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Questions for discussion


1. Discuss the issues raised in the Libya story with another student.

2. What resource does Libya have a lot of?

3. How long has Colonel Gaddafi been the leader of Libya?

4. What is a dictator?

5. Why are a lot of Libyan people unhappy with Colonel Gaddafi?

6. How has he responded to the protestors?

7. What has the violence forced many Libyans to do?

8. Aid organisations are struggling to…

9. What is the international community doing to try to stop the violence?

10. Do you think countries like Australia and the US should try to stop the violence in Libya? Why or why not?

Write a message about the story and post it on the BtN guestbook

Milk wars

1. What is the main point of the Milk Wars story?

2. How much per litre are Coles and Woolworths charging for their home brand milk?

3. Are the supermarkets making a profit or loss on the home brand milk?

4. How much do farmers get for a litre of milk?

5. Why are farmers worried?

6. What is meant by the following statement: `Dairy processors’ profit margins are already small and cheap milk could make things worse.’

7. What does the `milk war’ mean for smaller shops?

8. What do dairy groups want consumers to do?

9. Would you buy cheap home brand milk or the more expensive alternative? Why?

10. Do you think supermarkets should be allowed to sell cheap milk? Explain your answer.

`Would you buy cheap supermarket milk?’ Vote in the BtN online poll

Test your knowledge in the online cricket quiz. Go to the BtN website and follow the links.

Tastes like chicken

1. In small groups, discuss the BtN story.

2. Create a diagram/picture that shows the process of chickens being raised for meat.

3. From the egg to the dinner plate, a meat chicken’s journey takes ______weeks.

4. Describe what happens in an incubator.

5. Why are the chicks vaccinated when they hatch?

6. What happens at the chicken processing plant?

7. Why has chicken become Australia’s most popular meat?

8. What do industry experts predict about Australia’s chicken consumption in the future?

9. Which meat does your family eat the most of? Why?

10. What was surprising about this story?

Investigate the increasing popularity of free-range and organic food. Why do you think there is a demand for these products?

Movie magic

1. Explain the time and money that goes into creating some special effects.

2. To be good at special effects, it helps to be…

3. How did Josh get into filmmaking?

4. Why does he like to use clay to make movies?

5. Describe the stop motion technique.

6. What is filmmaker Douglas Trumbull famous for?

7. What does he describe as the similarities between his work and Josh’s?

8. Do you think special effects have become an important part of movies? Explain your answer.

9. Record what you now know about special effects since watching the Movie magic story?

10. The BtN Movie magic story is an example of a

a) Recount

b) Procedure

c) Argument

d) Report

Find out about the history of special effects from the 1890’s to the present day and record on a timeline. What do you think is the future of special effects?

Marching bands

1. Retell the Marching bands story.

2. What instruments might you find in a marching band?

3. The number of people taking part in marching bands in Australia is

a) Increasing

b) Decreasing

c) Staying the same

4. What sort of events do marching bands play at in Australia?

5. Why do the marching band musicians need to be fit and strong?

6. What other skills are needed to be in a marching band?

7. Why do you think they aren’t as popular in Australia?

8. Describe the popularity of marching bands overseas.

9. How do you think marching bands could be made more popular in Australia?

10. Illustrate an aspect of this story.

Check out more marching band action on the story page of the BtN website


Episode 5

8TH MARCH 2010




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