Quotations from Local Hero - Tolland High School

Quotations from Local Hero

Moritz: The whole world will weep with gratitude, Happer, when the big day comes! Mr. Happer’s got a Comet… hooray!

What an empty, hollow, wasteful activity.

You’re chasing comets around the sky. . . is your life around you so complete? What about a wife, children. . . a family? Are these simple goals too much for you?

MacIntyre: This is my car. A Porsche 944. . . turbocharged. A good car is important. I used to get migraine headaches when I drove a Chevy.

Roddy: Any tens, boys? The gentleman here wants to make a very important long-distance phone call. Intercontinental! Give me some tens, lads.

Gordon: All I need just now is your okay to negotiate. I’ve got the Knox man on the hook. Just give me time to land him in style. Stay calm and let me handle it. He’s got a bag-full of money. I need your faith and your patience. Trust me.

Gideon: Do they want to buy a boat, too, Mr. Urquhart?

Gordon: Gideon, if things go well they’ll have to buy their own shirts off us this time nest week. Stay Calm. Trust me.

MacIntyre: Don’t know why I’m here. I’m a telex man. I could sew this whole thing up in one afternoon on the wires. That’s the kind of person I am. I need electricity.

Too bad about those jets. They really spoil a very nice area.

Edward: Apart from anything else, a Rolls Royce will last far longer. It’s a false economy to invest in cheap goods.

Roddy: It’s not cheap! The Maserati’s over thirty thousand. . . and it looks nicer.

Edward: I can just see you getting four or five winter lambs and a box of mackerel into the back of a Mazerati. That’s what you need your Rolls for. . . the space, the adaptability.

MacIntyre: Do you work here as well as the bar?

Roddy: Oh, aye. We all muck in together. Do any job that needs done, eh?

Peter: Have you just got one job?

MacIntyre: Just one.

Urquhart: MacIntyre was asking me how much I thought the beach was worth, Ben.

Ben (laughing): That’s a good one, right enough, Gordon.

Marina: Grey seals. A salmon fisherman would shoot them on sight. They steal his fish and they ruin his nets. And they know what they’re doing. They’re rascals. But we’re keeping an eye on them just now. There’s only 50,00 left in the Atlantic.

Oldsen: Sailors used to think they were mermaids, yeh?

Marina: Aye, they did. They were wrong.

Oldsen: So we’ve swung it?

MacIntyre: Looks like it:

Oldsen: No opposition at all?

MacIntyre: They’ll have a good deal. We’re not robbing anyone.

Oldsen: Do they know what’s going to happen to the place?

MacIntyre: They’re going to be rich, that’s all they know.

Victor: Cheer up. You’ve made everybody very happy. It’s their place, Mac. They have a right to make of it what they can. You can’t eat scenery!

MacIntyre: I want to swap with you. Everything. I want to stay here. Run the hotel. Do little bits of business. You can go back to Houston. Take the Porsche, the house, the job. It’s a good life there, Gordon. I pull down $80,000 a year. Plus, I have over 50,000 in mixed securities. I want you to have it all. There’s nothing due on the car: it’s pure ownership.

And I won’t let down your good name here, Gordon. I’ll be a good Gordon, Gordon. What do you say, pal?

Gordon: What about Stella?

MacIntyre: I was coming to that. I love her – very, very much. She’s wonderful. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever loved. . . and I think she knows it. I want you to leave Stella here with me. Will you do that? Will you leave Stella here with me?

Gordon: Sure, Mac.

Ben: I’m still working the place myself. It’s my living, you know. It supports me.

Gordon: You’d have lots of money, Ben. You wouldn’t have to work.

Ben: We’ve all got to work, Gordon.

Ben: Local history, Gordon. This beach used to be a good living for 300 people. They gathered the seaweed and extracted the chemicals. Big business. Why, 200 years ago this beach was turning over 15,000 pound a year. Then the trade routes opened up to the East, and it was ‘Farewell, Ferness’.

Oh, the business went, but the beach is still here. And if you got ahold of it it’d be goodbye beach forever, wouldn’t it?


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