Scenarios for Arkansas Leadslingers

Arkansas Lead Slingers


Updated 9/15/18

Table of Contents

Each Scenario name is a link to the page in file. Just Ctrl click on it and it will take you there. To see pictures of the stages and target lay-outs, click on the stage name.

The Frisco Bank

Music at Frisco Bank

Soggy Bottom Boys

Happy Day

Big Mess

They’re Robbin’ the Bank

The Great Bank Heist

The Banker Gets His Due

Speed Demon

Bank & Bordello

I got Nitro

Lucky Jim

Speedy Deposit

For A Few Dollars More Or Less

Getting Cash


Dollin Gang Robs the Frisco Bank


Give Me My Money

Ain’t No Way Boys

Mission Impossible

Not in our town

That Pesky Teller

Miss B Havin

Money or Woman


Save Miss Lilly!

New Policy

Left to Right

Frosty’s General Store

“Billy the Kid”

Ghost Town Raiders

For a Few Dirty Dollars

“One Sack of Flour per House”

The Quick And The Dead At Frosty's

Frosty's Revenge

Out Back Of Frosty's

General Store 1

Double Time

General Store

Frosty’s Dance Lessons

What’s on Sale?

Red Leg’s In Town

Soft Chew

Day Time Trouble

Alive or Dead

New Shipment of Ice


From the hip

Blackwater’s Revenge

Cut Off at Frosty’s

Show Down at Frosty’s

2 by Twice

Bold Talk

Vera Ann

Kid’s getting married – Stage 3

Outlaw Dodge

Don’t Care

Miss Goodbody

Pushing Up Grass

Buckskin Run

Black Widow

What, No Ice Cream?

Double Up, Double Down

Last Shot on Center

The Carlton Hotel

“P” in the hotel

Johnny Guitar

Fastest Gun Alive

Who shot the clerk?

Who shot what first?

Gun Powder & Lead

Music Lover

“Have Gun – Will Travel”

John Wesley Hardin

Mission Impossible

Robbed Again!

Miss Lilly's Money

Crazy Charlie's Gang At The Hotel

Mayhem At The Hotel

Revolution and Confusion

Do it again…

Getting a Room

Hotel 1

Cleaned Out

Cherokee Bill

Rats In The Hotel

2-1-2 Is What I’ll Do

Horse Thief Harry

Frisco City

OK Corral


Billy’s Escape

5 Aces still can’t win

Pair of Deuces

Fightin’ Time

Bad Bob

Madam Bulldog

No Good Varmint

Aces and Eights

Kid’s getting married


Leaving Town

The Still

Shotgun Boogie

Nevada Sweep

The Still

Billy Dee is at it again!

Shoot Out At The Corral

Sneaky Lilly

Fire Fight In The Corral

Rooster Cogburn

Up Close

Winter Range

The Pavilion

Left to Right

Show Down At The Frisco Corral

Clean-Up at the Corral

Corral 1

There’s A Still On The Hill


The Odd West

The Searchers

The California Sweep



You don’t wanna be dead

Ladder 5 Brand

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Bath House Bedlam

Cold Bath Water

Spring’s almost here

Cleaning up

Free-For-All At The Bath House

Hole in the Tub

Winter Bath and Shave

Ain’t Mine

Don’t Shoot The Tub

No Towel

Sons of Katie Elder

Here We Go Again

Sam Whiskey

Soap Please

Round Robin

The Hen House

Who Shot the Mule?

Bath House Long Shot

Bath House Clyde

Ouch!!! That Hurt

Billy Dee #2

Billy D. ain’t so fast

Billy and the Pig

Billy D is in Town

Monte takes a Bath

Turkey Day

Have a Good Fight (X-mas)

44 cal. drain

Had Enough

Naked as a Jaybird

Shouldn’t play with Matches

The Jail

The Alchemist

Thievin Brother

Jail 1

Lynch Mob

Mongo gets Jailed

The Arkansas Shuffle

The Waco Kid

Smoke Wagon

Triple Tap plus One


O Brother, Where Art Thou

Arkansas Shuffle Modified

Ain’t Gunfighter Friendly

Get out of town

I didn’t do it!

Scatter Gun

Here come the Buffalo

Cactus Kid

Kid’s getting Married

Sweet Seventeen

Beef or Buffalo

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Fast And Faster At The Gunshop

Fast And Fancy Shooting

Wahoo at The Gunshop

Inside Out

The Big Gun Shop Robbery

Gun Shop 1

You Dig!

From the Right

Gun Shop 2

Gun Shop 3

Gun Sale

Gang of Outlaws

Got Ammo?

Old Inventory

The Rustler

Don’t Do It

Right to Left


Drag Iron

3 Amigos

Break In

Frisco Station

South of Heaven/West of Hell

All Aboard

Double Time

On the Run


3 to Yuma

Search Warrant

Gun Thief


The Church


Size does matter

Lit A Shuck


Wild Nevadas

Take it with you

Run and deliver

Kid’s getting Married

East to West



New Sky Pilot

Triple Tap Sweep

The Dump

Too Close?


Let’s Do It


The Undertaker’s

World Record Stage

Don’t Care

Diagonal Nevadas

You’re No Daisy

Purcy Crump, Undertaker

He still ain’t Dead!

X Nevadas

Money with the Preacher

Side Matches

Four Shot Side Match

Hittin the Chicken - Precision Pistols

Pistoleros at the Jail

Card Sharp’s Demise – Derringer / Pocket Pistol

Fastest Guns in Frisco - Speed Pistols

Shotgun Show Offs

Split Shot – Axe shooting

Long Range Lead Slingin’

Fastest Draw in Frisco

The Chicago Sweep

Shootin’ Paper

Shotgun Sharpener

Model Scenario

We love creativity in writing scenarios but to keep things consistent for all, please follow this model of laying out any new scenarios that are written.


Frisco Bank

This is the name of the stage the scenario is written for

Stage Name: Music at Frisco Bank

This is the name that will go in the table of contents and will appear on the scoring for the match. Make sure it is different than any previously written scenario.

Action Line : Let’s play some music, a one, a two, a three, a four”

We list this at the top so that it is easy for shooters to look at before they start the stage. Keep it short.

We thought we should commemorate the 1st official shoot at the Frisco Bank. How? We are going to play some music with the Lawrence Welk Sweep.

A Lawrence Welk sweep starts with the left or Top target. It gets one shot. Then the next target gets 2 shots, then the next target gets 3. the next target gets 4 (Total 10 Shots). A one and a 2 and a 3, get it?

This is where the “story” goes. Please keep it short and we encourage historical or humorous ones. Not every scenario has to have a story.

Staging: Rifle – Middle Window

Shotgun - Left Window

Pistols - Holstered

We list this here so that it is easy to refer to. If no staging is listed we assume it is shooter’s choice where to place their guns.

Start at middle window where rifle is staged. You say: “Let’s play some music, a one, a two, a three, ”

This is where you describe starting position and any action that happen before the clock starts. If you don’t describe where the shooter starts from or where their hands should be, it will be assumed it is shooter’s choice. Note: Unless specifically stated in the scenario the hands would be at your sides, SASS Default.

Model Scenario - continued

ATB: Draw 1st pistol start sweep on Money Bags. 2nd pistol finish sweep on Money Bags. With the rifle do the same sweep on the Boarding House targets (you won’t shoot the fifth target). Move to left window where shotgun is staged with the shotgun sweep shotgun Knockdown targets 1/2/3/4. Knock downs must go down unless timer operator tells you to continue.

ATB: Stands for At The Buzzer. This is where you describe what happens on the clock. Be as vague or as specific as you wish. The shooter will be allowed to do anything (within SASS rules) if you aren’t specific when you write it. We encourage you to utilize all targets on the stage. If a target is not going to be utilized, it is best to write a special instruction asking that the target be removed (if possible). Knockdowns should be laid down if not being shot. Unless otherwise noted, missed shotgun targets can be made up. A knockdown must go down to be counted as a hit unless the timer operator declares a prop malfunction and instructs the shooter to continue.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

This is just a reminder for the loading officer and shooter to see how many rounds are needed for each gun.

Stage Rating – Challenging – Unusual sweep pattern but little movement and easy targets.

This is a quick rating to help the person selecting scenarios for a match. It allows them to balance the match without having to read every scenario.

General notes about Scenario Writing:

When entering scenarios on a computer, please use Tahoma font at least 16 size for your basic font. This is easy to read and large enough for us nearly blind RO’s. Try to keep your total scenario to one page.

Arkansas Lead Slingers



The Frisco Bank

Stage Designed by John Starnes & Ozarks Jim

Built and Rigged by

HorseHair Pete

with some assistance from

Ozarks Jim

Sassy Linda

Auntie Dee

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands

Frisco Bank


P1 P3

Distances – Rifle 20 Yards, Pistols 6 Yards, Shotgun 12 Yards



Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Music at Frisco Bank

Action Line : a one an a two,

We thought we should commemorate the 1st official shoot at the Frisco Bank. How? We are going to play some music with the Lawrence Welk Sweep. A Lawrence Welk sweep starts with the left or Top target. It gets one shot. Then the next target gets 2 shots, then the next target gets 3. the next target gets 4 (Total 10 Shots). A one and a 2 and a 3, get it?

Staging: Rifle – Middle Window

Shotgun - Left Window

Pistols - Holstered

You say: “Let’s play some music, a one, a two, a three, ”

Pull the Lever - Starts the teller swinging

ATB: Start at middle window where rifle is staged. With Pistol(s) do a Lawrence Welk Sweep on 3 Pistol Targets. Retrieve the rifle and move to shoot through the safe door(will be open) do the same sweep on the Miss B Haven’s Boarding House targets (you won’t shoot the fifth target). Move to left window where shotgun is staged with the shotgun sweep shotgun Knockdown targets 1/2/3/4. Knock downs must go down unless timer operator tells you to continue.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Note: Drop cowboy rifle target, Add a pistol target

Stage Rating – Challenging – Unusual sweep pattern but little movement and easy targets.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Soggy Bottom Boys

Action Line : “Not today Soggy Bottoms!”

When them Soggy Bottom Boys decided to rob the Frisco Bank, they didn’t know the Arkansas Leadslingers were going to be waiting for them.

Staging: Rifle – Right Window

Shotgun - Left Window

Pistols - Holstered

Start with both hands on money bag in the Middle Window

You say: “Not today Soggy Bottoms!”

ATB: From center window start a continuous sweep of Pistol targets. (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) Then with your rifle do a continuous sweep of the Boarding House rifle targets thru the already open vault door. Move Top Left to Right then Bottom Left to Right, twice. Move to left window with shotgun shoot the shotgun knockdown targets Left to Right (1,2,3,4) If you have a miss you must move on to the next target any way. You may pick up missed knockdowns after you complete the sweep.

10 pistol

10 rifle

4 shotgun

Stage Note: Add a pistol target

Stage Rating: Easy – Some movement but easy sweeps.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Happy Day

Action Line: “Can you Fandango?”

Everyone is so happy the Frisco Bank is still open, they decide to have a Fandango.

Staging: Rifle – Middle Window

Shotgun - Middle Window

Pistols - Holstered

Stage Note: Drop cowboy & Miss B rifle target

Action Line: “Can you Fandango?”

Start in front of center window. Hands on Hat

ATB: Draw first pistol do the Fandango sweep of the three Pistol Targets, middle, left, middle, right, middle. Repeat. Rifle do the Fandango Sweep on the top 3 Rifle Targets on Miss B Haven’s Boarding House, Middle, Left, Middle, Right, Middle, Twice this means the middle target will be double tapped between sweeps. Shotgun 2,1,3,4. . If you have a miss you must move on to the next target any way. You may pick up missed knockdowns after you complete the sweep.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating: A stand and deliver with a very simple pattern make this fun and fast.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Big Mess

Action Line: “How did I get in this mess?”

Staging: Rifle – Middle Window

Shotgun - Port of Arms – Place in left window

Pistols - Holstered

Start at left window with shotgun cowboy port of arms.

Action Line: “How did I get in this mess?”

ATB: Shoot shotgun Knock down targets 1 / 2. Must shoot at the same target till Down (unless instructed to move on by timer operator in the event of target failure). Remind spotters to yell Up or Down after each shotgun shot. Place Shotgun in Left window.

Move to center window, with 1st pistol alternate between Left 2 Pistol Targets, 1 /2 / 1 / 2 / 1.

Move to Middle window where rifle is staged and shoot Rifle Target on Miss B. Haven’s Boarding House in a W pattern in the following order: 1 / 2/ 3 / 4/ 5, twice

Then open safe door and with second pistol alternate between right 2 Pistol Targets 2 / 3 / 2 / 3 / 2.

Then move back to shotgun and shoot shotgun Knock down targets 3/4.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Challenging – Lots of movement and transitions with challenging patterns.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: They’re Robbin’ the Bank

Action Line: “I’ll Get’em”

The Baldknobbers have blasted the safe, stole the money and are hiding out in Miss B. Haven’s Boarding house. The safe door is wide open and a hole is blasted in the back wall.

Staging: Rifle - Port of Arms in front door – Place in Right window

Pistols – Holstered

Shotgun – Left Window

Start at Front Door with Rifle cowboy port.

You say: “I’ll Get’em”

ATB: Move and shoot the rifle through the safe door. Double tap the 5 targets on the Boarding House. 1-5 order. Place the rifle in the right window. Move to center window. With Pistols, Do a 2-1-2 sweep then repeat (can start either direction on each sweep). Move to Left window and with shotgun shoot 1, 2, 3, & 4. If you have a miss you must move on to the next target any way. You may pick up missed knockdowns after you complete the sweep.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Medium – Lot’s of movement but easy patterns. Gunfighter Friendly

Stage Name: The Great Bank Heist By Ozarks Monte

The Local Bank Has Fallen On Hard Times, It Seems That the Owners Of the Bank Have Ridden Of In The Sunset With The Towns Money. A Posse Is Called Upon To Go After Them, After a Little Shooting Practice!!

Staging: Start With All Guns Staged On Bench. Shooters Choice where to stand and shoot all guns. Start with Hands on Hat from where ever you want.

Action Line: “Ready”

ATB: Shoot The Rifle Targets In The Order Of 1-3-5-2-4 Twice, Stage Rifle

Pick up First Pistol and Shoot the Pistol Target rack In Order of 1-4-2-3-3

Lay Down Pistol.

Pick up Shotgun and Shoot Any 2 Knockdowns Till Down. RESTAGE Shotgun

Pick Up Second Pistol and Shoot Pistol Rack in Same Order as First Pistol. Lay Pistol Down

Pick Up Shotgun and Shoot last 2 Knockdowns Till Down. End




Stage Rating: A stand and deliver with a very simple pattern make this fun and fast.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: The Banker Gets His Due By Ozark Monte

The Banker Has Declared That He And The Bank Are Busted. Furthermore, He wants the Good People of Frisco City to Bail Him Out. That’s when the Shooting Starts.

Stage Note: Add a pistol target

Staging: Rifle In Right Window, Shotgun in Middle and Pistols Holstered.

Start At The Doorway To Bank With Hands at Texas Surrender.

Action Line: “I’ll bail you out, with Lead!”

ATB: Go to Vault Door, Open it, THEN Pickup Rifle and Shoot The Rifle through the safe. Sweep the rifle targets twice in the W pattern (1-2-3-4-5) Restage Rifle in Right Window.

From the Window of your Choice, Draw Pistol(s) and Shoot Pistol Targets In Order of 1-4-2-3-1 –Twice.

From the Middle Window, Pickup Shotgun And Shoot Cowboy Shotgun Knockdowns Left to Right till down. Complete the sweep before picking up misses.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Medium – Lot’s of movement but fast patterns.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Speed Demon

It’s all about Speed. No fancy patterns, no long shots, no makeup shots on the shotgun. Just stand and deliver.

Staging: Rifle & Shotgun In Center Window, and Pistols Holstered.

Start with hands on hat at Center Window.

Action Line: “Ready”

ATB: Shoot 10 pistol shots on Pistol Targets. (Yes, you can dump)

Shoot 10 rifle shots on Pistol Targets. (Yes, you can dump)

With shotgun, hit Knockdown #2 and #3. One shot at each, no makeups. Spotters will make a judgment call if target does not fall.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Easy – Stand and Deliver Speed Demon.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Bank & Bordello

It all may look legitimate but there is no way the banker is making all his money off the poor folks of Frisco at the bank. The banker has a vested interest in the “boarding house”. We’ll just say you can get more than a good night’s sleep.

Staging: Rifle staged in any Window, Shotgun must be in another window and Pistols Holstered.

Start at Texas Surrender in the front door (hands on pistols)

Action Line: “What can I get for $5?”

ATB: Retrieve rifle and shoot rifle targets Counter Clockwise Sweep from the bottom. 2-4-5-3-1-2-4-5-3-1 restage rifle and move to shotgun, knockdown all four hombres, (Mod ‘97s may be stoked on the clock) restage shotgun and from the center window shoot pistol targets in the order of 2-3-1-2-3 and then the same order again with second pistol.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Hard Pattern but easy movements.

Frisco Bank

by Mud Puppy

Stage Name: I got Nitro

Updated 1/8/11

To blow the safe open you need Nitro. Playing with Nitro can also get you hurt. Can you handle Nitro????

Staging: Rifle staged in Right Window, Shotgun in Left Window and Pistols Holstered. Bottle of Nitro (with Ball on lid) in far left side of left window.

Start at with hands on hips at left door.

Action Line: I got Nitro

ATB: Pick up bottle of Nitro with one hand without touching the ball. Move to the right window and set Nitro down (If the ball falls off the bottle before you pick up the rifle you will get a “P” 10 second penalty) After you set the Nitro down in the right window, open the safe (don’t rattle the ball off) first then pick up the rifle and shoot through the safe door the rifle targets in a W pattern left to right twice. Restage the rifle. Move to the center window and shoot the Cowboys in a L to R Double tap, Double tap, single tap pattern (1,1,2,2,3) Repeat for second 5 shots. Move to the left window and shoot the 4 shotgun targets in any order. Knock downs must go down.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Easy Pattern but challenging balance skill and lots of movement.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Lucky Jim

Ozarks (Lucky) Jim was nicknamed Lucky because he seems to fair well when things go bad. Is it luck or is it because he is well prepared? So when rumors of a bank robbery get around Lucky Jim is ready.

Staging: Rifle staged in Right Window, Shotgun in Left Window and Pistols Holstered.

Start at with both hands on Safe Lock.

Action Line: There is a penalty for early withdrawal!

ATB: Open safe & retrieve rifle. Through vault, Double tap all rifle targets in any order. Restage rifle in right window. Move to the left window retrieve shotgun, sweep shotgun targets in either direction, If you miss or a target does not go down you may come back to it after you complete the sweep. Restage shotgun in left window and move to center window. Do a double tap Nevada sweep of pistol targets.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Easy Pattern but lots of movement.

Frisco Bank

Speedy Deposit

10 Rifle - staged in right window

10 Pistol – holstered

4+ Shotgun – staged in left window

Action Line: Makin’ a deposit

Start standing behind rifle, not touching rifle.


Dump 10 rounds on A rifle target. Restage

From Center window – Dump 10 pistol rounds on A pistol target. Reholster

From left window – Knock down all 4 shotgun targets.

A procedural will be issued if shooter engages more than one rifle or pistol target.

Stage Rating – Easy Pattern and little movement.

Frisco Bank

For A Few Dollars More Or Less By Ozarks Monte

There are Reports That The Bandit Tuuco Has Been Seen In The Frisco Area.

Many Are Concerned For The Safety of The Bank. Banker Pete Has Issued A

Call For More Shooters To Guard The Bank! To Qualify You Must Pass The


Rifle in Right Window , Shotgun in Left Window. Pistols Holstered.

Shooter Starts At The Center Window With Money Bag In Hand.

RO Releases the teller when the shooter confirms he is ready.

Action Line: I’ll Pass the test

ATB: Shooter Places Money On Bench And Draws Pistol(s) And Shoots Pistol Targets In Order Of

1-2-3-2-1 Then 1-2-3-2-1.Holster

Then Shoot Rifle Targets In Order Of L to R

1-2-3-4-5 Twice. Restage Rifle and Go To Shot Gun And Shoot All Knock

Downs Till Down ,Any Order.




Frisco Bank

Getting Cash

You check your pockets and see you only have two bits. And you know that is not enough to get a bath, flowers, dinner and a room. And if you don’t want to sleep in the barn for another year you’d better find some money. All you have is some lead, so you try to trade some lead for gold.

All guns staged on counter anywhere you want’m

Hands on your shotgun shells standing in doorway

Action Line: Let’s make a deal.


Rifle - Double tap - top row then bottom row

Pistols – Double tap in order 1-1-2-2-3-3-2-2-1-1 restage (Nevada Sweep)

Shotgun – Left to right, 3 knock downs, then 3 pistol targets, the last knockdown, that’s right, 7+ Shotguns!

10 rifle

10 pistol

7+ Shotgun

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Stimulus? by Mud Puppy

Someone said that there is going to be a Stimulus Package given out by Ozarks Jim and his partner Horse Hair Pete who just happen to own the bank. But in order to do this they might have to use some of your deposits, “no way Dude” you say as you head for the bank.

Staging: Rifle staged in Right Window, Shotgun in left window and Pistols staged in Center Window.

Start at front door with hands on door frame, move to the vault and open it and raise your hands in a surrender pose. When you are ready, give the action line

Action Line: “No Way Dude”

ATB: Retrieve rifle and double tap top row of rifle targets then alternate the last 4 rifle shots between the Cowboy and the Lady in any order. restage rifle and move to pistols and double tap , Nevada Sweep, either direction. Pistols must be restaged (not holstered). Move to shotgun, knockdown all four targets in any order. Knockdowns must go down.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Hard Pattern but easy movements.

Frisco Bank

Dollin Gang Robs the Frisco Bank by Ozarks Monte

The alarm is sounded, the Dollin Gang is trying to rob the Frisco Bank! They are passing thru, on their way to Eureka Springs. They need a little walking around money, and this bank looks easy. Little do they know, the Frisco Posse/Arkansas Lead Slingers, are a No Miss Posse.

All guns staged where shooter wants them. Shooter starts at doorway with hands at side. When ready say, “We are a No Miss Posse.”

ATB: go to the vault, open door and pick up rifle. Shoot targets twice in order of 1-5-2-4-3. Restage rifle. Pick up pistol(s) and shoot the targets in order of 1-1-1-2-2, then 3-3-3-4-4. Restage. Pickup shotgun, and shoot each knockdown once. NO MAKE UPS. If you have missed any, you must go back to rifle and make them up, loading from body or table.

T.O./R.O. will get running count from counters, and advise the shooter of misses.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10+ Rifle 4 Shotgun (No Make Ups)

Frisco Bank

Backwards by Mud Puppy

Some days things just seem to go backwards. You just walked into the bank, and someone just withdrew all the money. Well, the rightful thing to do then is to make your deposit, so the town can survive.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered; Rifle at center teller window; Shotgun at left teller window. Bank vault door open.

Start by standing 1 step back from center teller window, with money bag in your hand.

Indicated ready by saying, “Everything is backwards today.”

ATB: move to the center window, and lay down your bag of gold. Move to the vault door and close it. Move to the right teller window, and with #1 pistol, shoot the pistol targets. 3-3-2-1-1. With #2 pistol, shoot the targets again, same order. Holster pistols and move to the center window.

With the rifle, sweep the rifle targets bottom to top

4,4, 2, 2, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1 Restage rifle.

Move to the shotgun, at the left teller window and shoot the shotgun targets, in any order. No double taps.

Move to unloading table.

Frisco Bank

Give Me My Money by Mud Puppy

After arguing for an hour with the bank teller, the teller sounds like a quacking duck. You say, “Quit your quacking and give me my money.”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 5 Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle in center of counter Shotgun left side

Stand at the center teller position, hands on counter.

Indicate ready by saying, “Quack, quack, quack!”

ATB move to the vault. Open the vault and with #1 pistol, shoot the Right Pistol Target 5 times. Move to the Center Window and pull lever for Teller. With the #2 pistol, shoot the Pistol targets with a 2-1-2 Sweep. Then also from the center window, with the rifle shoot targets with a running W Sweep twice (1-2-3-4-5) Restage rifle. Move to the shotgun and shoot the shotgun knockdowns till down.

Frisco Bank

Ain’t No Way Boys

You just found out that your partner took all your money out of the bank. To top that off, he also took all your moonshine, all the food, and the rest of last night’s apple pie. Your partner and his gang are just leaving town, when you spot them. You yell at them, “Ain’t no way boys,” as you start shootin.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle at left of stage Shotgun at right of stage by the vault door

Stand at center stage with hands on hips. Timer Operator starts teller swinging on action line

Action Line: “Ain’t no way boys.”

ATB With your pistols shoot the pistol targets in this order: 1-2-2-3-2-1-2-2-3-2. Move to left window and shoot rifle targets in this order 1-3-5-4-2-1-3-5-4-2, (Clockwise Sweep) restage rifle in left window and move to shotgun. Open vault door first, then pick up shotgun and shoot through the vault doorway at the 4 shotgun targets in any order.

Stage Rating – Medium – Different Pattern with full range movements and opening vault door on the clock.

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Mission Impossible

Action Line : I accept

Your Mission, should you decide to accept it, is to rob the safe in Frisco Bank. Pistols are holstered. Long Guns are staged in the windows anywhere you would like. There is no shooting order, except that the rifle cannot be last and each target must be engaged at least once. Shotgun targets must be shot with Shotgun only, Rifle and Pistol targets can be shot with either gun. No double tap (or any multiple) are allowed. Your first gun must be shot through the safe door which you will have to open on the clock.

Staging: Rifle – Any Window

Shotgun - Any Window

Pistols - Holstered

Start at Texas Surrender (one hand on each gun butt) standing in front of the safe. When ready you say: I Accept.

ATB: Engage all targets.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Easy with little movement.

In Frisco bank

Not in our town by Blackwater Bruce

The James/ Younger gang has come to Frisco City and are meanin’ to rob the bank. The town folk aren’t havin’ any of that.

Action line; ” You’ll get nothin’ but lead”

Staging: Rifle – right window

Shotgun – left window

Pistols – holstered

10 rifle

10 pistol

4 + shotgun

Start at center window hands at Texas Surrender (hands on guns)

ATB: Shoot first pistol in a Nevada sweep starting on P1 (1,2,3,2,1) reholster. Second pistol Nevada sweep starting on P3 (3,2,1,2,3) reholster. Move to right window retrieve rifle and shoot rifle targets 1,3,5,4,2,1,3,5,4,2 restage rifle. Move to left window and shoot all 4 knock downs starting from left. All knock downs must go down

Frisco Bank

Stage Name: Left to Right

Action Line : Left to Right

Staging: Rifle – Center Window

Shotgun - In hands in Left Window

Pistols - Holstered

Start with shotgun in hand and you may have shells in hand but gun may not be loaded.

ATB: Engage shot gun targets 1,2,3. Do not make up misses at this time. Place shotgun in left window and move to center window. Retrieve rifle and engage rifle targets with double taps following the W pattern, left to right 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5. Restage Rifle in Center window and do a continuous left to right sweep of the pistol targets 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1. Reholster pistols and move back to left window and engage shotgun target number 4 and any missed knockdowns.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Frisco Bank

That Pesky Teller by Ozarks Jim

The bad guys are out back but that pesky teller keeps getting in your way. Hitting the teller is a Procedural Penalty and pretty embarrassing.

10 rifle – Right Window

10 pistol - Holstered

4+ shotgun. Left Window

Start in the doorway, hands on door frame.

Action Line: Stay Down Teller!

ATB: Move to the right window and do a double tap “Running W” Sweep (1,2,3,4,5). Make rifle safe anywhere. At the center window, start the teller swinging then double tap Nevada Sweep (1,2,3,2,1) through center window. Move to the Left Window and engage the shotgun targets in any order till down.


Miss B Havin

Someone is Miss B Havin in Miss B Haven’s Boarding House/

Start standing at center window hands on counter.

Action Line: “Where’s Lilly”

ATB: With pistol or pistols as needed do a continuous double tap Nevada sweep of pistol targets either direction. Move to left window shoot 2 shotgun targets restage. Move to right window, with rifle sweep top 3 targets twice, then sweep 2 bottom targets twice no double taps. Move back to left window shoot last 2 shotgun, all shotgun targets must fall.

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Money or Woman

My Pappy always used to say, “never give up nuttin without a fight, specially money or a woman.

Start standing in vault door, rifle at ready.

Action Line: Make something up

ATB: Start on the cowboy and shoot all rifle targets twice. Take the rifle with you to the left window and restage by shotgun (be careful not to break the 170° rule while moving)

With shotgun, shoot all knockdowns till down. Restage shotgun anywhere.

From Center window do a 1,3,1 sweep with each pistol (1 shot on P1, 3 shots on P2, 1 shot on P3).

10 Pistols - Holstered

10 Rifle – In hands at ready

4+ Shotgun in left window

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Spooks (Halloween Special Stage)

Them spook hats been hanging around behind the bank

Start standing at middle window, Texas Surrender.

Action Line: “Get Out Spooks!”

ATB: With pistol(s) put 3 shoots on middle target then 2 on an outside target then 3 on middle target than 2 on the other outside target. Move to right window Shoot Cowboy Rifle Target 3 times then 1 shot on top left then 1 shot top middle. Then Shoot Miss B Haven 3 times then 1 shot top right and last shot top middle, restage rifle anywhere. From left window with shotgun shoot all till down/

10 Pistols - Holstered

10 Rifle – In Right Window

4+ Shotgun in left window

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Save Miss Lilly! By Kid Doubleday

Start standing at vault, both hands on lock.

Action Line: “Save Miss Lilly!”

ATB: Move to the rifle and perform a clockwise sweep of the 5 rifle targets and then a counter clockwise sweep of the 5 rifle targets. Shooting the bad guy on either sweep is a miss. Make rifle safe in right window.

Move to the center window and draw pistol(s) and alternate 5 shots on the first 2 pistol targets (2-1-2-1-2) then 5 on last 2 pistol targets (2-3-2-3-2).

Move to the shotgun and shoot 4 knockdowns till down. Restage shotgun

If you want to do the 10 second bonus, move back to rifle and reload one and shoot the bad guy located beside Miss Lilly. You cannot get a miss on the bonus. The timer operator should be in a position to make sure the timer picks up the last shot.

10 Pistols - Holstered

10 Rifle – Staged in right window (one round on body for 10 second bonus)

4+ Shotgun in left window



New Policy By Blackwater Bruce

Frisco bank has just instituted a new policy, all accounts must mature for at least 6 months before a withdrawal is allowed. Your account us only 4 months old and you need to payoff Frosty before he’ll let you buy any more supplies. This has you hoppin’ mad and you mean to get your money any way you can.

Start standing at doorway, thumbs in gun belt.

Action Line: “It’s my money and I need it now”

ATB: Open safe door, retrieve rifle and through the safe door shoot the top row of targets in two identical 1,2,1,3,2 sweeps, starting from the left. Make rifle safe. Move to left window, retrieve shotgun and shoot knockdowns as follows, 1,4,2,3 do not make up misses until after the initial sweep, Make up in any order till down. Restage and move to center window. Release teller. With pistols do two 1,2,1,3,2 sweeps. Any hits on teller are a 10 second penalty.

10 Pistols - Holstered

10 Rifle – Staged in right window

4+ Shotgun in left window

Arkansas Lead Slingers



Frosty’s General Store





Frosty’s General Store

Stage Name: “Billy the Kid”

“Billy the Kid” once used a 44 belly gun to free himself from capture. How well could you due with a belly gun?

Start from door with hands on hat.

Action Line: From the Hip

ATB: 1st pistol shot is from the hip, (gun no higher than your belly button) no miss penalty but a 5 second bonus if you hit pistol target on left, finish by shooting the rest of pistol targets any order. 2nd pistol shoot the same pistol targets any order each one must be engaged. Move to middle window where rifle is staged sweep rifle targets 3 times left to right, last shot on middle target. . Move to right window where shotgun is staged shoot knock downs 1/2/3/4.

10 pistol

10 rifle

4 + shotgun



Frosty’s General Store

Ghost Town Raiders

Tracking them gold shipment robbers to the ghost town was easy, now comes the hard part. You say: “Its them Lowery boys!”

Start with shotgun from right window.

ATB: Shoot any 2 knock down’s . Move to left window where rifle is staged with 1st pistol shoot Pistol Target 1 through 4 then last shot on center rifle target. Move to the door and with 2nd pistol shoot pistol targets 5 through 2 then last shot on center rifle target. Move back to window where rifle is staged with rifle shoot Nevada sweep rifle targets left to right. Move back to right window with shotgun shoot the knock down’s that are still up.

10 pistol

10 rifle

4+ shotgun



Frosty’s General Store

For a Few Dirty Dollars

Remember the scene in “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” when they went to dig up the loot?

Action Line: “Now which grave was it?”

ATB: Start at right window with shotgun at cowboy port, shoot any two knockdowns. Stage shotgun in Right window. Move to door with first pistol double tap left to right then with second pistol finish double tapping left to right. Move to left window where rifle is staged, shoot rifle targets left to right 2 shots on 1 / 3 shots on 2 / 2shots on 3 then put last 3 in middle target. Move back to shotgun shoot remaining knock downs.

10 pistol

10 rifle

4+ shotgun



Frosty’s General Store

“One Sack of Flour per House”

“Riding up to Frosty’s store you notice a wagon sitting in front full of flour. With the coming winter the ration is one sack per house. You know something is wrong.

Start from door with hands on facing.

You say: “Drop that sack of flour!”

ATB: 1st pistol sweep left 3 pistol targets 1, 2, 3 then shoot middle target twice. With 2nd pistol sweep all pistol targets any order. Move to right window with shotgun shoot any two knockdowns. Move to left window with rifle shoot rifle targets triple tap 1 / 2 / 3 then last shot on center target. Move back to shotgun shoot any remaining knockdowns, knockdowns must fall or another try must be had or a miss will be given.

10 pistol

10 rifle

4+ shotgun



Frosty’s General Store

The Quick And The Dead At Frosty's By Ozark Monte

You Are In Frosty's Picking Up Vittles And Ammo When A Heck Of A Rucus Breaks Loose! The River Rats Are Trying To Steal Frosty's Money. It Is Time To Be Quick Or Be Dead. Stage Long Guns In Window of choise. Start In Doorway With Hands At Side Not Touching Pistols. At The Beep. Shoot Pistol(s) Targets In Order L-To-R 1-2-3-2-1.Then Right Rack 4-5-4-5-4.Holster.

Go To Rifle And Shoot A Triple Tap L-To-R. Restage and Pickup Shotgun And Shoot Knockdowns, Till Down.




Frosty’s General Store

Frosty's Revenge by Ozarks Monte

The Revenuers Have Been Watching Frosty,s Store for Some Time. They Have Decided That there is No Way That The Town Of Frisco can Use That Much Sugar. They Come to Arrest Him For Supplying Sugar To The Moonshiners. Frosty Will Have No Part Of This and Says" Hit The Road". Then The Shooting Starts!!

Stage Rifle In Left Window.

Stage Shotgun In Right Window.

Pistols Holstered.

Start at Door with Hands On Pistols.

When Ready say"Hit The Road"

At The Beep: Draw Pistol/Pistols and Shoot The Pistol Targets In The Order of R. 1-3-222 then 5-4-5-5-5.Holster.

Move to Left Window and Grab Rifle and Shoot Rifle Targets In the order of L. to R. 1-1-1-2-3-1-1-1-2-3-Stage Rifle.

Move to Right Window and Grab Shotgun and Shoot Shotgun Knockdowns (4) till Down.End

Rifle 10 Rounds

Pistol 10 Rounds

Shotgun 4+

Frosty’s General Store

Out Back Of Frosty's By Ozark Monte

Frosty Has His Own Little Shooting Gallery Out Behind His Store. He Has Invited The Posse to Come Over And Practice. He Says" Yall Need It"

Pistols Holstered,

Rifle In Left Window,

Shotgun In Right Window.

Shooter Starts in Doorway With Hands On Hat Brim.

At The Beep: Draw First Pistol and Shoot Left Pistol Rack In Order Of 1-2-3-1-2.Holster

Move to Left Window and Pickup Rifle and Shoot The Rifle Targets In Order Of 1-2-1-3-1-2-1-3-1-2. Restage Rifle.

Go to Right Window And Draw Second Pistol and Shoot Right Pistol Rack In Order of 4-5-4-5-4.Holster.

Pickup Shotgun And Shoot all Knockdowns Till Down!!




Frosty’s General Store

Stage Name: General Store 1

“When a man with a .45 meets a man with a rifle ... the man with the pistol will be a dead man."

Staging: Rifle staged in Center Window, Shotgun in Right Window and Pistols Holstered.

Start at Door- Hands on your hat brim

ATB: Pistols from the door. 1st pistol outside in sweep: 1 5 2 4 3. 2nd pistol inside out sweep: 3 2 4 1 5 .

Rifle center window. Inside out triple tap. 2 2 2, 1 1 1, 3 3 3.

Shotgun from right window. Knockdowns till down.


Rifle =9


Stage Rating – Multiple Patterns but easy movement.

Frosty’s General Store

Double Time

10 Rifle – stage in left window

10 Pistol – holstered

4+ Shotgun – staged in right window

Action Line: Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice.

Start standing in the door. – Hands on door frame

ATB: With pistols

Double tap the pistol targets. Reholster

From left window with rifle - double tap Nevada sweep. Restage

From right window with shotgun – shoot knockdowns till down.

Frosty’s General Store

General Store

Frosty just got in fresh supplies. You are hankering for peppermint candy. But the shipment did not have any peppermint candy on it. You get mad and throw a tantrum. Frosty tries to calm you down and offers to some licorice.

Action Line: I don’t want no stinking LICORICE!

10 Pistol – holstered

10 rifle staged in the center window

4+ shot gun staged in right window

Start in the doorway with your arms crossed


Draw pistol(s) shoot pistol targets 3-3-2-2-1 / 3-3-4-4-5, holster

Go to rifle, shoot rifle targets 3-3-3-2-2-2-2-1-1-1, restage, Go to shotgun, knock down shot gun targets

Frosty’s General Store

Frosty’s Dance Lessons

If you didn’t know it, but Frosty can dance!

But can you keep up?

Just a little two stepping….

Starting in the door

Action Line: Let’s Dance

ATB: Draw pistol or pistols

1st pistol 1-2-1-2-3

2nd pistol 3-4-3-4-5


Center Window Rifle staged



Right Window Shotgun Staged

Knock-downs 4 until down


10 pistol

10 rifle

4+ shotgun

Frosty’s General Store

What’s on Sale?

10 R – Right Window

10 P – Holstered

4+ S – Center Window

Action Line: What’s on Sale?

Start behind Rifle with hands on the window frame


Rifle 3-3-3-2-1-3-3-3-2-1

Restage open and empty move to shotgun

Knock Down Shotgun targets

Restage open and empty

Move to door and with the pistols



Frosty’s General Store

Red Leg’s In Town By Ozarks Monte

You Are In Town Doing Some Much Needed Shopping For Vittles And Ammo. You Walk Out Of Frosty’s With Packages in Both Hands And Almost Walk Into 5 Redlegs. You Stand There For A Moment Then You say” Well! Are You Going To Draw Them Pistols Or Just Whistle Dixie!” Then The Shooting Begins!

Rifle and Shotgun Staged In Windows Of Choice. Pistols Holstered.

Shooter Starts at Left Door Facing Loading Table With Packages In Both Hands.

Action Line: “ Well! Are You Going To Draw Them Pistols Or Just Whistle Dixie!”

ATB: Drop Packages And Turn To Face Pistol Targets. Draw Pistol(s) and Shoot In Order L to R Twice 1-2-3-5-4. Holster

Go to rifle And Shoot Rifle Targets In Order Of L to R Double Tap Nevada Sweep. Restage Rifle

Go to ShotGun And Shoot 4 Knockdowns Till Down .




Frosty’s General Store

Stage Name: Soft Chew by Mud Puppy

The town women are really upset! Frosty just won’t order some of that soft chewing tobacco for them. The women folk have formed a lynch mob and are headed toward Frosty’s General Store. Frosty sticks his shotgun out the door and yells, “ Chew on this Lead”.

Staging: Shotgun staged in either of the two windows. Rifle in the other window. Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in the doorway with your thumbs in your holster belt.

Action Line: “Chew on this Lead”

ATB: with the pistol shoot pistol targets left to right in this order:

1-2-3-2-1 then 3-4-5-4-3. Reholster and move to the rifle.

With the rifle shoot the rifle targets left to right in this order:

1-1-2-2-3-3 then dump the rest on the center target. Restage rifle and move to the shotgun.

With the shotgun shoot the shot gun targets in any order. The knockdowns must go down.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Medium Pattern but easy movements.

Frosty’s General Store

Stage Name: Day Time Trouble by Mud Puppy

Action Line : “I don’t give credit.”

This ole cowboy comes walking into the store, picks up a new hat, and starts toward the door. As he walks by you, he said, “Don’t mess with me. I’m bad and I’m mean, so just put it on credit.” You draw your gun and yell out, “I don’t give credit,” and shoot him through the new hat which just happens to be on his head.

Staging: Rifle – Left Window

Shotgun - Port of Arms

Pistols – Holstered

Standing in the doorway with shotgun at Port of Arms, you say, “I don’t give credit.”

ATB: Move to the right window and shoot 2 shotgun knock down targets. They must fall down before moving on. (Someone needs to reset these targets.). Stage the shotgun and move to the door. With your first pistol, shoot the left 3 pistol targets in any order, reholster. With your second pistol, shoot the right 2 pistol targets in any order, reholster. Move to the left window, pick up your rifle and triple tap the 3 rifle targets – left to right. Restage your rifle. Move back to the right window, and shoot the remaining shotgun knock downs. If they do not go down, you may shoot one more time to avoid a miss. Move to the unloading table.

9 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Medium – emphasis on transitioning with gun in hand.

Frosty’s General Store

Stage Name: Alive or Dead

Frosty’s Store is a good place to meet people; Good, Bad, and Ugly. When you show up you realize those dudes owe you money. You say Dead or Alive, your choice.

Action Line : “Dead or Alive”

Staging: Rifle – Left Window

Shotgun - Right Window

Pistols – Holstered

Standing at the right window with hands on hips, you say, “Dead or Alive.”

ATB: Move to left window pick up the rifle and triple tap the three rifle targets. then shoot the center rifle target, restage rifle.

Move to the door and with the first pistol shoot the pistol targets in the order 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 then do it again with the second pistol. Holster pistols.

Move to the right window and pick up shotgun and shoot the 4 shotgun knockdown targets in any order. The shotgun targets must go down

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Medium –


Frosty’s General Store

Stage Name: New Shipment of Ice

A new shipment of ice has finally arrived in Frisco City by rail. Everyone is excited. But as with all good things comes the usual arguments. Which is more important, Ice Cream or Cold Beer? Frosty says ice cream, the bartender says Cold beer.

Action Line : I want Ice Cream!

Staging: Rifle – Center Window

Shotgun - Right Window

Pistols – Holstered

Start with hands on front door facing

ATB: Move to the right window and retrieve shotgun, shoot knockdowns, must fall or one more try must be had to avoid a miss. Restage, Move to center window, retrieve rifle, do a Fandango sweep of rifle targets twice, middle, left, middle, right , middle, restage. Move to left with pistol[s], do two identical sweeps of pistol targets.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Unusual pattern



Frosty’s General Store


After finding that some, lower than a snake’s belly, bunch of outlaws raided your winters vittles; you ride in to Frosty’s General Store, only to find those same outlaws robbing the store.

Ammo: 9 Rifle 10 Pistol 5+ Shotgun

Action Line: “I’ll shotgun you.”

ATB: start cowboy port from right window, shoot shotgun knockdowns, they must fall. Move left to door, with first pistol shoot left pistol targets any order, each one must be hit. With second pistol shoot right pistol targets alternating, Move to left window, shoot rifle targets left to right, 3 sweeps for nine shots total. Then move back to shotgun and shoot 1 shot on center rifle target.



Frosty’s General Store

From the hip by Ozarks Jim

There is a new style of SASS shooting called “Outlaw” and it involves shooting from the hip. We’re gonna ease into it by giving it a try off the clock on this stage.

Ammo: 12 Rifle – Staged in Left Window

(two will be loaded from the body or can be staged)

10 Pistol 4+ Shotgun

Action Line: “From the hip”

Off the Clock: Start cowboy port from door, shoot 2 shotgun knockdowns, from the hip (they must fall or will be made up on the clock). Stage shotgun in left window. Then from the door, with first pistol shoot left pistol targets any order from the hip. Pick up the rifle and from the doorway shoot two rounds at the left pistol targets from the hip. Do not cock the rifle after the second shot. Return it to the window and load the other two rounds.

Now the Regular stage will start with the shotgun at port from the door

ATB: Knockdown all remaining shotgun targets. Move to left window, shoot rifle targets left to right, triple taps, then 1 shot on center.

Move right window, with second pistol shoot right pistol targets alternating.

Frosty’s General Store

Blackwater’s Revenge by Blackwater Bruce

Frosty’s been pickin’ an’ playin’ practical jokes on Blackwater and up until now it’s been accepted with fairly good grace. The latest one’s got Blackwater in a tizzy, ya see Frosty ground Blackwater’s tobacco order in the coffee grinder then switched the lables, coffee in the tobacco package an’ tobacco in the coffee package, talk about rank. Not thinkin’ that this anywhere near funny Blackwater swears “I’ll get my revenge” and starts shootin’.

Action line: “I’ll get my revenge”

10 pistol

10 rifle

4 + shotgun

Staging: pistols - holstered

Shotgun – left window

Rifle – right window

Start with thumbs tucked in gunbelt in doorway

ATB: with first pistol sweep pistol targets left to right, reholster. Second pistol sweep pistol targets right to left, reholster. Move to right window and retrieve rifle and do a 2,1,2 sweep twice starting from either direction, restage rifle. Move to left window and retrieve shotgun sweep the 4 shotgun targets in any order


Cut Off at Frosty’s

Starting position at door, Texas Surrender

Action Line: “You won’t cut me off.”

ATB: With pistols as needed sweep targets 2, 3, 4 then 1 and 5, then repeat and holster. Move to center window; retrieve rifle triple tap rifle targets with last shot on center target, make safe. With shotgun thru right window, knock all down.

10 Rifle

10 Pistol

4 + Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Show Down at Frosty’s

After escaping the Ruckus in the Nation’s with our hair, the Lead Slingers return to Frisco City only to learn that Cherokee Bill and his gang has been in hot pursuit. The show down is set for Frosty’s Store.

Start at doorway.

Action Line: “Bill make your play!”

ATB: With pistol or pistols sweep 3 pistol targets left to right in a 2-1-2 sweep, then sweep 3 pistol targets in a 1-3-1 sweep, holster. Move to center window where rifle is staged, sweep rifle targets same as pistols, 2-1-2 then 1-3-1, make safe. Move to right window knock all shotgun targets down.

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


2 by Twice

Supplies are in short supply for the spring roundup.

Start with both hands on shotgun in front of right window.

Action Line: I won’t be horned in on by no Two by Twice Cattlemen!

ATB: With shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down. Restage shotgun anywhere. Move to center window where rifle is staged. With rifle shoot a progressive Nevada Sweep of 3 rifle targets, either direction. (1on 1, 2 on 2, 3 on 3, 4 on 2) or (1 on 3, 2 on 2, 3 on 1, 4 on 2). Restage Rifle. Move to door and with pistols do a progressive Nevada Sweep on 3 pistol targets from either side.

(stage note: take down other 2 pistol targets)

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Bold Talk

Start with shotgun at ready in front of right window.

Action Line: Mighty Bold Talk for a soon to be one eyed fat man.

ATB: With shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down. Restage shotgun anywhere. Move to door and with a pistol start a 2-3 sweep. 2 shots on P1, 3 shots on P2, holster pistol. Move to center window where rifle is staged. Do a 2-3-2-3 Nevada Sweep of Rifle Targets (2 shots on R1, 3 on R2, 2 on R3, 3 on R2). Restage. Stay at center window and with other pistol, finish 2-3 sweep (2 shots on P3, 3 on P4).

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

(stage note: Remove P5)

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Vera Ann

Vera Ann was the Lord’s positive answer to the prayer “Lead us not into temptation.”

Start in door hands on hips.

Action Line: “It’s not my chimes she rings.”!”

ATB: With 1st pistol do a vigilante sweep on first pistol targets, make safe. Move to middle window, pickup rifle and do 2 vigilante sweeps of rifle targets, make safe. With 2nd pistol do a vigilante sweep of pistol targets from right, make safe. Move to right window shoot shotgun until all are down.

10 Pistol

10 Rifle –

4+ Shotgun

Note: Vigilante sweep – from left - 1, 2, 1, 2, 3; from right 5, 4, 5, 4, 3.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Kid’s getting married – Stage 3

(this was part of a series done for Kid Doubleday’s wedding shoot)

When he has taken her back to the hotel, Kid Double Day went to Frosty’s to get himself a set of hand me downs. I mean a suit right off the shelf. Turns out it was the last suit in town!

10 Pistol

8 Rifle –

4+ Shotgun

Start in door Texas Surrender.

Rifle in Center Window

Shotgun in Right Window

Action Line: “Give me that suit!”

ATB: With pistols as needed, do a double up – double down sweep of 5 pistol targets either direction. (example, 1 on target 1, 2 on target 2, 4 on target 3, 2 on target 4, 1 on target 5). Move to center window with rifle do a 2-4-2 sweep of rifle targets in either direction, make safe. Move to Right Window, with Shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Outlaw Dodge

It seems the Outlaw Camp has decided to use Frisco City to hideout. The Arkansas Leadslingers will have none of it.

5 Pistol

10 Rifle –

4+ Shotgun

5 Pistol

Start in door Texas Surrender.

Rifle in Center Window

Shotgun in Right Window

Action Line: Outlaw Dodge

ATB: With a pistol, shoot an Outlaw Dodge sweep on the first 3 pistol targets from left 1,2,1,3,2. Move to center window and with rifle do 2 Outlaw Dodge Sweeps on the 3 rifle targets. (1,2,1,3,2,1,2,1,3,2) Make rifle safe. Move to Right Window, with Shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down. Make Shotgun safe, Move back to center window, and with second pistol, alternate on last 2 pistol targets starting from either direction.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Don’t Care

I don’t care where you’re from! I’m sending you to Texas!

5 Pistol

10 Rifle –

5 Pistol

4+ Shotgun

Start in door Texas Surrender.

Rifle in Center Window

Shotgun in Right Window

Action Line: I’m sending you to Texas”

ATB: With 1st Pistol put 2 shots on each pistol target from left. Move to middle window and retrieve rifle, do a double tap Nevada Sweep of rifle targets either direction, make safe. With 2nd Pistol finish putting 2 shots on rest of pistol targets, either direction, holster. Move to right window, with shotgun shoot all till down.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Miss Goodbody By Kid Doubleday

After chewing your last bit of jerky for breakfast, you figure you better head to Frosty’s General Store for supplies. As you are walking in the door you see some critter trying to take advantage of April Goodbody, the new store assistant Frosty hired. You holler out “take your hands from Miss Goodbody!”

10 Pistol - Holstered

10 Rifle – Staged in Right Window

4+ Shotgun – Staged in Left Window

Start in door Texas Surrender.

Action Line: “Take your hands from Miss Goodbody”

ATB: Draw pistol(s) per category and shoot the first 3 targets in the order of 1,1,1,2,3 repeat with second pistol

Move to the rifle and shoot the 3 rifle targets in the order of 1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3. Make rifle safe.

Move to the shotgun and shoot 4 knockdowns in any order till down.



Pushing Up Grass

4+ Shotgun

10 Rifle

10 Pistol

Start in Right Window – Shotgun at Ready.

Rifle in Center Window

Action Line: “Tomorrow you’ll be pushin’ up grass!”

ATB: Shoot 4 knockdowns, place shotgun in right window. Move to center window, retrieve rifle, do a 2,2,1 sweep starting on left first 5 shots, then do same sweep from the right, third target will be triple tapped, restage rifle. Move to door with pistols, as needed, sweep pistol targets same as rifle. Starting on left 2,2,1 then starting on the right to left 2,2,1.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Frosty’s General Store

Buckskin Run

The kid turned to Joe Chance. “I better get me another shot of rye, then I’m headin for home.”

Start in front of middle window, behind rifle, hands at side.

Action Line: “This town is too sudden for me.”

ATB: Retrieve rifle and put 3 shots on center then 1 on each outside target twice, make safe. Move to door and with pistols put 3 shots on center then 1 shot on #2 and 1 shot on #4. Then put 3 shots on center then 1 shot on #1 then 1 shot #5, holster and move to right window. Shotgun shoot all till down.

10 Rifle

10 Pistol

4 + Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Frosty’s General Store

Black Widow (Halloween Special Stage)

She looked like an angel, but her reputation was that of a Black Widow.

Start in door at Texas Surrender

Action Line: “We’re not spinning no web around here!”

ATB: With pistols as needed alternate between P1 and P2 for 5 shots then alternate between P2 and P3 for 5 shots. Move to center window and with rifle do the same pattern on rifle targets. Alternate 5 shots on R1 and R2 then 5 shots on R2 and R3. Make safe, Move to right window and shotgun all till down.

10 Rifle – Center Window

10 Pistol

4 + Shotgun – Right Window

Frosty’s General Store

What, No Ice Cream? By Blackwater Bruce

10 Rifle – Left Window

10 Pistol - Holstered

4 + Shotgun – Right Window

Start in doorway, Hands on door frame.

Action Line: “What, No Ice Cream?”

ATB: Move to left window and with the rifle engage the rifle targets with a 2,1,3,1,3 sweep then repeat. Restage rifle.

Move to the doorway and with pistols engage the pistol targets with a 2,1,3,1,3 sweep then a 4,3,5,3,5 sweep.

Move to the right window and with the shotgun engage the 4 knockdowns in any order.

Frosty’s General Store

Double Up, Double Down By Blackwater Bruce

10 Rifle – Left Window

10 Pistol - Holstered

4 + Shotgun – Right Window

Start in right window, hands on sides of window.

Action Line: “Double Up, Double Down”

ATB: Engage 4 knockdowns till down, restage shotgun.

Move to left window. With rifle engage the 3 rifle targets in a double up, double down Nevada Sweep, (example:1 on 1, 2 on 2, 4 on 3, 2 on 2, 1 on 1) from either direction. Restage Rifle

Move to doorway and engage the 3 pistol targets in the same sweep.

Frosty’s General Store

Last Shot on Center

10 Rifle – Left Window

10 Pistol - Holstered

4 + Shotgun – Right Window

Start in doorway, hands on pistols.

Action Line: “Last Shot on Center”

ATB: Shoot each of the 3 pistol targets 3 times each, last shot on the center.

Move to left window. With rifle shoot each rifle targets 3 times, last shot on the center.

Move to right window and shoot shotgun targets till down.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Arkansas Lead Slingers



The Carlton Hotel

Stage Designed by Two Bones

Built and Rigged by

Dirty Dan Paladin

with some assistance from

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands




Carlton Hotel

Scenarios Name: Can’t “P” in the hotel

This new fangled indoor plumbing will never be popular. It’s always broken and when you really have to go, the outhouse is always busy.

Action Line: You say: “I got to go!”

ATB: There is no shooting order except the rifle can not be last. All targets have to be hit once and shot gun targets hit only with shotgun. Each long gun must be made safe after use. Guns are staged however you want. Shotgun targets must fall or 1 more try to avoid a miss.

Stage Note: Start in doorway.

Staging: 10 Rifle - However you want

10 Pistols - However you want

4+ Shotgun - However you want

Have Gun / Will Travel


Carlton Hotel

Scenarios Name: Johnny Guitar

The local she devil has turned the whole town against Fennia the female saloon keeper. After two killings and one hanging, Fennia has a rope around her neck. The only one who can save her is Johnny Guitar sometimes known as Johnny Reb. Start holding rope up to your neck with both hands.

Action Line: You say: “Let’s get out of here!”

ATB: Drop rope. Make 2 identical sweeps with both pistols, either direction, holster, then with your rifle make 3 identical sweeps with the last shot on center, make rifle safe. With the Shotgun in any order, knock downs must fall or 1 more try to avoid a miss.

Stage Note: Start holding rope up to you neck with both hands.

Staging: 10 Rifle – On counter

10 Pistols - Holstered

4+ Shotgun - On counter

Have Gun / Will Travel


Carlton Hotel

Scenarios Name: Fastest Gun Alive

Does anyone know how long it takes to become the Fastest Gun Alive? How many years of practice? Doesn’t really matter how long it takes, it’s how long you can stay alive!

Action Line: You say: “I’m the fastest gun alive.”

ATB: Retrieve rifle shoot targets in a 3 / 4 / 3 sweep wither direction / make rifle safe. With 1st pistol shoot targets any order, holster and with 2nd pistol shoot pistol targets any order (each target must be hit at least once with one pistol or the other) holster. Shoot shotgun targets any order, knock downs must fall or 1 more try to avoid a miss.

Stage Note: Start in doorway

Staging: 10 Rifle – On counter

10 Pistols - Holstered

4+ Shotgun - On counter

Have Gun / Will Travel


Carlton Hotel

Scenarios Name: Who shot the clerk?

Someone shot the Hotel clerk, so it’s up to you to try to get your own room.

ATB: Open cabinet door & get one key, to see which room number you get. This will be your 1st pistol target and will be your first shot with your second pistol, the other pistol targets are any order but each target must be hit with both pistols, holster. Pick up rifle Nevada sweep rifle targets either direction, make rifle safe. Shotgun is any order, knock downs must fall or 1 more try must be made.

Stage Note: Start in front of the key cabinet.

Staging: 10 Rifle – On counter

10 Pistols – Holstered

4+ Shotgun – On counter

Have Gun / Will Travel


Carlton Hotel

Scenarios Name: Who shot what first?

There is still a lot of controversy over the gunfight at the OK Corral, as to who shot what first.

Action Line: You say: “Who shot what first?”

ATB: Open cabinet and remove one room key to see which gun you shoot first. Each one will have either a R, P, or S for the gun you will shoot first. RIFLE CAN NOT BE LAST, there is no order for targets, but no double taps and each target must be hit, knock downs must fall or 1 more try to avoid a miss. Pistols will need to be holster after use, after each long gun is shot, it must be made safe.

Stage Note: Start in front of the key cabinet.

Staging: 10 Rifle – On counter

10 Pistols – Holstered

4+ Shotgun – On counter

Have Gun / Will Travel


Carlton Hotel

Scenarios Name: Gun Powder & Lead

Some Cowboys have plans to ambush you when you leave the Carlton Hotel. Maybe it’s time to load that shotgun and show them just what you are made of.

Action Line: You say: “Gun Powder & Lead!”

ATB: Shoot shotgun any order, knock downs must fall or 1 more try to avoid a miss. Then with rifle Nevada sweep either direction but double tap center target each time. With the pistols there is no order for shooting the pistol targets but each target must be hit.

Stage Note: In front of counter with Shotgun at cowboy port of arms

Staging: 10 Rifle – On counter

10 Pistols - Holstered

4+ Shotgun - On counter

Have Gun / Will Travel


Carlton Hotel

Scenarios Name: Music Lover

The sign over the piano says ‘Please Don’t Shoot the Piano Player, He’s Doing The Best He Can!’ Even though Cherokee Bill is some what of music lover, he doesn’t see so well and he doesn’t read at all.

Action Line: “That sounds terrible!”

ATB: With the toy pistol shoot the piano player, and then move to counter and with your 1st pistol shoot pistol targets outside in from either direction, holster. Retrieve rifle double tap rifle targets in a Nevada sweep from left, make rifle safe. With 2nd pistol shoot pistol targets outside in from either direction, holster. With shotgun shoot any order knock downs must fall or 1 more try to avoid a miss.

Stage Note: Start by where toy pistol is staged on the piano. Toy pistol must be laid back on the piano. If it falls off, it is a procedural penalty.

Staging: 10 Rifle – On counter

10 Pistols - Holstered

4+ Shotgun - On counter

Have Gun / Will Travel


Carlton Hotel

“Have Gun – Will Travel”

In the series Paladin was most likely found looking in the newspaper for ads needing a bounty hunter, today was no different. But before he could get to the telegraph office to answer a lady in distress ad, she shows up at the Carlton Hotel with all her problems.

Start standing at the center of the counter with both hands on Cowboy Chronicle.

Action Line: Howdy Ma`am

ATB: Retrieve shotgun from far left side of counter load only one shell from body and shoot left knockdown, it must fall or another try must be had to avoid a miss being counted. Then move to right side of table, load one shell from body and shoot right target (s2), must fall same as first shot. Be careful not to break the 170o with shotgun while moving. Retrieve rifle from center of counter, shoot three rifle targets Nevada sweep left to right. With 1st pistol Nevada sweep the 4 cards left to right, don’t shoot the Cowboy. With 2nd pistol shoot cowboy 5 times.

10 pistol

10 rifle

2+ shotgun

Carlton Hotel

John Wesley Hardin

It has been said that John Wesley Hardin once shot a man sleeping in the next hotel room for snoring, but wonder what would happen if he would have missed.

Action Line: “Quiet in here?”

Start at front of table where long guns are staged, hands anywhere except on pistols.

ATB: Draw first pistol shoot pistol targets right to left. With second pistol shoot pistol targets left to right. With rifle shoot three sweeps of rifle targets any order. With shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down.

9 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Carlton Hotel

Mission Impossible

The Challenge in this stage, if you choose to accept it, is to rob the safe in the Charlton Hotel. Pistols are holstered. Long guns are staged on table anywhere you like. There is no shooting order, except rifle can not be last. BUT first you have to blow the safe and remove the money bag.

Start at front of safe.

Action Line: I Accept

ATB: Blow safe take money bag to table (if safe does not blow remove money bag and proceed). The rest is up to you, but no double taps and the rifle can not be last. Shot gun targets must fall or another try must be had.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Carlton Hotel

Robbed Again!

For the second time in as many months the Carlton Hotel is robbed.

Action Line: Robbed Again!

ATB: Blow safe move money bag to where shotgun is staged. With shotgun shoot 4 knockdowns, must fall or another try to avoid a miss, restage shotgun. With rifle do a Nevada sweep but double tap left to right on three rifle targets. With 1st pistol start double tapping cards left to right including the cowboy. With 2nd pistol finish double tapping pistol targets.

10 pistol

10 rifle

4+ shotgun

Carlton Hotel

Miss Lilly's Money by Ozarks Monte

You are Standing out front on the Hotel Carlton porch when You hear a Blood Curdling Scream!! It is Miss Lilly. She Screams that Some Hooligans are Trying to Steal Her Money. You and Many Others Come to Her Rescue.

Rifle and Shotgun Staged on Bench, Pistols Holstered.

Start at Doorway with Hands On Door Frame.

Action Line: We’ll save ya Miss Lilly!

ATB: Move Forward and Pick up Rifle and Shoot Rifle Targets in The Order R. 1-2-2-3-3-3-1-2-3.Stage Rifle.

Draw Pistol/Pistols and Shoot The Pistol Targets in the Order L. to R. 1-1-1-2-3 Then-5-5-4-4-3.Holster

Pick up Shotgun and Shoot Shotgun Targets till down

Rifle 9 Rounds

Pistol 10 Rounds

Shotgun 4+

Carlton Hotel

Crazy Charlie's Gang At The Hotel By Ozark Monte

You Just get In Frisco After A Long Ride From Hell's Kitchen. You Decide to Saunder Over To The Hotel And See About A Room. Just As You Step In The Door Crazy Charlie's Gang Starts A Fight. All This Leads to GunFire.

Stage All Guns On the counter. Start In Door With Hands On Hat.


Go To Rifle and Shoot The Rifle Targets L-to-R 1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-3-3. Place the rifle on the counter

Pickup Pistol(S) And Shoot The Pistol Targets L-To-R 1-1-2-2-3

Then 3-4-4-5-5. Restage on counter.

Move to Shotgun And Shoot all Knockdowns L-R Till Down




Carlton Hotel

Mayhem At The Hotel By Ozarks Monte

Time Has Come For A Good Nights Sleep in A Real Bed. You Check in And Leave Word To "Not Disturb Till Noon" You No More Than Lay Your Head On The Pillow When All Whodunits Break Loose Outside! Its Them Dang Baldknobbers Again! You Holler Out The Window for Them To Quite Down and One Of Them Takes A Pot Shot At You. Then The Fight Starts.

All Guns Are Staged on the counter.

Start In Doorway with Hands On Frame.


Pick Up First Pistol And Shoot In Order 1-1-2-2-3.HOLSTER.

Pick Up Shotgun and Shoot only 2 Knock Downs Till Down. RESTAGE Shotgun and Pick Up Rifle And Triple Sweep Rifle Targets.1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3. Stage Rifle.

Pick Up Second Pistol And Shoot Pistol Targets In Order of 5-5-4-4-3.HOLSTER.

Pick Up Shotgun and Shoot remaining 2 knockdowns till down.





Carlton Hotel

Revolution and Confusion

10 Rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun

"If it's a revolution, it's confusion ... where there's confusion, a man who knows what he wants stands a good chance of getting it."


1 3

2 3

1 3

2 3

1 3

Engage shotgun left to right. Knockdowns till down.

1st pistol

1 5

2 5


2nd pistol


4 5

5 5

Carlton Hotel

Do it again…

10 Rifle – staged

10 pistol – staged

4+ shotgun – staged

Action Line: Let’s do it

Start standing in the front door.


With pistol(s) engage targets in a continuous Nevada sweep, left to right. Restage

Engage rifle targets in a Nevada sweep, left to right, twice. Restage

Engage shotgun targets, left to right.

Carlton Hotel

Getting a Room

Now it is finally time to settle in for the night, but the only room left is the Honeymoon suite, and you’ve done spent most all your gold on a bath, flowers, dinner, and even dancing. So it seems you don’t have enough cash to get the best and only room left in town. So you offer what money you have left, and 25 rounds of lead. THEY take the deal, and you get LUCKY!

Pistols holstered

Rifle and shotgun staged

Start with one hand on rifle and other hand on shotgun

Line: Think this is enough?

ATB: 1st pistol 1-3-5-2-4

Rifle 1-2-3-2-1-1-2-3-2-1

2nd pistol 2-4-1-3-5

Shotgun all till down. Must fire minimum of 5 shots . If all knockdowns are down, then just fire safely down range.



10 pistol

10 rifle

5 shotgun

Carlton Hotel

Hotel 1

10 R – on Table

10 P – Holstered

4 S – on Table

Start standing in Front doorway


Shotgun – all till down

Rifle – Nevada sweep

1st pistol 1-1-5-5-3

2nd pistol 3-2-2-4-4

Carlton Hotel

Stage Name: Cleaned Out by Mud Puppy

Looks like someone cleaned house and got rid of a lot of stuff. I wondered if they cleaned out the safe too?

Staging: Shotgun and Rifle staged anywhere on the counter. Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in the doorway with hands on your hips.

Action Line: “Blow it Open”

ATB: Move to the safe and with paddle strike the igniter, open the safe, take out the money bag and put it anywhere on the counter.

With your pistols, double tap the pistol targets starting form either direction. Reholster.

Pick up rifle and double tap rifle targets in a Nevada sweep. Restage rifle. Pick up shotgun and shoot the shotgun targets in any order. Knock downs must fall.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Easy.

Carlton Hotel

Stage Name: Cherokee Bill

Cherokee Bill and his gang have been laying low in Frisco City for the last two days. They plan to rob the safe in the Carlton Hotel. A payroll shipment is being held in the safe waiting for the Frisco City Southern Train?

Staging: Rifle staged on left of counter. Shotgun on the right side of the counter more than a step away from the rifle. Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in the doorway with hands on door facing.

Action Line: “No Body Move”

ATB: Move to the safe and with paddle strike the igniter, open the safe, take out the money bag and put it anywhere on the counter.

Retrieve the rifle and sweep left to right, 3, 1, 3 for 7 shots then finish by putting 1 shot on each target from the left for total of 10 shots. Move to the shotgun, shoot shotgun targets any order, shotgun targets must fall or another try must be had, restage. With first pistol sweep targets either direction. Do the same sweep with second pistol.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Easy.

Carlton Hotel

Rats In The Hotel by Ozarks Monte

You and yours are planning on spending a night in the hotel, instead of the open range. You check in, go have a bath and a shave, then a big ol’ steak with all the trimmings. Topped off with a shot of old hoo yaw. You are more than ready for bed. You get the key to your room and head up to it. You open the door and turn up the wick, and lo’ and behold, there are rats everywhere!!! Then the shooting starts. You cannot miss a one. All guns staged on bench. Shooter starts at doorway.

When ready say, “Rats, I will shoot till they are all dead!”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 2++ Shotgun

ATB: go to the rifle and shoot the rifle targets in order of 1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-3-3. Restage. Pickup pistol and shoot in order of 1-2-1-2-3, then with other pistol 5-4-5-4-3. Restage. Pickup shotgun and shoot both all till down. Then make up rifle and pistol misses on center rifle target.

T.O./R.O. will advise shooter of misses, if any. Counters show continuous count to T.O./R.O.

Carlton Hotel

2-1-2 Is What I’ll Do

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

You say: “2-1-2 is what I’ll do.”

ATB: with 1st pistol, shoot left 3 pistol targets left to right in a 2-1-2 sweep. Then with 2nd pistol, shoot right 3 pistol targets right to left ina 2-1-2 sweep, holster. Retrieve rifle, shoot rifle targets in a 2-1-2 sweep, any direction. Retrieve shotgun, shoot knockdowns in any order. Pump or Lever shotguns may be stoked on the clock.

Carlton Hotel

Horse Thief Harry

Horse Thief Harry’s Gang has come into town so mad, that they are thinking about burning the whole town. As they come out of the hotel, they are met by a bunch of cowpokes who have a different idea.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle on left of counter Shotgun on right of counter

Start in the door with hands on the door frame. You say, “Throw down that torch!”

ATB move to the center of counter, and with pistol(s) do a continuous Nevada sweep, Reholster. Move to the left counter, and engage the rifle targets in a Nevada sweep. Move to the right of counter and in any order, with shotgun, knockdown targets till down.

Move to unloading table.

Carlton Hotel

Frisco City by Dirty Dan Paladin

In the 1880’s Frisco City had a red light district that was really bad. Getting into a gunfight was as easy as cutting cards.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 2 Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle at left side of counter Shotgun at right of counter

Start by standing at the center of counter, with one hand on the deck of cards. Indicate ready by saying, “I’ll cut them cards.”

You cut the cards. The suit that shows on the card, will be the pistol target which you will start shooting at with pistol. Say aloud which suit you are starting with (club, heart, spade, diamond). This will start the timer

ATB Shoot this card first, then shoot the rest of the pistol targets in a continuous Nevada Sweep. Move to the rifle and Nevada sweep the rifle targets in any order. Restage rifle. Move to the shotgun and shoot the 4 knock downs in any order. Shoot them until they fall to avoid a miss.

Go to unloading table.

Carlton Hotel

OK Corral

At the OK Corral the Earp’s and Doc Holiday used 17 rounds to disperse the Clanton’s and McLowry’s. How well can you do with 24 rounds?

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols staged Rifle & Shotgun on counter

Start by standing in the doorway, facing away from the targets.

Action Line: “I’ll be your Huckleberry!” and wink!

ATB Move to counter, shoot 5 pistol targets in any order then shoot the cowboy 5 times. Retrieve rifle and shoot rifle targets left to right 4 on the left-2 on the center -4 on the right. Retrieve shotgun and alternate between any two knockdowns and the cowboy. Knockdowns need to fall or another try must be had.

Carlton Hotel


In 1880’s Leadville Red Light District, getting into a gunfight was as easy as cutting cards.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 2+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle & Shotgun on counter

Start by standing at the counter with the deck of cards in your hand.

Action Line: Ready

You cut the cards then say aloud which suit you drew to start on.

ATB: With the pistol start on the suit you drew and do a left to right sweep. Continue the same sweep for a total of 10 pistol shots.

Retrieve the rifle and Nevada Sweep the rifle targets in either direction. Restage rifle.

With shotgun shoot any 2 knockdowns. Knockdowns must go down or another try must be made to avoid a miss.

Carlton Hotel

Billy’s Escape by Blackwater Bruce

Billy the Kid has been captured. Lincoln has no jail so Billy’s bein’ held in the hotel. His guards are J.W. Bell and Bob Olenger and Bob’s been pickin’ hard at Billy. Bob leaves to go across to the café. Meanwhile Billy has J.W. take him to the outhouse where his friends have hidden a pistol. Poor J.W. Billy shoots him dead when they get back to the hotel. Bob hearin’ the shot comes a runnin’ but Billy’s waitin’ with Bob’s own shotgun and as Bob crosses the street Billy sings out “Hello Bob”.

Action line: “Hello Bob”

Staging: Shotgun - cowboy port of arms

Pistols - holstered

Rifle – on counter

10 – rifle

10 – pistol

4 + - shotgun

Start at counter with shotgun at cowboy port of arms

ATB: shoot targets S4 then S3, stage shotgun on counter. Pick up rifle and shoot rifle targets as follows; 1 on R3, 2 on R2, 3 on R1, 4 on R3, restage rifle. With first pistol shoot pistol targets in a Right to left sweep, reholster. With second pistol shoot pistol targets in a Left to right sweep, reholster. Retrieve shotgun and shoot remaining shotgun targets any order.


5 Aces still can’t win

The deck must have too many Aces, cause you ended up with 5.

Start seated at table facing dummy, cards in hand

Action Line: “5 Aces still can’t win”

ATB: Pickup pistol shoot dummy 5 times restage on table.

Misses will not count on dummy but all shots must be fired before moving left of dummy.

Move inside Hotel pick up rifle, triple tap rifle targets with last shot on middle, restage. Pick up second pistol sweep pistol targets either direction, restage on counter. With Shotgun knock all down

5 Pistol

10 Rifle

5 Pistol

4+ Shotgun

All Guns Staged

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Pair of Deuces

All guns are staged and restaged

Guns can be shot in any order (but rifle cannot be last)

Start standing behind counter with cards held in both hands.

Action Line: “Looks like you’ve drawn to a pair of deuces”

ATB: In any order:

Pistol – 2 shots on P1, 2 shots on P2, 1 shot on P3, 2 shots on P5, 2 shots on P4 and 1 shot on P3.

Rifle – 2 shots on R1, 2 shots on R2, 1 shot on R3, then repeat

Shotgun – Shoot all knockdowns till down.

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

All Guns Staged

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Fightin’ Time

Back to home, folks used to say, “I wasn’t much for Fiddlin’, singin’, and my feet was too big for dancing’, but come fightin’ time, I’d be around.”

Start standing behind counter with rifle at Cowboy Port of Arms.

Action Line: “Fightin’ Time”

ATB: Double Tap Nevada sweep rifle targets but start in the middle. Make Rifle safe. With pistol(s), shoot pistol targets left to right, then right to left. With shotgun, shoot all knockdowns till down.

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Bad Bob by Blackwater Bruce

Bad Bob’s in town and you know there’s only one way to deal with him. His way. As Bob enters the hotel you greet him “Hello Bob”.

Starting Position At the counter with shotgun at ready, ammo in hand, Rifle and pistols staged on the counter.

Action Line: “Hello Bob”

ATB: Shoot Bob (Cowboy) once and one other knockdown. Stage shotgun and retrieve rifle. Shoot rifle targets any order but each target must be engaged at least twice, restage rifle. With pistols engage remaining 4 pistol targets in any order, but each target must be engaged at least twice.

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

2+ Shotgun


Madam Bulldog

One lady in the Old West who could handle her own troubles was called Madam Bulldog. A huge and muscular woman weighing over 200 pounds and very little of it was fat. She once whipped Martha Jane Canary, better known as Calamity Jane, in a free for all. She commented later, it was no harder than whipping two husky men. Folks said she was mean as a badger.

Start in door with hands on facing.

Action Line: “Ain’t scared of no woman”

ATB: Move to counter perform a Badger sweep of 3 rifle and cowboy target. With pistols do a Badger sweep of 4 pistol targets, not cowboy. Shotgun all till down.

Note: Long guns staged on counter, pistols holstered.

Badger Sweep is 1, 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4.

10 Pistol

10 Rifle –

4+ Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


No Good Varmint

After a long day on the trail you are ready for some shut eye. As you enter the hotel you notice some lowdown no good varmint is robbing the hotel safe! You decide to stop the robbery so you can get some sleep, so you will yell “put up yur hands you lowdown no good varmint!” The robber decides to shoot it out.

10 Pistol

10 Rifle –

4+ Shotgun

Staging: Shotgun and rifle staged anywhere on the counter

Start in door with hands on his.

Action Line: “put up yur hands you lowdown no good varmint!”

ATB: Move to counter and with your pistols, double tap the pistol targets starting from either direction. Reholster.

Pick up rifle and double tap rifle targets in a Nevada Sweep. Restage rifle. Pick up shotgun and shoot the shotgun targets in any order till down.


Aces and Eights

You been dealt the dead man’s hand

10 Rifle – On counter

10 Pistol – On counter

4+ Shotgun – On counter

Start seated at table facing the dummy.

Action Line: Aces and Eights

ATB: Pickup pistol, shoot the dummy and lay pistol back on table. Move to the counter, with rifle triple tap rifle targets and put the last shot on the middle. With pistols sweep pistol targets twice. With shotgun shoot all till down.

Stage Note: A pistol with blanks will be provided to shoot dummy.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Kid’s getting married

(Stage #4 in a series written by Dirty Dan Paladin for Kid Doubleday’s Wedding shoot)

At the Hotel, Kid Double Day switched into that new suit getting ready to get married and had himself a struggle with the necktie. Reminded me of a cowboy I’d heard of, first time they put a tie on his neck he didn’t move for two days, thought he was tied to hitchin’ post.

10 Pistol – On counter

9 Rifle – On counter

4+ Shotgun – On counter

Start with both hands on throat in door facing the street.

Action Line: “I’m all tied up”

ATB: Move to the counter. With pistols perform a double tap, inside out sweep of pistol targets in either direction. With rifle, do a triple tap inside out sweep of rifle targets. With shotgun shoot all targets until down.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Skeletor (Halloween Special Stage)

Rumors are flying about a cowboy hanging in the shadows of the Hotel with a skull face and black hat. Everyone is on edge and heeled.

10 Rifle – On counter

10 Pistol – On counter

4+ Shotgun – On counter

Start in door.

Action Line: There he is, out back!

ATB: Move to counter where all guns are staged. With pistol(s) shoot #5 twice, then 4,3,2 then shoot 1 twice, 2,3,4. Restage pistols. With rifle shoot 1 twice, 2 once, 3 – three times, 2 once, 1 – 3 times, Make rifle safe. Shotgun all till down.

Stage Note: A pistol with blanks will be provided to shoot dummy.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Leaving Town

It’s time to make new company, someplace else. But thee only money to be had is in the Hell’s Fargo Safe

5 Pistol – Holstered

10 Rifle – On counter

5 Pistol – Holstered

4+ Shotgun – On counter

Start in door.

Action Line: Throw me that dynamite!

ATB: Move to safe, blow save and take moneybag to counter. With 1st pistol shoot 5 pistol targets left to right. Make safe. With rifle do a 3-1-1 sweep from left, then a 3-1-1 sweep from the right, make safe. (Right rifle target will be hit 4 times). With 2nd pistol shoot 5 pistol targets right to left, make safe. Shotgun all till down.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Arkansas Lead Slingers



The Still

Targets by Toadsuck Reb and

Buckeye Hillbilly

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands

The Still and Pavilion

Combined Stage

The Shotgun Boogie

We have a lot of “stand and deliver” stages at Frisco City. This ain’t one of them!

Rifle on Small Table in front of Right Pistol Target Rack and Shotgun Port of Arms

10 pistol

10 rifle

6+ shotgun

Start at far left side of pavilion.

Action Line: Let’s Boogie

ATB: Move to right end of what used to be the loading table, stage shotgun (if you want to shoot one handed you may hold the shotgun) and fire first pistol at left bank of pistol targets in a 2-1-2 order. Retrieve shot gun and shoot pistol targets 1 and 3 with shot gun. Move to Bird Table. You may move while unloading shotgun but you may not load completely until you are in shooting position (Plant and Poke). Engage Shotgun Knockdown One which will release bird. If you miss the bird you must make it up on Shotgun Knockdown 2. Take your shotgun with you and move to table where rifle is. Stage shotgun and with rifle engage all rifle targets in a left to right double tap sweep. Restage rifle and retrieve shotgun and move to just outside of pavilion on right end. Plant and poke. Engage 2 shotgun (left bank of pistol targets) swinger targets in any order. Move back to table where rifle is staged and stage shotgun (if you shoot one handed you may hold the shotgun) and fire next pistol at right bank of pistol targets in a 2-1-2 order.(2 on 1, 1 on 2, 2 on 1)

The Still

Nevada Sweep

Rifle and Shotgun staged on Bird Table

10 pistol

10 rifle

2+ shotgun

Start behind staged guns with hands on hat

Action Line: Nevada Sweep

ATB: Retrieve rifle and Nevada Sweep rifle targets left to right. (1,2,3,2,1,2,3,2,1,2) Restage the rifle and Nevada sweep pistol targets left to right. (1,2,3,2,1,2,3,2,1,2) Retrieve shotgun and shoot S1 which will throw a bird. If the bird is missed, you may make up the miss by shooting the second knockdown

The Still

The Still

With the recent tax put on liquor coming into Frisco City by rail or by wagon, some people have taken to making their own.

Rifle and Shotgun staged on Bird Table

10 pistol

9 rifle

2+ shotgun

Start behind staged guns with hands at held by your mouth so that you can shout loudly.

Action Line: “Hands up boys!

ATB: Retrieve rifle and triple tap rifle targets left to right. Restage the rifle and sweep pistol targets left to right (1,2,3,1,2) and then right to left (3,2,1,3,2). Retrieve shotgun and shoot S1 which will throw a bird. If the bird is missed, you may make up the miss by shooting the second knockdown

The Still

Billy Dee is at it again!

Billy Dee is on another drunken rampage. This time it’s at the Buck Eyed, Toad Sucked, Still. You say; “Get out of that Whiskey, Billy Dee!”

ATB: Start with rifle cowboy port at the table. Shoot rifle targets left to right sweep twice then put last 4 on the cowboy (R1). Make rifle safe on table and with pistol alternate between left pistol target and right pistol target (1,3,1,3,1). Then finish with 5 on P2. Move to right side where shotgun is staged shoot hanging targets 1 / 2 / 1 / 2.

10 pistol

10 rifle

4 shotgun

The Still

Rooster Cogburn by Ozarks Jim

Ole Rooster shot pretty good for a one-eyed Marshall. How well can you do with one eye? Put the eye patch over either eye. Make sure that when your other eye is closed that you can’t see a thing.

Rifle and Shotgun staged on Bird Table

10 pistol

10 rifle

2+ shotgun

Start behind staged guns with hands on hat

Action Line: I never shot nobody I didn’t have to”

ATB: Retrieve rifle and Nevada Sweep rifle targets left to right. (1,2,3,2,1,2,3,2,1,2) Restage the rifle and Nevada sweep pistol targets left to right. (1,2,3,2,1,2,3,2,1,2) Retrieve shotgun and shoot S1 which will throw a bird. If the bird is missed, you may make up the miss by shooting the second knockdown

The Still

Up Close by Ozarks Jim

The closer a target is, the bigger it looks. A 3 inch target at 2 feet looks just like a 16 inch target at 20 feet. Go for it!

(Stage Notes: Put 2 pistol targets on Rack, Place 3 Clay Bird Holders 2 feet in front of firing line in front of Pistol Rack)

Action Line: Go For It

10 pistol

10 rifle – Staged on Bird Table

No Shotgun

Start Standing on the firing line in front of Clay Targets. Hands on Hat

ATB: Shoot the 3 Clay birds in any order, shoot till broke, then shoot remaining pistol shots alternating on Pistol targets. Misses don’t count on Clay birds but unbroken birds will be counted as misses.

Move to rifle and shoot 2 at the jug, 3 at the Cowboy, and 5 at the Still.

The Still

Winter Range by Ozarks Jim

10 pistol

10 rifle – Staged on small table by Bird Thrower

2+ Shotgun – Staged on Bird Table

Action Line: Winter Range

Start Standing in front right pistol targets, Texas Surrender

ATB: Nevada Sweep Pistol Targets

Nevada Sweep Rifle Targets

With Shotgun shoot first knockdown, then bird. If bird is missed, shoot second knockdown to make up miss if desired.

Arkansas Lead Slingers



The Pavilion

Designed and Built by Drago Quinn with club funds

Targets by Toadsuck Reb and

Buckeye Hillbilly

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands


The Pavilion

Left to Right – by Ozarks Jim

Sometimes its fun to just have a plain and simple stage.

10 pistol

10 rifle - Staged on Left Table

2 shotgun – Staged on Right Table

Start behind staged rifle with hands at held any where but touching guns.

Action Line: Go

ATB: Sweep Pistol targets left to right continuous (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1). Retrieve rifle and put 5 on each of any 2 rifle targets left to right. Restage the rifle move to shotgun. Retrieve shotgun and shoot shotgun targets left to right. (no bird, just the knockdowns) No makeups on missed shotguns.

The Pavilion

Show Down at the Frisco Corral by Ozarks Monte

You Are Making The Rounds as The Night Watchman, When You Are Braced by a Group Of Ruffuins at The Frisco Corral. You are In No Mood to Take any Guff from This Ugly Bunch. You Say" On Your Way".

They Go For Their Guns and You for Yours. The Rest is History.

Round Count

10 Rifle

10 Pistol

2 Shotgun

Shot Gun & Rifle Staged on Table

Start standing with both hands on Chuck Wagon shelf at end. (TO will mark spot for all posses)

Action Line: "On Your Way"

ATB: Go To left of staging table at firing line, Draw Pistol/Pistols and Shoot in The Order of 1, 3, 2, 1, 3 then do it again.

Move to behind Table and Grab Rifle and Shoot in the Order From L. to R. Double Tap- alternating till 10 shots go down range. Stage Rifle Grab Shotgun and shoot Each Shot gun Target (One) 1 Time. (no bird) End

The Pavilion

Shoot Out At The Corral By Ozarks Monte

There Is No Line. Stage Shotgun On Left Table and Rifle On Right Table.

Pistols Holstered. Start At Center of Left Pistol targets, Hands on Hat.

At The Beep: Draw First Pistol and Shoot The Left Plates In Order Of

1-3-1-2-3.Holster and Go to Shotgun and Shoot The Shotgun Plate and Bird- If bird is missed, shoot the other plate. .RESTAGE and Return to Pistol rack. Draw Second Pistol And Shoot In Order Of 1-3-1-2-3 .Holster . Go Rifle And Shoot Targets In Order 1-3-1-2-3 Stage Rifle. Go Back To Shotgun And Shoot Pistol Targets 2 and 3.




Shotgun= 4+

The Corral and Still

Fire Fight In The Corral By Ozarks Monte

You And Others Have Been Saving A Couple Of Mule’s For Sister Sara Over

At The Mission. Some Low Down Belly Crawlers Have Made a Run On The

Corral And Are Trying To Steal Sister Sara’s Mule’s.Time is Of The Essence.

Rifle Staged On Right Table,Shotgun On Left Table.Pistols Holstered.

Shooter Starts At Middle Of Left Pistol rack. With Hands On Hat Brim.

At The Beep: Shooter Draws First Pistol And Shoots Left Bank Of Pistol

Targets In Order L To R 1-2-3-1-1 Holster Go to Rifle And Sweep Rifle Targets

Right To Left Three Times. Restage Rifle. Go Back To Left Pistol Rack and Draw

Second Pistol And Shoot Right Bank Of Pistol Targets L To R 1-2-3-1-1. Holster.

Go to Shotgun And Shoot Shotgun Targets 1 Times each till down.




The Still

Corral 1

10 P – Holstered

10 R – Staged on a table

2 S – Staged on a table

Line: Let’s Do It!

Start standing in the middle left pistol Rack hands on hat


Double tap, Nevada sweep 3 pistol targets

Double tap Nevada sweep the rifle targets

Shotgun targets 1 time each

The Still

Stage Name: Sneaky Lilly by Mud Puppy

If there is one thing that I can’t stand it’s Lilly stealing my booze. You finally catch her filling up the little brown jug and yell, “Not today lady”.

Staging: Rifle on the table. Shotgun on the Bird Toss Table. Pistols Holstered.

Start standing behind the table with hands on the table

Action Line: “Not today lady”

ATB: with the pistol shoot pistol targets left to right, triple tap and last shot on the center target. Retrieve rifle and shoot 6 times at the still then double tap each of the other 2 rifle targets in any order. Restage Rifle.

Move to the shotgun. Starting at the left, shoot the first two pistol targets then the left knockdown. This will release a bird. Shoot the bird. If you hit the bird then stop. You are all done. If you miss the bird, then shoot second knockdown to make up for the miss.

Note: There will be no misses counted on the shotgun phase.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Hard Pattern but easy movements.

The Pavillion and Still

Stage Name: Clean-Up at the Corral By Ozarks Monte

Winter is approaching. It is time to clean out the corral! There are numerous varmints and other ugly vermin to get rid of. You must shoot them all or they will come back.

Staging: Rifle on the table in front of Pistol Targets. Shotgun on the Right Table. Pistols Holstered.

Start standing with both hands on the left of the fence.

ATB: Shooter picks up Rifle and Sweeps rifle targets 3 times, last shot on center. (either direction, no double taps). Stage rifle then, sweep left bank of pistol targets left to right 3 times, last shot on center. Holster pistols and move to right table and retrieve shotgun. Shoot 2 shotgun knockdowns, then you will shoot with the shotgun at the left bank of pistol targets to make up any misses you have had on rifle and pistols.

Special Note to spotters and timer operator. Counters are to Hold up number of misses on their fingers after the rifle and pistols are shot. Timer Operator will tell shooter now many shots, if any, are to be made up with shotgun shots at left bank of pistol targets.


Rifle =10

Shotgun=2+ +

The Still

There’s A Still On The Hill by Mud Puppy

Some of the Billy Dee gang came into town lookin for the still, which has been built on the edge of town. They soon spot it on the side of the hill. With no money in their jeans, they figure on just helpin themselves. “You’ll eat lead first, before you drink from my still,” said the Still Master.

Ammo: 9 Rifle 10 Pistol 2+ Shotgun

Staging: Rifle on table at the left side of stage; Pistols holstered; Shotgun on table by thrower.

Indicate ready by saying, “You’ll eat lead!”

Stand in front of the left table, with hands at your side.

ATB pick up rifle and shoot the rifle targets right to left, triple tapping each target. Restage rifle. With #1 pistol, shoot the right side pistol targets right to left. With the #2 pistol, shoot the left side pistol targets left to right. Pick up the shotgun and shoot the shotgun target and bird each. If you miss the bird, shoot the other knockdown till down.

Go to unloading table.

Stage Note: Will need to move all pistol targets to Left Rack.

The Still

Wobbly by Mud Puppy

Just coming out of the still, you see an old friend coming your way.

You say, “I’m just a little wobbly, but I can still shoot.”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 2+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered, Rifle on Table, Shotgun on bird table

Start by standing on one foot, if physically able, behind the rifle. Indicate ready by saying, “I’m just a little wobbly.”

ATB move to the rifle, and shoot the rifle targets left to right in this order – 1-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-4-4. (Progressive Sweep) Restage rifle. Move to the left pistol bank, and with the pistols shoot the left pistol targets 1-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-4-4. Holster pistols. Pick up shotgun and shoot the shotgun targets left to right knock down and bird. (if bird is missed, shoot other knockdown)

Move to unloading table.

Stage Note: Move one pistol target from Right Rack to Left)

The Pavilion and Still

The Odd West

Dusty Morningwood was from Philadelphia, it was his first trip out west. He had been warned about how odd some of those hombres were out west. So How Odd where they? He had a plan! So odd they had to be shot in odd numerical sequence

Ammo: 10 Pistol 9 Rifle 2+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Shotgun at right of corral on table

Start with rifle at Cowboy port of arms at the left side of harness

ATB Shoot rifle targets 1-3-1-3 then 3 on still. Make rifle safe. Shoot pistol targets just like rifle except it will be 4 on the center target. Retrieve shotgun and shoot Knockdown that triggers bird thrower and then the bird. If bird is missed, you may shoot the other knockdown to avoid the miss or just take the miss.

The Pavilion and Still

The Searchers

You are John Wayne in the Classic western “The Searchers”.

You say “ Well Reverend, It looks like you got yourself surrounded”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 2+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Shotgun on thrower table

Start with rifle at Cowboy port of arms at the left table

Action Line: ““ Well Reverend”

ATB Shoot rifle targets in a left to right Nevada sweep twice. Stage rifle on table.

Shoot all pistol targets in 2 left to right Nevada sweeps.

Move to shotgun and shoot first knockdown which will trigger a bird, if you don’t hit the bird you must shoot the 2nd knockdown.


The California Sweep

The California Sweep is pretty easy, every other shot goes on Target Number one. We will do a modified California Sweep on the rifle targets. Its easier than it sounds.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 9 Rifle 2+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Shotgun & Rigle on table

Start with hands on hat behind staged guns.

Action Line: ““ California Sweep”


With pistol(s) engage targets in the order of 1,2,1,3,1,then repeat.

Shoot rifle targets in the order of Target 1 then Double Tap Target 2. Then target 1 then 3 then repeat. This is a modified California Sweep for 3 targets

With shotgun knockdowns left then right (No bird).

The Pavilion


One of The Duke’s best movies was McClintock. Remember the scene where the whole town got into a big brawl at the mudhole? Remember the Indian chief walking around saying…..

Action Line: “Good Party, Where’s the whiskey?”

Start standing in front of left pistol targets with both hands on the whiskey bottle.

ATB: Retrieve pistol and shoot all 3 targets any order, restage safely move to rifle staged beside shotgun on table by bird thrower. Retrieve rifle and shoot all 3 rifle targets any order, restage safely. Retrieve shotgun shoot target to throw bird, then bird. If you miss the bird shoot other shotgun target to make up for the bird. Take shotgun with you to where the 2nd pistol is staged, careful not break the 170 with shotgun. Shoot 2 pistol targets and 2 different pistol targets any order. Note: Shotgun maybe in process of being unloaded and loaded on the move, but action may not be closed until feet are planted. Make shot gun safe. Retrieve 2nd pistol, shoot all 3 targets.

10 rifle staged

6+ shotgun

10 pistol staged

Have Gun Will Travel


Shot from the Pavilion

“Warm Up” – by Ozarks Jim

It’s cold out so we will have a quick stage to start us off right. No Rifle!

10 Pistol and 2 shotgun staged on table.

Action Line: “Warm Up”

Start standing in front of pistol targets with both hands on your hat.

ATB: Double Tap all pistol targets with a continuous Nevada Sweep. Then with the shotgun engage both shotgun targets once each.

Shot from the Pavilion

Stage Name:  You don’t wanna be dead by Blackwater Bruce

In the movie Silverado, Emmet is practicing hard for the upcoming shootout. As he empties his guns the bad guys jump out and say “you’re empty”.  Things look bad for Emmet. There’s a shot and Mal sings out to the bad guys “I don’t wanna shoot you, an’ you don’t wanna be dead” 

Action line: I don’t wanna shoot you, an’ you don’t wanna be dead

10 pistol - Holstered

10 + 1 rifle Cowboy Port – Stage on small table next to bird thrower

3 shotgun – Staged on bird table

Start with rifle cowboy port of arms.

ATB shoot rifle targets 1 and 3 alternating (1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3) for a 5 second bonus (no miss counted) at the end of the string load 1 round from your person and shoot one of the 3 flappers on the Still (Rifle target number 2). Restage rifle with first pistol shoot pistol targets with a Nevada sweep (1, 2, 3, 2, 1) repeat with second pistol. Pick up shotgun shoot the first knock down followed by the bird (clay target) then shoot the final knock down. NO MAKE-UPS ON SHOTGUN

The Pavilion

Ladder 5 Brand

Just about the time the feeling is coming back to your fingers, that bunch of rustler’s from the Ladder 5 ride up. That’s OK cause in a few seconds that Winchester barrel will be hot.

Start seated behind stove, with hands on each side of stove as if warming them.

Action Line: “Are you boys riding for the Brand?”

ATB: Retrieve pistol from top of stove & shoot from a seated position, pistol targets in a Nevada sweep. Restage Pistol. Move to Rifle and Nevada Sweep rifle targets for 8 shots then take open and empty rifle to table in front of right targets. Load 2 from body and shoot rifle target across the creek. Stage rifle on table and retrieve pistol. Alternate shots on 2 right pistol targets for 5 shots. Restage pistol, move to shotgun. Retrieve shotgun. Shoot target to throw bird, then bird. If you miss the bird, shoot other shotgun target to make up for the bird.

5 Pistol (pistol staged on top of stove)

8 + 2 Rifle (load with 8, have 2 to load from body)

Rifle on bird table

5 Pistol – Staged on table in front of right targets

2+ shotgun – Staged on bird table

Have Gun Will Travel


Arkansas Lead Slingers



Mud Puppy’s

Bath House &


Stage Designed by Mud Puppy

Built and Rigged by

with some assistance from

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine


Left Window Center Slot Right Window

Distances – Rifle 20 Yards, Pistols 6 Yards, Shotgun 10 Yards



Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Bath House Bedlam by Ozarks Monte

You Are Just Getting settled in a Nice Tub Full of Hot Water for The First Time in Weeks, When Someone Yells "The Baldknobbers are Coming". You Jump up and Wrap a Towel around Yourself and Head to the Front of the Bath House to Help Rid the Town of Frisco of the Baldknobbers!!

All Guns Are Staged. Pistols in Left Window and the Rifle and Shotgun In Right Window. You start by wrapping a towel around securely covering your private parts. Otherwise if it falls off after the beep you are Penalized 10 seconds for Indecent Exposure.

Start at doorway

At the Beep: Go to right Window Grab the Rifle and shoot the Order 1-2-3-Bear-Eagle Then Repeat1-2-3-Bear-Eagle.Stage Rifle. Go to left window. Pull lever to release moving target and Pick up Pistol/Pistols and shoot in order Mover- 2-3-4-5 then to Pistol Knock Downs in Order 1-2-3-4-5. Move to right window and Grab Shotgun and Shoot all 4 in any order. End

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Cold Bath Water By Ozarks Monte

You Are Hot And Tired, Ready For A Good Soak In A Hot Tub Of Water. You Stick Your Finger In to Test the Water And Find It Cold. You Let out A Screech and Grab Your Guns to Shoot Whoever Used up All the Hot Water.

Rifle and Shotgun Staged In Right Window, Pistols Holstered. Shooter Starts at Bathtub with Hand Below Top Of Tub

Stage Note: Remove P6-P9 targets

Action Line: That’s Cold!

At The Beep Go To Right Widow And Pickup Rifle And Double Tap Targets In Any Order. Make Rifle safe and Pick up Shotgun and Shoot 2 Knockdowns Till Down. Restage Shotgun And Go to Left Window And Release Moving Target and Shoot It 5 Times. Holster.

Draw Second Pistol and Shoot the Pistol Knockdowns Left to Right Holster

Go Back to Right Window and Pick up Shotgun and Shoot remaining knockdowns till down.

Pistol=10 Rifle=10 Shotgun= 4+

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Spring’s almost here

10 rifle – staged in right window

10 pistol – holstered

4+ shotgun – staged in right window

Line: Still don’t mean I’m taking a bath

Start standing behind shotgun, both hands on shotgun


Engage shotgun targets, knockdowns must go down. Restage

Engage rifle targets, with at least one shot each. Restage

Move to left window, engage pistol targets, knockdowns must go down to count. (Slider is left in the “released” position and is shot as a stationary target)

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Cleaning up

It’s been awhile since your last bath. And since it is almost Summer you figure you’d better clean up. They say, you smell worse than a bear and an eagle wouldn’t even eat you. And your honey won’t let you in the house, so something has to be done!

Shotgun and Rifle staged in right window, Pistols holstered

Starting with a hand on the tub

Line: I don’t smell that BAD!

ATB: Retrieve rifle shoot Eagle and Bear 5x each

Restage Rifle, grab shotgun, engage all shotgun targets any order

Knock-downs must go down, Restage Shotgun.

Left window, draw pistol or pistols and engage all pistol targets

Mover must move before shooting it.


10 pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Free-For-All at The Bath House By Ozarks Monte

You are just getting in from a hard day on the trail. You head over to the

Bath House to clean up and then hit the streets for a Good Ol’ Wahoo.

Just as you set foot in the door All Thunder Breaks Loose. The Ugly and

his gang have taken over! You must shoot good and be fast.




All Guns Staged Per Shooters Choice. Pistols must be staged.

Shooter Starts at Bath Tub. Hands on marks.

Action Line:’”I am The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Shooter”.

ATB: Engage all targets at least one time. Pistol on Pistol Targets, Rifle on Rifle

Targets, Shotgun on Shotgun Targets. Shooter Must Use Shotgun Last.

No Makeup’s On Shotgun Knockdowns!!

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Stage Name: Hole in the Tub by Mud Puppy

You just rode in from Cassville Missouri to help lay track for the new railroad in Frisco City. After checking in at the hotel, then looking over the bank, you pick up some supplies at Frosty’s General Store and head for the Bath House. LO AND BEHOLD someone is in the bathtub that you reserved. “Out My Friend”, you say “or I’ll drill that tub full of holes”.

Staging: Rifle In Right Window, Shotgun in Middle and Pistols Holstered.

Start At The Doorway With Hands on Hat.

Action Line: “Out My Friend”

ATB: Move to the left window, pull the lever to start the sliding target. (you will not shoot this target, this is just to get the rope out of the way and to make you think before you shoot). With the pistol shoot knockdown targets right to left then the four pistol targets on the ground in the order 1,1,2,3,4. Move to the right window and with the rifle shoot top to bottom on the vertical targets, bear, eagle and then do it again. Move to the center window and shoot all four shotgun targets. Knockdowns must go down.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Medium – Lot’s of movement but fast patterns.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Winter Bath and Shave by Ozarks Monte

Members of the posse have indicated to you, that you need to visit Mud Puppy’s Bath House or else go sleep in the stable! Pistols staged in the left window, rifle and shotgun staged in right window. Shooter starts at the tub. Hands on the marks

When ready, shooter says, “Alright, already! I will take a bath!”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10+ Rifle 5 Shotgun/No make ups

ATB: Shooter goes to left window and trips the sliding target, then shoots the slider, then 2-3-4-5. Restage. Then shoot knockdowns 1-2-3-4-5. Restage. Go to the right window and shoot knockdowns. No make ups on shotgun. Restage shotgun and pick up rifle. Sweep rifle targets twice.

Counters are to keep running count, where T.O./R.O. can see, and call out count to shooter. Then you shoot one more shotgun at the slider. If you had any misses you may make them up by shooting more shotgun shots at the slider.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Ain’t Mine by Mud Puppy

During the confusion of a ruckus down the street, a baby was left in the bath tub. A cowboy yells at you, “Is that your kid? Cus if it is, I’m going to plug you.” You look into the tub and yell back, “Ain’t my kid.”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle in right window Shotgun, also in right window

Start by standing at the road side of the bath tub, with hands on the tub.

Action Line: “Ain’t my kid”

ATB: move to the left window and shoot the 5 pistol knockdown targets, left to right. Then shoot the right 5 pistol targets, 6-7-8-9-10.(Sliding Target is shot stationary) Move to the rifle and shoot the rifle targets 1-2-3-4-5. Double tap each, one time. Restage rifle, and pick up shotgun. Shoot the shotgun targets one time each, in any order. Knock downs must fall to count as hit. No Make-ups

Go to unloading table.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Don’t Shoot The Tub by Mud Puppy

The new bath tub just arrived from Saint Louis, Missouri, and the fight was on to who got to use it first. One cowpoke yelled out, “If I’m not first, then I’ll shoot a hole in it.” You draw your pistol and yell back, “Over my dead body.”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle in left window Shotgun in right window

Stand in the door way with hands on hips. Indicate ready by saying, “Over my dead body.”

ATB move to the left window, pull the lever, pick up the rifle and shoot the slider 2 times, then double tap the vertical rifle targets any order, then one each on the bear and rifle. Restage rifle. With #1 pistol, shoot the knockdowns left to right. (If a knockdown target falls without being shot at, shoot at the place where the target was. It will count as a hit.). With #2 pistol, shoot the pistol targets numerically 1-5. (#5 is the slider) Move to right window, with the shotgun, shoot the 4 shotgun targets left to right. Knockdowns must fall to count.

Move to unloading table.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

No Towel

There is nothing worse than getting out of the tub only to realize you have no towel, unless you are naked, no towel, and you’re being shot at.

Ammo: 10 + 1 Rifle 4 Shotgun 10 Pistol

Staging: Rifle & Shotgun in right window Pistols in left window

Start sitting on the edge of the bath tub. You say, “Bring me a towel.”

ATB move to right window, where rifle and shotgun are staged, retrieve rifle and shoot the eagle 4 times, bear 4 times, then the other rifle targets one each, which will require you to load one round off your body, restage. Retrieve shotgun, shoot shotgun targets any order, restage. Move to left window, where both pistols are staged. Pull release for mover, with 1st pistol shoot mover 5 times. With 2nd pistol shoot remaining pistol targets, any order, no double taps.

R.O. Note: Be sure you lay down all pistol targets 1-4. #2 pistol will shoot the pistol knock downs.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Sons of Katie Elder

While visiting the undertaker and banker, the Elders discover Katie was broke and had lost the ranch. John returns to find the undertaker being dunked by Morgan Hastings’ hired gun. John yells, “Hey,” then whacks Curly with an axe handle.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle in right window Shotgun in middle window

Start by standing in the doorway, with axe handle in hand. Indicate ready by saying your line, “Hey!”

ATB whack Curly with the axe handle, and then drop the axe handle on the ground. Move to the left window, and with #1 pistol shoot the knockdown targets any order. Reholster. With #2 pistol shoot the other pistol targets in this order – pull lever first, then draw pistol and shoot in this order – Slider then stationeries left to right. Reholster. Move to right window and shoot the rifle targets 1,2,3,4,5 twice. Restage. Move to the shotgun and shoot the shotgun targets one time, in any order. Knock downs must fall.

Move to the unloading table.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Here We Go Again by Mud Puppy

It’s the same old story. The Friday night hoop-dee-doo is getting out of hand again. Just as you are about to climb into the bath tub, someone shoots a hole into it and there goes your bath water all over the ground. You grab your guns and head out the door lookin for the fellow who done the shootin.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Pistols holstered Rifle in right window Shotgun in center window

Stand in the door, with hand on your waist. When ready say, “Here we go again.”

ATB move to the right window. With the rifle, shoot the rifle targets in the numerical order 1-2-3-4-5 then 5-4-3-2-1, restage the rifle and move to the left window. Pull the lever and with the #1 pistol shoot the right side pistol targets in the following order, 1-2-3-4-5. With the #2 pistol shoot the left side knockdown targets left to right. Move to the center window and with the shotgun, shoot the 4 shotgun targets in any order.

All knock downs must go down to count.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Sam Whiskey

When there is a shortage of clean bath water it is more important to be first.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 9 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Right Window

Shotgun in Center Window

Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in doorway to bathhouse

Action Line: “Mudpuppy, I will give you a dollar to let me bathe first”,

ATB: Retrieve rifle, do 3 sweeps of vertical rifle targets any order but no double tabs, restage rifle. Move to center, shoot shotgun targets 4 shots, any order. Move to left window, pull handle and put first 5 pistol shots on the mover, then the next 5 on knock down pistol targets, any order, no double taps.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Soap Please by Mud Puppy

Sometimes it just takes more soap to get all that dirt off

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Center Window

Shotgun in Left Window

Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in doorway with hands on door posts

Action Line: “Need more Soap”

ATB: move to left window, pull lever and with pistol shoot sliding target then the other 4 stationary pistol targets right to left then shoot pistol knockdowns right to left.

move to center window, pick up rifle and shoot the three vertical targets in the order of 1-2-3-2 then dump 3 on the beat and 3 on the eagle

Move back to the left window, pick up the shotgun and take it to the right window and shoot the 4 shotgun targets in a left to right sweep. (finish the sweep before making up missed knockdowns)

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Round Robin by Mud Puppy

You just rode in from Cassville, MO to help lay track for the new railroad in Frisco City. After checking in at the hotel, then looking over the bank, you pick up some supplies at Frosty’s General Store and head for the bath house. Lo and Behold, someone is in the tub you had reserved. “Out my friend”, you say “or I’ll drill that tub full of holes”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 9 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Right Window

Shotgun in Center Window

Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in doorway

Action Line: “Out my Friend”

ATB: move to left window, shoot pistol targets 1-2-3-4, then pull lever and shoot mover. then shoot knockdown pistol targets in the order of 3-4-5-1-2.

move to right window and with rifle shoot a progressive, regressive sweep. 1 on 1, 2 on 2, 3 on 3, 2 on 4, 1 on 5.

Move to Center window and with Shotgun shoot 4 targets in any order.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

The Hen House

Your bath is interrupted by sounds coming from the hen house, you think its probably that brave bear getting into the chicken feed again, but when you get out there with the lantern, you find Lone Eagle and Brave Bear (along with 3 braves) stealing the chickens.

Start in the doorway with the lantern. When ready move to right window, set lantern down beside rifle, show you are ready by saying “How”

ATB: Retrieve rifle and shoot 3 braves on the left, then Lone Eagle, Brave Bear, repeat. Move to the center slot, shoot knockdown. Move to left window and release slider. Must shoot it first then the rest of the pistol targets in any order, one shot on each target.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Who Shot the Mule? by Mud Puppy

November 18. 1873. the Zortman Gang rode into what is now Zortman, Montana. They just finished driving some wild cattle from the Bear Paw Mountains to the stockyards in Harlem, Montana to sell to the US Army stationed at Fort Belknap. That night the Gang got wild and started shootin up the town. One of the shots went wild and killed your mule. When you asked, “Who shot the mule?” all 24 of the gang members said, “I did mister, and your next”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 9 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle at Right Window

Shotgun in Center Window

Both Pistols staged in Left window.

Start standing in Right Window with hands on hips.

Action Line: “Who shot the mule?”

ATB Pick up rifle and shoot vertical rifle targets from top to bottom, 3 times. Restage rifle.

Move to the left window, pick up pistol and from left to right double tap the stationary pistol targets 1-1. 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, then pull the lever and shoot 5-5, restage pistols

Move to center window, pick up shotgun and all knockdown shotgun targets till down.

Stage Note: The knockdown pistol targets are not used

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Bath House Long Shot by Mud Puppy

Often we hear of a Cowboy who shoots and hits a target at some great distance with his pistol. Although it may be difficult, it is not that hard to do. Can you do it?

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Rifle Cowboy Port of Arms

Shotgun in Left Window

Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in doorway

ATB: move to right window and shoot the 3 vertical targets top to bottom in a continuous Nevada Sweep, stage rifle in window.

move to left window, Pull Lever and with pistol shoot sliding target 1 time. Then shoot stationary pistol targets left to right with next 4 shots. Then shoot the top vertical rifle target 5 times with your pistol.

Pick up shotgun and move to right window, shoot the 4 shot gun targets till down.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Bath House Clyde

There once was an Outlaw named Clyde who was a very mean man. He was noted for shooting people who looked in on him while he was taken a bath. This practice ended of course when the well armed gang of rough necks rode into town known through the South as the feared “Arkansas Leadslingers”. The town buried Clyde the next day. They still talk about him, and this is what they say:

There once was a outlaw named Clyde

who was wanted more dead than alive,

When he drew his gun it was hot for fun

And only a few survived.

So you must be swifty and shoot under 50

or you will not survive.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Center Window

Shotgun in Center Window

Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in doorway with hands on door posts

ATB: Pick up shotgun and shoot shot gun targets left to right, restage shotgun.

With the rifle shoot the top paddle 5 times and then the bottom paddle 5 times

Move to left window, pull handle, shoot moving target 2 times then stationary targets 1,2,3 then shoot 5 knockdown pistol targets.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Ouch!!! That Hurt by Mud Puppy

It never fails, just as you finish your bath and step out into the street you come face to face with MOLE HOLE JOE. Now Joe is wanted in 4 districts for selling Mole meat as Baby Prime Rib. You go for your pistol first, but the Mole doesn’t linger, drawing his gun and shoots off your finger.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 9 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Rifle Cowboy Port of Arms

Shotgun in Center Window

Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in doorway

Action Line: “Ouch, that Hurts”

ATB: move to right window and shoot the rifle targets in this order. 1 shot at the top, 7 shots at the middle, 1 shot at the bottom. Stage rifle and move to the left window. With the pistols shoot the pistol targets as follows double tapping each one. You start by pulling the lever releasing the slider. Double tap it then each of the stationary targets. Reholster pistols. Move to the center window and shoot the shot gun targets till down.

Stage Note: The knockdown pistol targets are not used

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Billy Dee #2 by Mud Puppy

I picked her up, her eyes so clear

then I seen a shinning fear

I know for sure, ain’t no lie,

never saw a deadman cry

Her lips moved oh so thin and I heard her say

“I’ll be gunnin for Greasy Creek Slim”

Greasy heard this and headed for the Bath House. If you listen hard you can hear him singing in the bath tub:

Oh splish splash I’m a taken a bath, late on this Saturday Night

I got to get clean and I’m going to get mean

cus theres going to be a gun fight tonight

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Left Window

Shotgun in Right Window

Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in doorway

Action Line: “Gunfight”

ATB: move to center window and with pistols shoot the pistol targetsl 1 2 3 2 1 twice. Move to left window. Pick up rifle, pull lever and shoot moving target 1 time, then shoot the vertical rifle target 3 at top paddle, 3 on bottom paddle, then 3 on middle. Restage rifle

Move to Right window, Pick up shotgun. Shoot the shotgun targets left to right. If a miss, finish sweep before making up.

Stage Note: The knockdown pistol targets are not used. One stationary should be taken down

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Billy D. ain’t so fast by Mud Puppy

Billy D. is a Lady Bandito, this we all know.

Her guns are fast, but we ain’t so slow.

Like these targets, her gang numbers the same.

So hit all the targets and gain some fame.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Left window

Shotgun in Right Window

Pistols Holstered.

Start standing in doorway

Action Line: “Billy D. ain’t so fast”

ATB: move to left window, pick up rifle, Pull Lever, shoot moving target 1 time, then shoot the vertical rifle target 3 at top paddle, 3 on middle paddle, then 3 on bottom. Restage rifle

Move to center window and shoot pistol targets 1 2 3 4 5 twice.

Move to right window, Pick up shotgun, shoot all till down.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Billy and the Pig by Mud Puppy

Billy D. had just finished her monthly bath and for 5 cents more she covered herself with some sweet smelling oil. Through the back door comes walking in two of the worst smelling pigs that she had ever smelled. Now she is really mad, cus now she really smells bad.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Right window

Shotgun in Center Window

Pistols in Left Window

Start standing in doorway

Action Line: “Pig, Pig, Pig”

ATB: move to left window, with pistols shoot targets in the order of (knockdowns) 1-2-3-4-5 then stationery 6-7-8-9, Pull lever and shoot the slider, 10. Restage pistols (do not holster)

Move to right window. With rifle double tap sweep top to bottom the three vertical targets, bear and eagle. Restage rifle.

Move to the center window, with shotgun shoot spring targets then knockdowns till down.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Billy D is in Town by Mud Puppy

Billy D. snuck into town to take a bath and fool around.

But, she is never alone and she is wearing a frown.

The towns people seen her and stared in awe,

She is headen for the Bank to make her kind of withdraw,

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Left window

Shotgun in Right Window

Pistols Holstered

Start standing in doorway

Action Line: “Billy is in town”

ATB: move to center window. With pistols shoot stationary pistol targets 2-4-2-4-1 then 2-4-2-4-3

Move to left window, pick up rifle, Pull lever and shoot slider 4 times then shoot each of the 3 vertical rifle targets twice in any order, restage rifle

Move to right window, with shotgun shoot knockdowns till down.

Stage Note: The knockdown pistol targets are not used

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Monte takes a Bath by Mud Puppy

Tight Wad Sweed had just paid off his hands and they were headen to Frisco to do up the town. The three of them together made a lot of trouble just being around. There was Greasy Creek Slim, Noz, and the most feared gunfighter of them all Ozarks Monte. Monte won the coin flip and was first to take his saddle bags just outside where he could keep an eye on them. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a couple of Dudes going through his things. Monte jumped up, took up his guns and yelled, “When I get clean, I get Mean”

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Center window

Shotgun in Right Window

Pistols Holstered

Start standing in doorway

Action Line: “When I get clean, I get Mean”

ATB: move to left window, Pull lever with Pistols shoot the slider(P10) 1 time then pistol targets right to left. 6-7-8-9 and then the knockdowns 1-2-3-4-5

Move to center window, with rifle sweep the vertical rifle targets top to bottom, then the bear and eagle. Then do the same sweep again. Restage rifle

Move to the right window and shoot the 4 shotgun targets left to right.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Turkey Day by Mud Puppy

Your sitting in your chair having just finished your Holiday bath. Your pet turkey is on your lap just getting fatter and fatter. Someone else is also looking at your pet turkey. Will your pet turkey be the feast of the town???

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4+ Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Center window

Shotgun in Right Window

Pistols in Left Window

Start in doorway, sitting back in the chair holding your pet turkey. (you must keep the turkey on your person at all times. You can put the turkey anywhere on your body, Under your arm, in your shirt, under your hat, in your belt or where ever. BUT if you drop the turkey just leave it and go on shooting. A 10 second penalty will be added to your score).

Action Line: “I’ll save you Darlin”

ATB: move to left window, with pistol shoot knockdown pistol targets then pull lever and shoot mover than stationary targets

Move to center window, with rifle shoot rifle targets in 2 clockwise sweeps. Restage rifle

Move to shotgun and shoot shotgun targets till down.

Mud Puppy’s Bath House & Mine

Have a Good Fight by Mud Puppy

Three days before Christmas, not a snow flake in sight.

I could see their guns in the rack, not looking for a fight.

I saw the gold, they took from the past,

Laying in the corner, next to the trash.

A tear in the eye by candle light I could see

Reflecting her beauty straight back to me

Suddenly she rose and started to fight,

Saddled her horse and rode out of sight.

Billy D. rode through town that December Night,

Throwing her gold at everyone in sight.

Softly spoken, not even a hoot,

I heard her softly say “Merry Christmas to all and have a good shoot”.

Ammo: 10 Pistol 10 Rifle 4 Shotgun

Staging: Rifle in Right window

Shotgun in Center Window

Pistols Holstered

Start in doorway

Action Line: “Merry Christmas”

ATB: move to left window, with pistol shoot stationary targets Left to right then pull lever and shoot the moving target one time. Then shoot the knockdowns.

Move to right window, with rifle shoot 5 rifle targets twice, any order. Restage rifle

Move to center widow with shotgun shoot the shotgun targets in any order.

P.S. Shoot well and make no fuss, Misses don’t count, A gift from us!

Signed, Billy D.

Bath House



There is nothing worse than getting out of the bath tub only to realize that there are no towels,  unless of course your out of whisky too.



AMMO:  10 + 1 rifle                4+ shotgun                  10 pistol 

STAGING:  Rifle and Shotgun in right window.        Both pistols in left window.


Shooter starts at the Bath Tub with hands on the red spots.

When ready you say,  " COLD WATER "


ATB go to the right window.  With the rifle you double tap the 5 rifle targets in any order them reload from the body 1 round and shoot any one of the rifle targets.

Restage rifle.     Pick up shotgun and shoot the 2 of the shotgun targets  in any order then restage shotgun.


Move to the left window  and pull the lever to release the moving target. With #1 pistol  shoot the mover 5 times then restage or holster.  Pick up #2 pistol and shoot the 5 knock downs.

Restage or holster.


Move back to the shotgun and shoot the other 2 knock downs.





Mud Puppy

Stage Note: Drop the stationary pistol targets

Bath House

44 cal. drain

Someone has begun to drain your bath water from next door with a 44.

Start outside with 1 hand on tub.

Action Line: “I’ll finish my bath.”

ATB: Move to left window pull mover with pistol or pistols and shoot mover then 4 stationary pistol targets twice, holster (Mover must be shot first with each pistol.) Move to center window, retrieve rifle and put 1 shot each on 1, 2, 3, then 3 on bear and 4 on eagle, restage in center window. Move to right window shoot all shotgun targets, knockdowns must fall.

(Small pistol knockdowns should be left down.)

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Bath House

Had Enough

Bathwater is cold, no soap, whiskey tastes like horse piss and someone just threw bath water on your last cigar.

Start in doorway

Action Line: “I’ve had enough!

ATB: Move to right window where rifle and shotgun are staged. (Rifle and shotgun may be split between right and middle window, shooters choice) With rifle put 3 shots on bear and eagle, then 1 each on vertical targets any order (9 Rifle), make safe. Shotgun all until down, make safe. Move to left window, where pistols are staged. Pull lever then shoot all 10 pistol targets in any order.

9 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

10 Pistol – Staged in Left Window

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Bath House

Naked as a Jaybird

My gun was close by but my shirt had fallen over it. There was no chance to get a hand on it in a hurry. So there I was, naked as a jaybird, standing in the tub and here comes that trouble hunting Reed Carney with two or three drinks under his belt and a grudge under his hat.

Start standing by the tub with hands on red marks.

Action Line: “I’ll handle my own affairs”

ATB: Move to rifle and double tap all rifle targets, any direction, make rifle safe. From left window. With pistol(s) shoot knockdowns in any order. Then pull lever and shoot mover, then last 4 shots on stationary targets in any order. Move to Right window and with Shotgun shoot knockdowns till down.

10 Rifle – Staged in any window

10 Pistol – Holstered

4+ Shotgun – Staged in Right window

Bath House

Shouldn’t play with Matches by Kid Doubleday

Start standing by the tub with bucket in one hand, other on red mark.

Action Line: “Shouldn’t play with matches” (from Pale Rider)

ATB: Throw bucket in tub and move to left window and release mover before first shot. Draw pistol(s) and sweep the 10 pistol targets starting from either end. The mover would be on the right end and if you chose to start from that end you can wait till it stops.

Move to the rifle and do 2 separate sweeps on the 5 rifle targets starting on 1 or 5. No double taps. Make rifle safe.

Move to the shotgun and shoot all knockdowns till down. You may then shoot the mover however many times to make up for still up Pistol Knockdowns (optional).

10 Rifle – Staged in center window

10 Pistol – Holstered

4+ Shotgun – Staged in Right window


Arkansas Lead Slingers



The Jail

Stage Designed by Gentleman Sam

Built and Rigged by

Gentleman Sam, Horseshoe, Tucson

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands

The Jail

Front Rail

Left Window Door

Distances – Rifle 15 Yards 40 Yards to Buffalo, Pistols 5-6 Yards,

Shotgun 8 Yards



The Jail

Stage Name: The Alchemist

Straight Jacket robs the bank early in the morning while his cohort holds his horses. Problem is, all Straight Jacket gets is a small bag of coins. Three Eared Bob demands his share of the load back at the hideout. Straight Jacket decides to turn Three Eared Bob’s part of the loot from gold into lead and sends him his share.

Staging: Rifle and shotgun staged in Window, Pistols Holstered.

Start at Texas Surrender (hands hovering just over pistols but not touching them) just outside the door

Action Line: “Here’s your share”

ATB: Shoot through the door 5 pistol targets left to right and then right to left. Retrieve rifle, through the window triple tap the bull heads and your last shot on the buffalo. Restage the rifle and pick up shot gun and shoot 2 knockdowns till down.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Easy Pattern and easy movements.

The Jail

Stage Name: Thievin Brother

Toad Suck Rebel has long suspected Straight Jacket of stealing his powder and lead and confronts the thievin’ Straight Jacket demanding they be returned. “no problem” says Straight Jacket as he reaches for his pistols, “here catch”

Staging: Rifle and shotgun staged in Window, Pistols Holstered.

Start at Texas Surrender in front of the window (hands hovering just over pistols but not touching them)

Action Line: “Here, catch”

ATB: Shoot 5 pistol targets in the order of 1-3-5-2-4 twice. retrieve rifle, through the window double tap the bull heads then put the last 4 on the Buffalo. Restage the rifle and pick up shot gun and shoot 4 knockdowns till down.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Challenging Pistol Pattern but no movements.

The Jail

Jail 1

10 P – Holstered

10 R – Cowboy Port Arms

4 S – Staged on Trunk

Action Line: Get me out of here.

Start in doorway, rifle Cowboy Port of Arms


Buffalo 10x with Rifle

Make rifle safe on trunk

Shoot the 3 steers 4x no double taps with shotgun

Make Shot gun safe on trunk

Pistols through window.



Stage Note: The knockdown shotgun targets are not used

The Jail

Stage Name: Lynch Mob by Dirty Dan Paladin - Have Gun/ Will Travel

The Marshall had to go to Fort Smith. So that leaves only you between a lynch mob and the lone prisoner in the jail, which happens to be a member of the notorious Dullen Gang. The only way to save him for trial is to lock yourself in the jail with him.

Staging: Rifle and shotgun staged in Window, Pistols Holstered.

Start with hands on hat in front of the window

Action Line: “He’s not going to swing today”

ATB: Retrieve rifle and triple tap bull heads in any order and your last shot on the Buffalo. Restage rifle and retrieve shotgun and shoot the 2 knockdowns till down. Restage Shotgun in window. Grab the keys from the hook take into jail and lay on trunk. Shoot the 5 pistol targets in either direction, no double taps, each target must be hit twice.


Rifle =10


Stage Rating – Easy patterns, only one movement.

The Jail

Stage Name: Mongo gets Jailed by Ozarks Jim

Remember Mongo from Blazin Saddles? Sherriff Bart had to chain him to the bars of the jail for punching out a horse. Mongo didn’t need guns but we will to punch these longhorns.

Staging: Shotgun staged in Window, Pistols Holstered.

Start inside jail with arms spread eagled on the bars facing the targets.

Action Line: “Ahhh, Mongo Straight”

ATB: With your pistols do a Nevada Sweep of the 3 long horn targets from the front rail of the jail. Then move out the door, retrieve the shotgun and shoot the 5 pistol targets left to right. No makeups on misses.


No Rifle


Stage Rating – Easy patterns, only one movement.

The Jail

Stage Name: The Arkansas Shuffle by Ozarks Jim

There are all kinds of sweeps in Cowboy Action Shooting. We have all heard of the Nevada Sweep, the clockwise sweep, and even the Lawrence Welk Sweep but I had never heard of the Arkansas Shuffle. After this stage we will be good at it. An Arkansas Shuffle is used when you need 5 shots on 3 targets. It can be done left to right or right to left and uses this pattern 1-1-2-3-3

Staging: Take down Pistol targets 4 &5 (cowboys)

No Shotgun needed, Pistols Holstered, Rifle at Cowboy Port of Arms.

Start in doorway

Action Line: “Arkansas Shuffle”

ATB: With your rifle do two left to right Arkansas Shuffle Sweeps of the 3 long horn targets through the door.

Then, also through the door, do an Arkansas Shuffle sweep on the 3 jug pistol targets with each pistol


10 Rifle

No Shotgun

Stage Rating – Easy pattern, no movement.

The Jail

Stage Name: The Waco Kid by Ozarks Jim

Blazing Saddles is the funniest western of all times. Remember Gene Wilder’s character, The Waco Kid? His hands were so fast you couldn’t see them move. That is when he was drinking. When he was sober he shook like a leaf. After watching the Waco Kid down a full bottle of whiskey in one long guzzle Sheriff Bart says, “A man drink like that and he don't eat, he is going to DIE”

And the Waco Kid eagerly answers, “When?”

Staging: Pistols Holstered, Rifle at Cowboy Port of Arms, No Shotgun.

Start in doorway

Action Line: “When?”

ATB: With your rifle through the door, do a left to right sweep of the 3 long horn targets then dump 7 on the buffalo. Make the rifle safe.

Through the doorway, double tap the 5 pistol targets.


10 Rifle

Stage Rating – Easy pattern, little movement.

The Jail

Stage Name: Smoke Wagon by Ozarks Jim

Classic westerns are known for creating great quotes. Who remembers the 1993 classic that featured this famous line?

"Go ahead. Skin it... Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens!"

Answer: Tombstone, staring Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer

Staging: Pistols Holstered, Rifle & Shotgun in Window

Start in doorway with hands at Texas Surrender (which means hovering over pistols but not touching them)

Action Line: “Skin that smoke wagon”

ATB: Engage pistol targets in a left to right sweep, twice. Move to the window and with the rifle through the window sweep the longhorns left to right and double tap the buffalo, then do the same thing again. Engage both shotgun targets.


10 Rifle

2+ Shotgun

Stage Rating – Easy pattern, little movement.

The Jail

Stage Name: Triple Tap plus One by Ozarks Jim

3+1 = Fast!

Pistol=8 (4 in each gun)

10 Rifle


Stage Note: Remove P3 pistol target

Staging: Pistols Holstered, Rifle at Cowboy Port of Arms, Shotgun in the window.

Start in doorway

Action Line: “3+1”

ATB: With your rifle through the door, triple tap the 3 long horn targets then dump the last shot on the buffalo. Make the rifle safe and with the pistols do a triple tap on P1 then one on P2, then triple tap P4 and one on P5. Move to window and engage 4 knockdowns with the shotgun through the window.

Stage Rating – Easy pattern, little movement.

Shot from the Jail


This fella comes ridin’ in here trailin’ three corpses and personally accounts for 2 more before noon. If you want him arrested? You arrest him.

Start with rifle cowboy port in door.

ATB: Alternate from left, 2 shots on 1st bull head and 1 on buffalo , 2 shots on 2nd bullhead and 1 on buffalo, 2 shots on 3rd bull head then last shot on buffalo. Make rifle safe in window beside shotgun retrieve shotgun and shoot knockdowns till their down. Make shotgun safe. With pistol or pistols, double tap pistol targets any order.

9 rifle

4+ shotgun

10 pistol

Have Gun Will Travel


Shot from the Jail

“O Brother, Where Art Thou”

Paladin has looked everywhere in Frisco City for his twin brother, Badwater Slim. Everywhere except the Jail. The Sheriff said you should see the Dude that stole his lunch. We don’t have enough time to visit the undertaker’s. We have to spring him before they hang him.

Action Line: “O Brother, Where Art Thou”

Start in front of the Jail Keys.

ATB: Retrieve keys and place them next to rifle staged in window. With the 1st pistol, shoot 5 shots on the 3 jugs any order, with the rifle shoot 2 shots on each steer head then 4 on buffalo. Then with the 2nd pistol shoot 5 shots on the two cowboys any order, retrieve shotgun staged in doorway and knock 4 targets down.

10 rifle

4+ shotgun

10 pistol

Have Gun Will Travel


The Jail

Stage Name:The Arkansas Shuffle Modified by Ozarks Jim

Pistols Holstered, Rifle at Cowboy Port of Arms. Shotgun in Window

Start in doorway

Action Line: “Arkansas Shuffle”

ATB: With your rifle do two left to right Arkansas Shuffle Sweeps (also known as 2-1-2) of the 3 long horn targets through the door. (1,1,2,3,3) Twice. Make rifle safe.

Then, also through the door, do an Arkansas Shuffle sweep on the right 3 pistol targets (1,1,2,3,3), then do it again on the left 3 pistol targets. (3,3,4,5,5).

Then retrieve shotgun and shoot 4 knockdowns till down.


10 Rifle

4 + Shotgun

Stage Rating – Easy pattern, little movement.


Ain’t Gunfighter Friendly by Blackwater Bruce

The infamous gunfighter Dodger has come to Frisco City and as usual is kickin’ up his heels and havin’ a fine time. The city marshal however ain’t havin’ any an’ throws Dodger in jail. Miss Lily hears of Dodger’s predicament and springs him.

Action line: “this town ain’t gunfighter friendly”

Staging: Rifle and shotgun in window

Pistols – holstered

10 pistol

10 rifle

4 + shotgun

Start with hands on hat in front of doorway

ATB: With first pistol sweep the 5 pistol targets right to left, reholster. Move to window retrieve rifle and engage rifle targets as follows starting on the left; Steer head 1, Buffalo, Steer head 2, Buffalo, Steer head 3, Buffalo, Steer head 1, Buffalo, Steer head 2, Buffalo. Move back to door and with second pistol Nevada sweep Steer heads Right to left, reholster. Move back to window retrieve shotgun and shoot the 4 knockdowns any order until down.

NOTE: gunfighters must shoot this stage duelist or double duelist style


Get out of town

Remember, it is better to be a live coward then a dead gunman.

Start in doorway with hands on pistols.

Action Line: “Get out of town”

ATB: With Pistol(s), Put 5 shots on the buffalo then all 5 pistol targets.

Retrieve rifle form table and alternate between buffalo and a different steer head each time (you will end on a steer head) for 10 shots. Make rifle safe anywhere. From window where shotgun is staged, shoot two knockdowns on left.

(stage note: Leave right side knockdowns down)

10 Pistol

10 Rifle

4+ Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


I didn’t do it!

John “Pink” Calhoun Higgins is believed to have killed 14 men. When asked about this he said “I didn’t kill all them men but I got some that wasn’t on the list, so I guess it just about evens up.”

Start with hands on door frame or on window frame.

Gun order any order but not rifle last.

Action Line: “I didn’t do it!”


10 Pistol - With pistols shoot cowboys then jugs 1 time each, no double taps, holster.

9 Rifle – With rifle alternate 2 shots on a steer head, the 1 shot on the buffalo, must shoot all 3 steer head twice each.

4+ Shotgun – All till down.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Scatter Gun

Ever notice how a scatter gun can have a particular calming effect on a previous unruly mob?

4+ Shotgun

10 rifle

10 pistol

Start in door with Shotgun at Cowboy Port of Arms.

Action Line: “Go back home boys!”

ATB: With shotgun shoot 4 till down. Thru window, with rifle shoot 3 steers, then buffalo 4 times, the 3 steers, make safe. Thru door shoot 5 pistol targets twice, no double taps.

Note: Shotgun shells can be in hand but both hands have to be touching shotgun.

Shotgun shot thru door, Rifle thru window, Pistols thru door.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Here come the Buffalo

5 pistol

10 rifle

5 pistol

4+ Shotgun

Start on the right side in front of bars, hands on bars.

Action Line: “Here come the Buffalo”

ATB: With pistol through bars, alternate 5 shots on #4 and #5 pistol targets, either direction, holster. Move to door where rifle is staged on table and retrieve rifle, double tap all rifle targets starting with the buffalo and ending with the buffalo, make rifle safe. With 2nd pistol Nevada Sweep Pistol targets 1-3 in either direction, holster. Move to window where shotgun is staged, shoot all knockdowns till down.


Cactus Kid

I didn’t come huntin’ sheep, or dig my hands in your wool. Nor did I come for cow’s. I came for calico for my girls’ dress, which doesn’t give me much time to curry your wool.

Start at left window, rifle at ready.

Action Line: “One of you is riding a dead man’s horse!”

ATB: Double tap a steer head, 2 on buffalo, 2 on different steer head, 2 on buffalo, 2 on last steer head, make safe. Move to door with pistols double tap cowboys then jugs, make safe. Retrieve shotgun all until down.

10 Rifle

10 Pistol

4 + Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Kid’s getting Married (stage 6 of a series for Kid Doubleday’s wedding)

I didn’t come huntin’ sheep, or dig my hands in your wool. Nor did I come for cow’s. I came for calico for my girls’ dress, which doesn’t give me much time to curry your wool.

Start at left window, rifle at ready.

Action Line: “One of you is riding a dead man’s horse!”

ATB: Double tap a steer head, 2 on buffalo, 2 on different steer head, 2 on buffalo, 2 on last steer head, make safe. Move to door with pistols double tap cowboys then jugs, make safe. Retrieve shotgun all until down.

10 Rifle

10 Pistol

4 + Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Sweet Seventeen

While sleeping it off in the Jail, some lowdown law dog stole your pistols.

Start standing in door, Rifle on trunk, hands in empty holsters

Action Line: “I still got 17 shots!”

ATB: Retrieve rifle and shoot 5 pistol targets, then steer heads then buffalo, restage. Move to window and retrieve shotgun. Shoot 4 knockdowns, 3 steer heads, and the buffalo. Knockdowns must fall.

9 Rifle – On Trunk

8 + Shotgun – In window

0 – Pistols must not be brought to the line

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Beef or Buffalo

9 Rifle – On Trunk

10 – Pistols holstered

4 + Shotgun – In window

Start standing in door, Rifle at Ready

Action Line: “Beef or Buffalo”

ATB: With rifle put 3 on buffalo, then one on each steer head, then 3 more on buffalo, make rifle safe. With pistols double tap pistol targets either direction. From window with shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Arkansas Lead Slingers



Shade Tree’s

Gun Shop

Stage Designed by

Built and Rigged by

Shade Tree

with some assistance from

Mud Puppy and Jimmy Two Persons

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands


Left Window Center Door Right Window

Shade Tree’s

Gun Shop

Distances – Rifle 16 Yards, Pistols 6 Yards, Shotgun 9 Yards



Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Fast and Faster At the Gun shop By Ozarks Monte

Old Shadetree Has Been Bragging About His Shooting Abilities to The Point That You Decide To Put A Challenge to Him.

Shotgun Staged in either window, Pistols Holstered.

Start At Doorway With Rifle At Cowboy Port Arms. At The Beep Shoot Rifle Targets L-TO-R 1-2-3-4-5.Twice

Stage Rifle And Go Back To Doorway And Draw Pistol(S)And Shoot Pistol targets In Order L-To-R 1-2-3-4-5 twice. Pickup Shotgun. Shoot Knockdowns L to R until down.



Shotgun 4+

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Fast And Fancy Shooting By Ozarks Monte

You Have Decided to Buy Some New Guns As Yours are Trail Worn And Used Up. Ol' Shadetree Has Just The Guns For You. He Says You Can Even Try Them Out!! You Ask For The Trailhand Discount And Shadetree Says "If You Can Out Shoot Me You Can Have Them At My Cost".Then The Fun Starts.

Pistols Holstered, Rifle in Left Window, Shotgun In Right Window.

Shooter Starts At Doorway With Hands On Hat Brim. You Indicate You Are Ready By Saying "Let'er Rip".

ATB Go To Left Widow Pick Up Rifle and Double Tap Rifle Targets In Order of 1-1-5-5-2-2-4-4-3-3. Restage Rifle and Go to Right Window Pickup Shotgun and Shoot Left Knockdowns Till Down!! RESTAGE Shotgun And Go to Door and Draw First Pistol Shoot In Order of 1-5-2-4-3, Holster, Draw Second Pistol and Shoot The Same Sweep as First. Holster and Go Back to Right Window and Pickup Shotgun And Shoot Right Knockdowns until down.


Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Wahoo at The Gunshop By Ozarks Monte

You Are At The Gunshop Looking Over The Latest Shooting Irons and Palavering with Shade Tree. All of The Sudden a Range Bum Comes Thru The Door with Gun Out and Says "This Is a Holdup". He Tells Shade Tree To Go and Get The Money In Back. When Shade Tree Comes Back, It Ain't Cold Cash He Brings Back. But Hot Lead from A Shotgun. The Range Bum Heads for the Hills with You in Hot Pursuit.

Stage Rifle In Left Window.

Shotgun In Right Window.

Pistols In Holsters.

Start at Door with Hat In Hand.

ATB Put On Hat and Draw Pistol/Pistols. Shoot The Pistol Targets In Order Of 5-4-3-2-1-Then in Order Of 1-2-3-4-5.

Move to Left Window and Grab Rifle and Shoot Rifle Targets In Order of Double Tap 1-3-5-2-4. Stage Rifle

Move to Right Window and Grab Shotgun and Shoot Shotgun targets till down.

Rifle 10 Rounds

Pistol 10 Rounds

Shotgun 4+

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Stage Name: Inside Out

Action Line : Inside Out

Staging: Rifle – Port of Arms in Door

Shotgun - Either Window

Pistols - Holstered

You say: “Inside Out”

ATB: From the door Double Tap the Rifle Targets in the order of 3-2-4-1-5. Stage rifle in the empty window and from that window shoot first pistol in the order of 3-2-4-1-5. Move to other window (where shotgun is staged) and shoot the second pistol in the same order 3-2-4-1-5. Then with the shotgun shoot targets 3-2-4-1. Knock downs must go down unless timer operator tells you to continue.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Challenging – Unusual sweep pattern with lots of movement.

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Stage Name: The Big Gun Shop Robbery

The word came down that Two Toes Morgan and his gang were going to rob the bank in Frisco City. Their only problem was that they were running low on ammunition, so they decided to rob Shadetree's gun shop first. On that fateful night, as Two Toes and his boys broke in the door of the gun shop, Shadetree and the Arkansas Leadslingers were waiting for them. Shadetree calls out to Two Toes, "You boys need some lead?, take some of this!!!

Action Line : “TAKE SOME OF THIS!!!,”

Staging: Rifle – Left Window

Shotgun - Right Window

Pistols – Holstered

Shooter starts at left window with their hands on their hat brim.

You say: “TAKE SOME OF THIS!!!,”

ATB: With the first pistol shoot the pistol targets 3-2-4-1-5. 

Holster and pick up rifle. Shoot the rifle targets 3-2-4-1-5 twice. 

Restage rifle and move to door and shoot pistol targets,3-2-4-1-5. Holster and move to right window and retrieve shotgun. Shoot knockdowns 3-2-4-1. Knockdowns must go down or try one more time.


10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Challenging – Unusual sweep pattern with lots of movement.

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Stage Name: Gun Shop 1

Here’s another famous movie line from a 1968 spaghetti western featuring Lee Van Cleef

When you've waited fifteen years to find a man ... it's a shame you can only kill him once!

Anyone know the movie? Answer: Death Rides a Horse

10 Rifle POA doorway

10 Pistol r&l windows

4+ Shotgun left window

Rifle from the door cowboy Port of Arms. Butt must be lower than gun belt and muzzle higher than your shoulder.

Action Line : “it's a shame you can only kill him once!”

Double tap sweep rifle targets. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 .

Stage rifle right window.

Right window 1st pistol.

right to left sweep 5 4 3 2 1.

Left window 2nd pistol.

left to right sweep 1 2 3 4 5.

Shotgun from left window. Any order, knockdowns must die.

(note to Posse Marshall –Don’t read this aloud) The scenario doesn’t specify that pistols must be restaged in windows so holstering is allowed.

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Stage Name: You Dig!

10 Rifle staged left window, shot from doorway

10 pistol doorway

4+ Shotgun staged right window, shot from doorway

"In this world there's two kinds of people my friend - those with loaded guns and those who dig ... You dig."

Hands on doorframe.

Action Line : “You dig."

Retrieve shotgun from right window, from doorway engage knockdowns till down. Restage shotgun in right window.

Retrieve rifle from left window. From doorway engage rifle targets right to left sweep 5 4 3 2 1 and left to right sweep 1 2 3 4 5. Restage rifle in left window. Go back to the doorway and shoot all pistol targets left to right twice.

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Stage Name: From the Right

Action Line : No! Your other right.

Staging: Rifle – Staged in Right Window

Shotgun - Staged in Left Window

Pistols - Holstered

Start standing behind the shotgun, both hands on shotgun.

You say: “No! Your other right.”

ATB Go to right window engage rifle targets right to left twice. Restage

From doorway engage pistol target right to left twice.

From left window engage shotgun targets right to left. Knockdowns must go down.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating – Easy and Fast –

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Gun Shop 2

9 R – Left Window

10 P – Holstered

4 S – Right Window


Start at left window with both hands on rifle


1st pistol 1-2-3-4-5 at pistol targets

Grab rifle and move to Door


Move to right window make rifle safe next to shot gun

Knock down knockdown targets, till down

Restage Shotgun

2nd pistol 1-2-3-4-5 on pistol targets

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Gun Shop 3

10 Rifle POA doorway

10 Pistol r&l windows

4+ Shotgun left window

When you've waited fifteen years to find a man ... it's a shame you can only kill him once!

Rifle from the door cowboy POA. Double tap sweep 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 . Stage rifle right window.

Right window 1st pistol. right to left sweep 5 4 3 2 1.

Left window 2nd pistol. left to right sweep 1 2 3 4 5.

Shotgun from left window. Any order, knockdowns must die.

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Stage Name: Gun Sale by Mud Puppy

Action Line : “What the heck, they’re his bullets.”

You’re in the Gun Shop checking out the guns that just went on sale. Shade Tree says, “Go out in the back and shoot off a few rounds.” You say, “What the heck, they’re his bullets.”

Staging: Rifle – Right Window

Shotgun - Left Window

Pistols - Holstered

For a 5 second bonus: Prior to the beep-standing in the doorway with shotgun at the hip, shooter shoots 1 shot at a knock down target. If the target goes down, shooter receives a 5 second time bonus. Restage the shotgun at the left window.

Standing in the doorway, with hands on hat, you say, “What the heck, they’re his bullets.”

ATB: Shoot all 5 pistol targets, left to right twice. Holster and move to the right window. With the rifle shoot the rifle targets, left to right twice. Restage the rifle and move to the left window. Pick up the shotgun and shoot the remaining shotgun targets. Remember, all knock downs must go down.

10 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Stage Rating –

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Stage Name: Gang of Outlaws by Mud Puppy

Action Line : “Let them have all the lead they want.”

There’s a gang of outlaws approaching the Gun Shop. You and the town’s people have made a plan just for the occasion. Let them have all the lead they want.

Staging: Rifle – Port of Arms at Left Window

Shotgun - Right Window

Pistols - Holstered

Standing at the left window with rifle at Port of Arms – you say: “Let them have all the lead they want.”

ATB: Shoot the rifle targets right to left one time; dump the remaining 5 bullets on the center target. Restage rifle in left window. Move to the right window, pick up shotgun and shoot knock downs in any order. All knock downs must go down. Restage shotgun. Move to the door and with first pistol, shoot pistol targets right to left. With second pistol shoot center pistol target 5 times.

10 rifles

10 pistol

4+ shotgun

Stage Rating –

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Got Ammo?

9 R – Left Window

10 P – Holstered

4+ S – Right Window


Start at left window with both hands on rifle


1st pistol 1-2-3-4-5 at left pistol targets

Grab rifle and move to Door


Move to right window make rifle safe on table next to shot gun

Knock down knockdown targets, Restage Shotgun

2nd pistol 1-2-3-4-5 on right pistol targets

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Old Inventory by Dodger

Shade Tree just got in a new shipment of ammo. He has too much old inventory, so out comes the “Inventory Reduction” sale signs. You are always in for a deal.

11 rifle staged in left window

4+ shotgun staged in right window

Action Line: How much for a box of 45’s?

ATB: Standing in the doorway, engage the pistol targets twice.

Move to the left window, shoot 3-2-1, 3-4-5, 1-2-4-5 reload one shell off body and shoot #3 target once. Restage rifle and move to right window. Shoot shotgun targets in any order. Knock Downs must go down.

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

The Rustler by Straight Jacket

Cheap Charley decides to go into the ranching business, problem is he is flat broke and doesn’t have any cattle. He gets to thinking about all the cows that Mud Puppy has and surely he won’t miss a few. Along about midnight as Cheap Charley is “acquiring” his new ranch, Mud Puppy hears a commotion and steps outside to see his cattle being “Purchased by Cheap Charley. Mud Puppy yells, “you thieved your last time”, and sends lead his way.

Ammo: 10 Pistol, holstered

10 Rifle, left window

4+ Shotgun, right window

Start by standing at the left end of board walk facing toward the hotel, hands on hat. When ready you say,” you thieved your last time.”

ATB move to the left window, and with the rifle, shoot the rifle targets left to right; then right to left double tapping #5. Restage rifle.

Move to the door, shoot the pistol targets 3-1-2-5-4 twice.

Move to the right window, and with the shotgun, shoot the shotgun targets until down.

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Don’t Do It

Well cowboys and cowgirls, I think it’s happened. Being around the two Doctor Dementos, aka Mud Puppy and Yellowstone Harry, so much, Shade Tree is thinking about changing his targets. So, let’s shoot these today, and have fun.

Ammo: 10 Pistol holstered

10 Rifle left window

4+ Shotgun right window

Shooter starts in doorway with both hands on the frame. Shooter says, “Don’t do it Shade Tree!”

ATB shoot the pistol targets right to left, then right to left. Move to left window, retrieve rifle and double tap rifle targets right to left. Restage rifle, and move to right window and retrieve shotgun. Shoot knockdowns. If knockdowns don’t fall, try one more time.

Shade Tree’s Gun Shop

Stage Name: Right to Left

Staging: Rifle – Port of Arms in Right Window

Pistols – Holstered

Shotgun - Left Window

Rifle =10



Action Line : Right to Left

ATB: From the Right Window sweep the Rifle Targets Right to Left twice. Restage rifle in the Right window move to the doorway. Sweep the Pistol Targets Right to Left twice. Move to the left window and with shotgun shoot knock downs till down in any order.

Gun Shop


Starting position at door, Surrender (hands at or above shoulders) in door

Action Line: “I’ll show you recession.”

ATB: With pistols as needed do a regressive sweep of 4 pistol targets, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, holster. Move to rifle do same sweep on 4 rifle targets 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, make safe anywhere. Move to shotgun shoot all till down.

Note: 1 rifle target and 1 pistol target needs to be removed.

10 Pistol holstered

10 Rifle staged in either window

4 + Shotgun staged in right window

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Gun Shop

Drag Iron

You ain’t good with a gun, you just been trailing with slow company.

Starting position at door, Surrender (hands at or above shoulders) in door

Action Line: “Now Drag Iron!

ATB: With pistols as needed, double tap pistol targets. Move to left window where rifle is staged. Double tap 5 rifle targets, make rifle safe for movement and restage in right window. Retrieve shotgun and shoot all knockdowns till down.

10 Pistol holstered

10 Rifle staged in left window

4 + Shotgun staged in right window

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Gun Shop

3 Amigos

(Stage Note: Lay down extra targets, only need 3 Pistol and 3 Rifle)

Starting position at door, thumbs hooked in gunbelt

Action Line: “Well if’n it ain’t the 3 amigos!”

ATB: With pistols as needed, put at least 3 shots on each of the pistol targets, holster. Move to the left window, retrieve rifle do same sweep as pistols, either direction, make safe. From Right window, shotgun all till down.

10 Pistol holstered

10 Rifle staged in left window

4 + Shotgun staged in right window

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Gun Shop

Break In

Just as your freshly tuned guns are in hand at Shadetree’s Gun Shop, the sound of broken glass is heard in back.

Starting position in door, hands on pistols.

Action Line: “Hold it!”

ATB: Move to left window, where rifle is staged. With rifle do a progressive and regressive sweep of rifle targets – 1on1 2on2, 3on3, 2 on 2, 1 on 1 for 9 shots, then load 1 round off body and put on center rifle target, restage. Move to door and with pistols double tap 5 pistol targets left to right. Move to right window and shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down.

10 Pistol holstered

9 loaded, 1 from body. Rifle staged in left window

4 + Shotgun staged in right window

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Arkansas Lead Slingers



Frisco Station

Stage Designed by

Dirty Dan Paladin

Built and Rigged by

Dirty Dan

with some assistance from

Ozarks Jim, Buffalo Bill Mathewson, ???

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands


Frisco Station

“South of Heaven/West of Hell”

Stage Notes: Drop Center Rifle Target and Middle Pistol Target.

Action Line: “What use would I have for the useless half of twins?”

Start in front of rifle, hands on Hat. All other Guns Staged in cart.

ATB: Retrieve rifle alternate between two targets either direction. Get in cart, tell RO speed you want to (Go/stop/go/stop or free fall/or slow).

With first pistol shoot first targets 5 times restage in cart, second pistol shoot second target 5 times restage in cart. Retrieve shotgun shoot 4 knockdowns till down, either direction.

10 rifle staged behind cart

4+ shotgun staged &

10 pistol staged in cart

Have Gun Will Travel


Frisco Station

Stage Name: All Aboard!

Staging: Rifle – On Table

Pistols & Shotgun – On tray in cart

Rifle =9



Start standing behind the table, hands on hat

Action Line : All Aboard!

ATB: Triple Tap the Rifle Targets Left to Right. Restage rifle on the table and step into the cart. You must be seated. The pusher will start the cart when your butt hits the seat. You may instruct them to speed up or slow down at any time. Shoot the first pistol target 5 times then alternate 5 shots on the next 2 pistol targets. Restage the pistols on the tray and retrieve the shotgun. Shoot all knockdowns till down in any order.

Frisco Station

Stage Name: Double Time

Staging: Rifle – On Table

Pistols & Shotgun – On tray in cart

Rifle =10



Start standing behind the table, hands on hat

Action Line : Double Time

ATB: Retrieve Rifle and Double Tap Rifle Targets One and Two and then single tap number 3. Do it again. Restage rifle on the table and step into the cart. You must be seated. The pusher will start the cart when your butt hits the seat. You may instruct them to speed up or slow down at any time. Shoot the first pistol target 5 times then Double Tap Pistol Target 2 and Triple Tap number 3. Restage the pistols on the tray and retrieve the shotgun. Shoot all knockdowns till down in any order.

Frisco Station

On the run by Ozarks Jim

RO Note- This scenario requires lots of running; don’t use it when you have lots of folks with movement issues.

The train just pulled out but if you can shoot the bad guys first, you just might catch it.

Staging: Rifle – On Table

Pistols - Holstered

Shotgun – On table at end of track

Rifle =10



Start standing behind the table, hands on hat

Action Line : I gotta catch the train

ATB: Retrieve Rifle and Double Tap Rifle Targets One and Two and then single tap number 3. Do it again. Restage rifle on the table and move past the cart on to the “track”. When you can see the first pistol target, plant your feet, draw and shoot the first pistol target 5 times then holster pistol (Gunfighters must shoot duelist style). Move to a point between the second and third targets, plant your feet. Double Tap Pistol Target 2 and Triple Tap number 3. Reholster the pistol and move to end of the track and retrieve the shotgun. Shoot all knockdowns till down in any order.

Frisco Station


Starting position behind table, rifle at ready

Action Line: “Trains-a-comin.”

ATB: With rifle do a 3, 4, 3 sweep of rifle targets either direction, restage. Get in cart where pistols and shotgun are staged and with first pistol put 5 on first pistol target, restage. Second pistol put 3 on pistol target 2, then 2 on pistol target 3, restage. With shotgun knock all down.

10 Rifle

10 Pistol

4 + Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Frisco Station

3 to Yuma

Starting position behind table, hands on rifle

Action Line: “3 to Yuma”

ATB: With rifle put 3 shots on r1, 2 shots on R2, 3 shots on R3, 2 shots on R2, restage rifle. Get in cart where pistols and shotgun are staged and with first pistol put 5 on first pistol target, restage. Second pistol put 3 on pistol target 2, then 2 on pistol target 3, restage. With shotgun knock all down.

Yes, rifle can be at the ready.

10 Rifle

10 Pistol

4 + Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Frisco Station

Search Warrant

Couple of you boys are wearin’ gold buttons. I figger a 44 slug would drive one of them so deep in your belly a Doc would have to get a search warrant to find it.

9 Rifle – On table

10 Pistol – Both Pistols staged in cart

4 + Shotgun – staged in cart

***This scenario requires setting up two targets near the engine.

Starting position behind table, both hands on rifle with rifle flat on the table.

Action Line: “Call the Doc”

ATB: Triple Tap rifle targets in either direction. Stage rifle on table and get in cart.

Retrieve staged pistol(s) and shoot 3 shots at P1, 1 shot on P2, 1 shot on P3, restage pistol(s). With shotgun knock all down, restage shotgun. When cart comes to a halt, retrieve pistol(s), move to engine and from cab, alternate between 2 targets for 5 shots.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Frisco Station

Gun Thief

Some no good just stole 2 of your guns and hopped the train. But there are still 3 hombres to settle with first.

Rife and 1 pistol staged on table, 1 pistol and shotgun staged in cart

Starting position behind table, with at least one hand on gun of choice.

Action Line: “I gotta get my guns”

ATB: Retrieve gun of choice and perform a triple tap Nevada Sweep on the 3 rifle targets either direction with 15 shots, restage. Get in cart, with 2nd pistol put 3 shots on P1, 1 shot each on P2 and P3. With shotgun shoot all till down.

10 Rifle – On table

5 Pistol – On table

5 Pistol – In cart

4 + Shotgun – staged in cart

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Frisco Station

Ghost (Halloween Special Stage)

Them hombres just rode down from Superstition Mountain. Which everyone knows no one comes back alive. Are they alive or are they just ghosts from the past?

10 Rifle – On table

10 Pistol – In cart

4 + Shotgun – staged in cart

Starting position behind table, with at hands on rifle

Action Line: “Wonder if they bleed?”

ATB: Pick up Rifle, do a double tap Nevada Sweep of 3 Rifle Targets either direction. Restage Rifle and get in cart. With Pistol(s) put 5 on P1, 2 on P2, and 3 on P3, restage. Shotgun all till down.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Arkansas Lead Slingers



The Church

Stage Designed by

Blue Mesa and Ozarks Jim

Built and Rigged by

Blue Mesa, Ozarks Jim, Dirty Dan Paladin

Blackwater Bruce, Chickasaw Bill, Horsehair Pete

with some assistance from

Kid Doubleday, Buffalo Bill Mathewson,

Greasy Creek Slim

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands


The Church

Stage Name: Inaugural

Action Line Going Forward

We thought we should commemorate the 1st official shoot at the church by having Blue Mesa design the scenario, target placements, and of course, shoot first!

9 rifle

10 pistol

4+ shotgun.

Staging: Rifle – At ready from line on Floor

Shotgun - on table at Right Rear Window

Pistols – Holstered

Start with Rifle at the ready (can be at your shoulder or port of arms but may not be cocked.) behind the line on the floor.

ATB: Through the back window, engage the 3 rifle targets in a Nevada Sweep, either direction for 9 shots. Move to Middle Left Window, stage rifle muzzle up next to window. Engage 3 pistol targets out the left middle window in a Nevada Sweep, either direction, for 5 shots. Move to Right Rear Window and engage 3 targets in a Nevada Sweep, either direction for 5 shots. Pick up shotgun from table and through the rear window engage 3 shotgun targets in a Left to Right Nevada Sweep.

Stage Rating – Too New to rate

The Church

Size does matter

Starting position at front door close enough to put 1 hand on facing

Action Line: “This Church ain’t big enough for both of us!”

ATB: Move to second window on left where shotgun is stage. With first pistol do a 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 sweep of 3 pistol targets. Pickup shotgun shoot knockdowns must fall. Take shotgun to third window, shoot 2 last knockdowns. Move to back window, where rifle is staged, make shotgun safe and retrieve rifle from table, do a 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 sweep of rifle targets twice. Make rifle safe anywhere. Then thru third window on right with second pistol do a 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 sweep on pistol targets.

5 Pistol holstered

4 + Shotgun staged in second window

10 Rifle staged in back window

5 Pistol holstered

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Lit A Shuck

The sheriff lit a shuck out of town, so it’s up to the town’s people of Frisco City to save the Bank. You must ring the Church Bell to warn them.

Start with 1 hand on bell rope. When ready, ring bell and wait for buzzer.

ATB: Move to 1st window on left, with 1st pistol shoot 3 pistol targets then 2 knockdowns. Take shotgun with you to the 3rd window and shoot 2 knockdowns and make up knockdowns from the 1st window that didn’t fall (even if they were missed). Move to back window shoot 2 jugs with Shotgun, restage by rifle. Pick up rifle double tap Nevada sweep rifle targets either direction. Make safe anywhere and move to last window on right side and with 2nd pistol Nevada sweep pistol targets either direction.

Shotgun will be stage by 1st window on left.

Rifle – Staged on table by rear window

10 Pistol

10 Rifle


4+ Shotgun

Have Gun / Will Travel

The Church

3-2-3-2 by Ozarks Jim

Action Line 3-2-3-2

10 rifle

10 pistol

6+ shotgun.

Staging: Rifle –on table at Right Rear Window

Shotgun - In hands from line on Floor

Pistols – Holstered

Start with Shotgun in hand behind the line on the floor. (other hand can be on ammo but not pulled. ammo may be pulled and placed while moving but action cannot closed until planted.)

ATB: Through the first window on the left, engage the 2 knockdown targets (if a miss occurs it must be made up through the same window). Move to third Left Window and engage 2 more knockdowns then move to back window and engage 2 shotgun swingers. Stage shotgun on table and retrieve rifle. Engage 3 rifle targets in a 3-2-3-2 sweep as follows: 3 shots on center target, 2 shots on right target, 3 shots on center target, 2 shots on Left target. Restage rifle on table and through the third window on the right side engage pistol targets in a 3-2-3-2 sweep exactly like the rifle.

Stage Rating – Too New to rate

The Church

Stage Name: Wild Nevadas by Ozarks Jim

Action Line Wild Nevadas

9 rifle

10 pistol

2 shotgun.

Staging: Rifle –Cowboy Port from Blue Square

Shotgun - on table in middle of room between middle windows

Pistols – Holstered

ATB: From the blue square, through the rear window do a progressive, regressive Nevada sweep. (1 shot on R1, 2 on R2, 3 on R3, 2 on R2, 1 on R1). Stage Rifle on table (where shot gun is). With pistol(s) Nevada Sweep 3 pistol targets through left window, then Nevada sweep 3 pistol targets through right window. Retrieve Shotgun.

Move to rear window (barrel must be out of window) and shoot 2 shotgun swinger targets, any order.


Take it with you

Start in door, heals on top step.

Stage shotgun in 1st window on left 6+ shells on person, rifle stage on table in back, pistols holstered.

Action Line: Ring bell

ATB: Move to 1st window, with 1st pistol shoot stationary targets. 3 on 1st target, 1 shot on targets 2 & 3, holster. Take shotgun to 2nd window shoot next 2 knockdowns till down, move to 3rd window shoot next 2 knockdowns and make up any from 1st window. Move to back and shoot Jug’s, make safe by rifle. With rifle do two identical sweeps of 3 rifle targets, 3 on target 1, 1shot each on 2 & 3 then repeat. Make rifle safe to move and take rifle to 2nd window on right. With 2nd pistol do a 3, 1, 1 sweep.

6+ Shotgun

5 Pistol

10 Rifle

5 Pistol

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Run and deliver by Ozarks Jim

10 Rifle – At Ready

10 Pistols – Holstered or staged on downrange table

2 Shotgun – Staged on downrange Tablee

Start in blue box, Rifle at Ready.

Action Line: “I’ll deliver”

ATB: Nevada Sweep Rifle targets – Any direction.

Move to rack to vertical stage rifle.

You may shoot pistols or shotgun in any order. Shotgun is one shot each at each swinger. No Makeups, hits called by spotters.

Nevada Sweep with each pistol in any direction. 2 identical sweeps.


Kid’s getting Married (Stage 5 of a set by Dirty Dan Paladin for Kid Doubleday’s Wedding shoot)

Women folk have a way of makin’ things nice. It is easy to see how a man could get himself married.

10 Rifle – Staged on table by back window

10 Pistols – Holstered

6+ Shotgun – Cowboy Port of Arms

Start in blue box, Shotgun at Cowboy Port of Arms.

Action Line: “All right, I’ll get hitched”

ATB: Move to second window on the left and shoot 4 shotgun targets till down, Make shotgun safe. With first pistol Nevada Sweep 3 pistol targets from the second window, holster. Take Shotgun to back and shoot 2 jugs, stage shotgun by rifle. Pick up rifle, double tap Nevada Sweep3 rifle targets either direction, restage. Move to the second window on the right and with second pistol, Nevada sweep 3 pistol targets either direction.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


East to West

5 Pistol– Holstered

10 Rifle – Staged on table by back window

5 Pistols – Holstered

6+ Shotgun – Staged on table by back window

Start in blue box

Action Line: “East to West”

ATB: Move to right middle window with 1st pistol do a Nevada Sweep, but start in the middle, either direction, holster. Move to back window where rifle and shotgun are staged. With rifle do a double tap Nevada Sweep starting in the middle, either direction then make rifle safe. Retrieve shotgun and shoot jugs, move to center window on left, shoot knockdowns, make safe. Shoot 2nd pistol Nevada Sweep again starting in middle either direction.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline



10 Rifle – Cowboy Port

6+ Shotgun – Middle Window on the left

10 Pistol– Holstered

Start in blue box, Rifle at Cowboy Port of Arms

Action Line: “Looks like we’re caught in a bit of a crossfire!”

ATB: Shoot rifle targets in a double tap Nevada Sweep, make rifle safe in middle window where shotgun is staged, with shotgun shoot first 2 knockdowns, move to next window and shoot other 2 knockdowns, then move to back window and shoot 2 jugs. Stage Shotgun Vertical on table in corner. 1st pistol shoot rifle targets in Nevada Sweep either direction, holster. Move to middle window on right and with 2nd pistol same sweep as first pistol.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline


Halloween (Halloween Special Stage)

10 Rifle – At ready

6+ Shotgun – Middle Window on the left

10 Pistol– Holstered

Start in blue box, Rifle at Ready

Action Line: “I think I’ll read to them from the Scriptures!”

ATB: Shoot rifle targets 3 shots on Outside targets, 2 on Center, then 3 on other outside target, then 2 on Center. Restage Rifle in second window on the left (with shotgun). From that window with pistols put 3 on an outside pistol target, 2 on Center, 3 on other outside target, 2 on center. With shotgun from same window shoot all knockdowns till down, then move to back window and shoot 2 jugs.

Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

Stage Name: New Sky Pilot by Ozarks Jim The Church

Action Line: Reach for the Word

No rifle

10 pistol

2 shotgun.

Special Gun (provided) 5 shots

Staging: Shotgun - in Vertical Rack

Pistols – Holstered

A Sky Pilot is someone that leads souls to Heaven. The new preacher don’t allow long guns in church, but you know there is a shotgun in the corner, and the Lord provides power in his Word. This will all come in handy when the Bald Knobbers Gang attacks the church.

Standing in Doorway, hands at side.

ATB: Move to a center window and do a Nevada Sweep of the 3 targets with pistol. Move to other center window and do the same.

Move to the back table and get some power from the Word of the Lord. 5 shots into the paper target. Restage pistol in book.

Retrieve Shotgun. Move to rear window (barrel must be out of window) and shoot 2 shotgun swinger targets, any order.

Stage Name: Triple Tap Sweep by Ozarks Jim The Church

Action Line: Triple Tap Sweep

10 rifle

10 pistol

2 shotgun.

Staging: Shotgun - Cowboy Port of Arms – Both hands on Gun

Pistols – Holstered

Rifle on back table

Standing in Doorway, Shotgun - Cowboy Port of Arms

ATB: Move to the center window on the left and Knockdown 2 shotgun targets. Leave shotgun in window.

Move to the back table and with Rifle triple tap sweep from either direction the 3 Rifle targets and put the 10th shot on the center target. Restage the rifle on the table.

Move to right rear window (barrel must be out of window) and with pistols triple tap sweep from either direction the 3 Pistol targets and put the 10th shot on the center target.

Arkansas Lead Slingers



The Dump

Stage Designed by

No Body, it just happened

Built and Rigged by

Spirits in the Night

with some assistance from

Jim Beam and Jack Daniels

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands

The Dump

Stand and Deliver

Distances 10 Yards to Big Rifle Target, 7 Yards to Mid Targets, 6 yards to Money bags

The Dump

Too Close? by Ozarks Jim

We all know no target can be too big or too close to miss. But occasionally a cowboy just has to have it proven to them.

10 Rifle – At Ready

10 Pistols – Holstered or staged on table

No Shotgun

Start behind table, Rifle at Ready

Action Line: “I’ll deliver”

ATB: Empty Rifle and Pistol on target (or targets).

The Dump

1,2,3 by Ozarks Jim

10 Rifle – On Table

10 Pistols – Holstered or staged on table

4 Shotgun – On Table (no makeups)

Start behind table, Hands on Hat

Action Line: “1,2,3”

ATB: Shoot guns in any order but Rifle may not be last.

Pistols – One shot on each of the top 2 Money Bags, then 3 on the big pistol target, then one shot each on the bottom 2 Money Bags then 3 more on the big pistol target.

Rifle – One shot each on the bullet targets then dump 3 on rear rifle target, do it again.

Shotgun – One shot at each money bag

The Dump

Let’s Do It by Kid Doubleday, Greasy Creek, Cajun

10 Rifle – On Table

10 Pistols – Holstered or staged on table

4 Shotgun – On Table (no makeups)

Start behind table, Hands on Hat

Action Line: “Let’s Do It”

ATB: Shoot guns in any order but Rifle may not be last.

Pistols – One shot on each of any 5 pistol targets then shoot them again. (no double taps)

Rifle – Dump on Large Rifle Target

Shotgun – Shoot 2 bullet targets twice, any order, no double taps

The Dump

Catastrophe by Blackwater Bruce

10 Rifle – On Table

10 Pistols – Staged on table

6 Shotgun – In Hand

Start behind table, Shotgun in hand

Action Line: “This could be a catastrophe”

ATB: One shot on a Money Bag

One shot on a Bullet

One shot on a different Money Bag

One shot on a different Money Bag

One shot on a different Bullet

One shot on a different Money Bag

All 4 Money Bags and both bullets must be shot. No Makeups, Make shotgun safe.

With pistols shot alternating diagonally on 2 Money Bags for 5 shots and then alternating diagonally on the other 2 Money Bags for 5 shots. Pistols must be restaged on table.

With Rifle shoot 10 rounds, all 7 targets must be hit at least once.

Arkansas Lead Slingers



The Undertaker’s

Stage Sponsored and Designed by

Kid Doubleday

Built and Rigged by

Kid Doubleday, Blackwater Bruce, Dirty Dan Paladin

Ozarks Jim

And a whole bunch of other helpful hands

The Undertaker’s

(The target layout is made to the specifications of the SASS World Record Stage)

The World Record Stage The Undertaker’s

Procedure (if trying for a World Record it must be video’d):

Timer must be visible in frame. Stage must be visible in frame. Shooter must be visible in frame. Camera will likely have to be behind and to one side of the shooter. Shooter must remain behind table for the stage run. The status of the shotgun targets, both before and after the run must be in the video stream.

Rifle will be staged on table, action closed, hammer down on empty chamber (not on half-cock), loaded with 10 rounds.

Shotgun will be staged on table, action open and empty, all shells to come from shooters person.

Pistols will be loaded with 5 rounds each, hammers down on the empty chamber (not on half-cock or safety notch), holstered.

Shooter will start at low surrender (wrists above respective shoulders and visible from behind). Shooter will be positioned at the middle point of the stage, centered behind the table, and will remain in place for the stage run (stand and deliver stage).

At the buzzer:

Sweep the five pistol targets twice in the same direction. Holster as needed.

With rifle, engage the rifle targets with two sweeps, both in the same direction. Rifle must go back to table, action open and clear.

With shotgun, knock over 4 targets, a minimum of 4 shots must be fired.

The Undertaker’s

Don’t Care

10 Rifle – Staged in Window

10 Pistols – Holstered

4+ Shotgun - Staged in Window

Start behind window, Hands on pistols

Action Line: “You have no idea how much I don’t care”

ATB: With rifle engage the rifle targets as follows:

3 shots on the center target, 1 shot on #2, 1 shot on #4,

3 shots on the center target, 1 shot on #1, 1 shot on #5.

Make Rifle safe then with Shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down, any order. Make Shotgun safe then with Pistols engage Pistol targets in same order as the rifle targets.

The Undertaker’s

Diagonal Nevadas – by Blackwater Bruce

Target Placement (same targets are used for rifle and pistols):

1 2


4 5

10 Rifle – Staged in Window

10 Pistols – Holstered

4+ Shotgun - Staged in Window

Start behind window, Hands on hat

Action Line: “Diagonal Nevadas”

ATB: With pistols do a diagonal Nevada Sweep twice of all 5 targets.

With Rifle, do the same.

With Shotgun shoot all knockdowns till down.

The Undertaker’s

You’re No Daisy – by Blackwater Bruce

10 Rifle – Staged in Window

10 Pistols – Holstered

4+ Shotgun - Staged in Window

Start behind center of window, Hands on hat

Action Line: “You’re No Daisy”

ATB: Move to the Left Doorway and with pistol(s) engage the pistol targets with an outside in sweep as follows 1,5,2,4,3. Move to the right doorway and do the same sweep.

Move to the center window and with Rifle, do the same sweep on the rifle targets twice, then make rifle safe.

With the shotgun engage the 4 knockdowns as follows 1,3,2,4. Make up misses after the sweep is complete.


The Undertaker’s

Purcy Crump, Undertaker

10 Rifle – Staged in Window

10 Pistols – Holstered

4+ Shotgun – In Hand (May not touch ammo till buzzer)

Start in door of choice, Shotgun in Hand

Action Line: “I hope you left some money with the Preacher”

ATB: Shoot 2 shotgun knock downs and move to other door. Shoot 2 other knockdowns. Stage shotgun in window and with rifle double tap all rifle targets. Make rifle safe. With pistols double tap all pistol targets.



Have Gun / Will Travel

Paladin and Miss Caroline

The Undertaker’s

He still ain’t Dead! By Ozarks Jim

Most cowboys would be shot dead with a single shot to the chest, but sometimes it takes 2 shots

10 Rifle – Staged in Window

12 Pistols – Holstered (Load each with 5 and have 2 available on body)

4+ Shotgun – Staged in Window

Start behind window, Hands on Hat.

Action Line: “He still ain’t dead”

ATB: Do an inside out sweep on the Pistol targets then the sixth shot on the center, twice. Extra round may be loaded either before, during, or after the sweep, but of course it will be on the clock. Gunfighters must shoot as duelist to facilitate reload.

With rifle do the same inside out sweep twice on rifle targets.

Shoot shotgun targets till down.

The Undertaker’s

X Nevadas – by Ozarks Jim

Target Placement (same targets are used for rifle and pistols):

1 2


4 5

10 Rifle – Cowboy port of arms

10 Pistols – Holstered

4+ Shotgun - Staged in Window

Start in either door, Rifle at Cowboy Port of Arms

Action Line: “X Nevadas”

ATB: With rifle through doorway, do a diagonal Nevada Sweep twice of all 5 targets making sure all targets are hit at least twice with no double taps. Make Rifle Safe and move to other doorway.

With pistols through other doorway, do the same sweep. Move to window.

With Shotgun through window, shoot all knockdowns till down.

The Undertaker’s

Money with the Preacher – by Ozarks Jim

Target Placement: 2 Rifle Targets (even with Shotgun targets)

2 Pistol Targets in front of each door 3 yards

10 Rifle – Staged in Window

10 Pistols – Holstered

4+ Shotgun - Staged in Window

Start in either door, Hands on pistol(s)

ActionLine: “Hope you left some money with the Preacher”

ATB: With pistol(s) through doorway, alternate shots on 2 pistol targets move to other doorway, do the same thing.

Move to window, with Rifle, alternate shots on 2 Rifle Targets

With Shotgun through window, shoot all knockdowns till down.

Arkansas Lead Slingers



Side Matches

Four Shot Side Match By Ozarks Monte

Start With One Round In Each Pistol And One Round In Rifle

Magazine and One Shotgun Round On Body.Shooter Starts With

Hands On Hat Brim.At The Beep Draw First Pistol and Shoot

Designated Pistol Target.Holster.Draw Second Pistol and Shoot Same

Target.Holster and Pickup Rifle And Shoot Designated Rifle Target.

Restage and Pickup Shotgun and Shoot Knockdown.No Make Ups!!

Precision Pistols – Shoot at the Bank

2 Pistols – Total 10 shots

Hittin’ the Chicken

The proper way for it to be shot is, shoot at either the center flapper or the egg. Hitting the egg resets the target, hitting the flapper lays the egg. Which comes first? It depends on whether the egg is laid or still in the chicken

Start from the middle window. Both pistols loaded and holstered. Hands on Hat.

Action Line: I’m hittin the chicken

ATB: Shoot the Chicken 10 times

While it is a hit to hit any part of the chicken or the egg, the shooter will get a one second bonus removed from their score for an egg or flapper hit done in the proper order. Theoretically, if a shooter was able to hit the flapper and egg on every shot and do it in less than 10 seconds, they could have a negative time score.

Pistol Side Match by Ozarks Monte

Shoot at the Jail

Pistoleros at the Jail

There is talk of a jailbreak at the Frisco Jail. The posse has been sworn in to prevent any escape. You are charged with guarding the jail, at all costs. You hear a ruckus out back. It is The Arky Mountain Bandits! Shoot true, straight, and fast to win this gunfight!

Ammo: 10 Pistol

Shooter starts with hands on rail inside jail.

ATB draw pistol{s} and shoot targets in order of 1-3-5-2-4, then 5-3-1-4-2. End.

Precision Rifle – Shoot at the Bank

Rifle loaded with 10 Rounds

BBQ Shootout by Ozarks Jim

A charcoal briquette at 15 yards is the same size as a cowboy’s head at 50 yards. Can you make headshots?

Set Up: There will be a sawhorse set up exactly 15 yards from the firing line. It has a groove in it to hold up 5 charcoal briquettes on their edge.

Start from the middle window. Rifle held at Cowboy Port of Arms

Action Line: Headshot

ATB: Shoot the 5 briquettes. Quit shooting as soon as they are all hit. If you do this in less that 10 shots, all the better. Lay your rifle on the counter and when instructed by the Timer Operator you will unload any unfired rounds. At the end of your round you will have 5 seconds added for every “unhit” briquette.

Derringer / Pocket Pistol

2 rounds for derringer

Pocket pistol – As many as it will hold and still have the hammer down on an empty cylinder. May also use a main match revolver.

Pistol staged on Poker table

Card Sharp’s Demise by Ozarks Jim

That shifty gambler from out of town has just dealt from the bottom of the deck for the last time. When you call him on it you see him reaching for his hideout gun.

Set Up: There will be an 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper mounted across the table from you, head sized at head height. You will be seated and have 5 cards fanned out, held in both hands.

Action Line: You dealt from the bottom

ATB: Drop the cards and pick up your pistol and shoot all shots at the paper. There will be category winners for each type of pistol (2, 3, 4, 5 shot) Misses will add 5 seconds to your time.

Speed Pistols – Shoot at the Hotel

10 rounds from main match revolvers

Pistols Holstered and must be returned to Holsters.

Fastest Guns in Frisco by Ozarks Jim

After a day of shooting it’s time to see who has the fastest.

Start with Hands on Hat, standing at counter in front of the Cowboy Pistol target.

Action Line: Ready

ATB: Dump 10 shots on the Cowboy.

Shotguns – Shoot at the Pavilion

4 rounds

Shotgun Show-off by Ozarks Jim

Your scattergun can be your best friend for many situations. This scenario challenges your shotgunnin’ skills. Under the supervision of the Timer Operator, you will load your first 2 shells while standing at the bird thrower. Pump and Levergunners may stoke one and have the other in the chamber, action closed and cocked. Side by Sides will be fully loaded, closed, and cocked. Start with Shotgun at Cowboy Port of Arms

Action Line: Ready

ATB: Shoot the knockdown that triggers the bird, then the bird. Reload and shoot the swingers from the hip. No make ups allowed.

Precision Cowboy Rifle - Shoot at the Pavilion

An axe is set up with a clay bird on either side of the head. The challenge is to shoot the edge of the axe and split the bullet in half and break both birds. A table and chair is placed 15 yards from the axe.

Split Shot by Mudpuppy

The shooter is allowed one shot from a seated and braced position. If they are successful, they move to round 2. If no shooters are successful, all shooters will be allowed a second chance.

For the second round, the successful shooters must shoot from a standing, unsupported (free hand) position. If none of the second round shooters are successful, then all second round shooters will take another shot from the seated and braced positions.

Shooters will continue till alternating between seated and standing shots until only one shooter is successful.

Long Range Rifle - Shoot at Long Range Bench

Long Range Lead Slingin’ by Ozarks Jim

This is not a timed event but each shooter is expected to take less than 3 minutes to get off 5 shots.

This is a single elimination stage.

From a seated and braced position, the shooter will engage the 100 yard target 5 times. Spotters will use spotting scopes if available and listen carefully. It is fine to tell the shooter where misses went.

You will receive one point for each hit.

In the event of a tie, all shooters scoring the highest number of hits will move to the second round. This time they will engage the 144 yard target from a seated and braced position.

In the event of a tie at the end of round 2, all shooters scoring the highest number of hits will fire another 5 shots at the 100 yard target but this time they will fire standing and free handed.

In the event of a tie at the end of round 3, all shooters scoring the highest number of hits will fire another 5 shots at the 144 yard target but this time they will fire standing and free handed.

If it is still tied, the tied shooters will start over at round 1.

Pistols Drill – Shoot at the Hotel

10 rounds from main match revolvers

This is a great dry fire exercise that will help you trim time off your rounds. But sometimes you just need to hear that ring of the target so that you know you are keeping your aim as well as blazing fast draws and pistol transitions.

Pistols Holstered and must be returned to Holsters.

Fastest Draw in Frisco by Ozarks Jim

Start with Hands on Hat, standing at counter in front of the Cowboy Pistol target.

Action Line: Draw!

ATB: Fire one shot at the Cowboy. Do not cock the hammer and return the pistol to your holster, draw the next pistol and fire one shot at the Cowboy. Do not cock the hammer and return the pistol to your holster. Repeat till you have fired 10 shots. If you accidentally cock the gun, you must fire that round down range. Each participant may have one reshoot if this happens.

Speed Rifle – Shoot at the Jail

The Chicago Sweep by Ozarks Jim

10 rounds from main match rifle

We have been learning lots of new sweeps lately. This can be the most fun one of all, The Chicago Sweep. In self defense you are taught that if you know there is only one attacker, use all the bullets you have to make sure you have removed the threat. The Chicago Sweep is all shots on the same target.

Rifle held Cowboy port of Arms in the doorway.

Action Line: Draw!

ATB: Fire 10 shoots at the Buffalo.

Shot from the Bank

Precision Pistol

Shootin’ Paper by Ozarks Jim

Using your match pistols, shoot 10 shots. Sign your name to 2 paper targets and put tape on them so that they can be affixed to the target carrier on the line reel. The targets will be placed even with the first tree on the left.

Start standing in the left window of the bank, hands on hat.

Action Line: Ready

ATB: Alternate between left and right target. Order doesn’t matter but don’t forget that the second pistol will start on the opposite target. Any class of shooter may shoot two handed if they desire. A hit is scored for any shot that hits the 8 ½ X 11 paper target. The bulls eye is just for reference. Missed are scored as 5 second penalties. Winner is the fastest score.

10 pistol - Holstered

Shot from the Hotel

Shotgun Practice

Shotgun Sharpener by Ozarks Jim

Our Shotguns are our least used guns but burn more time on the clock than the others. Purpose of this side match is to sharpen our skills and shave a few seconds off our times.

Start standing at the counter, hands on hat.

Action Line: Ready

ATB: Shoot the Cowboy, then the 4 knockdowns and then the Cowboy again. If you miss a knockdown, continue the sweep and then make up the misses after you shoot at the cowboy the second time.

6 Shotgun, staged on the counter

General notes about Scenario Writing:

When entering scenarios on a computer, please use Tahoma font at least 16 size for your basic font. This is easy to read and large enough for us nearly blind RO’s. Try to keep your total scenario to one page.

Old Layouts











Shooting Positions

Left Window Middle Window Right Window Vault

The Frisco Bank &

Miss B. Haven’s Boarding House

Frosty’s General Store

Shooting Positions

Door Left Window Right Window

Distances – Rifle 16 Yards, Pistols 5 Yards, Shotgun 10 Yards













Carlton Hotel

Shooting Positions

Left Middle Right

Distances – Rifle 13 Yards, Pistols 6 Yards, Shotgun 9 Yards


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5









P1 P2 P3

The Still

Shooting Positions

Left of Bird Table Behind Bird Table Right of Bird Table

Distances – Rifle 40, 30, 24 Yards, Pistols 7 Yards, Shotgun 8 Yards & Bird Thrower








The Pavilion




P1 P2 P3 P4 P5



Shooting Positions

Left of StagingTable Behind Staging Table

Distances – Rifle 20 Yards, Pistols 7 Yards, Shotgun 8 Yards






S3 S4


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

S1 S2

P6 P7 P8 P9

Targets Needed

5 Rifle

Pistol Plate Rack

Slider (Released and Stationary)

1 Pistol

4 Shotgun Knockdowns
















R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

S1 S2

S3 S4

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5


Shooting Positions

Left Table Seated in Cart Standing in Engine

Distances – Rifle 12 Yards, Pistols 5 Yards, Shotgun 7 Yards

Frisco Station







P2 P3

S1 S2 S3 S4

The Church

Distances – Rifle 12 Yards, Pistols 5 Yards, Shotgun 7 Yards




















Rifle Targets

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

S3 S4

S1 S2

Pistol Targets

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

Shooting Positions

Center Table

Distances – Rifle 18 Yards, Pistols 7 Yards, Shotgun 10 Yards


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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