Jefferson Girls’ Traveling Basketball Association

Jefferson Girls’ Traveling Basketball Association

Board Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2007 at 6:30 – 9 p.m.

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Attendees: Bruce Larson, Guy Schuster, Ann Riemersma, Warren Kokes, Jim Hunter and Jeanne Benick

Last Month Meeting Minutes: Meeting meetings from April 15, 2007 were presented. Jim Hunter moved to approve the minutes and the motion was seconded by Warren Kokes. The motion passed.

Treasurers Report: See attached. All checks will be written by treasurer. Ann moved to approve the decision and the motion was seconded by Jeanne Benick. The motion passed. It was discussed to separate out expenses and income in more detail going forward.

Action Step: Ann is going to check into filing taxes for the association.

Action Step: Warren is going to check into D&O insurance (Directors and Officers Insurance)

Summer Camps/Lynch Clinic: The school districts did distribute the flyers to the fourth and fifth graders. The dates are also on the website. The flyers will be posted on the website as well. Guy has received nine responses to the Lynch clinic. Jim Hunter to bring jerseys to the Lynch clinic.

Tournament Format, Flyer: The state tournament will be a two day tournament – Saturday and Sunday. The last game will be played at 3 p.m. so families can get home and watch the super bowl. Guy will stress the importance of families volunteering for tournaments. Discussed charging parents who don’t volunteer $50.00.

Action Step: Jeanne to forward flyer to Bruce.

Coaches Selection: Coaching applicants were discussed.

Website Update: Discussed if minutes should be published on the website and it was decided that minutes would be published after they have been accepted. It was also agreed the constitution/bylaws would be published as well. It was also decided if we put photos on the website – definitely no names! Also we should put a statement on registration (release signature) asking if parents don’t want pictures of their daughters on the website. Once the website is up and running Guy will send out an e-mail to all parents and we will promote on June 3 if it is up and running. Coaches and assistants will have their own page.

Jefferson Girls’ Traveling Basketball Association

Board Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2007 at 6:30 – 9 p.m.

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Action Item: Jeanne to investigate handbook to include on website.

Action Item: Bruce to get website up and running!

Action Item: Jeanne to distribute current constitution

Uniforms update: Ann showed two uniforms – $30.00 one color-cheap made overseas, $60.00 one or two color made in US - nice. Ann has heard very good things about the vendor. They will take 5-6 weeks special order. The vendor can also order 3-4 per year if needed. Discussed if we should add a fee of $10-15 to membership fees for uniform maintenance. The board agreed the association will take on the expense of the uniforms. Jim made a motion to pass the decision of the association paying for the uniforms, Warren Kokes seconded the motion and the motion was passed. Quantities are: 20 small, 25 medium, 25 large, 30, xlarge, and 5 xxlarge. Discussed how to distribute uniforms so the younger players do not get the large uniforms and the older players get their favorite numbers.

Information from previous board: Jim Hunter met with Pat Wollak and received the key to the equipment room, Warren Kokes, Guy Schuster and Joe Myers met at the bank. Warren and Guy can sign checks! Julie Hannien will give Guy all the information she has for planning and ordering for concessions at tournaments. Warren does have some receipts. Ann talked about the schedule for practices. Practice will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between Olson, Jefferson Activity Center and Westwood. Ann reserved time before and after the camps for the early birds and late birds.

New Jefferson High School Coach: Guy reported that he is very enthusiastic about “restoring the roar!” to the Jaguars. Guy reported that Andy said priority will be given to coach clinics in late September. Andy will make a showing at the June 3 – Lynch Clinic. He will be working his girls on man to man defense and screening. No one knew about assistants or junior varsity or 9th grade coaches.

Walk on items: A parent contacted Guy and asked what the boards’ position on the “fairness” of having girls on the Jefferson Girls Traveling Association teams if they will not be attending Jefferson High School. It was determined by the board that if a girl resides or attends school in Bloomington she is eligible to participate on the JGTA teams.

Next Meeting: June 17, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.


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