MBAX 6860 - Leeds School of Business




WOLF 301

9:30am – 11:15am


• The exam is closed-book, closed-notes, and “closed-computer-files”

• You may use a computer to write this exam, if you desire, but may not refer to any files, information, or data on your computer.

• Use concepts and ideas from class and our guest speakers to frame your answers.

• The quality of your response is more important than quantity (e.g., length)

• Write logically and thoughtfully, with complete sentences and coherent paragraphs

• Please use (bullet, numbered) lists as appropriate

• For grading purposes, each question will start with a grade of “B” – excellent answers will increase this grade, poor answers will lower it, and good answers will leave it unchanged.

• Good Luck!


• What is "bootstrapping"?

• Why is bootstrapping necessary?

• Why is bootstrapping potentially desirable, even if venture funding is available?

Consider the assigned article "Start with Nothing"

• How does Gianforte define bootstrapping?  What should be the primary focus of a bootstrap entrepreneur?

• What does Gianforte mean when he says that "I think a lot of entrepreneurs think they need money to build the business faster when they actually haven't figured out the business equation yet."


Consider Chris Hazlitt’s Presentation as well Week 2 Discussion Slides

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following legal forms of business?  When should each be used?

o Sole Proprietorship

o Partnership

o Limited Liability Company (LLC)

o Corporation

• What are the differences between an S-Corp and a C-Corp?  What are the limitations on an S-Corp?

• What is "piercing the corporate veil"? Why is it important not to do this?

• What are the tax implications of each legal form?

• What issues should you consider before and while you are naming your business?


▪ What is the process you should implement when forming a team along with key things to keep in mind during this process?

▪ What should you consider when working with friends & family? If you do, what is most important?

Stock Options:

• What are stock options and how can they help a bootstrap entrepreneur?

• What are the pros and cons of offering stock options to founders?

• What are Incentive Stock Options (ISO or statutory options)? 

• What are Nonqualified Stock Options (NSO or nonstatutory options)? 

• What are the primary differences ISO and NSO options? 

• Which is probably most interesting to bootstrap entrepreneurs?  Why?


Consider class discussion, slides, and the assigned reading "What competitive intelligence is and is not"

• What is competitive intelligence?  What is it not?

• What are the purposes of competitive intelligence?

Consider the assigned reading "Competitive Intelligence on a Shoestring"

• What are good sources of free and cheap intelligence?

• Who should be doing competitive intelligence in a startup?

• How can a bootstrap entrepreneur enlist the free assistance of experts?


Consider the class discussion slides, Mark Mitchell’s presentation and readings:

▪ Define marketing. What is considered the “best” marketing?

▪ Identify and discuss common symptoms of marketing failure.

Identify and discuss steps to creative marketing.

▪ Discuss marketing’s importance and how this function integrates into a company.


Consider Wayne Greenberg’s Presentation:

▪ Identify government programs that are sources of funds for bootstrappers.

▪ Identify and discuss the 4 different forms of capital.

▪ What are some creative sources of funding?

Consider Class Discussion Slides as well as the assigned reading Twenty tips for finding money now:

▪ Identify and discuss sources of bootstrap funding. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Consider Bhide’s article "Bootstrap Finance: The Art of Start-ups”:

▪ Identify and discuss 5 of the 7 axioms drawn from successful entrepreneurs.


Consider Cinda Daggett’s presentation:

• Identify and discuss some common pitfalls to avoid concerning bootstrap HR.

• What are the 3 key policies a bootstrapper should have in place?

• Identify and discuss Cinda’s recommendations in creating an amazing culture.

• Identify and discuss key elements to “successful bootstrap HR”.

Consider class discussion slides:

• Why are independent contractors attractive to bootstrappers compared with employees?

• What are some key differences between contractors and employees?

• Identify and discuss the steps to hiring.


Consider the assigned article "The truth about selling"

• In a startup company, who should be selling products or services?

• What is the role of top management in the sales process?

Consider class discussion slides:

• Identify and discuss secrets to bootstrap selling.

• Identify and discuss the 5-step selling process from both the customer and salesperson perspective.

Consider Jim Plouffe’s presentation:

• What are the 4 rules to selling?

• What are the 3 categories that prospects fall into?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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