City of Nedlands

There are a number of ways to encourage secondary school students to independently TravelSmart to school. Listed below are a number of initiatives that can be adapted and implemented to suit the needs of any school. The City’s TravelSmart Officer is available to assist in the implementation of these initiatives or to discuss any other ideas or queries you may have.

TravelSmart Media

Information campaigns are an important aspect of encouraging the community to TravelSmart. Students can be involved by producing artwork, videos or anther form of ad campaign to promote the TravelSmart message within the school and wider community.

Public Transport Tours

Public transport can be a cheap and convenient way for secondary students to get to school. With an information and demonstration session covering the public transport network, SmartRiders, fares and timetables, students will be armed with the knowledge to travel independently to and from school.

TravelSmart Surveys

Some schools find it beneficial and informative to conduct TravelSmart surveys to determine how students travel to school and why they choose to travel this way. The analysis of the results or mapping exercises can be incorporated into curriculum lessons.

Event Days

Throughout the school year there are a number of TravelSmart related event days promoted at state, federal and international levels. Schools can promote participation in event days and celebrate with healthy breakfasts, prizes or competitions. These event days form healthy habits and can show people how easy it is to use active transport to get to school.



Information Sheet

TravelSmart Schools - Secondary


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