BATTERY BUSINESS - Recondition Battery .com



How to make money by reconditioning batteries

This report will show you how you can profit from your battery reconditioning knowledge. These are some simple ideas that we have thought of and put into practice. Results may vary.

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This first method requires more work on your part as you need to source and sell the batteries yourself. However, with regular battery suppliers and a good crowed to sell to this can be the most lucrative idea. First, you will need to find your "dead" batteries. Go to your local mechanics and ask them if they have any old car batteries that you can have. If they will not give you the batteries for free you can purchase them from the mechanic. You can also try used car yards to source batteries from. Choose batteries that don't look too badly beaten up as they are more likely to respond to the reconditioning process. Buy as many as you can as this will usually cost less per battery. Below is a picture I have taken from a local forklift company. As you can see they have more batteries then they need and all of these would have probably been thrown away if I didn't come along.

You might look at this picture and think, "Gosh, that looks like a lot of work". I look at this picture and think "There's a nice $900 profit!" Anyway, after you have your batteries take them home and recondition them using the methods described in the guide. Some batteries simply won't respond to any reconditioning process you

apply to it. Any battery that can be reconditioned will result in a profit to you.

You can sell these batteries back to the same you got them from or sometimes you can get more by selling them to other mechanics or car yards. You can also sell them as working batteries in the local newspaper, online classifieds like craigslist and ebay. There is always somebody somewhere looking for a cheap battery. Because you paid peanuts for the batteries you are able to sell them for a great price and this attracts a lot of potential customers. Your best customers are those who are likely to purchase again in the future (like car yards).

The above method is my favourite way to make money by reconditioning batteries however I have included 3 extra ways you can profit from your newly learnt skills. Below are some more ideas.


Place an ad in your local news paper or online classifieds like Craigslist. In your ad explain how you can recondition various batteries and name your price. Your clients will either send you the battery by post or drop it of themselves.

You will then recondition the battery and give them a call and let them know how it went. One thing you should mention to potential clients is that not all batteries can be reconditioned. Depending on "what went wrong" you may or may not be able to recondition the battery. You should mention this to your customers before they drop the battery off to you. However, this is a great way to make some money because the batteries will come to you and you will usually get many repeat customers. So while your ads are doing the work for you (bringing in the batteries) you can find work elsewhere.


Build a list of company clients. This is where the big money is. It involves more work however the rewards are greater. You will need to draw up a proposal explaining what you do and your price. You will then need to visit various business that use batteries. Visit places like mechanics, car yards forklift companies, solar shops or any other place you think may need batteries in the business.

Explain to them how you can recondition their batteries so that they do not need to purchase new/expensive replacements. Once you explain the savings to them you are sure to get a few bits.

You should only do this method once you have reconditioned a few batteries already and are confident with the process or with answering any questions your potential clients may have.


Visit wrecking car yards. Sometimes cars are disposed with the batteries as the car yard owners think the batteries are dead and do not try to recondition them. This is a great place to pick up some cheap or free batteries. If you explain to the owner of the yard you may even be able to take the batteries for free on an on-going basis. Once you recondition the batteries you can sell them on eBay, craigslist and other classifieds.

Well there you have it. I'm certain once you start implementing these ideas into your green business you are going to have more batteries then you can handle.

While I have you here and while I am talking to you about how to make money in the battery niche

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Thanks for the interest in this green niche. We hope you enjoyed this information and good luck making money with batteries.

Craig Orell

Copyright: , 2009 Copying, reselling, or giving away this e-book is not permitted


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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