White Plains Public Schools

America’s Market Revolution: Cause & EffectABThe Market RevolutionThe U.S. economy, especially in the interior, evolved away from a subsistence economy to a more commercial economy with internal improvements, tariffs, banks, & sudden economic downturns scaring manyAmerica attracting large numbers of immigrants, a high birth rate, and relatively healthy living conditionsRapid population growth: 1800- 5 million 1845- 20 million Increase in populationNew states added to the Union 1800-1848:Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine, Missouri, Arkansas, Michigan, Florida, Texas, Iowa, WisconsinIndustrialization, immigration, & more attractions offered than rural livingThe growth of American citiesThe Potato FamineInflux of dirt-poor Irish immigrants into U.S. citiesFears of Catholicism (Irish), dirty poor people, and jobs being taken awayRise of nativism such as the emergence of the Native American Association and the Know Nothing PartyThe Germans coming with more resources than the IrishGerman farming communities in the Midwest; Irish clustered in slums of Eastern citiesThe Market Revolution, urbanization, & industrialization's impact on women and the familyWomen & men's spheres were separated and family size decreased. Working single women typically had two choices, domestic service or teaching. Voting restrictions remained.Emergence of the Factory SystemConsolidated production under one roof, ending of the "putting-out system"/ “cottage industry”, the decline of artisans, & a more definite division of laborSamuel Slater's visit to EnglandDeveloped the American Factory System in Rhode Island that copied England's water powered cotton spinning mill Cotton Mills in the NorthYoung women recruited to work in mills, & housed in dormitories. “Lowell System” “Lowell Girls”Child labor used extensively as well.Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton ginImproved production of cotton by separating seeds from the boll, & opening cotton production (& slavery) into new areas South = “King Cotton”, cotton surpassed tobacco as dominant cash cropEli Whitney's idea of interchangeable partsRevolutionized industrial production by increasing efficiency through standardized partsFavorable government policy, people who tinker to find practical solutions, & an increasing educated populationExplosion in number of patents before the Civil WarThe need for workers to combat long hours, dangerous working conditions, low payThe rise of labor unions and strikesCommonwealth v. Hunt (1842)Established a precedent upholding the legality of labor unionsEmployers searching for cheap, non-troublesome workforcePrimary use of women, children, & immigrants in factories The Transportation RevolutionIncreased area of business' market brought the Market Revolution into rural areas, & regional economic specialization; increase in population west of the Allegheny MountainsRobert Fulton's invention of the steamboat using steam enginesRiver traffic increased and river cities increased in importance round trip shipping faster and cheaperThe Erie CanalConnected New York with markets in the Great Lakes lower food prices in the East, more immigrants in the West strong economic ties between the two, more closely than either was connected to the SouthThe invention of the telegraph by Samuel F.B. MorseImproved speed of communication- for the first time communication could travel faster than one could physically travel (Morse Code)John Deere's invention of steel plow & Cyrus McCormick's mechanical reaperAgricultural became more efficient and more people are freed from producing foodRailroadsBy 1830s they were competing directly with canals as an alternative method for carrying passengers and freight. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, & Chicago became major commercial centers.Improved wages for urban workersEconomic opportunity greater than in Europe “American Dream”; Gap between rich and poor widened. 5715009017000 ................

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