Residence Hall Association

Residence Hall Association

February 4th, 2008

CUE Room 219

I. Call to Order ( 7:01 pm)

a. Rules of Order

b. Roll Call

i. McCroskey-2

c. Additions/Changes to the Agenda

d. Approval of the Minutes

i. January 28th Minutes

ii. South motions to pass the minutes

iii. Rogers 2nd

iv. South- yields

v. Rogers-yields

vi. DD call consent

e. Media Introductions

f. Guests

i. Residence Life

1. Coreree Newman Coronado

2. A reminder to check out the Tunnel of Oppression

3. It opens tomorrow at 4 to 8

4. A great program


1. Executives

a. Shawn

b. Elections are kicking off this month

c. Voting is on March 4 and 5

d. We have the housing fair coming up shortly

e. Several rules on what the candidates have to follow, when they are campaigning. Talk to your RA if you have questions

2. Senate

a. Sarah

b. Thanks for the liter of the Week

c. We elected two new senators

d. Tues from 12 to 4, our my new office hours

e. The debate on February 21th is at 3pm, not at noon

f. Rogers -Yield

3. SEB

a. Prono debate is tomorrow

b. Need to come up with question

c. If you think of one tonight, you can email them

d. DPO- do the questions need to be in Q and A format or debate from

e. Debate please it will allow both speakers to answered

f. Rogers- How do you think Pornography affects residence in the residence hall

g. , any question

h. Movie this weekend is the perfect date movies, they are Notebook and Die Hard

i. No street team meeting

j. DPR- Can you talk about the drew Davis band

k. They are a country band, free to WSU students

l. More information to come next week

iii. Dining

iv. Campus Involvement

1. Leslie Lambert

2. For the cougar leaders program

3. We have a free institute for leaders that is focused on

4. It a free camp, during the weekend of March 28th through the 30th

5. Any question feel

6. GG- Where is this located

7. Campus involvement in room 107, in the Ad Annex

II. Public Testimony

a. Rogers Hall RAs here to give the results

b. Rogers got 1st

c. The food went to Pullman food bank

d. We where on the KXYL for our work

e. Thank you for your support

f. Tunnel of Oppression is this week at McCroskey

g. President- was a great program, give them a round of applause

III. On the Ball Award

a. Some one call genius the ball is back

b. Going to Stephenson North

IV. Old Business

a. Anthropology Graduate Organization- AGO Visiting Scholar

i. Trying to bring Janice from the University of

ii. Still trying to get a date, we should have a date by the end of February

iii. Every spring we bring in a lecture, to promote

iv. Honors- Who have you in the past

v. Robert Kelly, an evolutionary

vi. Nancy Hughes

vii. Discussion-

1. Honors- we brought it back to our hall, and they were impressed that they were willing to bring in a speaker and it was something that they

2. Advisor- What do your halls think about this program?

3. GG- we had a problem that it was form many for gradates, and not for undergraduates

4. DD- no one was interested in it when we took it back the first time

5. Waller moves $500 for AGO from PPS

6. Rogers 2nds the motion

7. Waller yield

8. Rogers yields

9. Motion Passes

b. ASWSU-Empowering a Vision…Multicultural Leaders of Tomorrow

i. Its to help recruit incoming freshman

ii. No money from outside student

iii. Discussion-

1. East-They didn’t like that it didn’t pertain to residents now so we should reduce the amount

2. DPR- This is a way to get people into the halls, but it directly affect us next year

3. DD- Moves to give ASWSU 1000 from PPS

4. Community 2nds the Motion

5. DD- Yields

6. Community-Yields

7. Motion passes

c. University Singers- WMEA State Conference

i. No new changes

ii. We are completely contain with getting any money will help us

iii. We are fine with getting no money

iv. We have been asked to go to a Conference

v. SP- are there residence

vi. Yes

vii. North- did you go to other sources for money

viii. DPR-POI it was ASWSU, Parents Organization

ix. Discussion

1. Stimson- We didn’t feel that it was a good use of

2. DAA- money coming form the dues that they are paying

3. DPA- they are using this money to help off set how much they pay out of pocket

4. GG- Our hall was split on giving them dues back because I’m going to a conference, this is also something that I can do ask for my dues back

5. Waller moves to pass 300

6. Rogers 2nds motion

7. Waller- yield

8. Rogers- I think this a good move to fund them, and give them there dues back

9. Motion passes

d. Up All Night- Lovers and Haters

i. Nothing to update

ii. Evergreen is coving it on Thursday

iii. DD- What happens if the snow does come

iv. If the snow does come, we do have back up bands to cover if the passes close

v. If the snow prevents the inflatable form coming we also have a back up plan, we will be playing trivia

vi. Honor- It seems like a High price tag of Ivy League?

vii. We worked with UI to get the price cut, Ryan found two bands for 350, which is really rare

viii. DPR- they both do not have CD out so it brings down the prices

ix. GG- yield

x. South- Will there be an area for the Gay and Lesbian Community with speed dating

xi. Yes they are a thing for GLBTA community, to work to keep them at the same tables to make it fair. GLBTA is also sponsoring the events.

xii. Discussion-

1. GG- why do we have to play to use our own building

2. Advisor yields to Res Life- they are used to off set the cost of extra, in the CUB some groups will pay some will not pay depending

3. Rogers- Great event, bands are not cheap, but 1500 dollars is a really cheap

4. DD motions to pass 1000 from PPS for Up All Night

5. Rogers- 2nds the motion

6. DD- great event, they do not come very often to ask for support

7. Rogers- yield

8. Motion passes

e. Vietnamese Students Association- Culture Fest

i. Thao Pham

ii. We are trying to bring together awareness on the cultures,

iii. ASWSU is giving us 950,

iv. Regional and National office cant gives us money but can gives us man power, because they are working on taking people out of Vietnam and other areas, to improve their lives. They are trying to build house but they have built a school

v. We are trying to help out the Regional and national office, we are hoping to be able to donate more money this year.

vi. Discussion-

1. Stimson- we took it to hall, we only want to recommend 300 dollars

2. DD- we didn’t get a real strong answer either way

3. GG- are hall said the same, the recommend is justified

4. Orton- We has several responses that it was a great event last year.

5. DPA- You needs to remember that this club barely, has any budget.

6. Regents- We gave money to Matsuri last semester, and it was a great program

7. DD- that culture events, is

8. Stimson- We justified our recommendation because

9. Rogers moves to pass 600

10. Regents- 2nds

11. Rogers- I think this event will bring a lot of student

12. Regents- think it a great all round program

13. GG- Want to place the stipulation that Finance placed on the

14. DPA- stipulation?

15. GG- if the program did change in any why that they would have to come back with a new funding proposal

16. DPR- POI that stipulations is always on any of our funding proposals

17. Advisor- Date is a huge change because

18. Motion passes

f. WSU Housing Apartment Coordinators- Family Fun Day: One World, One Dream

i. We having an Olympic theme

ii. We are asking RHA to help fund the Olympic Park, there will be

iii. We are looking for 850, we understand what ever you are able to

iv. We incorporate into the resident hall by having them put on

v. Honors- Have you receive money from RHA in the past

vi. We do not know about the fun

vii. DD- have you thought about going to individual halls

viii. No we have not

ix. DD- who does this benefits the halls

x. It does not directly affect them, but when they move off campus it will affect them.

xi. Discussion-

1. Rogers- We is being used for labor, so we have to see if we want to be charitable. She said it does not effect the halls directly, but we should gives something

2. DPR- I want to echo Rogers, it a good program. I suggest them going to the individual residence hall.

3. DD- yield

4. Community- This was a problem, that they are asking for us to fund money and for labor

5. Advisor- Edward harmada is my boss, involvement they have come to the past. I suggest that you get off the term that we are just for labor. Because we do get a lot

6. Regents- they like the idea that it was for the community, we work the family fund days last year, and it was not

7. NRHH- it is a good program, I really think they should go to ASWSU and I have being trying to think of a good reason to give them the money but I cannot

8. Waller- yield

9. Stimson- Dan and Community said it really well. I think we need to focus on our residents

10. Rogers- one of the things we are set to do is to reach out to the community. I would feel bad to not give them some money. When some of our halls will

11. GG- it is really harsh, not to give them some money by looking at it for a charity

12. Regents- I think it is a good idea to go to other halls, but we are there main source of money

13. Waller- we are not aided at all. We pay dues to RHA to get them back in programs that we can contain

14. DD- how much is left in PPS?

15. Rogers- if we due approve all of this money we will be losing a quarter of PPS.

16. DD- POI how do we move to pass zero

17. President- You do so by not motioning

18. GG- 200 dollars out of PPS for Family fun days

19. Rogers- 2nd

20. GG- feel that we should give them some support, and we have done this in the past

21. Rogers- this is a great step into the community, this I a great example of what we have been trying to do all year long

22. DD- I do not see how this is going to benefit our residents

23. Stimson- we have done this is the past, maybe it is time to change that president

24. DD- I suggest that hall that want to support this, pass money from there hall to support this program, they do not even have to

25. Regents- friendly amends to 300, amendment fails

26. Motion fails

27. DD moves to table indefinitely

28. DPR- POI you do not have to table the motion you can let it sit, and it will be brought it up again

29. Rogers- Clarification, that there is a difference between indigently and just tabling it?

30. President- Indigently they have to bring it back through a new funding proposal, and tabling for a week would bring it back up next week

31. Stimson Seconds

32. DD- I do not want to sit through a long meeting arguing over something that I do believe that we should fund

33. Stimson- finance recommend 0 and I believe we should stand by that

34. GG- friendly amend to table it for a week, fail

35. Regents- to bring this back to your halls is a good idea

36. Rogers- I do not think it is appropriate to table this motion

37. DPA- I think it is not a wise move to table it indefinitely, I think it would be better to table it for a week. Go back and talk to your halls about it

38. DD- Will the chair, allow the a suspension of the rules to allow us to pass over this motion with the intention of coming back later

39. President- I will not allow it, it would be better to just motion for a recess

40. Rogers- Friendly amends to table for a week, fails

41. DD-motion to rescues

42. Rogers seconds

43. Recess at 8:15pm

a. Resume at 8:20

44. President- I suggest that we move forward and have a vote on this motion

45. VP- I’m going to suggest that we moves this to tabling it to a week, I think it would allow all hall to take it back to your halls and actually see what they think

46. DF- I would like to bring up that we recommend 0, and it is just a recommendation, it can be changed

47. Stevens- I just want to say, that we can still give back to the community but we do not have to do anything on it tonight

48. GG- Formally amend to table it for one week, instead of indigently

49. Rogers seconds

50. GG- I feel that we should take it back to our halls

51. Rogers- We really do not have much to lose,

52. DD- Do any one feel that another week would be a good idea

53. North- there is no harm, in bringing it back next week

54. Community- How many actually took it back to their hall government

55. Waller- it our job, so it is not out fault that you did not do your job

56. DPA- If you have question, you can bring her back into clear things up

57. Stevens- I think we should have a week, because we did get to have a meeting this week

58. Advisor- I think bring back all the discussion back to your hall tonight

59. Motion passes

60. President now we are voting on to table Family Fun day for One week

61. DD-can consent be called

62. President – no it can not

63. Motion passes

g. WSU Single Student Apartments- RHA/SSA Ice Skating

i. Kevin S

ii. We are requesting funding for ice skating for 2 hours of skating

iii. We requested 700, if the full amount was not approved the

iv. February 23 will be the same. The time is changing to 6:30

v. Community- yield

vi. DPA- open to resident hall students

vii. Yes

viii. DPR- what if it snows?

ix. We have no back up plan at the moment, we are on good terms with the owner of the ice ring so we should be able to change the date

x. Stimson- It was a turn off that a lot of students do not have cars or transportation.

xi. It would cost a larger

xii. DPR- what is the capacity

xiii. He claims that he can put 200 people on the ice at one time

xiv. DPR- I’m worried that if we get lots of residents, there will not be enough space to hold them all

xv. Our programming with single students, the turnouts are very poor. We may get only four residents

xvi. GG- how do you plan advertise

xvii. We will do it through flyers

xviii. Honors- Food can it be purchased at the ring

xix. We hope to off set that cost by providing food

xx. Discussion-

1. DD- would the chair allow for an amendment

2. President

3. Honors- Feel that it is a good program, should not pass money for food

4. Stimson- feel that there is not going to be a lot of

5. Orton- We would support something on campus more than something off campus

6. Regents- up the amount to include

7. Presidents- the money for transport

8. GG- is there a bus

9. DPA- it does not run on Saturday

10. East- we had a problem with transport

11. Honor motion to pass 470 from PPS for RHA/SSA Ice Skating

12. Rogers- 2nd the motion

13. Honor- everyone in my hall sound really for, transportation is not a huge issue

14. Rogers- resident that I have talked have cars and are more then willing to help carpool

15. Motion passes

h. WSU Table Tennis Club

i. We are looking into getting a new table

ii. We are also looking into a web page, we want RHA to get involved, we offer free lesson

iii. I know that finance recommend 300 and it gets a third way to table. If we get six tables, we could hold tournaments

iv. DD- How many students in residence life

v. Right know it is about 15 to 20 students, we keep advertising to have a club around the size of 50

vi. GG- tables open to all students

vii. Yes to all members, it is double fee for non student members

viii. DPR- money from ASWSU

ix. Do not know

x. President- Sarah- yes we gave them 400

xi. Discussion

1. DD- more I think about it good, but at the same time it is a dangerous president

2. DPA- I have been to one of this event

3. GG- if we support this club for one table, what about other club that will be coming asking for money

4. DD- We did fund the University singers for lunch money

5. Stimson- ASWSU

6. Rogers- Motions 200 from PPS for WSU Table Tennis

7. DD- seconds

8. Rogers- valid points on all ends, and this origination has

9. DD- seems like a fair compromise to us

10. Rogers- amends the amount of come out of unallocated

11. DD- concourse

12. GG- are we voting to pass money or amend

13. It is to pass money

14. Motion passes

V. New Business

a. Regents-Lucky Charms Dance

i. Alex

ii. We are putting on a dance on March 1st

iii. It is an alternative to Alcohol

iv. We are asking for 500- to

v. GG- where are you going to for money

vi. Our funds and RHA

vii. Rogers-

viii. DF-

ix. SP- why is it called that Luck Charms dance

x. Due to it being St. Patrick’s Day month

b. RHA- Speed Dating

i. We are here to get funding for our first program

ii. We need for advertising

iii. We are going to coke

iv. It will be here in CUE 219

v. DD- Do you need second reading

vi. No we do not

c. ASWSU GLBTA- Q & A (Queer and Allies)

i. It is an induction of a program that goes along with the day of silence

ii. It offers our allies a way to support our community, it will allow are allies to be

iii. We will be handing out shirts on April 25, the form will be next

iv. We will be individual wrapping the packages

v. Community- who are you going to for money


vii. We will be trying to make this a self run program

viii. DPA- it is the same

ix. Yes it is a

x. Rogers where are you

xi. Carpenters

xii. DPA- where are you holding the event

xiii. In CUE or in Todd if we get an

xiv. Rogers- Todd booked yet

xv. We do not know yet and we will just have to fight for it if other groups want to use it that night

xvi. South- I suggest going to individual halls

xvii. GG- where is the advertising coming form

xviii. It comes out of our line item

xix. Rogers- April 25th the Friday of dead or finals week

xx. It will be during dead week

d. Lambda Chi Alpha-Fur Ball

i. Kyle and Bryan

ii. We have partnered up with the Whitman County humane society

iii. We are putting on a dinner

iv. We are getting our name out there for this event

v. We have fliers up in the all the halls

vi. We are selling tickets for this event

vii. We are really trying to raise as much money as we can.

viii. We are asking 500 to cover some of the adversities, we still have to pay for the event center

ix. The humane society is putting our

x. DD- yield

xi. DPR- have you approached ASWSU yes and received 500 dollar

xii. We are selling ticket to the event

xiii. Advisor- When did you start advertising in the halls

xiv. We start about a month ago

xv. Honors- what is the transportation

xvi. It was for the transportation of animals and for us

xvii. Stimson- Where did you get flyers for 10 cents

xviii. It was for paper flyers, would be my best guest.

xix. Would like to ask for second reading

e. Finance Recommendations

i. Regents- Finance recommends 300, it also seem to be the standard for dances we feel, that it will be enough to put on the dance

ii. RHA- finance recommends the full amount, good event, and well planned

iii. GLBTA- we recommends 800

iv. Lambda Chi Alpha- we recommended 200, the money goes directly. It was also because they where not prepared

VI. Open Forum

a. DPR- People for the family fund day

b. DD- I move for second reading

c. Community-seconds

d. DD- yield

e. Community- yield

f. DD- the event is coming up soon

g. DPR- if we are giving the money to a charity we do not have to pass the money right now

h. Motion fails

VII. Position/Committee Report

a. Committee Break Out: 9:15 pm

i. Return to order at 9:24pm

b. President

i. If you are unfamiliar with purl pro come and see me, feel free to use POI

ii. I have a president ad

iii. DPR- POI it will mainly deal with

iv. DD- in the renovations

v. They are in the long terms plans

vi. Right now they are dealing with the Southside of the campus

vii. Rogers- Overhead going up, for dinning accounts, how and why came we prevent

viii. If it has been approved for regents it can be changes, You have a flat rate for all the years you are in

ix. Stimson- capital planning has a 20 year plan for what the campus is going to look like

c. Vice President

i. Office Hours 2-6 Tuesday

ii. RAC meetings 4:10 at stemson at

iii. Encourage you to take funding proposals

d. DAA

i. Office hours Mon- 3:45 to 5:30 Wed 12 to 1pm

ii. Kyle’s office hours are 3:15- 5:15 on Mon and 3:15 to 4:15 Wed

iii. GG- contact list for execs

iv. Yes there will be one, it is not here tonight for a reason

v. GG- You said that you would rework the order of roll call

vi. I said I would try

e. Director of Finance

i. Thank you sticking in for the meeting

ii. The meeting next week, is on Monday in this room at 5:30

iii. Office hours 12-3, if they do not work email me

f. NCC

i. My parents are in town

ii. NACURH, applicants will be emailed this week

iii. Bid not sure, if we are doing one

iv. Office hours-Tues 1:30- 4pm

g. DPA

i. together

h. DPO

i. Office hours 4-5 Mon and Wed 4-6pm

ii. Spread the word in the halls about speed dating

iii. Take this stuff back to your hall

iv. We will be putting on a spring hall week; we are encouraging you to put on programs. You will have to work around our programs and NRHH program times. We will be acting as administrative

i. DPR

i. Presidential Q and A, we

ii. I was elected the ASWSU, and I will resign on Friday

iii. Application will be going out on Monday or Tuesday


i. North gets the ball again for the Mardi grais

ii. Liter of the week- to Jessie Frable

iii. Letter bombs

iv. NRHH will be putting on programs on during the spring hall week

v. OTM are due tomorrow

vi. Go to

VIII. Jesse’s Moment

a. Tonight was a long meeting, and it was frustrating at time

b. I was encourage to see what you guys did tonight, you did something you have not done in the past

IX. Announcements

a. Programming meeting wed

b. Go back and talk to your halls

c. Prono Debate is tomorrow

d. Sex at Stimson 6pm

e. Tunnel of Oppression this week.

X. Adjournment ( 9:37pm)


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