In groups, create a survey asking your classmates about ...

Chapter 2 VocabularyApplicationAn application is a program that is designed to perform or a deliver a specific function for a user. For instance, Photoshop is an application that was created for editing photos.BookmarkA button on a browser. You click it to go to a website quickly.BrowserA browser is a tool that allows you to use (or “browse”) the internet. Examples of browsers include Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox.ChatA window where you can talk to someone quickly.ClickUsing your mouse to select something.CursorA cursor is a symbol that is used to show the current position of your mouse on your computer’s monitor.DatabaseA database is an organized set of data stored in an easily accessible manner. For example, a library might have a database of all the books stored in that library.DownloadGetting a document or video or file from a website.Drop-down BoxA box where you can click from several options.FileA file is the way in which information is stored on a computer, e.g. a Word document, picture, or video.FolderA folder is a virtual location where files, other folders, or computer programs can be stored. It is a means of organizing one or more digital files saved on a computer.Hard driveA hard drive is a memory device that is stored inside a computer and stores data and information. A hard drive is an example of hardware.?HardwareHardware is the wiring and physical components of a computer or electronic system. This is as opposed to software, which are programs on a computer and therefore non-physical.Internet HistoryThe history of where you have been on the internet.IconAn icon is a small graphic that represents a program or file. Once clicked on, the icon opens or runs that program or file.LinkSomething you can click to go to a different workA computer network is a collection of computers that are connected together for the purpose of sharing resources, e.g. a connection to a printer or the Internet.OfflineNot on the internet.OnlineUsing the internet.ServerA server is a computer system that provides services to other computer programs and stores them all in one place. It's a useful way for computers in a similar area to share information, such as people working in the same company who need access to the same documents.Social NetworkSNS, like Kakao, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.SoftwareSoftware is all of the operating information and programs used by a computer. While hardware can be touched and physical installed, software includes the programs within the computer that are downloaded and installed electronically.ScrollMoving the same webpage up and down.UploadPutting something on the internet.VirusA virus is a piece of corrupted code which destroys data and hurts a computer’s system, often corrupting programs or forcing them to shut down. The term originally described the things that make humans sick. Just as humans can catch viruses from other sick individuals, computers can catch viruses from infected attachments and downloads.Wi-FiWireless internet.4709160186055Toolbar00Toolbar115062010795URL0URL056515TabTab0321310Back00Back137160245110Refresh00Refresh5212080572770Scroll Bar00Scroll BarCreate a SurveyIn groups, create a survey asking your classmates about how much/often they spend on devices or online services.Think of the vocabulary words that we learned today.Ex.: How much time do you spend watching TV in a day?Question__________________________________________________________________Information Technology ConversationAsk a partner about these questions. Make sure to have A+ Answers!How do you shut down your computer?What do you do if your Wi-Fi connection doesn’t work?When is it useful to track changes in a text?How do you rename a file?Do you usually shut your computer down or put it on standby? Why?Helping a Company Go OnlineImagine you are working for a company. Because of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the whole country has shut down, and the company is having to go online. Choose a company from the list below:Jajjangmyun RestaurantLaw FirmHardware StoreCall CenterPersonal Trainer at a Gym (PT)English HagwonMarketing Department at SamsungAfter you have chosen your company, consider if the company needs to shut down completely or if it only partially needs to shut down. Then, tell us what equipment is needed to go online, and then a step-by-step guide on how to successfully go online.Which company did you choose?Do you need to go fully online or partially online?What equipment do you need to go online?Give a step-by-step guide on how to follow this plan to remain successful online: ................

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