ChaseCam Website Changes - Chase | Proven Product …

ChaseCam Website Changes

July 11, 2008

▪ Front Page

o Image should be of one of our sponsored cars or cars that use our products

o Text on Image: “[name of team pictured] uses our products on their [car type] car… shouldn’t you?”

▪ Resolution/display issues

o On one of our monitors, the Sema box under Recent News extends too far to the left.

o On the same monitor, on some of the packages, the first item line (1 x PDR100…) isn’t on a new line

o About Us: where it reads “Whatever the application…” this text wraps into the graphic below on some monitors/resolutions

▪ All pages

o Button for “WHY CHASECAM?” to the right of CONTACT

o Remove REGISTER button since folks will register when they go to COMMUNITY

o Copyright should read “Chase Product Development, Inc.”

o Credit cards at bottom should reflect US versions of VISA, MC, Amex, and Paypal

o All instances of ChaseCam should have both C’s capitalized

o Put phone and email in upper right hand corner opposite logo

o Remove from logo, instead use “video at speed”

▪ Store

o Is store setup to take Paypal?

o Does store have the ability to take coupons?

o Put Packages at top of list

o Add short description for each package similar to the Racer2 one

o Also add either short description or package contents on the Packages page

o Add photos for each item (we may need to supply)

o Kits: RacerKit1 first, RacerKit2 second (best sellers)

o Replace Video section with two sections: Recorders and Cameras

o Remove first paragraph in Packages “We’ve been planning this section…”

o Hyperlink above Format drop down to pop up small window that tells customer the difference between NTSC and PAL video formats.

o Change default CF card size to 2GB and use following choices:

▪ Standard Cards

• 2 GB (included)

• 4 GB (+$20)

• 8 GB (+$60)

• 16 GB (+$100)

• 32 GB (+$180)

▪ Premium Cards

• 2 GB (+$20)

• 4 GB (+$40)

• 8 GB (+$90)

• 16 GB (+$200)

o In Packages, add a short description under the drop-down options telling what each option is/means.

o Put camera bag also into the PDR accessories section

o Hyperlink to a description of SuperCaps:

▪ Developed for use in the SPEED World Challenge Series, SuperCaps is an option where the 4-AA battery tray is replaced with our SuperCaps capacitors. These capacitors can hold a charge for approximately 30 seconds allowing the PDR100 to safely save the video file and power down if power is suddenly lost or the car is switched off before recording is stopped. SuperCaps never need to be removed or recharged, thus removing the need to ensure your AA batteries are fresh.

o Add “G-Force Module and AutoRecord” as separate item under new Recorders section. See current site for description. Insert a second paragraph:

▪ The G-Force Module also allows our AutoRecord feature. Developed for use in the SPEED World Challenge Series, and used in many race series, the AutoRecord feature allows the user to set the PDR100 to record when it senses a predetermined G-load. When the car starts moving, the PDR starts recording! Coupled with our AutoOn feature (turns on when the unit senses power), the PDR100 becomes completely HANDS FREE!

▪ About Us

o Last paragraph, strike the “s” from the end of “boats” in “power boats teams”

▪ FAQ [Randy to update]

o Add “Why choose the PDR100?”

o Update card capability to 32GB – we should test a 64GB card

▪ Press Releases

[Date] ChaseCam Offers Completely Hands Free Recording

Developed for and used on every car in the SPEED World Challenge Series, ChaseCam has leveraged it’s popular G-Force Module to have our PDR100 units record the entire race from each car with ZERO driver/team intervention.

Install it, and forget about it: Using our AutoOn feature, the PDR100 powers up when the vehicle is turned on and power is sent to the unit. Using our G-Force Module, the PDR100 can be set to automatically begin recording once it senses vehicle motion. After 60-seconds of no motion, the unit automatically saves the video file and will begin another file once the car begins moving again.

We’ve covered all bases: Using our new SuperCaps feature, the PDR100 will now continue to operate on its own, without batteries, for approximately 30 seconds after power is cut. In the event of a crash, emergency, or loss of power, the PDR100 will safely save the current recording and shut itself off.

[Date] ChaseCam Develops New SuperCaps Units to Allow Hands Free Shut-Down and Remove the Need for Batteries

ChaseCam is now incorporating our new SuperCaps capacitors into the popular PDR100 recording unit. Developed for use in the SPEED World Challenge Series, SuperCaps is an option where the 4-AA battery tray is replaced with our SuperCaps capacitors. These capacitors can hold a charge for approximately 30 seconds allowing the PDR100 to safely save the current recording and power down in the event of a crash, emergency, or loss of power. SuperCaps never need to be removed or recharged, thus removing the need to ensure your AA batteries are fresh, and eliminating the possibility of forgetting to stop the recording.

▪ Update Sponsorship Section – we need to supply text and photos

▪ Contact Us

o Include phone #, email and mailing address

▪ Videos – we need to supply video samples

o High quality sample (raw)

o Medium quality sample (raw)

o All SS1000 layout samples (raw)

o Various compression examples


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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