Richmond County School System

AP Statistics SyllabusMr. Steve GalvinEmail: (best way to reach)Phone: 706-823-6924 ext. 223Planning: 10:15 – 11:10 and 12:15 – 1:10Welcome! I am looking forward to a challenging and rewarding year with you. My objective is to help you fulfill your obligations, in choosing to take this course, with the best instruction I can give. I believe in the use of technology in teaching mathematics, and I believe in making what you learn relevant to the world outside of this classroom. You will find that the content you learn in this course can be applied across a broad range of careers: psychology, medicine, sports, the arts, scientific research, education, management and business, factory production, etc.Content InformationThe purpose of the AP course in statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes:Analyzing Data: With Graphs and NumbersProducing Data: Surveys, Observational Studies, and ExperimentsProbability and Random Variables: Foundations for InferenceInference: Drawing ConclusionsMaterials:TextbookTI 83 or 84 Graphing CalculatorPencils/Pens3-Ring BinderDividersNotebook PaperGrading Procedures:Tests: 50%Quizzes: 35%Daily (HW, CW, Lab): 15%Homework Policy:I believe in homework! However, you should know that I do not believe in giving a large amount of practice problems. I believe in giving a very reasonable amount of quality problems. When you are assigned reading and practice problems in the textbook, it is not an option. It will ensure success in this course. I will check homework about ten times per nine weeks, but you should complete every assignment! You will not be told when I am checking, and I may not check the same assignment each period.Projects and Instructional Activities:From time to time we will use technology and movement activities to collect data (we need data all the time!). Be willing to participate. You will get credit for doing so. From chapter to chapter you will be given investigative tasks at times. These tasks APPLY what is being learned within a chapter in a slightly larger setting than the normal set of practice problems. They will be graded as either a test or a quiz, depending on the size. At several points in this course you will also be given large projects. These projects will give you an opportunity to explore and apply multiple concepts that have been learned. These will count as test grades.Daily Rules and Procedures:Please be on time every day. The tardy policy applies to you.Bring materials every day.Do your homework. Read the book! The only way to be successful in this course is to practice. My homework philosophy is that a small set of quality problems is far better than a large set of mediocre problems. Your philosophy should be to honor and respect yourself enough to give your best.If you are absent, I will do everything I can to help you catch up. You need to do your part: check the web for missed assignments, set up a time to make up missed quizzes and tests, set up time for tutoring. Please understand that there is a policy on completing make up work on time. Read it.Tutoring is always available: ask me for morning tutoring (7:30 – 7:50), set up a time for after school tutoring (3:20 – 4:00), tutoring without a set up time is on Tuesdays. Please take care of your textbook. You will be responsible for any damages at the end of the year, and it’s not a cheap book.Be responsible with your grades. Check them every week. I enter grades at least once a week.Graphing Calculators:Graphing calculators are an integral part of this course. You will use them to make graphs, calculations and to run statistical significance tests. It’s not about the number crunching; it’s about interpreting the graphs and numbers in context. To that end, it is highly recommended that you have your own graphing calculator. You will need it at home as well. If you do not have one of your own, there will be some available to use in class. If you wish to use one of the school issued calculators, you will place your cell phone in the calculator box until you return the calculator at the end of the period. I reserve the right to inspect personal graphing calculators before quizzes and tests. Under no circumstances will the school issued calculators leave the room. ................

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