Club Corner - NAME Region E-1

A note from your Editor… The NAME website is in the process of undergoing some major changes. I was going to address how to access certain things on the new site, but it is a work in progress at this time and changes are still taking place. It would be very difficult to give easy how-to instructions on a situation that is still in the process of change. As things settle down, we will address this. Look for concise information which should be available in time for the next Tiny Tattler issue. In the meantime, enjoy the great new design at , which is very clean and user friendly. ~Anita

* * * *


… From the Northern VA State Reps…

Just returning from Charlotte, NC (NAME National Convention), where a good time was had by all! It was great to see so many people from E1 Region attending the convention. I think the number was around 50 attendees.

Now that we are all home, it’s time to start working on the fall events in the area. Name Day in Northern Virginia is being sponsored by Mount Vernon Miniatures Club in October. Contacts are Pamn Klinedinst and Jane Liebow.

Also in October we have Molly Cromwell’s 29th Mid-Atlantic Dollhouse Miniatures Festival. There will be a children’s program, exhibits and a NAME table. The show is being held in a new location. Check out Molly’s website for more information, , and also the “Upcoming Events” page later in this newsletter.

Virginia State Day

An Asian Retreat

Teahouse & Garden

April 13, 2013 - Registration opens September 1, 2012

Our Committee is working hard on having a fun-filled day planned. Keep a lookout at local events for the Virginia State Day 2013 prototypes on display. We are offering the project in both 1:24 and 1:12 scales. Forms will be on E1Regional website at the end of August. There will be Door Prizes, Raffles, and Tote Bag Favors. Lunch is provided. Maybe George will show up in a kimono! The event will be held at the Hampton Inn Glenside in Richmond Virginia. There’s Free Parking and Free Continental Breakfast for Hotel guests spending the night. Look for the Virginia State Day 2013 Flyer further in the Tattler. If you have any question please contact Donna at mini_nva_state_rep@


George & Donna

Northern Virginia Reps

[pic]… From the Southern VA State Rep

NAME’s 40th Anniversary National Convention was well attended by lots of people from all over Virginia. There were many of first timers, and one member from our region (E-1) has been a member of NAME for 40 years. As one of the first timers, I highly recommend going to the National Convention!

There will be a Virginia State Day on April 11, 2013, to be held in Richmond, VA. The theme is “An Asian Retreat: Tea House and Garden.” The project will be available in 1-inch or ½-inch scale. Both scale kits will include lighting. The state day committee has lots of great things planned for this event.

On October 26 and 27, 2012, Tom Bishop will be having a show in Williamsburg, VA. It is a great location for a show because it is next to Colonial Williamsburg. There are great sight-seeing locations within walking distance.

Peninsula Heritage Miniature Society has a mother/daughter team (Mabel Born and Ina Waples), who are celebrating their 33rd year with NAME. Ina is also the other Southern Virginia State Rep.

Darlene Wilson

Southern Virginia State Rep


[pic]… From your Maryland State Rep…

Rumor has it that our Region is one of the most active in NAME. It is easy to see why – we have so much talent! Congratulations to Chris Evans for her article in the May/June 2012 Miniature Gazette. If you have not seen it, pull out your copy and have a second look. It is an adorable Teacup Scene of children at the beach. I love the mixed scales. Our own Anita Myers was the photographer. Great job, Chris!

Speaking of rumors, Olivia and I visited a planning meeting for the 2013 Virginia State Day. They are planning a really special Asian themed structure… guess I should not say any more. But I have already started dreaming up my own touches for the event. We will let you know more about this as the event unfolds.

And can we segue into EVENTS?… I cannot wait to get to the NAME National this year! But it, of course, will be over as you read this report. So surreal. More later.

Be on the lookout for the NAME Day event on October 6th. The last two NAME Day Events were full of fun and camaraderie. The project goes together relatively easily and quickly, so you will have a finished project with minimal stress at the end of the day. This year’s project, “The Alcove,” can be used in a wide variety of themes and is great for displaying those “gotta have ems” that you do not know where else to put. So go through your “littles” and see what wants to be shown off. I do not know about you, but I have enough “little gotta have ems” for three alcoves! Nancy Chalmers is our Chairman this year, and I am sure there is more information in this issue on the event.

There’s still time to sign up as a seller for our annual Miniatures, Crafts & Collectibles Flea Market on September 22nd in Westminster. The deadline to register is August 31st. But there’s no deadline to come as a buyer!!... Just show up on September 23rd for great fun and bargains!

So hope to see you mini-ing around!



Helpers for Maryland State Day 2014

If you are interesting in serving, please contact Yvonne Ayoroa at yagrannytwo@


Miniatures, Collectibles and Crafts Sale

September 22, 2012

Church of the Ascension, 23 N. Court Street, Westminster, MD

Please reserve _____ table(s) at $15.00 each at the September 22nd event. A check/money order (please circle one) is enclosed in the amount of $_________


Street Address:______________________________________________________


e-Mail Address______________________ Phone: _________________________

I will be selling: miniatures collectibles crafts (please circle all that applies)

_____I would like my contact information to be included in the program/site map.

As it was last year, our plan is to include name, phone and email if you wish. If you do not wish this information to be included, we will just put in your name and table number.

____I do not want any information other than name & table # in the yard sale program.

____Please include name, phone and email.

Please fill out this form and include your check for table space(s) to:

Olivia Beard-Wall (make checks out to her)

1401 Warehime Road

Westminster, MD 21158

e-mail: ruthsam1@ for further information.

Setup will be 8:30 a.m. with the sale to start at 10:00 a.m. The sale will run until 2:00 pm, with all vendors expected to remain at their tables until 2 p.m.

Final information and/or reminder will be sent to vendors by early September.

Reservations must be submitted by August 31st so that we can map out the spaces in the room. Food will be available for purchase, provided by the ladies of the Church.


Baltimore Row House Kits Available!!! … For a limited time (until August 15, 2012!)



Baltimore Row House kits will be available again in the near future.  So many people have asked for the kit that we are dusting off the files and having some kits made.  If you or someone you know has ever said they would love to have that row house kit, now is the time to act.  The kits will be the basic kits, without the gifts and/or souvenirs that were at the State Day.   Please let your friends and club members know because this will be the only time they will be available again.


Kits must be paid for in advance, the order will be based on the number of paid request we receive.  The kits will cost $75.00 each and will include all the Gatorboard parts, brick siding, windows and door parts.  If mailing is necessary, that cost will be added at that time and you will be notified of the additional cost.


Make your check payable to Olivia Wall. Please complete the following form and send it to:

Romaine Eyler

550E. Nicodemus Road

Westminster, MD 21157

Baltimore Row House Order Form - Money & Order Form due by August 15, 2012




Phone Number:_______________________________

E-mail Address:______________________________________________

Number of kits:_________________



View from a “First Timer”

NAME National Convention Report, Charlotte, NC. July 2012

From a First Timer’s perspective, the 2012 National Association of Miniature Enthusiast’s (NAME) Annual Convention in Charlotte, NC was truly a memorable event. It was fun to spend time with so many people who share a passion for miniatures. I was amazed at all of the hard work that went into preparations and I thank everyone involved. I feel like I went to miniatures camp!

I attended the First Timer’s meeting, the Animal Table Lamp class with Judith Andraka, and the Oakleaf Hydrangeas and Hostas class with Charrita Teague. Both classes were excellent. I spent two hours assembling stamen and petals for a single stem. Maybe I’ll get faster with practice. One of my favorite events was the garage sale because of the incredible bargains. The luncheons and banquet were more fun than I could have imagined. Table 42 was the best!

The round tables were fun. I spotted another First timer and was surprised to see Virgi Bondi teaching a group how to assemble a Quail egg shell vase! So First Timers are not necessarily new to miniatures. The Auction was fun to watch from the sidelines, but I’m not ready to participate in that sport! I loved wandering around the exhibit room and taking pictures. The sales room was open for shopping and I enjoyed meeting the dealers.

I was impressed by the formal business meetings, new website, and On-line House Parties. I’ll have to explore the College of Miniature Knowledge. I noticed many of you reflect on the 40th year and how NAME has changed over time. I wonder if the drop in membership may be due to more working moms and transition from manufacturing to the information age. I spoke to a woman who gave her grandchild a membership to NAME as a gift, which is a great idea. Perhaps through exhibits and collaboration with other organizations, NAME can market to a wider audience.

It is good to know that NAME is keeping the miniature hobby alive and well. It was wonderful to escape my hectic job and the 24-hour news cycle! I think I was born with a love of miniatures. I’m not sure if I will be able to make it to Tucson for next year’s convention, but I’m happy to consider the possibility. Until then, I continue to enjoy my local friends and membership in the Mount Vernon Miniature’s club.

Laurie Juola, First Timer

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Getting ready to cut open the time capsule “The Time Capsule” Saturday Business Meeting

Don’t forget…

3rd Annual National NAME Day! – October 6-7, 2012


“The Alcove”

Hello, Mini Friends!


NAME Day 2012 is scheduled for the weekend of October 6-7. Please see the picture of this year's project: "The Alcove." (Note that the window shown in the picture is an optional accessory.)

I will be this year's Event Coordinator and am responsible for making sure that the activities are posted both in the Miniature Gazette and On-line. To register your event and have it on the list in the Gazette and on the website, whether a club event, a small group get-together or a larger event, please contact me with as much information as possible at:


Events will be regularly posted on the NAME website. Those that were submitted by March 25th should appear in the July/August issue of Miniature Gazette.


As in last year, each sponsoring group may request one kit in each scale that will be offered at their event. Please let me know what you will need when you send the information about your activity.

Hoping to hear from you,


Helen Sparks


1102 Tall Pines Drive

NOTE: Carol Ann Frost’s cut-off date for kit orders was August 1st, but a few of the other cutters are still taking orders until August 15th. They are listed on the NAME Website at this link: . If you still want kits at this late date, you should contact the cutters directly. This deadline is for the guarantee of having your kits delivered by the October 6th event.  Some cutters can still take orders after August 15th, but there will not be a guarantee of delivery by October 6th. There are also instructions for you to cut and assemble your own kit on pages 30-32 in the July/August issue of Miniature Gazette.

From Barbara Thornton-Hill… If you want a list of the cutters, please email me PRIVATELY and I'll send you a list while the webmaster is working to correct all the linkage problems on the NAME Website.  My email is:  bathca@.


Christmas Cheer!

Sixth Annual Miniaturist’s Holiday Party

The Do Drops on Roses is pleased to invite you and your club to our seventh annual holiday party.  It will be held on December 1st at Bullocks’ Country Family Restaurant, 2020 Sykesville Road, Westminster, MD, from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM.  If you have never attended one of these events you are missing a lot of fun.  Our theme this year is “Christmas Cheer.”  The day will be filled with many events, including lunch, exhibits, a chance to win a centerpiece and, most importantly, a chance to visit with friends from other clubs.  The cost is $50.00 for non-NAME members and $40.00 for NAME members.  We will have seating for 75 guests.  Our registration form and more details follow.  The information is also posted on our Region E-1 Web site.


Again this year, we are taking donations for items that will be given to Shepherd’s Staff located in Westminster. If you would like to bring an item, it will be greatly appreciated. See the list of useful items list below.

Hope to see you there!


Do Drops on Roses

Gwen Lynch

Holiday Party Chairperson

Olivia Beard-Wall

Registration Chairperson

Shepherd’s Staff Items:

Bath soaps and towels

Personal hygiene items (toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo)

Laundry soaps

Cleaning supplies

Diapers (adult and infant)

Baby essentials

Paper products (toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels)

Canned soup, pasta and other non-perishables

[pic] “Christmas Cheer” [pic]


Thanks to those who have committed to donating tote bag favors.  There’s still time to volunteer.  We are hoping your club or individual members will be willing to donate tote bag favors to make the party even more fun.  We hope you can donate 35 - 50 favors in small dimension (to fit paper towel roll). We would love to get 70 favors of each kind if at all possible!

This year we are giving you a challenge. We are going to try to fit the tote bag favors into a paper towel roll (you will see when you get there what it turns out to be). Can you do it? If you have any questions or concerns about the tote bag favors, contact Jayne at jvolpitta33@.

Please bag your favors and include your name on a label.

Please return the form below by November 1st and send your favors by November 22nd to:

            Jayne Volpitta       

18691 Middletown Road

Parkton, MD 21120


 A big thank you in advance from the ladies of Do Drops on Roses. We hope you can join us for this festive event.

Name: ____________________________________________________________________


Address:  __________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: _______________________  E-mail address: _____________________


Tote Bag Favor Description:____________________________________________________

Amount you will make to donate: ____________

[pic]Christmas Cheer[pic]

(Maryland Holiday Party 2012)

December 1, 2012

Registration Form

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip:________________________________________________________________________

Telephone:_______________________________ E-Mail:______________________________________

NAME Member: Yes____ No____

Club Name: __________________________________________________________________________

The cost is $50.00 ($40.00 for NAME members).

Make your check payable to Olivia Beard-Wall and send to:

Christmas Cheer

Olivia Beard-Wall

1401 Warehime Road

Westminster, MD 21158

No gift exchanges and door prizes are needed for this function.

Do you have special dietary needs? ______________________________________________


R.S.V.P. with Payment by November 1, 2012

[pic]Save the dates![pic]

On-Line Mini Weekend

February 2013

Now is the time to join The NAME Cyber Group if you wish to participate!

Just go to this link on the newly designed NAME Home Page:


Then subscribe directly to the forum and request that emails be sent to you.

More information will be forthcoming!


Come to Tucson to attend the

2013 NAME National Convention

“At Night in the Museum”

July 10 – 14, 2013

and to celebrate & visit the new

“Mini-Time Machine”

Museum of Miniatures

For more information visit our website:

We are having fundraisers to bolster the Convention budget in order to make the Convention more special.

• There are Raffles for wonderful miniature items at least every two months or more.

• View and order an electrified “Display Box” kit, especially designed to show off the one of a kind Souvenirs from Convention. Box is also suitable for displaying any of your special treasures.

• Information on Centerpieces, Steering Committee, etc.

Conventions are wonderful; you can teach a class, take a class, shop the Sales Room, present a roundtable or buy more roundtable kits. Meet old friends, make new friends, etc.

There are many ways to support NAME, working on or attending a Houseparty is just one way.

Don’t be left out visit our website or contact us today!

Stephanie Engeseth or Sheila Benjamin at

Fujin200@ or sheilabenjamin@

2013 Tucson National NAME Convention


LED Lit Display Box Kit with Accessories

Sits on a shelf or hangs on a wall.

Kit includes:

Pre-cut wood for box

LED Lighting Kit w/instructions

Stanchion Kit

Frame with Glass


Paper for Walls & Ceiling

2 - Mirrored Wall Shelves

Pedestal w/mirrored top

Detailed Instructions

Measures: 13-1/4” x 9-1/4” x 4” deep

Cost is $45 plus $13 shipping (Total=$58.00) USPS Priority in USA

or Actual Cost Shipping Internationally

Visit our website:



Send Check payable to: 2013 Tucson Houseparty

PO Box 130366

Carlsbad, CA 92013

Or Pay with PayPal to giftshop@. Be sure to include all shipping information.

Name: ______________________________________________________

Shipping Address: _____________________________________________

City, State & ZIP ______________________________________________

Phone: __(______)______________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________

Highlights from the NAME Convention, July 2012 – Charlotte, NC

[pic] [pic]

E-1! Yay!!!

[pic] [pic] [pic]

The Challenge of making something from the three graduated round gift boxes!

[pic] [pic] [pic]

The Landscaping Home Improvement Seminar

[pic] [pic] [pic]



[pic] [pic] [pic]


[pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

The NAME House – Front & Back

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Regional Recognitions:

Yvonne Ayoroa    -    25 years

Mary Byrne          -    10 years

Sheila Faulkner    -    25 years

Timothy Frost     -   15 years

Mary Myers       -      5 years

Sylvia Roundtree -    40 years

Congratulations to All!!

The Mt. Vernon Miniatures Club

of Alexandria, VA

created this scene for the NAME 40th Anniversary Houseparty fundraising auction. The theme for the auction was "Come Sit a Spell." The donated scene featured a fanciful slipper chair with human feet and arms created by club president Laurie Sisson. Club members added accessories to the whimsical 40th Anniversary piece. Several of our club members attended the Charlotte Houseparty.



By Wanna Newman, El Paso, TX

(used by permission)

I buy Michaels wares and Take A Seat Chairs

And love using bunka's unwindings.

I dismantle phones

And make egg carton stones

And buy rolling carts for my findings.

My adrenaline's pumping when others go dumping

And I love to sift through debris

If they would just ask I'd spare them the task

And take all their garbage for free.

August 17-20 – On-Line Miniatures Show.

September 9, 2012 – CANCELED. Molly Cromwell’s Baltimore Miniatures Festival, Timonium, MD

September 22, 2012 - Annual Miniature, Collectible and Craft Sale, Church of the Ascension, 23 North Court Street, Westminster, MD. For more information contact: ruthsam1@.

To register as a vendor by August 31st, see the form earlier in this newsletter.

October 6-7, 2012 – 3rd Annual National NAME Day – “The Alcove.”

October 20, 2012 – Miniatures Flea Market with Wee Friends, 10 AM to ? Kirsten Enzinger’s home, 289 Sigma Drive, Harwood, MD 20776. No charge for sales table space, but must RSVP. Contact Kirsten at kirstene55@ or 410-867-0798 for details.

October 21, 2012 - 29th Tysons Corner Show, 10 AM to 4 PM. New location & date: Marriott Hotel Tysons Corner on Leesburg Pike. Capital Beltway 495, Exit Rte 7 West/Leesburg Pike to the Marriott  Hotel sign on the right, just before light at entrance to Tysons Corner Center. 9 AM Preview: $12. Molly Cromwell -

October 26-27, 2012 – Tom Bishop’s Williamsburg Miniatures Show & Sale, Clarion Hotel – Historic District, 351 York Street, Williamsburg, VA. Friday preview: 7 to 9:30 PM; Saturday Show: 10 AM to 4 PM.

November 2 to 4, 2012 – Philadelphia Miniaturia – “It’s a Small World” – Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2349 W. Marlton Pike, Cherry Hill, NJ. Friday Preview: 11/2 – 6 to 9 PM; Saturday, 11/3: 10 AM to 5 PM; Sunday, 11/4: 11 AM to 4 PM.

November 18, 2012 – Karen Aird presents 3rd Annual Holiday Dollhouse & Miniatures Show, 10 AM to 4 PM. Somerset Hills Hotel, 200 Liberty Corner Rd, Warren, NJ

December 1, 2012 – 6th Annual Maryland Miniaturists Holiday Party, “Holiday Cheer!”

11:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Bullocks Restaurant, 2020 Sykesville Road, Westminster, MD.

2013 & Beyond

February 2013 – Online Mini Weekend.


March 24, 2013 - First State Mini Club of Delaware 36th Annual Miniature Show & Sale, 10 AM to 4 PM, Crown Plaza Hotel, 630 Naamans Road, Claymont, DE.

April 13, 2013 – Virginia State Day ~ “An Asian Retreat Teahouse & Garden.” Hampton Inn Glenside in Richmond, VA. Cost: $65. Reserve the date and watch for details!

April 27, 2013 – North Carolina State Day – I’ll Be Outside!” Jamestown, NC

May 16-19, 2013 – Region A3 All Scales Regional Houseparty, “Playtime Memories.” Lexington, KY

July 8-14, 2013 –National Convention – Tucson, AZ – “At Night in the Museum ~ Where Miniatures Come Alive”

August/September 2013 – MINIATURE GAZETTE Houseparty – “Over the Hill Retreat” ~ Chaired by Romaine Eyler and Helen Sparks. Watch for it in the Special May/June 2013 issue of MINIATURE GAZETTE!

April 22-27, 2014 - On-Line Houseparty -"Our Miniature World of NAME"

July 2014 – NAME National Convention, St. Louis, MO. Theme: “Rolling on the River.”

Fall 2014 - Greenville, SC - E-3 Small Scales Houseparty. "Touring Tuscany"

Shops and Dealers


Forever Friends

2105 Bishops Castle Drive

Olney, Maryland 20832


Frizellburg Antique Shop

(Specializing in antique dollhouses, dolls & furnishings)

10909 Old Taneytown Road

Westminster, MD 21158


Gibby's Doll House Shop

241 East Green Street

Westminster, Maryland 21157

410-840-3408 / 888-716-7493

Granny's Little Things

8804 Tuckerman Lane

Potomac, MD 20850



Itsy Bitsy Mini

6024 Tarry Town Rd

Salisbury MD 21801

Phone: 347-524-9569


Sue Ann Thwaite

4009 Tranquility Court

Monrovia, MD 21770


Mike Barbour Dolls

Columbia, MD


Nonnie's Dollhouse

7600 Irongate Lane

Frederick, Maryland 21702



Stitches in Miniature

Janet Patacca


Sue Ann Ketchum

Handcrafted Miniatures, Furniture & Accessories

10308 Buckmeadow Lane

Damascus, MD 20872



Hours by Appointment

Virtual Dollhouse, The Store

5137 Hoffmanville Road

Millers, Maryland 21102-2234

410-239-2377 - Hours by appointment


Bell's Exclusives

4 East Nine Mile Road

Highland Springs, Virginia 23075


Bits & Pieces of Ghent

1201 Colonial Avenue

Norfolk, Virginia


Happily Ever After

20609 Gordon Park Square, Suite 110

Ashburn, Virginia 20147


Toll Free 866-253-7065


Tammy's Heirlooms

P.O. Box 651122

Sterling, VA 20165

(703) 626-0456


‘Tis the Season & The Miniature Cottage

101 South. Main Street.

Bridgewater, Virginia 22812


Vernon Pottery

Eileen Vernon

441 Bethune Drive

Virginia Beach, VA 23452




Baltimore Museum of Art

10 Art Museum Drive

Baltimore, Maryland 21218


(Featuring the Eugene Kupjack Miniature Rooms)


The newsletter will accept camera-ready ads under the following rates:

1/8 page $2.50

1/4 page $5.00

1/2 page $7.50

3/4 page $10.00

Full page $15.00

An additional charge will be added for non-camera ready ads.

Classified Ads:

$.10 per word (minimum of 10 words)


Olivia Beard-Wall.

Clarification of paid and unpaid advertising:

Any function that is non-profit, such as a workshop, Fun Day, State Day, museum event, miniature art show, NAME club show, or display is included in the Calendar of Events or listed under the appropriate heading free of charge.

Vendor shows that offer tables for the use of the

NAME Regional Coordinator or State

Representatives are also listed in the Calendar of

Events free of charge. If more than a simple listing is desired, advertising rates will apply.

Newsletter Submission Deadlines:

The Tiny Tattler will be published quarterly.

Submissions for the Issues are due as follows:

Spring – on or before February 1, with the publication to appear by February 15

Summer – on or before May 1, with the publication to appear by May 15

Fall – on or before August 1, with the publication to appear by August 15

Winter – on or before November 1, with the publication to appear by November 15.

Event updates and other timely information will be transmitted between issues and may also be found on the Regional Web Site.

The Newsletter Editor welcomes articles containing news about club activities, miniature events and displays, etc. Calendar of Events listings are free of charge to any non-profit organization or to any show that offers a table for the use of the Regional Coordinator or State Representatives.

You may email your submission or send a hard copy to the Editor. Digital images in .jpg format are preferred. Please send the text of the article in Microsoft Word.


Information and opinions contained in the Tiny Tattler do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts (NAME) or its regions. The facts as presented in each article are verified insofar as possible, but any opinions are strictly those of the individual authors.

Olivia Beard-Wall

Tiny Tattler, Region E-1

1401 Warehime Road

Westminster, MD 21158


Tiny Tattler - Region E-1

Fall 2012 Anita Myers, Editor

From your Regional Coordinator…

These past few months has seen a lot of travel for several of us as well as some interesting experiences.

In June, Romaine and I went to Massachusetts to pick up some estate items from the Kidder family. We brought back quite a large van full of items. On the way, we stopped to visit with Rosemarie Torre (a fantastic miniature artisan) at her bed and breakfast in the Catskills. This was a fantastic experience.

Mary and I journeyed to Virginia to attend one of their State Day meetings and had the first glimpse of their Oriental Tea House – absolutely awesome. Save your nickels and dimes and a few dollars as you won’t want to miss this great State Day on April 13, 2013. At the National Convention there were two of the lovely one-inch scale prototypes. I personally have fallen in love with their 1/2” scale tea house. Yes, I am hooked and will be going to the Richmond area to celebrate their State Day. More information will follow.

Our longest trip was to the National Convention in Charlotte. I was fortunate enough to be able to take one workshop – The Hydrangea Bungalow – and attend one of the Home Improvement Seminars – Using LED’s in the smaller scale projects. On Friday I attended a theme luncheon that gave us some examples of how to catalogue our miniature projects through the use of scrapbooking. It is quite interesting and a very doable process.

I attended my very first Gala at the Trolley Museum in Charlotte. We were presented with a box containing a silver NAME house with 4 ruby-colored stones at the bottom. Later we were given a book written by Cary Yerves on the history of NAME. Cary graciously autographed those books for us. Fred Miller told us about his miniature dioramas depicting the history of the trolley in Charlotte. Helen Sparks won a prize by finding a hidden key.

My major excitement came on Saturday morning when we had our Regional Meeting. We had 46 out of our 49 E-1 attendees at our meeting. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I daresay that we were the loudest at the business meeting on Saturday. What a fantastic group of miniaturists!! We had our State Reps in attendance as follows: Regional State Representatives Anita Myers, Newsletter; Carol Ann Frost, Webmistress; Maryland State Representative, Mary Myers; Northern Virginia State Representatives, Donna Lulchuk and George Pendergraph; Southern Virginia State Representatives, Darlene Wilson and Ina Waples. I am very proud to serve the region with these folks.

The new approaches to round tables, the garage sale and the swaps brought positive comments from everyone I met. The catered grab and go food was awesome.

On Monday after the National, Donna, George, Mary and I attended the R/C – S/R retreat. There were many things discussed which will help us make the region even better.

Olivia Beard-Wall

We have a new FaceBook page. Check it out and “like” us!



Regional Coordinator

Olivia Beard-Wall

1401 Warehime Road

Westminster, Maryland 2158



Maryland State Representative

Mary Myers

4391 Adam Court

Mt. Airy MD 21771



Northern VA State Co-Representatives

George Pendergraph & Donna Lulchuk

P.O. Box 1222

Haymarket, VA 20168



Southern Virginia State Representatives

Ina Waples



Darlene Wilson


Web Mistress

Carol Ann Frost

1301 McPherson Court

Lutherville, Maryland 21093

410-321-1392 (voice or Fax)


Program Coordinator

Nancy Chalmers

302 East Joppa Road #1903

Towson, MD 21286



Maryland Welcome Committee

Logan Wilhelm

504 Warren Road

Cockeysville, Maryland 21030



Southern Virginia Welcome Committee

Debra Kelleher

803 Excaliber Circle # 303

Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406



Newsletter Editor -- Tiny Tattler

Anita Myers

1416 Gilbert Road

Arnold, MD 21012 



Region E-1 Web Page

NAME Web Page:

Please note that the original picture of the VA State Day prototype was published in error and has been replaced with this photo.

Watch for details of

Virginia State Day 2013

in future issues of the Tiny Tattler.



To reserve a seat, send $45 check to:

Dorothy Holden, 2552 Ebbrale Rd, Manchester, MD 21102.

RiteAid is located behind the Oceanic Service Station on Englar Road and Route 140.



Upcoming Events


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

Google Online Preview   Download