Office 365: Use What Tool When/List of Features …

Office 365 Tools: What to Use When Cheat Sheet 1: List of Features (As Configured by XXX)12345678DelveOutlook/EmailO365 Groups(integrated into Outlook 2016)ODFBOneNoteSharePoint Sites (O365-E3)Skype for Business (SfB)Yammer“Co-Authoring” DocsNoNoNoXX-LimitedXYesNoDocument SharingN/AXX (internally only for the time being)X (internally only for the time being)XX (externally on the Extranet)X (Screen share/ meeting materials uploads/ downloads)X (internally only for the time being)Document StorageNoX (not preferred for storage of corporate/ project docs)X (not preferred for storage of corporate/ project docs)X-Best for “personal business docs”NoX-Best for corporate and “team” docsNo (b/ can upload docs in anticipation of a meeting)X (not preferred for storage of corporate/ project docs)IM/ChatNoNoNoNoNoNoX XShared CalendarsNoXXNoNoXNoNoDiscussion BoardsNoNoX (“Conversations”)NoNoXNoXAnnouncementsNoX (strongly discouraged)NoNoNoX NoX Q&ANoNoNoNoNoNoXNoPollsNoNoNoNoNoX (“Surveys” and Third Party Poll Apps)X (during meetings)XPraise/Kudos(Microsoft working on…)NoNoNoNoNoNoXWhiteboardNoNoNoNo(Drawing tools) NoX (during meetings)NoExternal CollaborationNoX(Microsoft working on)No (not enabled)NoX- Extranet OnlyNo (not enabled)No (not enabled)Custom Site LayoutsNoN/ANoNoN/AXNoNo (some customization, e.g. add pictures/colors)Add Ins/AppsNoXNoNoN/AXNoNoProfilesXNoNoNoN/AXNoXMobile AppsXX??XXXXXXXX NOTESUsers see ONLY what they have permission to see in O365.New models of organizational and team collaboration moves away from email…Microsoft working on added functionalityEach user has Individual storage for business files—liken to company “H” drivesBeloved App by those who have tried it!Employees have read-only access to all SP sites. All projects/proposals get SP sites. No new file sharesMeetings/ conference focus.Best used for brainstorming/questions to entire organization/networking with other employees. ................

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