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Me TimeSocial MediaThe purpose of this badge is to look at social media and help you learn how to keep yourself safe online.Me TimeSocial Media #1 – What is Social Media?Social Media is any websites or applications that let people create and share content or participate in social networking.ActivityMake a list of all the Social Media you use on a daily/weekly basis.Me TimeSocial Media #2 – Positive uses of Social Media… (BBC)You can express yourself, showing off your favourite song lyrics or posting pictures of your new outfit. It is a lot harder to feel embarrassment over the internet than in person, so people find it easier to vent their feelings on sites like Facebook. In fact, it has become so much a part of people's lives that you can learn someone's life story just by checking their page. Their friends, likes and dislikes, relationship status, phone number, address…everything.You can share your feelings and your mental stresses - and it is a great way to entertain yourself after a busy daily routine.It also makes it a lot easier to keep in touch with family and friends, especially if they live far away. But you can also make new friends by connecting with friends of friends that you might not know.ActivityThink of and write down 2 positive situations you have experienced through Social Media, e.g. meeting your best friend.Me TimeSocial Media #3 – Negative uses of Social Media… (BBC) everyone thinks about the negative effects of having social networking accounts - but simple things like not setting your privacy settings properly or liking someone's photo can have bad results. Cyberbullying can be a problem as people can take advantage of the fact that there is no one who can effectively stop the bullying when it happens, due to everything being performed behind a screen. The only way for a bully to be stopped is if they are reported and victims may be too intimidated to do it.Social networking can also ruin relationships as people may get jealous if they find out their boyfriend or girlfriend is exchanging messages with other people.It can also be a waste of time as people can visit a site to check on thing and end up spending the whole day 'behind the screen' and as a result, not doing anything useful with their lives.ActivityThink of and write down one problem of not having your privacy settings high, what might this mean?Me TimeSocial Media #4 - How to be safe onlineBe careful what you share online ?When you choose a profile picture for a social networking website like Facebook or Twitter, avoid photos that could give strangers clues about where you live.?Check your privacy settings regularly.?Think about what should be shared in public and what shouldn't.?Check your location settings – some sites and apps like Snapchat let you share your location with other users.Think before you post ?Don't upload or share anything you wouldn't want your parents, teachers or friends seeing. Once you press send, it is no longer private. You can't be sure who will end up seeing it.Never share or reveal your passwords ?Use strong passwords that are hard for others to guess, using a mix of letters and numbers. Keep passwords to yourself and change them regularly.Be careful who you chat to ?If somebody you don't know adds you as a friend, ignore them and delete their request. Don't share personal information like your address or phone number with somebody you don't know.ActivityResearch and find out what you could do if you felt you were at risk online. ................

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