 13 p.

Southard, Samuel Lewis, An Address. Newark, NJ, 1830, (Newark, 1830), 27 p.

Sprague, William Buell, A Sermon. Albany, NY, 1830, (Albany, 1830), 17 p.

Street, Alfred Billings, An Oration. Monticello, NY, 1830, (Monticello, 1830), 12 p.

Thacher, Moses, Masonic Oaths Neither Morally Nor Legally Binding. An Address. Worcester, MA, 1830, (Boston, MA, 1830), 30 p.

Thacher, Moses, Masonic Oaths Neither Morally Nor Legally Binding. Worcester, MA, 1830, (Worcester, 1830), 30 p.

Adams, John Quincy, An Oration. Quincy, MA, 1831, (Boston, MA, 1831), 40 p.

Baylies, Francis, An Address. Taunton, MA, 1831, (Boston, MA, 1831), 24 p.

Baylies, Francis, An Address. Taunton, MA, 1831, (Boston, MA, 1831), 37 p.

Bloore, Joshua, An Address. Waterford, NY, 1831, (Saratoga Springs, NY, 1831), 8 p.

Burges, Tristram, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1831, (Providence, 1831), 32 p.

Drayton, William, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1831, (Charleston, 1831), 40 p.

Greenleaf, Abner, An Address... Portsmouth, NH, 1831, (Portsmouth, 1831), 16 p.

Hayne, Isaac William, An Oration. Columbia, SC, 1831, (Columbia, 1831), 15 p.

Hayne, Robert Young, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1831, (Charleston, 1831), 47 p.

Holley, Myron, An Oration. Weedsport, NY, 1831, (Auburn, NY, 1831), 16 p.

Key, Francis Scott, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1831, (Washington, D.C., 1831), 16 p.

Otis, William Foster, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1831, (Boston, 1831), 36 p.

Palfrey, John Groham, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1831, (Boston, 1831), 42 p.

Phillips, Stephen Clarendon, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1831, (Salem, 1831), 40 p.

Rainsford, Joseph A., An Oration. Abington, MA, 1831, (Boston, MA, 1831), 24 p.

Seward, William Henry, An Oration. Syracuse, NY, 1831, (Syracuse, 1831), 16 p.

Blythe, Calvin, An Oration. Gettysburg, PA, 1832, (Gettysburg, 1832), 19 p.

Chapin, Graham H., An Oration. Lyons, NY, 1832, (Lyons, 1832), 22 p.

Collier, W.R., Remarks on the Protective System. Andover, MA, 1832, (Andover, 1832),

12 p.

Cushing, Caleb, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1832, (Newburyport, 1832), 56 p.

Dunlap, Andrew, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1832, (Boston, MA, 1832), 21 p.

Freeman, Frederick, Religious Liberty. A Discourse. Hanson, MA, 1832, (Plymouth, MA, 1832), 32 p.

Hammond, Jabez Delano, An Address. Cherry Valley, NY, 1832, (Utica, NY, 1832), 19 p.

Prescott, Edward Goldsborough, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1832, (Boston, 1832),

30 p.

Quincy, Josiah, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1832, (Boston, 1832), 21 p.

Rantoul, Robert (Jr.), An Oration. South Reading, MA, 1832, (Salem, MA, 1832), 36 p.

Rice, Christopher Carleton, An Oration. NY, NY, 1832, (NY, NY, 1832), 18 p.

Silliman, Benjamin, Some of the Causes of National Anxiety. An Address. New Haven, CT, 1832, (n.p., n.d.), 27 p.

Thacher, Moses, An Address. Augusta, ME, 1832, (Hallowell, ME), 32 p.

Turnbull, Robert James, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1832, (Charleston, 1832), 45 p.

Wilder, James Humphrey, An Oration. Hingham, MA, 1832, (Hingham, 1832), 36 p.

Atlee, Edwin Pitt, An Address. Philadelphia, PA, 1833, (Philadelphia, 1833), 15 p.

Cheever, George Barroll, Some of the Principles According to which this World is managed contrasted with the government of God. Salem, MA, 1833, (Boston, 1833), 60 p.

Cushing, Caleb, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1833, (Boston, 1833), 24 p.

Doane, George W., Address at the Laying of the cornerstone of Trinity Church... Princeton, NJ, 1833, (Princeton, 1833), 11 p.

Everett, Edward, An Address. Worcester, MA, 1833, (Boston, MA, 1833), 40 p.

Grimke, Thomas Smith, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1833, (Charleston, 1833), 39 p.

Ingersoll, Joseph Reed, An Address. Easton, PA, 1833, (Easton, 1833), 38 p.

Lunt, George, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1833, (Newburyport, 1833), 16 p.

Pinckney, Henry Laurens, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1833, (Charleston, 1833), 56 p.

Prescott, Edward Goldsborough, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1833, (Boston, 1833), 20 p.

Rantoul, Robert (Jr.), An Oration. Gloucester, MA, 1833, (Salem, MA, 1833), 51 p.

Saunders, Curtius H., An Oration. Litchfield, CT, 1833, (Litchfield, CT, 1833), 8 p.

Walker, Amasa, An Address. Boston, MA, 1833, (Boston, 1833), 31 p.

Cutter, Charles William, An Oration. Portsmouth, NH, 1834, (Portsmouth, 1834), 32 p.

Dickinson, James T., A Sermon. Norwich, CT, 1834, (Norwich, 1834), 40 p.

Fay, Richard Sullivan, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1834, (Boston, 1834), 31 p.

Gilpin, Henry Dilworth, A Speech. Philadelphia, PA, 1834, (Philadelphia, 1834), 27 p.

Hill, John T., An Oration. Charlottesville, VA, 1834, (Charlottesville, 1834), 16 p.

Skinner, Aaron Nichols, An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1834, (New Haven, 1834), 23 p.

Woodworth, Westerlo, An Oration. Albany, NY, 1834, (Albany, 1834), 23 p.

Allan, James S., An Oration. Centre College, Danville, KY, 1835, (Cincinnati, OH, 1835), 16 p.

Barnard, Daniel Dewey, An Oration. Albany, NY, 1835, (Albany, 1835), 51 p.

Bethune, George Washington, Our Liberties: Their dangers and the means of preserving them. A Discourse. Philadelphia, PA, 1835, (Philadelphia, 1835), 20 p.

Boyden, John, An Oration. Dudley, MA, 1835, (Worcester, MA, 1835), 16 p.

Burges, Tristam, Remarks Sent to the People. Woonsocket Falls, RI, 1835, (Woonsocket Falls, 1835), 16 p.

Cunningham, A.F., An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1835, (Washington, D.C., 1835), 15 p.

Dayton, Aaron Ogden, Eulogy on LaFayette. Elizabeth, NJ, 1835, (Elizabeth, 1835), 44 p.

Emmons, William, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1835, (Washington, D.C., 1835), 16 p.

Everett, Edward, An Oration. Beverly, MA, 1835, (Boston, MA, 1835), 48 p.

Fisk, Wilbur, Substance of an Address. Middletown, CT, 1835, (Middletown, 1835), 23 p.

Hillard, George Stillman, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1835, (Boston, 1835), 30 p.

Hubbell, Levi, An Oration. Albany, NY, 1835, (Albany, 1835), 19 p.

Smith, Jerome Van Crowinshield, An Oration. South Boston, MA, 1835, (Boston, 1835),

56 p.

Williams, James Watson, An Oration. Utica, NY, 1835, (Utica, 1835), 7 p.

Williams, Joseph Ricketson, An Oration. New Bedford, MA, 1835, (New Bedford, 1835), 24 p.

Williams, Thomas, An Oration. Pittsburgh, PA, 1835, (Pittsburgh, n.d.), 16 p.

Bancroft, George, An Oration. Springfield, MA, 1836, (Springfield, 1836), 40 p.

Barber, Edward Downing, An Oration. Middlebury, VT, 1836, (Middlebury, 1836), 16 p.

Ells, James H., The American Revolution, compared with the present struggle for the abolition of slavery in the United States. An Oration. Elyria, OH, 1836, (Elyria, 1836),

20 p.

Everett, Alexander Hill, A Defence of the Character and Principles of Mr. Jefferson. Weymouth, MA, 1836, (Boston, 1836), 76 p.

Fitch, Charles, An Address. Boston, MA, 1836, (Boston, 1836), 27 p.

Hallett, Benjamin Franklin, An Oration. Palmer, MA, 1836, (Boston, 1836), 52 p.

Hallett, Benjamin Franklin, An Oration. Palmer, MA, 1836, (Boston, 1836), 48 p.

Henshaw, David, An Address. Boston, MA, 1836, (Boston, 1836), 39 p.

Jennings, Ebenezer, An Address. Plainfield, MA, 1836, (Northampton, MA, 1836), 16 p.

Kellogg, Ensign Hosmer, An Oration. Amherst, MA, 1836, (Amherst, 1836), 23 p.

Kinsman, Henry Willis, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1836, (Boston, 1836), 25 p.

Kirk, Edward Norris, An Oration. Albany, NY, 1836, (Albany, 1836), 32 p.

Lawrence, Myron, An Oration. Springfield, MA, 1836, (Springfield, 1836), 31 p.

Lunt, George, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1836, (Newburyport, 1836), 24 p.

Luther, Seth, An Address Delivered before the Mechanics and Workingmen, of the City of Brooklyn. Brooklyn, NY, 1836, (Brooklyn, 1836), 27 p.

M'Lean, C.G., Education. An Address. Gettysburg, PA, 1836, (Gettysburg, 1836), 16 p.

Moore, Humphrey, An Address. Pembroke, NH, 1836, (Concord, NH, 1836), 16 p.

Rantoul, Robert (Jr.), An Oration. Scituate, MA, 1836, (Boston, MA, 1836), 58 p.

Wingard, Joseph, An Oration. Lexington, SC, 1836, (Columbia, SC, 1836), 27 p.

Adams, John Quincy, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1837, (Newburyport, 1837), 68 p.

Adams, John Quincy, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1837, (Newburyport, 1837), 68 p.

Bloore, Joshua, An Oration. Waterford, NY, 1837, (Saratoga Springs, NY, 1837), 12 p.

Brooks, Charles, Elementary Instruction. An Address. Quincy, MA, 1837, (Quincy, 1837), 20 p.

Butler, Mann, An Oration. Port Gibson, MS, 1837, (Frankfort, KY, 1837), 23 p.

Chapman, Jonathan, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1837, (Boston, 1837), 24 p.

Fiske, Theophilus, Labor the only true source of wealth; or the rottenness of the paper money banking system exposed. An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1837, (Charleston, n.d.),

48 p.

Rantoul, Robert (Jr.), An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1837, (Worcester, 1837, 1st edition),

72 p.

Rantoul, Robert (Jr.), An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1837, (Worcester, 1837, 2nd edition), 35 p.

Snowden, Edgar, An Address. Columbian College, D.C., 1837, (Washington, D.C., 1837), 23 p.

Biddle, James Cornell, An Address. Gettysburg, PA, 1838, (Gettysburg, 1838), 31 p.

Child, Asa, An Oration. Norwich, CT, 1838, (Norwich, 1838), 20 p.

Chumasero, John C., An Oration. Rochester, NY, 1838, (Rochester, 1838), 19 p.

Fondey, William H., An Oration. Albany, NY, 1838, (Albany, 1838), 40 p.

Forrest, Edwin, An Oration. New York, NY, 1838, (n.p., 1838), 7 p.

Forrest, Edwin, An Oration. New York, NY, 1838, (New York, 1838), 24 p.

Hallett, Benjamin Franklin, An Oration. Middleborough, MA, 1838, (Boston, 1838), 48 p.

Hedge, Frederic Henry, An Oration. Bangor, ME, 1838, (Bangor, 1838), 38 p.

Hoban, James, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1838, (Washington, D.C., 1838), 16 p.

McLaren, John Finley, True Patriotism. An Oration. Geneva, NY, 1838, (Geneva, 1838), 20 p.

Man, George Flagg, An Oration. Apponaug, R.I., 1838, (Providence, RI, 1838), 23 p.

Neal, John, An Oration. Portland, ME, 1838, (Portland, 1838), 25 p.

Peck, George (Rev.), An Oration Delivered at the 62nd Anniversary of American Independence. Cazenovia, NY, 1838, (Auburn, NY, 1838), 32 p.

Peterson, Henry, Address on American Slavery. Philadelphia, 1838, (Philadelphia, 1838), 28 p.

Sargent, Lucius Manlius, An Address. Providence, RI, 1838, (Providence, 1838), 32 p.

Southwick, Solomon, An Oration. New Scotland, NY, 1838, (Albany, NY, 1838), 43 p.

Stebbins, Rufus Phineas, An Address. Amherst, MA, 1838, (Amherst, 1838), 29 p.

Whipple, John, A Discourse. Providence, RI, 1838, (Providence, 1838), 30 p.

Winslow, Hubbard, The Means of the Perpetuity and Prosperity of Our Republic. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1838, (Boston, 1838), 50 p.

Austin, Ivers James, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1839, (Boston, 1839), 36 p.

Austin, Ivers James, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1839, (Boston, 1839, 2nd edition), 36 p.

Ayrault, Charles, An Oration. Geneva, NY, 1839, (Geneva, 1839), 24 p.

Barber, Edward Downing, An Oration. Montpelier, VT, 1839, (Montpelier, 1839), 18 p.

Barker, J. (Jr.), A Poem. Tuscaloosa, AL, 1839, (Tuscaloosa, 1839), 33 p.

Brown, Matthew, An Address. Canonsburgh, PA, 1839, (Pittsburgh, PA, 1839), 20 p.

Claggett, William, An Address. Portsmouth, NH, 1839, (Portsmouth, 1839), 20 p.

Cooke, Parsons, Moral Machinery Simplified. A Discourse. Andover, MA, 1839, (Andover, 1839), 40 p.

Cross, Joseph, The Providence of God in the History of America. An Oration. Ithaca, NY, 1839, (Ithaca, 1839), 20 p.

Denny, William, An Oration. Ellicott's Mills, MD, 1839, (Baltimore, MD, 1839), 20 p.

Emery, Moses, An Oration. Saco, ME, 1839, (Saco, 1839), 19 p.

Everett, Alexander Hill, An Oration. Holliston, MA, 1839, (Boston, MA, 1839), 48 p.

Flournoy, John James, An Oration Spoken Verbatim on the Fourth of July. Jackson County, GA, 1839, (Athens, GA, 1839), 12 p.

Freeman, John D., An Oration. Natchez, MS, 1839, (Natchez, 1839), 35 p.

Garrison, William Lloyd, An Address. South Scituate, MA, 1839, (Boston, 1839), 40 p.

Hallett, Benjamin Franklin, An Oration. Millbury, MA, 1839, (Worcester, MA, 1839),

48 p.

Hammond, Wells Stoddard, An Oration. Cherry Valley, NY, 1839, (Albany, NY, 1839),

16 p.

Holley, Myron, An Address. Perry, NY, 1839, (Perry, 1839), 16 p.

Hunt, Benjamin Faneuil, An Oration. Charleston, SC, 1839, (Charleston, 1839), 45 p.

Kanouse, Peter, An Address. Deckertown, NJ, 1839, (n.p., n.p.), 15 p.

Maclay, William Brown, An Oration. New York, NY, 1839, (New York, 1839), 24 p.

Osgood, Samuel, An Oration. Nashua, NH, 1839, (Nashua, 1839), 40 p.

Smith, Thomas Laurens, A Historical Address. Windham, ME, 1839, (Portland, ME, 1840), 32 p.

Southwick, Solomon, An Oration. Albany, NY, 1839, (Albany, 1839), 35 p.

Tarbell, John Parker, An Oration. Groton, MA, 1839, (Lowell, MA, 1839), 35 p.

Thomas, Seth J., An Address. East Abington, MA, 1839, (Boston, MA, 1839), 52 p.

Wilson, George S., An Oration. Sackets Harbor, NY, 1839, (Sackets Harbor, 1839), 17 p.

Wright, H.N., An Oration. Cazenovia, NY, 1839, (Cazenovia, 1839), 32 p.

Wright, Silas (Jr.), An Address. Canton, NY, 1839, (Ogdensburgh, NY, 1839), 28 p.

Brownson, Orestes Augustus, An Oration. Worcester, MA, 1840, (Worcester, 1840), 38 p.

Campbell, William W., Centennial Celebration. Cherry Valley, NY, 1840, (New York City, 1840).

Dix, John Adams, An Address. Herkimer, NY, 1840, (Little Falls, NY, 1840), 11 p.

Hamner, James G., A Discourse. Baltimore, MD, 1840, (Baltimore, 1840), 16 p.

Hitchcock, R., An Oration. Springfield, MA, 1840, (Springfield, 1840), 14 p.

Jones, George, An Oration. Richmond, VA, 1840, (Richmond, 1840), 39 p.

McAllister, Matthew Hull, An Address. Milledgeville, GA, 1840, (Milledgeville, n.d.), 12 p.

Maclay, William Brown, An Address. Poughkeepsie, NY, 1840, (NY, NY, 1840), 24 p.

Marsh, John, The Bow of Promise. An Address. NY, NY, 1840, (NY, NY, 1840), 20 p.

Motte, Mellish Irving, The Christian Patriot. A Sermon. Boston, MA, 1840, (Cambridge, MA, 1840), 16 p.

Power, Thomas, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1840, (Boston, 1840), 32 p.

Rodman, Thomas P., A Discourse. Providence, RI, 1840, (Providence, 1840), 15 p.

Seward, William H., Centennial Celebration. Cherry Valley, NY, 1840, (New York City, 1840).

Twing, Alvi Tabor, Liberty Not Licentiousness. An Oration. West Troy, NY, 1840, (Troy, NY, 1840), 16 p.

Waldron, Henry, An Oration. Hillsdale, MI, 1840, (Jonesville, MI, 1840), 16 p.

Young, Samuel, An Oration. NY, NY, 1840, (NY, NY, 1840), 24 p.

Balch, William S., Popular Liberty and Equal Rights. An Oration. Providence, RI, 1841, (Providence, 1841), 23 p.

Beman, Nathan Sidney Smith, The Western Continent. A Discourse. Troy, NY, 1841, (Troy, 1841), 27 p.

Conrad, Robert Taylor, Remarks. Philadelphia, PA, 1841, (Philadelphia, 1841), 22 p.

Curtis, George Ticknor, The True Uses of American Revolutionary History. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1841, (Boston, 1841), 33 p.

Hallett, Benjamin Franklin, An Oration. Oxford, MA, 1841, (Boston, 1841), 39 p.

Reynolds, J.L., Protestant Republicanism the Conservative Element of American Freedom; A Pulpit Oration. Monticello, SC, 1841, (Columbia, SC, 1841), 20 p.

Savage, Thomas, A Historical Sketch of Bedford, N.H. Bedford, NH, 1841, (Manchester, NH, 1841), 16 p.

Schroeder, John Frederick, Religion and the State; or Christianty the Safeguard of Civil Liberty: An Oration. College Point, NY, 1841, (Flushing, NY, 1841), 46 p.

Smith, William Robinson, An Oration. Augusta, ME, 1841, (Augusta, 1841), 24 p.

VanZandt, Abraham Brooks, An Oration. Union Village, NY, 1841, (Union Village, 1841), 16 p.

Bent, Nathaniel Tucker, An Oration. Raynham, MA, 1842, (Taunton, MA, 1842), 22 p.

Buckingham, Edgar, An Oration. Trenton, NY, 1842, (Utica, NY, 1842), 24 p.

Haddock, Charles Brickett, The Patriotic Citizen. An Address. Lebanon, NH, 1842, (Hanover, NH, 1842), 24 p.

Hollister, Gideon Hiram, An Oration. Litchfield, CT, 1842, (Hartford, CT, 1842), 20 p.

Labaree, Benjamin, An Address. Champlain, NY, 1842, (Middlebury, VT, 1842), 28 p.

Mann, Horace, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1842, (Boston, 1842), 86 p.

Mann, Horace, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1842, (Boston, 1842), 24 p.

Mann, Horace, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1842, (Boston, 1842), 31 p.

Mann, Horace, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1842, (n.p., n.d.), 32 p.

Mann, Horace, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1842, (Boston, 1842), 24 p.

Mann, Horace, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1842, (n.p., n.d.), 31 p.

Mann, Horace, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1842, (n.p., n.d.), 31 p.

Mann, Horace, Go Forth and Teach. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1842, (Washington, D.C., 1937), 148 p.

Stone, William Lecte, Uncas and Miantonomoh, A Historical Discourse. Norwich, CT, 1842, (NY, NY, 1842), 209 p.

Todd, Charles J., An Address. Stamford, CT, 1842, (NY, NY, 1842), 23 p.

Upham, Charles Wentworth, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1842, (Salem, 1842), 55 p.

Whittlesey, Frederick, An Address. Rochester, NY, 1842, (Rochester, 1842), 16 p.

Adams, Charles Francis, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1843, (Boston, 1843), 39 p.

Brackett, William, An Address. Cherry Valley, NY, 1843, (Cooperstown, NY, 1843), 16 p.

Furness, William Henry, Two Discourses. Philadelphia, PA, 1843, (Philadelphia, 1843),

23 p.

Macalister, Hugh, Clinton Island. An Oration. Elmira, NY, 1843, (Elmira, 1843), 12 p.

Moore, Ely, An Oration. NY, NY, 1843, (NY, NY, 1843), 28 p.

Pettit, Thomas McKean, An Oration. Philadelphia, PA, 1843, (Philadelphia, 1843), 8 p.

Rhett, Albert, The Temperance Reform Vindicated: An Address. Charleston, SC, 1843, (Charleston, 1843), 48 p.

Shepard, Daniel, An Oration. Colchester, MA, 1843, (Colchester, 1843), 8 p.

Tower, Charlemagne, An Oration. Frankfort, NY, 1843, (Frankfort, 1843), 16 p.

Zabriskie, James C., An Oration. Princeton, NJ, 1843, (Princeton, 1843), 16 p.

Brittan, Samuel Byron, An Oration. Bridgeport, CT, 1844, (Bridgeport, 1844), 15 p.

Chandler, Peleg Whitman, The Morals of Freedom. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1844, (Boston, 1844), 54 p.

Smith, J. Hyatt, National Oration. Guilderland Centre, NY, 1844, (Albany, NY, 1844),

40 p.

Smith, John Cross, The Religion and Patriotism of '76. A Discourse. Washington, DC, 1844, (Washington, DC, 1844, 2nd edition), 24 p.

Beattie, Robert H., An Address. Ballston Spa, NY, 1845, (Ballston Spa, 1845), 16 p.

Burleigh, William Henry, The Tyranny of Intemperance. An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1845, (New Haven, 1845), 18 p.

Doane, George Washington, Civil Government A Sacred Trust from God. Trenton, NJ, 1845, (Burlington, NJ, 1845), 36 p.

Mitchell, A. S., An Oration. Frankfort, NY, 1845, (Frankfort, 1845), 8 p.

Sumner, Charles, The True Grandeur of Nations. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1845, (Boston, 1845, 1st edition), 104 p.

Sumner, Charles, The True Grandeur of Nations. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1845, (Boston, 1845), 104 p.

Sumner, Charles, The True Grandeur of Nations. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1845, (Boston, 1845, 2nd edition), 96 p.

Sumner, Charles, The True Grandeur of Nations. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1845, (Boston, 1846, 3rd edition), 96 p.

Sumner, Charles, The True Grandeur of Nations. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1845, (Philadelphia, PA, 1847), 31 p.

Sumner, Charles, The True Grandeur of Nations. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1845, (Worcester, MA, 1847), 31 p.

Sumner, Charles, The True Grandeur of Nations. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1845, (New Vienna, OH, 1870), 99 p.

Sumner, Charles, Extracts from an Oration. The True Grandeur of Nations. Boston, MA, 1845, (Wilmington, DE, 1846, 3rd edition), 26 p.

Fletcher, Webster, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1846, (Boston, 1846), 33 p.

Harrington, Henry F., The Moral Influence of the American Government. An Oration. Albany, NY, 1846, (Albany, 1846), 8 p.

Steele, John Beatty, An Oration. Laurens, NY, 1846, (Cooperstown, NY, 1846), 11 p.

Webster, Fletcher, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1846, (Boston, 1846), 33 p.

Boynton, Charles Brandon, An Oration. Cincinnati, OH, 1847, (Cincinnati, 1847), 24 p.

Briggs, George Ware, An Oration. Plymouth, MA, 1847, (Plymouth, 1847), 31 p.

Bryce, Campbell R., An Oration. Columbia, SC, 1847, (Columbia, 1847), 26 p.

Cary, Thomas Greaves, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1847, (Boston, 1847), 38 p.

Miller, John B., An Oration. Utica, NY, 1847, (Utica, 1847), 19 p.

Rockwell, Julius, An Address. Pittsfield, MA, 1847, (Pittsfield, 1847), 17 p.

Tolman, Richard, Evil Tendencies of the Present Crisis. A Discourse. Danvers, MA, 1847, (Danvers, 1847), 16 p.

Watson, Cyrus L., A Voice From the Pulpit: Two Sermons. Ohio City, OH, 1847, (Cleveland, OH, 1847), 19 p.

Bartlett, Elisha, An Oration. Lowell, MA, 1848, (Lowell, 1848), 38 p.

Doane, George Washington, America and Great Britain. Burlington, NJ, 1848, (Burlington, 1848), 14 p.

Everett, Horace, Mr. Everett's Address to the Whigs. Windsor, VT, 1848, (Windsor, 1848), 32 p.

Giles, Joel, Practical Liberty. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1848, (Boston, 1848), 24 p.

Henshaw, Joshua Sidney, An Oration. Utica, NY, 1848, (Utica, 1848), 21 p.

King, Preston, An Oration. Canton, NY, 1848, (Ogdensburgh, NY, 1848), 23 p.

North, Edward, An Oration. Frankfort, NY, 1848, (Utica, NY, 1848), 12 p.

Raymond, Robert Raikes, The True Scholar, A Man of the People. An Oration. Hamilton, NY, 1848, (Syracuse, NY, 1848), 41 p.

Winthrop, Robert Charles, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1848, (Boston, MA, 1853),

23 p.

Winthrop, Robert Charles, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1848, (Washington, D.C., 1848), 23 p.

Winthrop, Robert Charles, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1848, (Washington, D.C., 1848), 67 p.

Greenough, William Whitwell, The Conquering Republic. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1849, (Boston, MA, 1849), 39 p.

Hall, Benjamin Franklin, An Address. Auburn, NY, 1849, (Auburn, 1849), 27 p.

McArthur, Arthur, An Oration. Chester Village, MA, 1849, (Springfield, MA, 1849), 27 p.

Richmond, Hiram Lawton, The Origin, Progress and Development of Our Institutions. An Address. Meadville, PA, 1849, (Meadville, 1849), 40 p.

Smith, Isaac William, An Address. Hampstead, NH, 1849, (Manchester, NH, 1849), 84 p.

Washburn, Emory, An Address. Leicester, MA, 1849, (Boston, MA, 1849), 48 p.

Wheeler, Alfred, Celebration... Oration by... On Board the "Hannah Sprague," at sea, 1849, (NY, NY, 1849), 16 p.

Cushing, Caleb, An Address. Newburyport, MA, 1850, (Newburyport, 1850), 16 p.

Doane, George Washington, The Liberty which Dwells with Duty, the Atmosphere, for Christian Freeman. The Oration. Burlington, NJ, 1850, (Burlington, 1850), 39 p.

Foote, Henry Stuart, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1850, (Washington, 1850), 24 p.

Fowler, John Jr., An Oration. Jamaica, L.I., NY, 1850, (Jamaica, L.I., NY, 1850), 16 p.

Stone, Andrew Leete, An Oration. Charlestown, NH, 1850, (Boston, MA, 1850), 24 p.

Trescott, William Henry, An Oration. Beaufont, SC, 1850, (Charleston, SC, 1850), 14 p.

Whipple, Edwin Perry, Washington and the Principles of the Revolution. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1850, (Boston, 1850), 30 p.

Whipple, Edwin Perry, Washington and the Principles of the Revolution. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1850, (Boston, 1850, 2nd edition), 49 p.

Andrews, Elisha W., An Oration. Hartford, CT, 1851, (Hartford, 1851), 41 p.

Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, An Oration. Tuscaloosa, AL, 1851, (Tuscaloosa, 1851), 35 p.

Bokee, David A., An Oration. Brooklyn, NY, 1851, (Brooklyn, 1851), 11 p.

Doane, George Washington, Patriotism, a Christian duty; to be inculcated upon our Children: The Oration. Burlington, NJ, 1851, (Philadelphia, PA, 1851), 12 p.

Frothingham, Richard, An Oration. Newburyport, MA, 1851, (Boston, MA, 1851), 12 p.

Hughes, George Wurtz, An Oration. Annapolis, MD, 1851, (Annapolis, 1851), 16 p.

Ketchum, Hiram, An Oration. New Haven, CT, 1851, (New Haven, 1851), 30 p.

Martindale, John Henry, An Oration. Geneseo, NY, 1851, (Geneseo, 1851), 27 p.

Russell, Charles Theodore, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1851, (Boston, 1851), 33 p.

Sanborn, Edwin David, An Oration. St. Johnsbury, VT, 1851, (Hanover, NH, 1851), 23 p.

Stockton, Robert Field, An Address. Elizabethtown, NJ, 1851, (Trenton, NJ, 1851), 16 p.

Van Pelt, Peter J., A Discourse. NY, NY, 1851, (NY, NY, 1851), 27 p.

Webster, Daniel, Mr. Webster's Address. Washington, D.C., 1851, (Washington, D.C., 1851), 29 p.

Webster, Daniel, Mr. Webster's Address. Washington, D.C., 1851, (Washington, D.C., 1851, 2nd edition), 30 p.

Anspach, F. R., A Discourse. Hagerstown, MD, 1852, (Hagerstown, 1852), 12 p.

Becker, Abraham, An Address. Charlotteville, NY, 1852, (Albany, NY, 1852), 16 p.

Bellamy, David, A Discourse. Newark, NY, 1852, (Rochester, NY, 1852), 16 p.

Chapman, Robert H., Christian Patriotism: or, the duties which Christians owe their country. A Sermon. Mordisville, AL, 1852, (Philadelphia, PA, 1852), 24 p.

Coit, Gurdon S., The Love of Country: A Discourse. Bridgeport, 1852, (Bridgeport, 1852), 22 p.

Devereaux, John C., An Address. Jamaica, NY, 1852, (NY, NY, 1852), 16 p.

Doane, George Washington, Influence, without intervention: the duty of our nation to the world: the oration. Burlington, NJ, 1852, (Burlington, 1852), 17 p.

Douglass, Frederick, An Oration. Rochester, NY, 1852, (Rochester, 1852), 39 p.

Harris, Samuel, The Maxim for the Times: Sermon. Pittsfield, MA, 1852, (Pittsfield, 1852), 22 p.

Jackson, Henry, Berachah. A Discourse. Newport, RI, 1852, (Newport, 1852), 23 p.

King, Thomas Starr, The Organization of Liberty on the Western Continent. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1852, (Boston, 1852), 55 p.

McElroy, Robert Duncan, An Oration. NY, NY, 1852, (NY, NY, 1852), 26 p.

Pope, Augustus Russell, A Sermon. Somerville, MA, 1852, (Boston, MA, 1852), 19 p.

Richardson, John G., Obedience to human law considered in the light of divine truth. A Discourse. Lawrence, MA, 1852, (Lawrence, 1852), 18 p.

Rush, J. Murray, An Oration. Philadelphia, PA, 1852, (Philadelphia, 1852), 14 p.

Sheldon, James, An Oration. Buffalo, NY, 1852, (Buffalo, 1852), 27 p.

Smith, Charles Adam, Christianity the Source of Freedom. A Sermon. Easton, PA, 1852, (Albany, NY, 1852), 32 p.

Spear, Samuel Thayer, Law and Temperance. A Sermon. Brooklyn, NY, 1852, (NY, NY, 1852), 23 p.

Voorhees, Henry V., A Sermon. Geneva, NY, 1852, (Geneva, 1852), 18 p.

Wilson, Thomas, An Historical Address. Palmer, MA, 1852, (Lowell, MA, 1852), 60 p.

Wyckoff, Isaac Newton, The Stability of the Times: A Sermon. Albany, NY, 1852, (Albany, 1852), 34 p.

Bigelow, Timothy, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1853, (Boston, 1853), 80 p.

Doane, George Washington, The Young American; his dangers, his duties and his destinies: the address. Burlington, NJ, 1853, (Philadelphia, PA, 1853), 17 p.

Durfee, Thomas, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1853, (Providence, 1853), 29 p.

Everett, Edward, Stability and Progress. Remarks. Boston, MA, 1853, (Boston, 1853),

11 p.

James, Charles Pinckney, An Oration. Cincinnati, OH, 1853, (Cincinnati, 1853), 46 p.

Mullen, Bernard F., An Oration. Manayunk, PA, 1853, (Philadelphia, PA, 1853), 20 p.

Sanford, Edward, An Oration. Attleborough, MA, 1853, (Pawtucket, RI, 1853), 21 p.

Smith, Asa Dodge, An Address. Weston, MA, 1853, (Boston, MA, 1853), 45 p.

At Lee, Samuel Yorke, An Address. Rockville, MD, 1854, (Washington, D.C., 1854), 16 p.

Barbour, Benjamin Johnson, An Address, Lexington, VA, 1854, (Richmond, VA, 1854), 32 p.

Burlingame, Anson, An Oration. Salem, MA, 1854, (Salem, 1854), 28 p.

Chapin, Edwin Hubbell, The American idea, and what grows out of it. An oration. NY, NY, 1854, (Boston, MA, 1854), 18 p.

Dawson, John Littleton, A Speech. Philadelphia, PA, 1854, (Washington, D.C., 1854),

18 p.

Doane, George Washington, E pluribus unum: the address. Burlington, NJ, 1854, (Burlington, 1854), 20 p.

Douglas, Stephen Arnold, A Speech. Philadelphia, PA, 1854, (Philadelphia, 1854), 7 p.

Gregg, David L., An Oration. Honolulu, HI, 1854, (Honolulu, 1854), 22 p.

Heacock, Grosvenor W., True American: An Oration. Buffalo, NY, 1854, (Buffalo, 1854), 28 p.

King, Thomas Knight, An Oration. Apponaug, RI, 1854, (Providence, 1854), 31 p.

Parker, Theodore, A Sermon of the Dangers which threaten the rights of man in America. Boston, MA, 1854, (Boston, 1854), 56 p.

Raymond, Henry Jarvis, Political Lessons of the Revolution. An Address. Geneseo, NY, 1854, (NY, NY, 1854), 33 p.

Stone, Andrew Leete, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1854, (Boston, 1854), 42 p.

Stone, Andrew Leete, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1854, (Boston, 1854, 2nd edition), 31 p.

Weston, Nathan, An Oration. Hallowell, ME, 1854, (Augusta, ME, 1854), 23 p.

Willson, Edmund Burke, An Address. Petersham, MA, 1854, (Boston, MA, 1854), 133 p.

Everett, Edward, Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855. An Oration. Dorchester, MA, 1855, (Boston, MA, 1855), 80 p.

Everett, Edward, Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855. Dorchester, MA, 1855, (Boston, MA, 1855), 158 p.

Learned, William Law, The Duty of Americans to Preserve Civil and Religious Liberty. An Oration. Newburgh, NY, 1855, (Newburgh, 1855), 24 p.

May, Samuel Joseph, The Second Revolution. An Oration. Dryden, NY, 1855, (Syracuse, NY, 1855), 20 p.

Minor, Alonzo Ames, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1855, (Boston, 1855), 38 p.

Newman, S.C., An Address. Pawtucket, RI, 1855, (Pawtucket, 1855), 39 p.

Tisdale, Eugene, An Oration. Brush Island near Cohasset, MA, 1855, (Boston, MA, 1855), 8 p.

Ullman, Daniel, Civil and Religious Liberty. A Discourse. Wilmington, DE, 1855, (NY, NY, 1855), 39 p.

Wilder, John N., An Address on the Duties and Dangers of American Citizens. Ballston Spa, NY, 1855, (Ballston Spa, 1855), 15 p.

Adams, Charles Francis, An Address. Quincy, MA, 1856, (Boston, MA, 1856), 36 p.

Dougherty, Daniel, An Oration. Philadelphia, PA, 1856, (Philadelphia, 1856), 15 p.

Foote, Henry G., An Oration. Ogdensburgh, NY, 1856, (Ogdensburgh, 1856), 31 p.

Holbrook, John C., Our Country's Crisis: A Discourse. Dubuque, IA, 1856, (Dubuque, n.d.), 12 p.

Hurlbut, E. P., An Oration. Little Falls, NY, 1856, (Little Falls, 1856), 18 p.

Kimball, Jerome Bonaparte, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1856, (Providence, 1856), 52 p.

Parker, Edward Griffin, The Lesson of '76 to the men of '56. An oration. Boston, MA, 1856, (Boston, 1856), 35 p.

Putnam, James Osborne, An Oration. Lockport, NY, 1856, (Lockport, 1856), 12 p.

Rodman, William Mitchell, A Poem. Providence, RI, 1856, (Providence, 1856), 18 p.

Seymour, Horatio, A Speech. Springfield, MA, 1856, (Buffalo, NY, 1856), 8 p.

Alger, William Rounseville, The Genius and Posture of America. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1857, (Boston, 1857), 60 p.

Alger, William Rounseville, The Genius and Posture of America. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1857, (Boston, 1864), 53 p.

Alger, William R., The Genius and Posture of America. An Oration. Boston, MA, 1857, (Boston, 1857), 60 p.

Allen, Stephen M., An Address. Niagara Falls, NY, 1857, (Niagara Falls, 1857), 20 p.

Balch, William Stevens, Dangers of our Republic. An Oration. Chester, VT, 1857, (NY, NY, 1857), 24 p.

Breckinridge, Dr. Robert J., An Oration. Lexington, KY, 1857, (n.p., 1857), 57 p.

Pickett, Charles Edward, An Oration. Sacramento, CA, 1857, (San Francisco, CA, 1857), 32 p.

Scott, John L., A Speech. Mayslick, KY, 1857, (Maysville, KY, 1857), 8 p.

Tyng, Dudley Atkins, Our Country's Troubles, No. II, or National Sins and National Retribution. A Sermon. Philadelphia, PA, 1857, (Philadelphia, PA, 1864), 24 p.

Beebe, Gilbert J., An Oration. Middletown, NY, 1858, (Middletown, NY, 1858), 22 p.

Cleaveland, Nehemiah, An Oration. At sea, U.S.M.S.S. Arago, 1858, (Paris, France, 1858), 28 p.

Coolidge, J.I.T., A Farewell Discourse. Boston, MA, 1858, (Boston, 1858), 22 p.

Cushing, Caleb, An Oration. NY, NY, 1858, (NY, NY, 1858), 22 p.

Fuller, Samuel, The Effects of the War of the Revolution upon the Protestant Episcopal Church. A Discourse. Andover, MA, 1858, (Andover, 1858), 31 p.

Holmes, John Somers, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1858, (Boston, 1858), 107 p.

Hutter, Edwin W., God Hath Not Dealt So With Any Nation. A Discourse. Philadelphia, PA, 1858, (Philadelphia, 1858), 20 p.

Lord, John C., An Oration. Buffalo, NY, 1858, (Buffalo, 1858), 24 p.

Luckenbach, William H., Our National Inheritance. A Sermon. Pottsville, PA, 1858, (Pottsville, 1858), 12 p.

Law, Samuel A., An Oration. Stamford, NY, 1858, (Albany, NY, 1858), 25 p.

Murdock, John Nelson, Building the Tombs of the Prophets. A Discourse. Boston, MA, 1858, (Boston, 1858), 23 p.

Porter, David H., Religion and the State. A Discourse. Savannah, GA, 1858, (Savannah, 1858), 21 p.

Smith, Henry, 82nd Anniversary of American Independence. An Oration. Albany, NY, 1858, (Albany, 1858), 18 p.

Thayer, Christopher Toppan, Valedictory Discourse. Beverly, MA, 1858, (Boston, 1858), 52 p.

Wagner, Orlando G., An Oration. West Point, NY, 1858, (Philadelphia, PA, 1858), 8 p.

Hall, Abraham Oakley, American Party. An Oration. Albany, NY, 1859, (Albany, 1859), 68 p.

Hall, John, The examples of the Revolution. The anniversary oration. Trenton, NJ, 1859, (Trenton, 1859), 28 p.

Jackson, William Ayrault, An Oration. Windham Centre, NY, 1859, (Albany, NY, 1863), 24 p.

McCreery, W.W., An Address. West Point, NY, 1859, (West Point, 1859), 16 p.

Norton, John Foote, The home of the ancient dead restored. An address. Athol, MA, 1859, (Athol Depot, MA, 1859), 24 p.

Sherman, Henry Beers, These three. A sermon. Woodbury, CT, 1859, (Newark, NJ, 1859), 18 p.

Sumner, George, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1859, (Boston, 1859, 2nd edition), 69 p.

Sumner, George, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1859, (Boston, 1859, 3rd edition), 69 p.

Sumner, George, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1859, (Boston, 1882, 4th edition), 46 p.

Sumner, George, Oration...together with the speeches at the dinner in Faneuil Hall... Boston, MA, 1859, (Boston, 1859), 125 p.

Tenney, Edwin Hewes, An Oration. Rome, TN, 1859, (Rome, n.d.), 32 p.

Adams, Charles Francis, An Oration. Fall River, MA, 1860, (Fall River, 1860), 20 p.

Bolles, John Augustus, An Oration. Winchester, MA, 1860, (Boston, MA, 1860), 19 p.

Clark, Thomas March, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1860, (Providence, 1860), 32 p.

Everett, Edward, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1860, (Boston, 1860), 48 p.

Everett, Edward, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1860, (Boston, 1860), 76 p.

Everett, Edward, Success of our republic. An oration. Boston, MA, 1860, (NY, NY, 1860), 24 p.

Newman, Sylvanus Chace, Rehoboth in the past. An historical oration. Seekonk, MA, 1860, (Pawtucket, RI, 1860), 112 p.

Train, George Francis, A speech. Manchester, England, 1860, (Liverpool, England, n.d.), 18 p.

Whiting, Lyman, A Bicentennial Oration. West Brookfield, MA, 1860, (West Brookfield, 1869), 92 p.

Allen, Diarca Howe, July 4, 1761: an historical discourse. Lebanon, NH, 1861, (Boston, MA, 1862), 100 p.

Armstrong, John W., An Oration. Lowville, NY, 1861, (Lowville, 1861), 25 p.

Caldwell, Samuel Lunt, An Oration. Providence, RI, 1861, (Providence, 1861), 23 p.

Drake, Charles Daniel, A Speech. Louisiana, MO, 1861, (St. Louis, MO, 1861), 16 p.

Dwight, William Theodore, The Nationality of a People, its vital element, an oration. Portland, ME, 1861, (Portland, 1861), 32 p.

Everett, Edward, The great issues now before the country. An oration. NY, NY, 1861, (NY, NY, 1861), 48 p.

Everett, Edward, The great issues now before the country. An oration. NY, NY, 1861, (NY, NY, 1861), 52 p.

Everett, Edward, The questions of the day. An address. NY, NY, 1861, (NY, NY, 1861), 46 p.

Farrar, W.H., The union forever. An address. Portland, OR, 1861, (Portland, 1861), 15 p.

Field, Richard Stockton, The Constitution not a compact. An oration. Princeton, NJ, 1861, (Princeton, 1861), 24 p.

Harris, Samuel, Our country's claim. An oration. Bangor, ME, 1861, (Bangor, 1861), 16 p.

James, Henry, The social significance of our institutions. An oration. Newport, RI, 1861, (Boston, MA, 1861), 47 p.

Jay, John, The great conspiracy. An address. Mt. Kisco, NY, 1861, (NY, NY, 1861), 50 p.

Jay, John, The great conspiracy. An address. Mt. Kisco, NY, 1861, (NY, NY, 1863, 2nd edition), 50 p.

Parsons, Theophilus, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1861, (Boston, 1861), 42 p.

Parsons, Theophilus, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1861, (Boston, 1861), 59 p.

Patterson, James Willis, An Oration. Lebanon, NH, 1861, (Boston, MA, 1862), 23 p.

Sumner, Charles Allen, The present crisis. An oration. Great Barrington, MA, 1861, (Springfield, MA, 1861), 34 p.

Watson, Winslow Cossoul, A Speech. Champlain Valley, NY, 1861, (n.p., 1861), 11 p.

Clarke, Walter, The state of the country. An oration. Buffalo, NY, 1862, (Buffalo, 1862), 20 p.

Curtis, George Ticknor, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1862, (Boston, 1862), 46 p.

Drake, Charles Daniel, The rebellion: its character, motive and aim. An oration. Washington, MO, 1862, (n.p., n.d), 12 p.

Griswold, Whiting, An Oration. Greenfield, MA, 1862, (Greenfield, 1862), 8 p.

James, Horace, The Two Great Wars of America. An Oration. Newbern, NC, 1862, (Boston, MA, 1862), 30 p.

Judson, Roscius W., An Oration. North Lawrence, NY, 1862, (Ogdensburgh, NY, 1862),

7 p.

Loring, George B., Celebration. Salem, MA, 1862, (Boston, MA, 1862), 30 p.

Philip, J. Van Ness, An Address. Hudson, NY, 1862, (Hudson, 1862), 32 p.

Pugh, John Howard, Our Union and Its Defenders: an oration. Burlington, NJ, 1862, (Philadelphia, PA, 1862), 23 p.

Stanton, Henry Brewster, A Speech. Brooklyn, NY, 1862, (n.p., n.d.), 8 p.

Staples, Nahor Augustus, A sermon for the Fourth of July, 1862, on the chastisement of war. Brooklyn, NY, 1862, (NY, NY, 1862), 16 p.

Tremain, Lyman, Secession unmasked...the Union and constitution vindicated, duty of loyal citizens enforced. An oration. Albany, NY, 1862, (Albany, 1862), 16 p.

Woodbury, Augustus, The Preservation of the Republic. An Oration. Providence, RI, 1862, (Providence, 1862), 23 p.

Adams, John Greenleaf, Our Country, and its claims upon us. An Oration. Providence, RI, 1863, (Providence, 1863), 30 p.

Brough, John, President Lincoln's response relative to the arrest of Vallandigham. Dayton, OH, 1863, (Cincinnati, OH, 1863), 31 p.

Browning, Orville Hickman, An Oration. Quincy, IL, 1863, (Quincy, 1863), 19 p.

Cochrane, Clark Betton, An Address. New Boston, NH, 1863, (Albany, NY, 1863), 44 p.

Harrison, Richard Almgill, An Oration. Pleasant Valley, OH, 1863, (London, OH, 1863), 22 p.

Hastings, Samuel Dexter, An Address. Sparta, WI, 1863, (Madison, WI, 1863), 37 p.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1863, (Boston, 1863, 3rd edition), 60 p.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1863, (Boston, 1863), 60 p.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, An Oration. Boston, MA, 1863, (Philadelphia, PA, 1863), 30 p.

Morse, Elihu M., An Oration. Clifton Springs, NY, 1863, (Canandaigua, NY, 1863), 8 p.

Tremain, Alva H., An Oration. Albany, NY, 1863, (Albany, 1863), 8 p.

Walbridge, Hiram, An Oration. Washington, D.C., 1863, (Washington, D.C., 1863), 16 p.

Barstow, George, War the only means of preserving our nationality. An oration. San Jose, CA, 1864, (San Francisco, CA, 1864), 16 p.

Dean, Sidney, The cause, developments and results of the war: an oration. Providence, RI, 1864, (Providence, 1864), 23 p.

Furgeson, William A., An Oration... Caufield, OH, 1864, (Caufield, 1864), 8 p.

Hall, Abraham Oakey, An Address... NY, NY, 1864, (NY, NY, 1864), 12 p.

Hedge, Frederick Henry, The national entail. A sermon. Brookline, MA, 1864, (Boston, MA, 1864), 19 p.

O'Toole, William D., An oration. West Point, NY, 1864, (NY, NY, 1864), 14 p.

Russell, Thomas, An oration. Boston, MA, 1864, (Boston, 1864), 37 p.

Adams, Henry Wright, The past, present, and future of America. An oration. Orange, NJ, 1865, (NY, NY, 1865), 52 p.

Armstrong, John J., An oration. Jamaica, L.I., N.Y., 1865, (Jamaica, L.I., N.Y., 1865),

31 p.

Badger, Milton, Welcome to the returned soldiers. An address. Madison, CT, 1865, (New Haven, CT, 1865), 12 p.

Banks, Nathaniel Prentice, An address. New Orleans, LA, 1865, (NY, NY, 1865), 25 p.

Boutwell, George Sewall, Reconstruction: its true basis. A speech. Weymouth, MA, 1865, (Boston, MA, 1865), 45 p.

Bradford, Alexander Warfield, An oration. Portchester, NY, 1865, (NY, NY, 1866), 42 p.

Brown, Samuel Gilman, National celebration....An oration. Claremont, NH, 1865, (Claremont, NH, 1865), 32 p.

Cutler, William P., The duty of citizens in the work of reconstruction. An address. Belpre, OH, 1865, (Marietta, OH, 1865), 24 p.

Havens, Palmer E., An oration. Crown Point, NY, 1865, (Albany, NY, 1865), 36 p.

Hogeboom, Henry, An oration. Hudson, NY, 1865, (Hudson, 1865), 32 p.

Jennison, William, Jr., The union. An oration. Clarkson, MI, 1865, (Detroit, MI, 1865),

26 p.

Lynch, James, The mission of the United States Republic. An oration. Augusta, GA, 1865, (Augusta, 1865), 16 p.

Paige, Alonzo Christopher, An address. Schenectady, NY, 1865, (Albany, NY, 1865), 56 p.

Potter, Clarkson Nott, An address. New Rochelle, NY, 1865, (NY, NY, 1865), 17 p.

Pugh, John Howard, The success and promise of the American union. An oration. Burlington, NJ, 1865, (Philadelphia, PA, 1865), 24 p.

Robinson, James Thomas, National anniversary address. North Adams, MA, 1865, (North Adams, 1865), 25 p.

Shaw, Charles Dannelly, An oration. Paterson, NJ, 1865, (Paterson, 1865), 24 p.

Sheldon, James, An oration. Eden, NY, 1865, (Buffalo, NY, 1865), 30 p.

Smith, George W., An oration. Rome, NY, 1865, (Utica, NY, 1865), 21 p.

Stebbins, Seymour Lewis, An oration. Rondout, NY, 1865, (NY, NY, 1865), 16 p.

Sumner, Samuel B., A poem. Great Barrington, MA and Pittsfield, MA, 1865, (Springfield, MA, 1865), 12 p.

Yates, Richard, A speech. Elgin, IL, 1865, (Jacksonville, IL, 1865), 8 p.

Yates, Richard, A speech. Elgin, IL, 1865, (n.p., n.d.), 8 p.

Diman, Jeremiah Lewis, The nation and the constitution. An oration. Providence, RI, 1866, (Providence, 1866), 23 p.

Kellogg, Brainerd, An oration. Middlebury, VT, 1866, (Middlebury, 1866), 35 p.

Loring, George Bailey, Safe and honorable reconstruction. An oration. Newburyport, MA, 1866, (South Danvers, MA, 1866), 32 p.

Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland, An oration. Boston, MA, 1866, (Boston, 1866), 61 p.

Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland, An oration. Boston, MA, 1866, (Boston, 1866), 73 p.

Church, Marius C.C., The American republic. An address. Parkersburg, WV, 1867, (Parkersburg, 1867), 32 p.

Clarke, Isaac Edwards, An oration. Boston, MA, 1867, (Boston, 1867), 34 p.

Crosby, James, An oration. New Lebanon Springs, NY, 1867, (NY, NY, 1867), 8 p.

Fairchild, James Harris, Early history and settlement of Brownhelm. Brownhelm, OH, 1867, (Oberlin, OH, 1867), 24 p.

Felton, Franklin Eliot, The purification and reconstruction of the American union. An oration. Vallejo, CA, 1867, (San Francisco, CA, 1867), 22 p.

Hepworth, George Hughes, An oration. Boston, MA, 1867, (Boston, 1867), 39 p.

Poor, John Alfred, The railway. Remarks. Belfast, ME, 1867, (Boston, 1867), 61 p.

Rugg, Henry Warren, The contributions of New England to America. An oration. Providence, RI, 1867, (Providence, 1867), 31 p.

Tremain, Lyman, An oration. Rensselaerville, NY, 1867, (Albany, NY, 1867), 25 p.

Washington, Peter G., An oration. Washington, D.C., 1867, (Washington, D.C., 1867),

24 p.

Boone, W.V.L., Brabazon's Fourth of July speech. Poughkeepsie, NY, 1868, (Poughkeepsie, 1868), 25 p.

Dodge, William Sumner, Liberty: her struggles, perils and triumphs. Sitka, Alaska, 1868, (San Francisco, CA, 1868), 30 p.

Eliot, Samuel, The functions of a city. An oration. Boston, MA, 1868, (Boston, 1868),

31 p.

Holden, William Woods, Inaugural address. Raleigh, NC, 1868, (Raleigh, 1868), 15 p.

Adams, Charles Francis, The double anniversary: '76 and '63. A fourth of July address. Quincy, MA, 1869, (Boston, MA, 1869), 22 p.

Cross, Joseph, The banners of the church. A sermon. Buffalo, NY, 1869, (Buffalo, 1869), 21 p.

Mitchell, John Hipple, An oration. Olympia, Washington Territory, 1869, (Olympia, Washington Territory, 1869), 19 p.

Mitchell, John Hipple, Oration... Olympia, 1869, (Olympia, 1869), 20 p.

Morton, Ellis Wesley, An oration. Boston, MA, 1869, (Boston, 1869), 32 p.

Russell, Thomas, An address. Hingham, MA, 1869, (Hingham, 1871), 37 p.

Ames, Edward C., The historical importance of the day. An oration. Providence, RI, 1870, (Providence, 1870), 29 p.

Everett, William, An oration. Boston, MA, 1870, (Boston, 1870), 39 p.

Phillips, Samuel F., An oration. Concord, NC, 1870, (n.p., n.d.), 10 p.

Calkins, Wolcott, The treaty of Washington; or, the gospel way of settling national disputes. A discourse. Buffalo, NY, 1871, (n.p., 1871), 10 p.

Clark, Thomas March, Our national crises. An oration. Providence, RI, 1871, (Providence, 1871), 29 p.

Knickerbacker, Joseph Foster, Spirit of the times: An oration. Schaghticoke, NY, 1871, (Troy, NY, 1871), 22 p.

Patton, John M., An address. Williamsburg, VA, 1871, (Wytheville, VA, 1871), 26 p.

Potter, Clarkson Nott, Remarks. NY, NY, 1871, (NY, NY, 1871), 7 p.

Sargent, Horace Binney, An oration. Boston, MA, 1871, (Boston, 1871), 31 p.

Adams, Charles Francis, An oration. Boston, MA, 1872, (Boston, 1872), 32 p.

Mayham, Stephen L., An oration. Schoharie, NY, 1872, (Schoharie, 1872), 15 p.

Smith, George W., An oration. Lowville, NY, 1872, (n.p., n.d.), 12 p.

Vincent, Walter Borodell, An oration. Providence, RI, 1872, (Providence, 1872), 15 p.

Potter, Clarkson Nott, An address. NY, NY, 1873, (NY, NY, 1873), 28 p.

Smith, Gerrit, Let crushed Cuba arise. A speech. Syracuse, NY, 1873, (Peterboro, NY, 1873), 2 p.

Ware, John Fothergill Waterhouse, An oration. Boston, MA, 1873, (Boston, 1873), 28 p.

Frothingham, Richard, An oration. Boston, MA, 1874, (Boston, 1874), 55 p.

Reynolds, Edwin R., An oration. Lake View, NY, 1874, (Albion, NY, 1874), 8 p.

Clarke, James Freeman, An oration. Boston, MA, 1875, (Boston, 1875), 46 p.

Daly, Charles Patrick, What produced the American revolution. An oration. Sag Harbor, NY, 1875, (Sag Harbor, 1875), 17 p.

Green, Arnold, New England's gift to the nation--the township. An oration. Providence, RI, 1875, (Providence, 1875), 56 p.

Van Wormer, John R., 4th of July Oration. Adams, NY, 1875, (Adams, 1875), 13 p.

Adams, Charles Francis, The progress of liberty in a hundred years. An oration. Taunton, MA, 1876, (Taunton, 1876), 24 p.

Andrews, Israel Ward, Washington County, and the early settlement of Ohio. Being the centennial historical address. Washington County, Ohio, 1876, (Cincinnati, OH, 1877),

83 p.

Arnold, Samuel Greene, The progress of Providence. A centennial address. Providence, RI, 1876, (Providence, 1876), 55 p.

Babcock, John Martin Luther, A poem. Groton, MA, 1876, (Boston, MA, 1885), 4 p.

Baker, David Sherman, Jr., An historical sketch of North Kingstown. Wickford, RI, 1876, (Providence, RI, 1876), 26 p.

Barrow, John D., Centennial address. Skaneateles, NY, 1876, (Syracuse, NY, 1891), 20 p.

Battle, Kemp Plummer, Sketches of the early history of the city of Raleigh. A centennial address. Raleigh, NC, 1876, (Raleigh, 1877), 71 p.

Beaman, Charles Cotesworth, An historical address. Scituate, RI, 1876, (Phenix, RI, 1877), 59 p.

Bingham, Harry, July 4, 1876. Centennial address. Littleton, NH, 1876, (Manchester, NH, 1880), 15 p.

Bliss, George Newman, An historical sketch. East Providence, RI, 1876, (Providence, RI, 1876), 52 p.

Bowdish, John, Centennial poem. Canajoharie, NY, 1876, (Albany, NY, 1877), 27 p.

Boynton, Washington Wallace, The early history of Lorain county. An historical address. 1876, Elyria, OH, 1876, (Cleveland, Ohio, 1876), 366 p.

Bullard, Edward Fitch, History of Saratoga. An address. Schuylerville, NY, 1876, (Ballston Spa, NY, 1876), 22 p.

Butler, Benjamin Clapp, From home-spun to calico. A centennial address. Luzerne, NY, 1876, (Albany, NY, 1877), 52 p.

Burr, George, Historical address. Binghamton, NY, 1876, (Binghamton, 1876), 55 p.

Carpenter, Benjamin Platt, An address. Poughkeepsie, NY, 1876, (Poughkeepsie, 1876),

28 p.

Case, Albertson, Historical sketch of Southold town. Greenport, L.I., 1876, (Southold, 1931), 18 p.

Coates, Isaac Taylor, 1776 Centennial 1876 Fourth of July oration. Chester, PA, 1876, (Philadelphia, PA, 1876), 64 p.

Dickinson, Marquis Fayette, Historical address. Amherst, MA, 1876, (Amherst, 1878),

44 p.

Dowse, Edmund, Centennial address. Holliston, MA, 1876, (South Framingham, MA, 1877), 32 p.

Easton, S.J.M., Centennial discourse: a sketch of the history of Venango county, Pennsylvania. Franklin, PA, 1876, (Franklin, 1876), 48 p.

Edes, Richard Sullivan, An address. Bolton, MA, 1876, (Clinton, MA, 1877), 57 p.

Edson, Obed, Address. Sinclairville, NY, 1876, (Sinclairville, 1876), 70 p.

Fairchild, T.B., A history of the town of Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County, Ohio. An address. Cuyahoga Falls, OH, 1876, (Cleveland, OH, n.d.), 39 p.

Fiske, Charles Henry, An oration. Weston, MA, 1876, (Weston, 1876), 38 p.

Foggo, Edward A., An historical sermon. Philadelphia, PA, 1876, (Philadelphia, 1876),

12 p.

Furber, William Harry, An historical address. Somerville, MA, 1876, (Boston, MA, 1876), 24 p.

Goss, Elbridge H., The centennial fourth. An historical address. Melrose, MA, 1876, (Melrose, 1876), 46 p.

Granger, J. Albert, The history of Canandaigua. An address. Canandaigua, NY, 1876, (Canandaigua, 1876), 16 p.

Hamilton, B.B., Historical sketch of Jersey County, Illinois. Jerseyville, IL, 1876, (Jacksonville, IL, 1876), 36 p.

Hatch, F.L., A centennial oration. Colusa, CA, 1876, (Colusa, 1876), 14 p.

Haven, John, An historical address. Charlton, MA, 1876, (Southbridge, MA, 1876), 17 p.

Hazen, A.W., A discourse. Middletown, CT, 1876, (Middletown, 1876), 15 p.

Hedges, Henry Parsons, A centennial and historical address. Long Island, NY, 1876, (Sag Harbor, NY, 1876), 24 p.

Hine, Orlo Daniel, Early Lebanon. An historical address. Lebanon, CT, 1876, (Hartford, CT, 1880), 176 p.

Hogeboom, John T., An oration. Hudson, NY, 1876, (Hudson, 1876), 32 p.

Hovey, Horace Carter, Fair Haven. Centennial discourse. Fair Haven, CT, 1876, (New Haven, CT, 1876), 20 p.

Howe, E. Frank, Grafton. Historical oration. Grafton, MA, 1876, (Worcester, MA, 1878), 46 p.

Ingersoll, Robert Green, The Declaration of Independence. Peoria, IL, 1876, (Chicago, 1876), 7 p.

Irish, James R., An historical sketch of the town of Richmond, from 1757-1878, comprising a period of one hundred and twenty-nine years. Wood River Grove, RI, 1876, (Hope Valley, RI, 1877), 96 p.

Knickerbacker, Joseph Foster, Centennial Day. An oration. Schaghticoke, NY, 1876, (Troy, NY, 1876), 24 p.

Ladd, Jed P., Centennial Oration. Alburgh Springs, VT, 1876, (St. Albans, VT, 1876),

15 p.

Lay, James Henry, A sketch of the history of Benton County, Missouri. Warsaw, MO, 1876, (Hannibal, MO, 1876), 76 p.

List of Agricultural societies and farmers' clubs. Washington, 1876, 63 p.

Lounsbery, William, Historical address. Kingston, NY, 1876, (Kingston, 1876), 31 p.

Lyman, Payson Williston, An historical address. Easthampton, MA, 1876, (Springfield, MA, 1877), 85 p.

M'Cauley, I.H., Historical sketch of Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Chambersburg, PA, 1876, (Harrisburg, PA, 1878), 294 p.

Maloney, Walter C., A sketch of the history of Key West, FL. Key West, FL, 1876, (Newark, NJ, 1876), 85 p.

Marsh, Charles Phelps, A centennial oration. Woodstock, VT, 1876, (Chicago, IL, 1876), 29 p.

Mears, David Otis, An oration. Essex, MA, 1876, (Essex, 1876), 13 p.

Mills, William, Centennial historical address. Xenia, OH, 1876, (Xenia, 1876), 56 p.

Nason, Elias, Billerica: a centennial oration. Billerica, MA, 1876, (Lowell, MA, 1876),

25 p.

Patriotic address. Philadelphia, PA, 1876, (Boston, MA, 1876), 23 p.

Parsons, Israel, The centennial history of the town of Marcellus. Marcellus, NY, 1876, (Marcellus, 1878), 108 p.

Petrie, J., A centennial sermon. Pompey, NY, 1876, (Syracuse, NY, 1877), 21 p.

Platt, Henry Clay, Old times in Huntington. An historical address. Huntington, NY, 1876, (Huntington, 1876), 83 p.

Pratt, Elizur H., A historical sketch of the town of Cape Vincent. Cape Vincent, NY, 1876, (Cape Vincent, 1876), 48 p.

Rutter, Josiah, Historical address. Waltham, MA, 1876, (Waltham, 1877), 29 p.

Sanders, John, A centennial address. Schenectady, NY, 1876, (Albany, NY, 1879), 346 p.

Seymour, John F., Centennial address. Trenton, NY, 1876, (Utica, NY, 1877), 149 p.

Sheffield, William Paine, An historical address. Newport, RI, 1876, (Newport, 1876), 68 p.

Smucker, Isaac, Centennial history of Licking county, Ohio. "Old Fort", Licking county, OH, 1876, (Newark, OH, 1876), 80 p.

Stebbins, Horatio, An oration. San Francisco, CA, 1876, (San Francisco, 1876), 12 p.

Stone, Charles Wellington, The Puritan Spirit. Templeton, MA, 1876, (Boston, 1876), 24 p.

Sumner, Charles Allen, Then and now. An oration. Quincy, CA, 1876, (San Francisco, CA, 1876), 16 p.

Sylvester, Nathaniel Bartlett, Saratoga and Kay-ad-ros-se-ra: an historical address. Saratoga Springs, NY, 1876, (Troy, NY, 1876), 52 p.

Taylor, Bayard, The National Ode. Philadelphia, PA, 1876, (Boston, MA, 1876), 12 p.

Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, An address. Worcester, MA, 1876, (Worcester, 1876), 57 p.

Todd, John A., Reformed (Dutch) Church in America: the posture of its ministers and people during the revolution. Tarrytown, NY, 1876, (NY, NY, 1877), 32 p.

Turner, Henry Ellis, An oration. Carthage, NY, 1876, (Carthage, 1876), 8 p.

Tuttle, Joseph Farrand, The revolutionary forefathers of Morris County, an address. Morristown, NJ, 1876, (Dover, NJ, 1876), 8 p.

Tysen, Ira Charles, Centennial Historical Discourse. Bedford, NH, 1876, (Manchester, NH, 1876), 31 p.

Washburn, John Davis, An address. Lancaster, MA, 1876, (Lancaster, 1876), 58 p.

Weed, Smith Mead, 1776. 1876. Centennial oration. Plattsburgh, NY, 1876, (n.p., 1876?), 8 p.

Welles, Roger, Centennial celebration. Historical address. Newington, CT, 1876, (Hartford, CT, 1876), 50 p.

White, William M., An address. Springwater, NY, 1876, (Dansville, NY, 1877), 11 p.

White, William Orne, An historical address. Keene, NH, 1876, (Keene, 1876), 34 p.

Winthrop, Robert Charles, An oration. Boston, MA, 1876, (Boston, 1876), 96 p.

Winthrop, Robert Charles, An oration. Boston, MA, 1876, (Boston, 1876), 55 p.

Wood, Fernando, An oration. NY, NY, 1876, (NY, NY, 1876), 8 p.

Woodruff, George C., Historical Address. Litchfield, CT, 1876, (Hartford, CT, 1876), 44 p.

Chamberlain, Daniel Henry, President Hayes's Southern policy. A speech. Woodstock, CT, 1877, (NY, NY, 1877), 37 p.

Deady, Matthew P., An oration. Roseburg, OR, 1877, (Portland, OR, 1877), 27 p.

Forney, John Wien, An oration. Philadelphia, PA, 1877, (Philadelphia, 1877), 23 p.

Taylor, Daniel T., An historical oration. Champlain, NY, 1877, (Champlain, 1936), 37 p.

Warren, William Wirt, An oration. Boston, MA, 1877, (Boston, 1877), 42 p.

Healey, Joseph, An oration. Boston, MA, 1878, (Boston, 1878), 34 p.

Jones, A.E., An address. Turpin's Grove, OH, 1878, (Cincinnati, OH, 1878), 25 p.

Milliken, D.L., An oration. Maplewood, MA, 1878, (Maplewood, 1878), 19 p.

Benjamin, D.S., An oration. Prattsburgh, NY, 1879, (n.p., n.d.), 9 p.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, An oration. Boston, MA, 1879, (Boston, 1879), 44 p.

Garfield, James Abram, A soldiers' monument. Speech. Painesville, OH, 1880, (Washington, D.C., n.d.), 2 p.

Smith, Robert Dickson, An oration. Boston, MA, 1880, (Boston, 1880), 54 p.

Tremain, Alva H., An address. Guilderland, NY, 1880, (Albany, NY, 1880), 10 p.

Hunt, Samuel Furman, The Miami Valley. Address. Hamilton, OH, 1881, (Cincinnati, OH, 1881), 31 p.

Warren, George Washington, Our republic liberty and equality founded on law. Oration. Boston, MA, 1881, (Boston, 1881), 62 p.

Donan, Col. Patrick, A scream from the American eagle in Dakota. Not given, 1882, (Not given, n.d.), 10 p.

Long, John Davis, An oration. Boston, MA, 1882, (Boston, 1882), 43 p.

Carpenter, Henry Bernard, American character and influence. An oration. Boston, MA, 1883, (Boston, 1883), 36 p.

Cobb, Samuel Crocker, The Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati. An historical address. Boston, MA, 1883, (Boston, 1883), 50 p.

DePeyster, John Watts, An address. St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, 1883, (NY, 1883), 40 p.

Batchellor, Albert Stillman, The relations of the town and the state. An historical address. Littleton, NH, 1884, (Concord, NH, 1884), 27 p.

Cox, Samuel S., A speech. NY, NY, 1884, (NY, NY, 1884), 23 p.

Shepard, Harvey Newton, An oration. Boston, MA, 1884, (Boston, 1884), 31 p.

Deady, Matthew Paul, An oration. Portland, OR, 1885, (Portland, 1885), 33 p.

Gargan, Thomas John, An oration. Boston, MA, 1885, (Boston, 1885), 49 p.

Dalton, Asa, A sermon. Portland, ME, 1886, (Portland, 1886), 20 p.

Sills, Charles Morton, Historical sketch of St. Luke's parish, Portland, ME, 1886, (Portland, 1886), 16 p.

Williams, George Frederick, An oration. Boston, MA, 1886, (Boston, 1886), 23 p.

Everett, William, An address. Quincy, MA, 1887, (Cambridge, MA, 1887), 114 p.

Fitzgerald, John Edward, An oration. Boston, MA, 1887, (Boston, 1887), 26 p.

Morrow, William W., An oration. Oakland, CA, 1887, (San Francisco, CA, 1887), 29 p.

Dillaway, William Edward Lovell, An oration. Boston, MA, 1888, (Boston, 1888), 41 p.

Heyward, Barnwell Rhett, Address before the Mayor and Common Council. Albany, NY, 1888, (Albany, 1888), 8 p.

Cox, Samuel Sullivan, An address. Huron, SD, 1889, (NY, NY, 1889), 52 p.

Pottle, Emory B., Historical address. Naples, NY, 1889, (?, 1954), 14 p.

Swift, John Lindsay, An oration. Boston, MA, 1889, (Boston, 1889), 64 p.

Pillsbury, Albert Enoch, Public spirit. An oration. Boston, MA, 1890, (Boston, 1890), 34 p.

Semple, Henry Churchill, An address. William and Mary College, Williamsburg, VA, 1890, (Washington, D.C., 1890), 24 p.

Foote, Allen R., The duty and reward of loyalty. Takoma Park, D.C., 1891, (Washington, D.C., 1891), 16 p.

Gregory, Henry Elsworth, An oration. Cold Spring, NY, 1891, (NY, NY, 1891), 15 p.

Quincy, Josiah, The coming peace. An oration. Boston, MA, 1891, (Boston, 1891), 62 p.

Quincy, Josiah, The coming peace. An oration. Boston, MA, 1891, (Boston, 1891), 53 p.

Adams, Charles Francis, The centennial milestone. An address. Quincy, MA, 1892, (Cambridge, MA), 1892, 59 p.

Marsh, Luther Rawson, Independence and Memorial Day Oration. Middletown, NY, 1892, (Middletown, 1892), 23 p.

Murphy, John Robert, An oration. Boston, MA, 1892, (Boston, 1892), 32 p.

Putnam, Henry Ware, An oration. Boston, MA, 1893, (Boston, 1893), 54 p.

Alderman, Edwin Anderson, Address by ... on the life of William Hooper. "The prophet of American Independence." Guilford Battle, NC, 1894, (Chapel Hill, NC, 1894), 73 p.

O'Neil, Joseph Henry, An oration. Boston, MA, 1894, (Boston, 1894), 40 p.

Andrews, William G., An address. Wilkes-Barre, PA, 1895, (Wilkes-Barre, 1899), 14 p.

Benton, Josiah Henry, Jr., An address. Bradford, VT, 1895, (Boston, 1896), 62 p.

Benton, Josiah Henry, Jr., Public libraries as a means of education. Extracts from an address. Bradford, VT, 1895, (Boston, MA, 1896), 30 p.

Berle, Adolf Augustus, An oration. Boston, MA, 1895, (Boston, 1895), 42 p.

McKinley, William, Liberty and labor. An address. Chicago, IL, 1895, (n.p., n.d.), 15 p.

Fitzgerald, John Francis, An oration. Boston, MA, 1896, (Boston, 1897), 40 p.

Collins, Holdridge Ozro, An address. Los Angeles, CA, 1897, (Los Angeles, 1897), 8 p.

Hale, Edward Everett, The contribution of Boston to American independence. An oration. Boston, MA, 1897, (Boston, 1897), 40 p.

Douglas, Robert Martin, An address. Guilford Battle Ground, NC, 1898, (Greensboro, NC, 1898), 15 p.

O'Callaghan, Denis, An oration. Boston, MA, 1898, (Boston, 1898), 30 p.

Belford, James Burns, The issues of a closing century. Cripple Creek, CO, 1899, (n.p., 1899), 30 p.

Campbell, William Auchinbreck, An address delivered at ... at the celebration of the Cherry Valley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Cherry Valley, NY, 1899, (Schenectady, NY, 1900), 16 p.

Matthews, Nathan, Jr., An oration. Boston, MA, 1899, (Boston, 1899), 52 p.

Boynton, Henry Van Ness, An oration. Guilford Battle Ground, NC, 1900, (Greensboro, NC, 1900), 14 p.

O'Meara, Stephen, An oration. Boston, MA, 1900, (Boston, 1900), 64 p.

Guild, Curtis, Jr., An oration. Boston, MA, 1901, (Boston, 1901), 38 p.

Haywood, Marshall DeLancey, Colonel Edward Buncombe, Fifth North Carolina Continental Regiment. His life, military career. An address. Hillsborough, NC, 1901, (Raleigh, 1901), 20 p.

Bradshaw, George S., Mrs. Kerenhappuch Turner, a heroine of 1776. An address. Guilford Battle Ground, NC, 1902, (Greensboro, NC, 1902), 7 p.

Conry, Joseph A., Fourth of July oration. Boston, MA, 1902, (Boston, 1902), 32 p.

Sanders, Wilbur Fisk, The pioneers. 4th of July address. Helena, MT, 1902, (Helena, 1902), 23 p.

Mead, Edwin Doak, The principles of the founders. Boston, MA, 1903, (Boston, 1903),

46 p.

Mead, Edwin Doak, The principles of the founders. Boston, MA, 1903, (Boston, 1903), 73 p.

Shepherd, James Edward, An address. Guilford Battle Ground, NC, 1904, (Greensboro,1904), 17 p.

Sullivan, John A., Fourth of July oration. Boston, MA, 1904, (Boston, 1904), 17 p.

Coakley, Timothy Wilfred, The American race, its origin, the fusion of peoples; its aim, fraternity. Boston, MA, 1906, (Boston, 1906), 24 p.

Coakley, Timothy Wilfred, Oration. The American race, its origin, the fusion of peoples, its aim, fraternity. Boston, MA, 1906, (Boston, 1906), 45 p.

Waddell, Alfred Moore, General Francis Nash. An address. Guilford Battle Ground, NC, 1906, (Greensboro, NC, 1906), 19 p.

Horton, Edward Augustus, Patriotism and the republic. An oration. Boston, MA, 1907, (Boston, 1907), 16 p.

Hill, Arthur Dehon, The revolution and a problem of the present. An oration. Boston, MA, 1908, (Boston, 1908), 45 p.

Barnes, Albert C., Old Crown Point. An address. Crown Point, NY, 1909, (n.p., n.d.), 8 p.

Smith, Charles Alphonso, Clio. An address. Guilford Battle Ground, NC, 1909, (Greensboro, NC, 1909), 10 p.

Dixon, B.F., Peter Francisco. An address. Guilford Battle Ground, NC, 1910, (Greensboro, NC, 1910), 12 p.

Wolff, James H., An oration. Boston, MA, 1910, (Boston, 1910), 21 p.

Eliot, Charles William, The independence of 1776 and the dependence of 1911. An oration. Boston, MA, 1911, (Boston, 1911), 16 p.

Pelletier, Joseph C., An oration. Boston, MA, 1912, (Boston, 1912), 25 p.

MacFarland, Grenville Stanley, An oration. Boston, MA, 1913, (Boston, 1913), 26 p.

Supple, James A., An oration. Boston, MA, 1914, (Boston, 1914), 16 p.

Baldwin, James Mark, An address. Paris, France, 1915, (Paris, 1915), 4 p.

Bancroft, Edgar Addison, The mission of America. An address. Lake Forrest, IL, 1915, (Lake Forrest, 1915), 23 p.

Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, True Americanism, an oration... Boston, MA, 1915, (Boston, 1915), 8 p.

Russell, Isaac Franklin, Some American ideals. An address. Richmond Hill, NY, 1915, (Brooklyn, NY, 1915), 14 p.

Chapple, Joseph Mitchell, An oration. Boston, MA, 1916, (Boston, 1916), 9 p.

Gallagher, Daniel J., An oration. Boston, MA, 1917, (Boston, 1917), 11 p.

Wickersham, George Woodward, ...Fourth of July oration. Chautauqua, NY, 1917, (NY, NY, 1917), 16 p.

Colt, Le Baron Bradford, Shall civilization survive? An address. Bristol, RI, 1918, (Washington, D.C., 1918), 7 p.

Faunce, William Herbert Perry, An oration. Boston, MA, 1918, (Boston, 1918), 9 p.

De Courcy, Charles A., An oration. Boston, MA, 1919, (Boston, 1919), 15 p.

McAdoo, William Gibbs, A league to prevent war. With a review of the fight against the formation of the United States. An address. Columbus, OH, 1919, (NY, NY, 1919), 22 p.

Slater, George A., An address. Victory Mills, NY, 1920, (Victory Mills, 1920), 11 p.

Wiseman, Jacob L., America and its vital problem. An oration. Boston, MA, 1920, (Boston, 1920), 10 p.

Knox, Philander Chase, The altar of our nationality. An address. Philadelphia, PA, 1921, (Washington, D.C., 1921), 6 p.

Murlin, Lemuel Herbert, Our great American. An oration. Boston, MA, 1921, (Boston, 1921), 14 p.

Burke, Jeremiah Edmund, Oration: Democracy and education. Boston, MA, 1922, (Boston, 1922), 33 p.

Ferrell, Dudley Hays, The genesis and genius of America. An oration. Boston, MA, 1924, (Boston, 1924), 10 p.

Dowd, Thomas H., Our heritage, an oration. Boston, MA, 1925, (Boston, 1925), 9 p.

Peters, Andrew James, A citizen's responsibility for democracy. An oration. Boston, MA, 1926, (Boston, 1926), 10 p.

McGinnis, William, Responsibility of citizenship. An oration. Boston, MA, 1927, (Boston, 1927), 11 p.

Luce, Robert, Liberty and law. An oration. Boston, MA, 1929, (Boston, 1929), 8 p.

Parker, Herbert, Preservation of constitution inviolate. An oration. Boston, MA, 1930, (Boston, 1930), 11 p.

Walsh, David Ignatius, To establish justice, our social and economic solution. An oration. Boston, MA, 1931, (Boston, 1931), 15 p.

Tomasello, Joseph A., Italy's contribution to America; an oration. Boston, MA, 1933, (Boston, 1933), 8 p.

O'Connell, William Henry, Democracy, its origins, progress and dangers. An oration. Boston, MA, 1934, (Boston, 1934), 10 p.

Malouf, Faris S., The fundamentals of true freedom. An oration. Boston, MA, 1936, (Boston, 1936), 11 p.

Mercier, Louis Joseph Alexandre, Principles and progress. An oration. Boston, MA, 1937, (Boston, 1937), 14 p.

Walsh, David Ignatius, Our democracy versus the authoritarian state. An oration. Boston, MA, 1938, (Boston, 1938), 12 p.

Chadwick, Stephen F., Perpetuity of America challenged, An oration... Boston, MA, 1939, (Boston, 1939), 9 p.

Sullivan, John P., American democracy challenged. An oration. Boston, MA, 1940, (Boston, 1940), 11 p.

Marsh, Daniel L., 1941 inherits the glorious Fourth. An oration. Boston, MA, 1941, (Boston, 1941), 10 p.

Plumley, Charles A., No such word as retreat in the vocabulary of a Vermonter. Lyndon, VT, 1941, (Washington, D.C., 1941), 8 p.

Coughlin, Gerald F., Democracy or despotism. An oration. Boston, 1942, (Boston, 1942), 9 p.

McCormack, John W., Independence against tyranny. An oration. Boston, MA, 1943, (Boston, 1943), 16 p.

Maloney, Francis, Nation cannot survive internal persecution of its citizens. An oration. Boston, MA, 1944, (Boston, 1944), 8 p.

Cushing, Richard James, The law of love and the future peace. An oration. Boston, MA, 1945, (Boston, 1945), 12 p.

Kennedy, John F., Some elements of the American character. An oration. Boston, MA, 1946, (Boston, 1946), 9 p.

Wilson, Robert Gardiner, Jr., America, humanity hangs breathless on thy fate. An oration. Boston, MA, 1947, (Boston, 1947), 4 p.

Curley, James Michael, The duty of America is establishment of permanent world peace. An oration. Boston, MA, 1948, (Boston, 1948), 12 p.

Wright, John J., The religious inspiration of Massachusetts law. An oration. Boston, MA, 1949, (Boston, 1949), 14 p.

Gray, Francis C., The price of freedom is responsibility. An oration. Boston, MA, 1950, (Boston, 1950), 6 p.

Shamon, Elias, God or chaos, an oration... Boston, MA, 1951, (Boston, 1951), 10 p.

Adlow, Elijah, Liberty or security, an oration... Boston, MA, 1952, (Boston, 1952), 12 p.

Philbrick, Herbert A., Guard sacredly precious jewel of freedom that is ours, an oration... Boston, MA, 1954, (Boston, 1954), 20 p.

Luce, Clare Booth, The permanent revolution, an oration. Boston, MA, 1955, (Boston, 1955), 20 p.




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