Town of Enfield Minutes

Town of EnfieldRegular Town Board Meeting MinutesEnfield Community BuildingWednesday, July 9, 20146:30 p.m.Present: Town Supervisor Ann Rider, Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Councilperson Mike Carpenter, Town Councilperson Vera Howe-Strait, Town Councilperson Beth McGee, Town Highway Superintendent Barry Rollins, Town Clerk Alice Linton. Supervisor Rider opened the meeting at 6:32 p.m. by leading the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Supervisor Rider added three items to the agenda under new business: Youth Development Program State Aid Funding, Change of Banks, Recreation Partnership.Privilege of the Floor: Marguerite Wells, Project Manager of the Black Oak Wind Farm gave an update on the project. The final Environmental Impact Plan will soon be ready for formal submission. The public investment round will begin in the next three weeks. Historical consultants have recommended a public good work to mitigate the loss of views. Black Oak Wind Farm is planning to donate $15,000 to the town for that purpose. The State Historic Preservation Office will have input into what project will be funded. Tompkins County Area Development has received a formal application for Payment in Lieu of Taxes. A public hearing will be held on this in the near future.Approval of Minutes: Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to accept the minutes of the June 11, 2014 meeting. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Correspondence: Request for a donation from Mercy Flight Central which provides emergency helicopter transport. They are located in Canandaigua, New York.Budget Amendments:Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to approve Budget Amendment #2014-20.BA#2014-20AMENDED CHIPS FUNDS IN 2014 BUDGETWHEREAS, the Governor and the New York State Legislature have reached an agreement on an increased Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) and WHEREAS, this will mean an increased amount of money to the Town of Enfield, now therefore,BE IT RESOLVED, that the following amendments be done to the 2014 budget:Under Highway Revenues, line DA3501 be increased to $104,102.80 from $80,901.00,AND FURTHER RESOLVED, under Appropriations Highway, line DA5112.2 is increased to $104,102.80 from $80,901.00, an approximate $23,200 increase.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Bryant, to approve Budget Amendment #2014-21.BA#2014-21CHIPS ONE TIME EXTREME WINTER RECOVERY PAYMENTWHEREAS, the Governor and the New York State Legislature have reached an agreement on a special one-time allocation for extreme winter recovery to help local governments make necessary repairs to highways and bridges following the year’s exceptionally harsh winter and WHEREAS, this will mean an increased amount of money to the Town of Enfield, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the following amendments be done to the 2014 budget: Under Highway Revenues, line DA3501.2 entitled “One time extreme winter recovery payment” be created and $12,392.24 added to this line,AND FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2014 Appropriations Highway Budget be amended to add line DA 5112.3 entitled “One time extreme winter recovery work”,AND FURTHER RESOLVED that line item DA5112.3 entitled “One time extreme winter recovery work” be increased by $12,392.24.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to approve Budget Amendment #2014-22BA#2014-22HIGHWAY REPAIRSWHEREAS, the highway department has experienced an extreme increase in the amount of repairs, now therefore be itRESOLVED, that the Highway Fund line DA5110.4 entitled “General Repairs Contractual” be decreased by $10,000, and that line DA9950.9 entitled “Equipment Reserve” be decreased by $15,000, AND FURTHER RESOLVED, that Highway Fund line DA5130.4 entitled “Machinery Contractual” be increased by $25,000.Discussion: Highway Superintendent Rollins explained the cost of repairs, which included new loader tires, has been more than budgeted for. He feels this fund transfer should be good through the end of the year. He also mentioned that for the last four years approximately $10,000 - $15,000 has been transferred each year to cover repairs. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to approve Budget Amendment #2014-23.BA#2014-23BUDGET SCHOOLWHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget line A1220.41 entitled “Supervisor-Contractual”, now thereforeBE IT RESOLVED, that the General Fund Account, line item A1990.4, entitled “Contingent Fund”, be decreased by $1,000 and General Fund Account, line item A1220.41 be increased by $1,000.Discussion: Supervisor Rider stated these funds were partially needed for her to attend budget school.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to approve Budget Amendment #2014-24.BA#2014-24BOOKKEEPER EXPENSESWHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget line A1220.42 entitled “Supervisor-Contractual (Bookkeeper)”, now thereforeBE IT RESOLVED, that the General Fund Account, line item A1990.4, entitled “Contingent Fund”, be decreased by $2,725.00 and General Fund Account, line item A1220.42 be increased by $2,725.00.Discussion: Supervisor Rider stated these funds were partially needed for the Williamson Law Payroll Program and for postage.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to approve Budget Amendment #2014-25.BA#2014-25WITHDRAWNWHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget line A5132.4 entitled “Garage-Contractual”, now thereforeBE IT RESOLVED, that the General Fund Account, line item A1990.4, entitled “Contingent Fund”, be decreased by $1,600 and General Fund Account, line item A1990.4 be increased by $1,600.Discussion: It was brought to Supervisor Rider's attention that line item A5132.4 was the line item to be increased.Supervisor Rider amended her motion, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to the following:WHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget line A5132.4 entitled “Garage-Contractual”, now thereforeBE IT RESOLVED, that the General Fund Account, line item A1990.4, entitled “Contingent Fund”, be decreased by $1,600 and General Fund Account, line item A5132.4 be increased by $1,600.Discussion: Highway Superintendent Rollins stated this fund was for rags and coveralls and it should not be overdrawn at this point in the year. Supervisor Rider withdrew her motion to further investigate why the budget line was overdrawn.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson McGee, to approve Budget Amendment #2014-25BA#2014-25PLANNING BOARD TRAININGWHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget line A8020.12 entitled “Planning-Personnel Services”, now thereforeBE IT RESOLVED, that the General Fund Account, line item A1990.4, entitled “Contingent Fund”, be decreased by $500.00 and General Fund Account, line item A8020.12 be increased by $500.00.Discussion: Supervisor Rider stated these funds were used for Planning Board member training.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Ann? I would like a Budget amendment:? I need General Repairs Contractual;?? DA5110.4 decreased $10,000.? Equipment Reserve:? ?DA9950.9 decreased $15,000. Machinery Contractual:? ?DA5130.4 to increase $25,000.??? Due to an extreme increased amount of repairs.? Buddy?Audit Claims:Councilperson Carpenter moved, with a second by Councilperson Bryant to authorize the supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #186 to #207 dated July 9, 2014 in the amount of $13,883.14 and Highway Fund vouchers #114 to #141 dated July 9, 2014 in the amount of $51,980.78.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.County Legislator's Report: No report.Highway Superintendent's Report: Highway Superintendent Rollins stated he prepared a revised Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway Moneys. This Agreement was then signed by all members of the board and will be on file at the town clerk's office. Work on VanDorn Road will be cut from one mile to one-half mile. He reported two air conditioners were purchased from Home Depot and installed Monday in his office and the break room. Storm damage from July 8 was minimal, but is requiring some clean-up. Colegrove Road will be paved this week and will be closed to through traffic. Superintendent Rollins asked the board to consider changing his phone system from Haefele to Verizon. When there is no electricity, there is no phone. This in turn triggers a call to AlarmTech. He also requested a generator to be used when there is no power. If this was a trailer type, it could be used at some job sites also. Councilperson Carpenter would like to schedule several items to be upgraded at the new highway facility, but this will cost some money. He feels a long-term plan is needed for both the building and equipment. Code Enforcement Report: Code Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter was not present, but his written report stated in June there were 9 building permits issued, with 2 being for new homes, bringing the year to date total to 31. There were 15 inspections completed, 21 progress checks completed, 2 complaints received and resolved.Town Supervisor's Report: Supervisor Rider stated she participated in a NYSEG conference call regarding power outages from the recent storm, submitted the financial report to Standard and Poor for the bond rating, met and communicated with TCAT regarding the Park and Ride issues, researched taking firewood from town property, attended a Tompkins County Council of Governments meeting, attended a Shared Services meeting in response to the governor's request, read the NYS Supreme Court of Appeals decision on the Town of Dryden hydrofracking issue and upholding home mittee Reports: Planning Board: No prehensive Plan Writing Committee: Councilperson McGee reported the committee has decided to start working on the land use section of the Comprehensive Plan first, as they continue to figure out the process to be used.Enfield Community Council: No report.Recreation Partnership: Carolyn Tschanz reported it is budget time, and she needs to have a general sense if the town board is in agreement with the proposed increases. The program provides services through the Ithaca Youth Bureau and serves over 100 Enfield youth each year. The three percent increase proposed would include some cuts to the program. The town board felt that at a little under $50 per child, the program should continue to be supported.County Youth Board: No report.Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: Chief Roger Lauper was not present, but submitted his report showing there were 14 calls in June which included 8 rescue calls, 1 motor vehicle accident, 1 outside rubbish fire, 1 mutual aid call, 1 hazardous condition, and 2 false alarms. Trainings for June included outside work details and motor vehicle extrication. First Due Services Company tested all of the fire house. There was 300' of 5" hose that failed the testing. Thanks to Jean Owens' diligent work over the past 6 months, EVFC was awarded a grant from Fire House Subs Public Safety Foundation for 1,600' of LDH Hi-flow 400 with locking storz 5" hose and 400' of Attack-Force 2.5" hose.Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium: No report.Facilities Manager: Councilperson Carpenter reported a new door has not yet been installed at the town clerk's office, as he is waiting to see if the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company will be leasing the building and making improvements. Supervisor Rider stated she will call the EVFC to check on the progress of a proposed lease.Councilperson Howe-Strait and Councilperson McGee both stated they would like to see a metal door, as opposed to a wood door, installed at the town hall. There was discussion at the Violence in the Workplace training about this issue. Councilperson Carpenter will call Sprague Insurance to see what type of door they recommend.Aquifer Study Fundraising Group: No report.Facilities Development Committee: No report.Tompkins County Council of Governments: Supervisor Rider stated shared services and franchise agreements with Time Warner / Comcast were discussed at the last meeting.Old Business: Audit of Town of Enfield Financial Records: Supervisor Rider stated she received one quote of between $5,000 and $6,000 to do an audit of the 2013 records by an independent auditor. She also investigated using the technical assistance of the State Comptroller's Office. They have a regional office located in Binghamton. Supervisor Rider will call and check to see if the State Comptroller's Office can help before obtaining further quotes for an audit.Park and Ride: Supervisor Rider reported the Park and Ride located at the corner of Route 79 and Route 327, used by riders of Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT) has been closed. She told TCAT they could temporarily use the north side of town hall for a Park and Ride. She has asked for a written contract for the Park and Ride to continue. There is no bus stop planned at the new highway facility at this time. Highway Superintendent Rollins stated there have been previous discussions about having a turn-around at the new facility, but TCAT dropped the subject. He is concerned about plowing the town hall parking lot in the winter and where a bus shelter will be located. The stone across the road from the town hall will be cleared out this summer and that area might work best for a Park and Ride if owners of the adjoining properties were in favor.Bev Rollins, resident, stated she feels the safety of the town clerk and others visiting town hall needs to be considered. With more cars and people coming and going, there are more safety issues to be considered, and she hopes the town board will address these issues.Supervisor Rider stated this is a stop gap measure only and she will pursue getting a written agreement.Councilperson McGee suggested using the other corner of Routes 79 and 327 as a Park and Ride. Support of Brown Property Transfer: Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Bryant, to approve Resolution #2014-34.Resolution #2014-34 SUPPORT FOR TRANSFER OF BROWN PROPERTY TO NYS PARKS AND RECREATIONWHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board is supportive of open public space andWHEREAS, the Brown family is in negotiations with NYS Parks and Recreation regarding transfer of their land to the Parks system, now thereforeBE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Enfield hereby supports this transfer of land.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.New Business: Alarm System for Town Clerk's Office: Town Clerk Alice Linton stated that each year during the Violence in the Workplace training it has been suggested that there be an alarm system installed at the town hall. AlarmTech, who has systems in place at both the Enfield Community Building and the new highway facility, has been contacted to give estimates of possible systems.SPCA Contract: Supervisor Rider stated all towns in New York State are mandated to provide dog control services. Enfield's contract with the SPCA ends at the end of 2014. Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter, to authorize the supervisor to sign the Animal Control Services Agreement between the SPCA of Tompkins County (doing business as Tompkins County Animal Control) and the Town of Enfield for the period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017 at an annual charge for dog control service of $16,737.00.Discussion: Councilperson McGee asked if there was a way to track usage of dog control services in Enfield compared to other towns. Supervisor Rider stated she receives a monthly report that shows services for Enfield only. Dryden, Lansing and Groton do not contract with the SPCA of Tompkins County.Supervisor Rider stated the contract mandates that a dog enumeration be done every 5 years in each town that contracts with them.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Policy Regarding Cutting Firewood From Town Property: Supervisor Rider stated she contacted the town's insurance agent and town attorney regarding this issue. There are liability issues that need to be addressed, so a contract or permit may be required. There are many large stumps and trees, so anyone removing the wood would need to use their own equipment.Supervisor Rider will work at getting a contract for firewood removal and free advertising for delivery of wood.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Bryant to put a notification on free websites, list serves, and other social media stating the Town of Enfield will deliver, free of charge within a 10 mile radius, wood from the storm of August, 2013.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Youth Development Program State Aid Funding: Supervisor Rider stated last year $877 was received from the county for youth services. In order for a payment to be received this year, for the ECC summer camp, we need to sign a contract. The Enfield Community Council president will put in a claim and the town will receive $877 which is used to offset the contract the town has with the ECC. Councilperson Howe-Strait asks if this offsets the contract the town has with ECC. Supervisor Rider stated it does.Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter, to authorize the town supervisor to sign the contract to receive $877 for youth development state aid funding between the County of Tompkins and the Town of Enfield.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to approve Resolution #2014-35.Resolution #2014-35Banking InstitutionsWHEREAS, Chase Commercial Online banking has become cumbersome and not responsive to some of the Town of Enfield's needs, andWHEREAS, Supervisor Rider has researched two local banks, Chemung Canal Trust and Tompkins Trust Company, now therefore be itRESOLVED, that the Town of Enfield will use Tompkins Trust Company as its bank and the supervisor is authorized to complete the necessary paperwork to affect this.Discussion: Supervisor Rider stated Poney Carpenter researched both Chemung Canal Trust and Tompkins Trust Company and it appeared Tompkins Trust Company had lower fees and better service.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Bryant to approve Resolution #2014-36.Resolution #2014-36Recreational PartnershipWHEREAS, the Town of Enfield has participated in the Recreational Partnership for many years, andWHEREAS, this benefits the youth of our community by allowing participation in group sports and activities at a reduced rate to the family, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Enfield will continue to participate in this program for the year 2015 with a fee of $5,299.Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.Adjourn to Executive Session Regarding Communication From Attorney:Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to move into executive session with only board members present, regarding a communication from attorney, at 8:50 p.m. Vote: Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson McGee aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Carried.By motion of Supervisor Rider and second by Councilperson Carpenter, the executive session adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Carried.Adjournment: Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Carried.Respectfully submitted, Alice Linton, Enfield Town Clerk ................

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