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A Ministry of Restoration Fellowship International


College & Seminary

P.O. Box 160 | Seymour, MO 65746-0160 | USA Phone: 417-935-2664 | Fax: 888-958-3564 E-Mail: biblicallife@ Website:

External Degree Catalog

Edition 28d

This catalog is in effect from September 1, 2012 until replaced with the 29th Edition. This catalog contains current information regarding BLCS admissions, diploma and degree programs, fees, policies, and procedures. The policy of BLCS is to give advanced notice of change, whenever possible, to permit adjustment. However, BLCS reserves the right to modify, revoke or add policies, procedures and programs at any time. If a student drops out of BLCS or becomes inactive and later returns, he is under the jurisdiction of the policies and procedures of the catalog in effect at the time of his return.

? Copyright 1982 - 2017 by Biblical Life College and Seminary. All Rights Reserved.

To avoid redundancy in writing, this catalog is written in gender neutral. All references to "he" or "his" should be considered as referring to both male and female students.

Biblical Life College and Seminary was formerly known as Evangelical Theological Seminary from 1982 to May 1995. On June 1, 1995, under the direction of the LORD, a new name was given with a greater anointing and a greater vision for the future of education within the Body of Christ.

A Ministry of Restoration Fellowship International

Office of the Chancellor

Dear Prospective Student of God's Word:

Greetings in the blessed and powerful name of Jesus (Yeshua)! I want to personally thank you for your interest in Biblical Life. As you read through our catalog, you will find several things out about us: (1) we have a passion to train and equip those called to ministry (2) we stay on the cutting edge of what God is doing and teaching to the Church, and (3) we are honest and upfront to a fault. With that said, let's get started!

There are many schools out there. They range from the traditional, regionally accredited schools (that can be unaffordable and even tainted with humanistic philosophies) to very cheap schools that offer nothing more than Sunday School curriculum, which does not facilitate growth in your life but gives you a degree to hang on the wall. You want more than that for your life and ministry! Then there is Biblical Life. Why is Biblical Life so different? We make you work for your degree and require you to develop the skills necessary to function at the level the degree represents.

We balance out solid academic and research modules with cutting-edge spiritual instruction that will place the fire of God in your heart, transformation in your life and the tools in your hands to change this world by the power of God. We have dedicated our lives to making your education affordable, not in making ourselves wealthy or building an educational empire.

See, I told you that we are upfront and honest. Now the question is: "Are you ready to receive the education you need and also the transformation to become who God has called you to be?" If you are, then read through our catalog, pray, and get in contact with our office to guide you through the enrollment process. We are here to serve as your educational consultants in the Kingdom of God. You will find that He is upfront and honest, too. If Biblical Life can meet your needs, we will point you to the right program. If we can't, we will point you to the right school. How is that for Kingdom integrity?

We are waiting to roll up our sleeves and work with you to prepare you to fulfill your calling in God!

Sincerely Yours for Excellence in Christian Education,

Michael K. Lake, Th.D., D.R.E. Chancellor

Table of Contents

Section One

The History and Philosophy of Biblical Life


Section Two

Administrative Information


Section Three

Articles to Help You Make the Right Decision


Section Four

Undergraduate Programs


Section Five

Graduate Programs


Section Six

International Faculty


Section Seven

Complete Course Descriptions


Section Eight

BLCS Services, Helps & Resources


Restoration Fellowship International Advisory Board

Dr. John A. Looper

President, Restoration Fellowship International Pastor, Restoration Fellowship Family Worship Center Cleveland, TN

Dr. Jeffery D. Hamm

Vice President, Restoration Fellowship International Pastor, Great Harvest Church Pocahontas, AR

Dr. F. Clifford Denton

Tishrei Study Ministries Norfolk, England

Preface to Our Catalog

"This catalog is going to be different from any other college & seminary catalog you have ever read." This statement will be true whether you are just being introduced to the educational ministry of BLCS or you have been a longtime friend, student or graduate. This will be the 28th catalog that I have written over the years. As I began to prepare for it, the Holy Spirit began speaking to my heart. He said "Write it directly to the prospective student and teach him how to make a wise decision regarding his training." So in the catalog, I will be breaking away from standard protocols in catalog presentation.

Here are some things you will need to know to get the most out of this catalog:


I will be writing this catalog as if we were sitting down

and discussing your education over a cup of coffee. I will try to be

as honest and frank as possible. My heart's desire is that you understand what ministry preparation is all about

and that you make an informed, Holy Spirit led decision regarding where you study.


In the past, I have written our catalogs for the academic professional. This has allowed those in the

academic community to ascertain the validity of the educational process at BLCS. In this edition, I am

concentrating on you, the prospective student.

For those within academia, you will find that we fully understand what is required for a true semester credit hour of work at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Over the years, our curriculum has been carefully compared to that of regional and ATS accredited schools. The comprehension requirements, workload and testing are comparable. We have striven to maintain the traditional formulation for our degree programs. The only difference you will find in BLCS is that we do not follow the traditional Greco-Roman Liberal Arts schedule of studies. We follow a more Hebraic-centered concept of using only subjects that will reinforce the specific field of study. A variant of this concept is also being used throughout Europe today. The sole purpose of BLCS is to train aspirants of ministry, therefore only subjects that empower the students within their fields of ministry are provided in the course of study. We feel this does not diminish the educational experience of the student, but rather gives his studies a laser focus that will more aptly prepare him for service within the Body of Christ.


To make this catalog flow better in the first person, you will find that I will refer to you as masculine. I do

believe in females in ministry and that they need the proper education. My wife is an ordained minister of the

Gospel and stands with me in ministry. Currently about 48% of all BLCS students are female. So if I use the terms

"he" or "him" anywhere in this catalog, I am referring to both male and female. I have dedicated my life to

theology and education; therefore, I do not possess the literary skills to write in the first person and maintain the

current politically correct, gender-neutral babble being prescribed today. To be honest, I have striven to be

biblically correct instead.


I am an educator by nature, not just by profession. I will pause from time to time in this catalog to explain

in more detail what I am presenting and the concepts behind it. My purpose in this is to inform you about what a

legitimate education is and what is not. The end result will be that, whether you study with BLCS or not, you will

be able to make an informed choice about the school you attend.

4 Section One: The History & Philosophy of Biblical Life


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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